Everything wrong with The Walking Dead: Michonne
I know there was a thread here about Minecraft: Story mode, but I wanna know what you guys thought was wrong with it. So please post what you thought to be wrong with TWD: Michonne.
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The Walking Dead season 1 - Telltale sells a 2 to 2 and half hours episode for 5 dollars
The Walking Dead Michone- telltale sells 1 hour- 1 hour 10 minutes episode for 5 dollar
Just saying
and yeah the mini series thing does not justify the length of the first two episodes because Telltale is still charging 4.99 per episode. So, With that being said Telltale has to consider the pricing of mini series episodes or just put 3 legit episodes next time they start a mini series (looking at you minecraft story mode dlc).
I can already see this thread going downhill, generally a thread made around taking the piss out of a game doesn't go well. Oh but who am I to say anything.
Threads like these can either be very good or very bad. It'd be good to meet somewhere in the middle but that never happens.
Complaints get repeated and then discussion turns into argument. We should try and be realistic when it comes to what's wrong and if they should change it on their next go.
Like the lag and frame skips in these first two episodes. Like there was a point in episode one where I thought my game froze. I almost turned my xbox off but then after a minute it started working. Just hope it wasn't due to the short wait time for the episodes but I'd rather wait an extra week so the games can run smoothly.
I hope that people who will complain about the miniseries on this thread will at least explain what they would've done to make it better. There's no point on reading comment after comment that say they "didn't like it, period," or that "it was bad. Enough said." Your opinion is invalid if your arguments are non-existent.
The game is not bad by any means but 5 dollars per episode sets a specific outcome for me at least. What Telltale could do is treat mini series episodes as any other normal episode since the asking price per episode is still the same.
After all, I will buy telltale games either way but I could wait for discount or pay day one and how good a game as value proposition determines whether I should pay on day one or wait for discount
Loading times should be shorter, no way a short mini-series should take longer to load then an older Telltale game (Season One) or Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 (a game notorious for long load times and has more data assets).
I've also heard people can complete Michonne episodes in as little as 45 minutes (one person said 30, but I find that hard to believe), so in a game that doesn't really seem to take choices into account for the time it takes to get through it, it does feel pretty overpriced.
The episodes are a little short, but it is a "miniseries".
The games graphics have been improved since S2, so longer loading times should be expected, it being a mini series has no correlation with loading times.
That's all I know. I'll probably add more later.
You know it's a fictional story, right? I mean there are dead people walking around. Suspend disbelief a bit people.
Which sin you're talking about?
Maybe your gaming system sucks but the load times are not comparable to Sonic 06.
I blasphemed this game in the same way comparing the writing to sonic 06. In a sense I played myself because the artistic direction that the game took was pretty innovative and would've been epic if the game wasn't so shitty.
But the load times aren't as bad as that thing people call a game.
While some of these are legit sins you are also nitpicking on some.
A legit one is the loading times and lag issues. Also the walkers walking under water. At this point it can't be a regular virus the way they defy physics.
The black bars are probably to make it more cinematic but regardless that's just nit picky.
Also Paige asking about Sam being dead or not may seem stupid but it'd be a pretty smart strategy for Randall and friends. Matter of fact maybe someone did that to Paige. But it's not a huge sin so that's also nit picky.
The John and walker arm thing was pretty stupid. Maybe it's to call back to when Sam said he was really smart, just for him to be completely careless. I think they could've killed him off in a more realistic way but it's probably just the call back that motivated the move. I'll give you the sin.
The Norma lieing text. That's the most nit picky thing I've ever seen. Can companies besides gear box have fun with their text?
I like this mini series. Michonne is one of my favorites from the entire walking dead universe (show/comic/game). I like the new combat sequences and playing with an adult again was fun(that doesn't mean i don't want Clementine back as the playable character in s3). The only beef i have in this game are the forgettable supporting characters and the short episodes.I don't care about any of the characters besides Michonne. I cant even remember most of their names. Randall is a good bad guy and his voice actor is the same as Elder Maxon in Fallout which is cool but that's about all the supporting cast has going for them. Unfortunately telltale set the bar too high after Season 1s incredible story and characters so nothing can really compare.
I'm getting a CinemaSins vibe from this. You're criticising and questioning so many things yet not providing any suggestions or feedback? Also, the majority of the things you've said are really picky.
I think AronDracula made the comparison because of her visual appearance, most likely because the two share the same haircut.
Well, who am I? CinemaSins or GamingSins? As I said, this is not a movie or a tv show. I hope they won't put them in Season 3.
If you can say you saw that happen once before, then I'm convinced.
Is TWD supposed to have a lot of funny moments? Funny as Deadpool?
As CinemaSins and GamingSins said, there is no game/movie without a sin. Even if they some are nitpicky, there are true.
That's it. Thank you for understanding.
Not sure what that has to do with anything or why that is such a huge issue?
The water wasn't deep enough, so they were able to walk on the surface. Swimming walkers have always been a thing. They don't need to breathe, they're already dead.
She was scared and scared people do dumb things. This is more of a nitpick than anything.
Makes no sense.
Makes sense (they have been sheltered throughout the entire apocalypse. This is probably one of their first times out in the world).
Yes, Telltale. Explain every single essence of the story. Really. We need to know it all.
Suspense of disbelief + they were too busy panicking, looking around for them anyway.
