Ep 6 Waiting Thread - Ep Releasing Jun 7th PC/Mac/Xbox One/360/PSN NA/iOS, Jun 8th PS4 Eu

Have questions about the Adventure Pass DLC? Check the top of Page 1 for a small (unofficial) FAQ.
Please do not discuss story spoilers in this thread. Thanks!
Episode 6 Guest Cast Interview
Release Dates
- PC/Mac - June 7th
- Playstation Network NA (PS4/PS3) - June 7th
- Playstation Network Europe (PS4) - June 8th
- Playstation Network Europe (PS3) - June 13th
- PS4/PS3 European/Australian Season Pass Disc owners - Wednesday, June 15
- Xbox Live (Xbox One/Xbox 360) - June 7th
- iOS - June 7th
- Android - June 8th
June 8th
- UPDATE From Telltale Blog: "NOTE: Due to unforeseen circumstances, Episode 6 - ‘A Portal to Mystery’ has been slightly delayed on the Amazon App Store, European PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4 for users adding the additional content to the Season Pass Disc. We will update with more information as soon as it becomes available. We are working to have the issue resolved as quickly as possible. Stay tuned right here for updates."
June 3rd
- Tweet from Nathan: Time to step into 'A Portal to Mystery'
May 31st
Tweet from Eric Stirpe: To those worrying about "too many references" -We made sure this was a funny, exciting ep for anyone, even if you don't follow YTers at all.
Blog Post: Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 6 Arrives June 7th, Guest Stars from Minecraft Community
Tweet: @.Minecraft: #StoryMode Ep 6 arrives June 7th feat. community adventurers from @YouTube -
May 27th
Tweet from CaptainSparklez: Are you serving sushi? Because this sounds a bit ominous but everything is solved with sushi.
- Response tweet from Telltale: Ominous? HAHAHAHA no not at all. Sushi, of course. You will all have a seat in my wonderful dining room! - The Host
May 26th
Tweet from Eric Stirpe: Super super excited for the world to see #StoryMode ep. 6. I think the team put together something really fun and special for this one.
Tweet from Eric Stirpe: And eps 7 and 8 promise to be just as cool! We've got some really huge stuff in store for #StoryMode fans.
Tweet from LDShadowLady :oOoo sounds fun!
- Response tweet from Telltale: Oh yes, I can promise it will be fun... an enjoyable and very safe gathering! - The Host
May 25th
- Tweet from DanTDM (DiamondMinecart): Ooooh!! Thank you, host! If you make the tea, I'll be there
- Response tweet from Telltale: Of course! Tea for you, cake for @.stampylongnose, human talk for @.stacysays. It will be QUITE the event! - The Host
May 24th
May 23rd
May 20th
Tweet from ArthurV: #Minecraft fans are going to be hype for the new characters in episode 6 of @.telltalegames #MinecraftStoryMode
Episode rated "PG" by the New Zealand Film and Video Labelling Body
May 12th
Tweet from Job Stauffer: Minecraft: #StoryMode Ep 6 has shaped into something special. Mysterious, lengthy, tense, hilarious, & chock full of awesome guest stars!
Tweet from Job Stauffer: Not long now! Stay tuned for news in the coming weeks & we should have it in your hands this June w/ Ep 7&8 this summer!
Tweet from Eric Stirpe: I say it every episode, but the Telltale cinematic team is full of magic wizard people.
Tweet from Eric Stirpe: Manningzor (ep. 6 director) and DamnSplineCurve (ep. 6 cinematic lead) are doing an amazing job. #StoryMode
April 29th
- Activity on Steam Database
April 22nd
- Tweet from Eric Stirpe (episode writer): Crazy week on #StoryMode, but I'm super excited with how things are coming together. Can't wait til we can start sharing stuff with y'all.
April 15th
- Update from stirpicus on Instagram: There's some awesome stuff on these post-its you guys. #StoryMode
April 6th
Small update on the Blog post "'Minecraft: Story Mode' Skin Pack Out Now"
- Remember, there are three additional Minecraft: Story Mode adventures set to release in 2016... and if you've already completed Episode 5, you probably have a pretty good idea of what those might involve. Look for more info on Episode 6: A Portal to Mystery in the coming weeks!
Tweet from Eric Stirpe (episode writer): Sitting in on some REALLY cool #StoryMode stuff this morning - ████ and ████ are ████ and it ████ AWESOME.
March 31st
Tweet from Arthur von Nagel (VO director): Directing voice for Minecraft: Story Mode is so much fun. Hilarious script, great actors
Tweet from Eric Stirpe (episode writer): Phew. Ep 5 just came out yesterday and now right back into stressful prep for VO recording.
