Rodrick: Gryff had the more satasfying death, honestly out of all four possible death scenes for ludd and gryff i liked his the most
Asher: definitely ludd's poisoning death, when lady forrester drank the wine cup i was saying "noooooooooooooooooo!!!" But then ludd fell over, and i know i may be a little phycopathic for this, but as ludd was dieing from the poison i was screaming "CHOKE ON IT!"
Thing is Ludd is alot more cunning and secretive so if you don't kill him he will just keep coming up with really cunning strategies for the next season. where as Gryff is quick to anger and easily roused into action so i think if u kill Ludd in the next season gryff will be easily duped lol.
Neither was satisfying?
Dude, if you agree to marry Gwyn and refuse to poison Ludd you get the best ending of the game, your mother leave a nasty scar in Ludd's face, you kill Gryff and you win the girl, what else you can ask for?
Who chose poison as Asher? I never did the poison since I just felt Asher is far more an ambush kind of guy then a poison kind of guy. I mean I know it's the only way to kill Ludd with Asher but still...
Who chose poison as Asher? I never did the poison since I just felt Asher is far more an ambush kind of guy then a poison kind of guy. I mean I know it's the only way to kill Ludd with Asher but still...
@LordGoss1138 is dead, so I'll answer because I'm bored.
I think they're both pretty balanced. Gryff tackles Asher to the floor, and head… morebutts him, then dies defiantly.
Rodrik doesn't get tackled to the floor, or head-butted, but he does get shot with the crossbow, and caught with a knife, though. But then Gryff dies whimpering and crying.
It's a toss-up.
The game really seems to encourage you to take out Gryff. As Rodrik, he means to harm Ryon which would make first-time players want to take that route. You only get one way to get Ludd as Asher and if you do anything else, you get Gryff by default.
When you think about it, Ludd was the one that set everything in motion after the Red Wedding by crying to the Boltons which got Ethan killed and doing business with Morgryn and Andros which put Mira in her predicament. I found poisoning Ludd quite satisfying. To hell with Gwyn! Most players agree anyway.
In that very moment when I played Rodrick ambushing, I chose to go after Gryff. For some reason I felt more hatred for him and maybe I thought he'd be the more dangerous one during the battle.
His death scene was super satisfying, him whimpering on his knees.
Also he's always been a dick to Rodrick.
After watching the others, I wouldn't trade.
Asher/Gryff was cool to see him in the fire, but would have been better if he burnt alive.
Asher/Ludd is a trade for the mother, also I didn't like the script for the scene too much. Ok, the mother grabbing the cup was shocking, but the rest seemed kinda off. Just seeing Ludd choke was very satisfying.
And Rodrick/Ludd didn't look as satisfying, maybe cause he just took it, not like Gryff whimpering.
No guys killing Ludd as Rodrik was far more satisfying than any Whitehill death in Asher's route.
The final dialogue between Ludd and Rodrik was gold guys, Rodrik's quote particularly: "You might be right about all of it but I'm still the last lord standing"
My rate:
1.Killing Ludd as Rodrik
2.Killing Griff as Rodrik
3.Asher's Route,poisoning and Killing Gryff
Are you telling me that a sword combat between the lords of the main houses in the game was less epic than some poisoning scene? Really? Thanks god you're not GRR Martin
As an Asher fan I really dont care for the poisoning scene. It is unrealistic how slowly everyone reacts and it really isn't that satisfying when Lady Forrester is suffering the same fate.
With that being said however, the ambush scene is absolutely fantastic and my favorite in the game. It was the bloodbath that I wanted and needed after 5 episodes and a whole year of taking the Whitehills bullshit.
Ludd is absolutely terrified of Asher and flees the hall shitting his pants.
Asher is a fucking beast who dual wields weapons, flips the table on top of Gryff, kills multiple soldiers, throws an axe into Ludd's back, backhands Gryff into the fire, and then impaled him... "Run out of words, Gryff?".
The pitfighters and Forresters are epic when they start cutting throats and carving up Whitehills.
Royland gives you the most heartwarmingly loyal smile when you tell him to ready the men.
You give Ludd a nice huge scar when you knock him out of the Lord's chair.
I dont prefer Rodriks because a) Ludd takes his death in stride and b) we already knew Gryff was a stupid little coward and he actually fights Rodrik better than Asher. Plus in the ambush he dies protecting his father, I think it is really cool seeing some development from the opposing side as well.
TLDR; Asher terrified and maimed Ludd, impaled Gryff easily, and was in general a beast that brought death and bloodshed to the Whitehills as planned.
No guys killing Ludd as Rodrik was far more satisfying than any Whitehill death in Asher's route.
The final dialogue between Ludd and Rod… morerik was gold guys, Rodrik's quote particularly:
"You might be right about all of it but I'm still the last lord standing"
My rate:
1.Killing Ludd as Rodrik
2.Killing Griff as Rodrik
3.Asher's Route,poisoning and Killing Gryff
Are you telling me that a sword combat between the lords of the main houses in the game was less epic than some poisoning scene? Really? Thanks god you're not GRR Martin
Sword fighting is so common and overdone. I love the poisoning method. Watching someone slowly cough and choke to death from the inside out is so satisfying.
