Did anyone else expect that to happen? (michonne ep2 spoilers)
When the dad opened that gate I just face palmed because it was obvious what was gonna happen next, he had to open the gate and he could've just thrown the arm over the wall
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I honestly didn't expect it to be that blunt. Like fuck, we just met the family. Can we have at least 15 minutes to get know each other before everything goes to shit?
I can't lie, in hindsight, yeah, that scene is obvious. Hell, to be fair, I personally thought it was obvious the second they went outside the house (though it ended up slipping my mind because I got really engrossed in the scene). But in all honesty, I dunno, is it really the scene's fault necessarily? Or are we just too genre-savvy at this point? TWD in all mediums basically conditions you to expect the worst, so most deaths that try to be shocking are already gimped from the get-go. Hell, this genre is kind of gimped in that regard altogether. I mean, take a second to think of all the shit you've seen happen in countless movies, shows, and games from the horror/zombie genre. Character out in the open too long? Bitten or shot. Character gets development out the wazoo? Probably going to die this episode. Character is moralistic or kind-hearted? You can bet they'll be offed because shit, what better way to establish your antagonists or just overall ruin the mood than by killing the nicest person in sight? Character imparts wisdom or knowledge on you or another character not long after they show up? They served their purpose, now watch them get eaten by a fucking shark or some shit. The list goes on, those are just some simple examples of shit we're so used to seeing/happening.
Or, think of it this way; basically every single post-apocalyptic story brings up cannibalism, right? How many of us were really surprised when the St Johns were revealed to be cannibals? If you played/watched/read any post-apocalyptic story before, you basically see that shit coming from a mile away, and you see that before they even start acting all shady and start dropping not-so-subtle hints. Yet despite that cliche practically being the centerpiece of Starved For Help, a lot of people still fucking loved it. Why? Because they clearly did something right in how it was presented, despite the predictability. Or to be more exact, no one really had trouble with the cannibalism 'twist' because quite frankly, they made the whole scene brutal and awesome. And it led to a fulfilling, morally-grey conclusion.
I forgive the predictability of the St Johns, and other scenes that can be seen as predictable, on the basis that they handled them well in spite of the fact. Yeah, some of them are definitely cliche. But they made them work, and they made them fucking awesome. Going with that, I feel John's death was also handled well, but more on the account that they just didn't spare any expense with it: he doesn't just simply get shot and fall over like Carley for example, his entire goddamn face flies off, then his body staggers as if he's still trying to walk before slumping over. For me, the visceral nature of it is enough to make up for the predictability of it, because, well, I wasn't predicting face gravy.
Sorry for hijacking the thread and ranting, but it's just something to think about is all. And this scene is going to be a mixed bag for people anyways. It probably doesn't help that A) this has happened in the game series before with Carley/Doug, Carlos, and Clementine (although she didn't die),
the comic series has done it as well, and C) the show just did it a few weeks ago. I've watched some different videos of that scene so far; some people are caught off guard by it, and others are like "yeah I saw that coming." I also saw a guy that thought the scene was funny, but he's probably just some crazy psycho, so let's just forget about him forever (just joking, his opinion's still valid. I mean, I don't like it, but I'll live with it)
Yeah I totally agree, it was a predictable but amazingly represented scene, the violence made it even... better I guess?....
Literally was yelling "CLOSE THE DAMN GATE". He could've just thrown over the fence or he could've just closed the gate right after...but instead he decided to talk with the gate open like that was obvious to the max.
I was expecting him to die.
But I guess I can say that the way he died was mindblowing.
(too soon?)
My exact reaction
You guys sure make some accurate predictions. I wouldn't have guessed in a million years that John would randomly get shot. I didn't even suspect anything like that. He just opened the gate to throw that walker hand out and BAM!
I was expecting him to get shot, however I wasn't expecting half of his face to get blown off. And the way he staggered for a bit before falling over was really unsettling.
"Hey, look at my Carl Grimes impression!" "....... But more intense!!!!"
Oh yeah, I was totally expecting something to happen, but much like what Deltino says, to the apocalyptic nature of TWD and other series, we can easily see it when it's about to happen, and as a result, very few things are considered shocking. However, the scene itself before that was great, and that's all that matters to me.
I didn't see it coming. [makes saddened face]
called it as soon as he opened the gate.
I knew something was wrong. Thought about zombie attack but of course Randall had to be as stubborn as Terminator from first movie; no legs, one hand and crawls to kill. That was lame, Telltale.
It was more like, opens gate, bla bla bla for 2 minutes, and the BAM!
I could tell he was going to just get shot the moment he wouldn't shut the gate. It was approaching the time for something to happen and the moment he still wasn't shutting the gate I just knew he was dead.
lol I was just saying, "chuck it over the fence!" the whole time. Figure something bad was gonna happen, but wasn't expecting that.
Funny enough, the game lagged and paused on his face get shot off.
Honestly I was there thinking he was gonna throw the arm over the wall, rather than opening the gate and exposing himself to both the undead and possibly Randall's group. Then he stood there talking to me WHILE the gate was open, and I knew he was gonna die. Slightly obvious.
I wasn't expecting it at all. I was so shocked, especially at how graphic it was! I guess I was too focused on John and Michonne's conversation about Greg...
Yeah I actually jumped when he got shot and Randall just being there like.. "Peekaboo!"
Not at all I was so enthralled by the conversation I didn't realize he still hadn't closed the gate. Jesus christ! That was a fucking brutal way to go.
Swingpoynt's fucking reaction was messed up. He wasn't even fazed in the slightest.
Yeah, I expected him to get shot or something after he didn't want to close the goddamn gate for so long.
It reminded me of Axel's death in the show and Abraham's death in the comics. I kinda saw it coming.
I was expecting something BUT NOT THAT.
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