- Tweet from Eric Stirpe (episode writer) replying to his own tweet: That being said, there are some REALLY cool actors being recorded for this episode so that's pretty exciting. Y'all gonna flip.
March 29th:
March 27th
- Tweet from Tim Williams (Writer): Up early doing some more writing for #StoryMode Ep.6 Really liking what we've put together! But in the meantime, Ep 5 comes out next week!
March 22nd
Blog Post Minecraft: Story Mode Returns for Episode 5 on March 29th, Three More Adventures Continuing in 2016
- "All three of these episodes will be add-ons to the season, so you'll need to own at least the first episode of Minecraft: Story Mode in order to purchase and play these three chapters in the series which will include episodes 6, 7, and 8."
Tweet: @.Minecraft: #StoryMode continues on 3/29 & beyond: THREE all-new adventures coming in 2016!
Tweet from Eric Stirpe (Episode Writer): Having @.lauraperusco as the "player" in table reads is always exciting - She loves messing with other characters any way she can.
Tweet from Eric Stirpe (Episode Writer): Having players like that test is super important though - Helps writing/design figure out where the holes in the game design are.
Tweet from Eric Stirpe (Episode Writer): It's so easy to forget that a player can be nice, then mean, then nice again (for instance)... Until one suddenly does it.
Tweet from Laura: @.stirpicus And you guys always make it so fun!
Pass some time and get to know the Telltale Community!
While you are waiting for the episode, why not pass some time by getting to know the Telltale Community? Visit these pages below to talk about stuff that is off topic.
- Whatever's On Your Mind Megathread - Hang out with other Telltale Community Members and make small talk about whatever's on your mind.
- Telltale Talk (Off Topic Section) - Post your own off topic discussion in Telltale Talk and get to know the community!
Please try to stick to genuine, on topic posts. This thread is meant for fans of both Minecraft and Telltale to wait for the game. Thanks!
Also, remember that the first rule of the forum guidelines is respect. This includes not just forum users and moderators, but Telltale staff as well. Please don't insult or antagonize anyone, including Telltale staff, for what they post, either on these forums, on the Telltale blog, on the Telltale Facebook page, on Twitter, or elsewhere. The Telltale Terms of Use prohibits behavior that harasses or advocates harassment of another person. We want these forums to be fun to visit for everyone, staff and gamers alike. Thanks.
Adventure Pass (Episode 6-8 DLC) FAQ
[Unofficial FAQ compiled by Volunteer community Moderators]
(1) What is the Adventure Pass?
The Adventure Pass is a downloadable add-on for Season 1 of Minecraft that adds three more episodes (Episodes 6-8) to Season 1 of Minecraft. You must own at least Episode 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode Season 1 to download the Adventure Pass.
(2) Does the Adventure Pass come for free if I own the Season Pass, or do I need to purchase these extra episodes?
You will need to purchase the three extra episodes, and you must own at least Episode 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode Season 1. They do not come included with the Season Pass for Season 1.
(3) When do episodes from the Adventure Pass premiere?
Episode 6 will premiere June 7th. Episodes 7 and 8 will follow "soon after" in Summer 2016. Stay tuned for more details in the time ahead.
(4) What is the plot behind these extra episodes?
Episodes 6-8 will focus on the adventures of Jesse and his friends after the first four episodes of Season 1. Episode 5 (included with the first Season) will lead into the story for the three extra episodes as DLC. The Telltale blog goes into more detail, saying "these continuing Adventures of the New Order of the Stone will follow the additional escapades of Jesse and the group as they explore new and unfamiliar worlds beyond their own."
(5) Telltale has so many games in development. Will this affect the quality or development time of this game?
No. Since the success of Walking Dead: Season 1, Telltale has sized up from 70 people to near 350 people, and now have five times the amount of staff members they had during Season 1, so multiple projects at once should not be a concern. They now have a big enough staff to work on four projects at once as well as extra staff members to work on side projects.
Even though Telltale announces their projects ahead of time, this doesn't mean that each game is in full production. All games by Telltale Games are first started with a small team of just a few people, who do things common in very early development, such as sorting out the season wide story and working on concept art. As the deadline nears, more people are brought in to work on other things, but it is still a small team. Full production doesn't start until the current seasons wrap up, and seasons that are announced years in advance won't begin full production until long after that. The currently ongoing series also don't affect each other, as different teams are working on each project. Even in the case of shared staff, the work load is light enough for these staff members, that their working between projects doesn't have any affect on the quality or development time of either project.
In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, Kevin Bruner stated that "Telltale's approach to game development is much more like television than most other game developers. Across all of our series — The Walking Dead, Minecraft: Story Mode and more — the development process at Telltale spends a significant amount of time upfront in the writer's rooms not just with writers, but designers, directors and creative input from all across the studio. It's not unusual for our games to exist longer on whiteboards and sticky notes and in scripts than they do in traditional game production. It's incredibly similar to how TV often spends so much time in preproduction and planning before moving into actually shooting."