No guys killing Ludd as Rodrik was far more satisfying than any Whitehill death in Asher's route.
The final dialogue between Ludd and Rod… morerik was gold guys, Rodrik's quote particularly:
"You might be right about all of it but I'm still the last lord standing"
My rate:
1.Killing Ludd as Rodrik
2.Killing Griff as Rodrik
3.Asher's Route,poisoning and Killing Gryff
Are you telling me that a sword combat between the lords of the main houses in the game was less epic than some poisoning scene? Really? Thanks god you're not GRR Martin
That's not the point cutting your old enemy's head after an epic duel is the highlight of any mediaeval novel.
Asher won with tricks(killing Griff or Ludd) but Rodrik won with battle skills .
Sword fighting is so common and overdone. I love the poisoning method. Watching someone slowly cough and choke to death from the inside out is so satisfying.
Thing is Ludd is alot more cunning and secretive so if you don't kill him he will just keep coming up with really cunning strategies for the next season. where as Gryff is quick to anger and easily roused into action so i think if u kill Ludd in the next season gryff will be easily duped lol.
I had Asher in episode 6, and Ludd dying from the poison was extremely satisfying.
I hated how Gryff died with some dignity if you got Asher.
I wish we got to hear a little crying and begging from him as Asher.
Poison Ludd for me was more shakespearean than satisfying.
Neither was satisfying?
Dude, if you agree to marry Gwyn and refuse to poison Ludd you get the best ending of the game, your mother leave a nasty scar in Ludd's face, you kill Gryff and you win the girl, what else you can ask for?
Who chose poison as Asher? I never did the poison since I just felt Asher is far more an ambush kind of guy then a poison kind of guy. I mean I know it's the only way to kill Ludd with Asher but still...
I chose poison. It was extremely satisfying watching Lard suffer as he died from poisoning
RIP me
I took ludd head off he had it coming and does that mean I won the war even if I lost the battle
The game really seems to encourage you to take out Gryff. As Rodrik, he means to harm Ryon which would make first-time players want to take that route. You only get one way to get Ludd as Asher and if you do anything else, you get Gryff by default.
When you think about it, Ludd was the one that set everything in motion after the Red Wedding by crying to the Boltons which got Ethan killed and doing business with Morgryn and Andros which put Mira in her predicament. I found poisoning Ludd quite satisfying. To hell with Gwyn! Most players agree anyway.
In that very moment when I played Rodrick ambushing, I chose to go after Gryff. For some reason I felt more hatred for him and maybe I thought he'd be the more dangerous one during the battle.
His death scene was super satisfying, him whimpering on his knees.
Also he's always been a dick to Rodrick.
After watching the others, I wouldn't trade.
Asher/Gryff was cool to see him in the fire, but would have been better if he burnt alive.
Asher/Ludd is a trade for the mother, also I didn't like the script for the scene too much. Ok, the mother grabbing the cup was shocking, but the rest seemed kinda off. Just seeing Ludd choke was very satisfying.
And Rodrick/Ludd didn't look as satisfying, maybe cause he just took it, not like Gryff whimpering.
So I'd rate like this
I enjoyed using the poison on Ludd the best.
No guys killing Ludd as Rodrik was far more satisfying than any Whitehill death in Asher's route.
The final dialogue between Ludd and Rodrik was gold guys, Rodrik's quote particularly:
"You might be right about all of it but I'm still the last lord standing"
My rate:
1.Killing Ludd as Rodrik
2.Killing Griff as Rodrik
3.Asher's Route,poisoning and Killing Gryff
Are you telling me that a sword combat between the lords of the main houses in the game was less epic than some poisoning scene? Really? Thanks god you're not GRR Martin
As an Asher fan I really dont care for the poisoning scene. It is unrealistic how slowly everyone reacts and it really isn't that satisfying when Lady Forrester is suffering the same fate.
With that being said however, the ambush scene is absolutely fantastic and my favorite in the game. It was the bloodbath that I wanted and needed after 5 episodes and a whole year of taking the Whitehills bullshit.
I dont prefer Rodriks because a) Ludd takes his death in stride and b) we already knew Gryff was a stupid little coward and he actually fights Rodrik better than Asher. Plus in the ambush he dies protecting his father, I think it is really cool seeing some development from the opposing side as well.
TLDR; Asher terrified and maimed Ludd, impaled Gryff easily, and was in general a beast that brought death and bloodshed to the Whitehills as planned.
Sword fighting is so common and overdone. I love the poisoning method. Watching someone slowly cough and choke to death from the inside out is so satisfying.
That's not the point cutting your old enemy's head after an epic duel is the highlight of any mediaeval novel.
Asher won with tricks(killing Griff or Ludd) but Rodrik won with battle skills
Killing Ludd is the best choice because it Will weaken House whitehill
Ludd is the one who started the conflict