To see what current and future projects Telltale are working on, follow our "Future of Telltale FAQ" thread for frequent updates!
April to May i think for this episode.
After I finished ep 5,the other 3 episodes appeared,but they didn't have any purchase thing going on(my platform is Steam).If you now were I can find it please tell me.
Wow you really want those Episodes ha? I think episode 6 will be somewhere around the middle of May.
Yeah bro , i stay only in this forum, i can't wait more... i'm angry ..
Just relax and listen to this great song:

Hi guys not played episode 5 yet but can't wait to see what telltale's got in store for us! Has anyone else noticed that when you go to the download content section and there's Jesse and Ivor with diamond swords, Ivor's blue belt thing is in the middle of him!
I hope he dead .. hahaha
Emmmm..... Morbid.
I still don't know if i need to buy from the stop the episodes 6-8 like a season pass or with the card.
You can already pre-order the DLC, so i guess it's coming faster than what we expected? I'm really hoping for the next month to have EP6, it's unlikely, but possible.
Episode 5 was pretty good, though I wish TellTale could just add a few references Bioshock: Infinite in the Sky City. I kept looking for the Rosalind and Robert Lutece.
I can't wait for Episode 6! Please don't hurt my Lukas!
Dang, that time Lukas was pushed, it gave me Reuben flashbacks, thankfully nothing happened, and it can't happen, there's no need to everyone die.
It gave me a heartache too, man. And then he was all hurt, and I was afraid that if Aiden got down there he would finish the job. It made me pretty worried.
Sooo... am I the only one really pissed here?
I bought the game for the FULL PRICE expecting to get a FULL STORY. TWD: 400 Days, for example, was totally ok: they finished TWD's story, and released a DLC that was optional (you didn't need it to understand anything) and presented alternate stories. But this is bullshit: suddenly, they just decide to split the story to make more money out of people's expectations. They finished Episode 5 with a lazy cliffhanger just to make fans spend more money. THEY SOLD AN UNFINISHED GAME NAMED AS A "SEASON PASS". Because that's what Minecraft is: a money magnet.
And I thought the game was already crappy enough, BOOM, Telltale surprises me once again.
(and look, I used to be a fan. Seriously)
I still have "Comming soon" text for Episode FIVE
i don't know what's the problem
-i bought minecraft story mode on g2a.com
-entered the code BEFORE the verification
- also can't see my choices on the "Choices" menu
but i have Minecraft story mode in my library
what's going on? some help needed
Telltale has a new section of the site up for the Adventure Pass where you can pre-order it. They also confirm a Summer 2016 date for Episode 6.
Wait hold the phone, no Episode 6 Waiting Thread yet, not until Episode 5 gets released. (Which it hasn't yet on Android and for some other platforms.)
Download Episode 101?
I want episode 6 now!
even tho its not out right now.
101 is just a shorter way of saying Season 1, Episode 01.
That's a link to the steam page for the DLC to buy it
Where is Cuwwa?!?!
Never mind cuwwa is here
Man! Episode 5 was intense!
At the end of Episode 5 it showed portals, and now I know what will happen in EPisode 6, DanTDM even says he has some info on Episode 6!!!:D
I reckon after episode 6the last 2 episodes will come out pretty quick, it's what they make it sound like
I still cant get episode 5..... I cri ery time
I can imagine the episodes will be released monthly. That's a trend Telltale seems to be returning to, after they moved away from monthly episode releases for a while.
Season's sometimes end with cliffhangers. It's cruel but it's true. At least MCSM gets more episodes. Tales From the Borderlands just ended with a HUGE cliffhanger. We're probably not getting a S2 either
Summer? Damn another long wait
I wonder why Aiden has such a grudge against Jesse... He's a real jackass sometimes. He should be on the universal hero's side instead of being his enemy. Plus, now he thinks he's all strong as crap with those arm guards or whatever. Jesse has ACTUAL armor AND the ultimate weapon. Aiden=noob
But Spring in the north hemisphere just started, like last week!
Aww man...
Hey guys just woken up to news that I can play episode 5 on iOS see ya! And can't wait for all the rage on a release date for this thread!
Summer ? ok i will spam them with emails if they do that
hopefully episode 6 will not take as long to release as episode 5 did because that wait was intense
They said summer so it's like episode 5.
They said the release date is "summer 2016" which means episode 6 is due to release June at the earliest, with that in mind i think we should expect a wait time similar to the wait between episodes 4-5 or possibly longer.
Wow, Summer huh? Ah well, I can wait, Episode 5 was actually pretty good.