This did not cause her brother to die, nor does this make any sense. That's like saying, Patient Zero of The Walking Dead virus caused all the deaths of the characters. Besides, Randall had no idea about the shortwave. If you have Michonne tell Norma she and Pete went onto the boat after they heard a "signal", Norma doesn't believe Michonne and asks some others to find out about this "signal". Randall was not on the boat due to the shortwave.
I don't think you understand characterisation, do you?
Also John was clearly smart for having protected his entire family in a walker-infested, bandit-infested horrific nightmare of a world for FOUR YEARS. FOUR. YEARS. He kept this family safe and he was clearly going through an emotional nightmare as he straight up cried in front of Michonne, he wasn't thinking straight.
Scared people do dumb things, as usual.
Pretty sure James and Alex would know about said walker traps and probably barely play outside anyway.
This has to be a joke. In-game messaeges have been a thing in Telltale Games for a while. The Walking Dead: Season One was the first one to do it. So...Nice one there.
They're on a boat. Boats are made of wood. Fire would spread pretty quickly.
Oh, my comment wasn't directed to you in particular! I thought that you had explained your perspective on the pricing well enough.
The minimum time it can take someone to finish 'In Too Deep' is more than an hour, so they were exaggerating on that. Happens more often than it should.
Makes no sense.
When I say discount, I mean the visual appearances of the characters, isn't that a thing CinemaSins does? Sam shares the same hair and shirt with Max, barely.
Did you forget that Telltale made a lot of unexplained situations in Season 2?
What's that supposed to do with what I said?
I said why she used the shortwave. She already had a shelter with her family.
There were way too many. Is TWD supposed to be funny as Tales or Deadpool?
Sucka please. Weren't there boats made of metal? No, it doesn't spread pretty quickly, it's the gasoline where fire spreads in 1 second.
I agree. They should improve that in the future.
Should it be black and white too, then? I personally don't have a problem with the black bars. I feel like they're there to remind people when they have to do something so that jumpscares are more effective, e.g. John's death.
I feel like the pacing has been effective, but I understand why some could dislike the shorter episodes. We are paying the same for a less content, thought I'd rather pay $4.99 for 'What We Deserve' than for 'No Going Back,' even though the latter is twice as much content.
Walking underwater is no different than walking overwater, except for the force you have to apply, but walkers have been proven to never get tired. And the walkers weren't jumping or climbing. As the sailing boat approached the shore, the waters shallowed, i.e. the ground became closer to the sea level. That allowed the walkers to touch the boat and drag it sideways, thus making it look like they jumped out of nowhere.
I'm not Sam, but I suppose that she believed he would follow her, and they'd somehow outrun Michonne and Pete. Can't blame her for making rush decisions under the threat of losing a bag full of supplies.
I don't know who Max Caufield is.
Paige is, too. What is the problem with this?
Why in the hell do you count this as a sin! I take it as a small, thought-out piece of background for Zachary, which, realistically, wouldn't be explained to us by him randomly.
That is because they were walking casually, in order to pass as inhabitants of Monroe.
Zachary is all but innocent. He was under pressure, he lacked confidence and thought that by killing someone Randall would respect him, but does that change the fact that he consciously pulled the trigger and killed a teenager, knowing the consequences? About Sam and the shortwave, I think she did it to attract people and convince them that Norma and Co. are bad people, which she determinantly did. It hasn't been explained, but that doesn't make it a mistake.
John clearly isn't the smartest person on the series. I think Sam calling him the smartest guy she knows isn't really strange, given that it is not uncommon for people to look up to their parents like they're more capable than in reality. Plus, John was a lawyer and had lots of books—which he presumably read—which doesn't mean, but vaguely suggests, that he was "book smart."
Someone that would want to get into the house to kill everyone else and take all of their supplies. You can't blame her for being cautious. Plus, she can tell Michonne that she "can be scary as fuck."
We don't know if they warned them not to play near the fence. Seriously, even if they hadn't, this would only count as John being idiotic.
I found those cringe-worthy, to be honest.
In the case that you let Pete surrender, Michonne will accidentally fire at an inhabited boat. We've seen that most boats are connected by wood planks and doors, acting as bridges. This allows the fire to spread relatively quickly. In the case that you stopped Pete, Michonne fires at a sailing boat with barrels of fuel—possibly for the bigger ships. The barrels will then explode, and splash burning fuel on one of the connected boats.
You're making sins out of nowhere, though.
Beautiful statements as always, BTS.
By the way, Max Caulfield is the main character in Life is Strange. And yeah, they do look similiar, but I think it's a coincidence (Sam has much bigger boobs!)
Thank you!
Yes, they do look alike. Albeit one is Caucasian-American and the other Native-American.
Side note: What's BTS?
A shortcut to your username
Oh, alright. Thanks, then!
Yep. Was too lazy to write your entire username or copy and paste it, so I used a shortcut.
By the way, as I said, good points there.
All I can say is: don't play Life is Strange. It's one of the worst games ever made in 2015.
Greg doesn't aim for the head to a close walker. Bad move. Randall, who is such a great fighter, doesn't hit Michonne at all when she climbs the fallen tower.
Who cares about people who are going to a bad situation? She was supposed to be with her family who were living in a safe shelter. She did have enough supplies for them.
Better to sleep
Your name. Lol
Didn't CinemaSins make sins out of nowhere as well? No one is perfect.
I wasn't planning to, but I'll take your advice.
Yes. He doesn't look like he has had a lot of experience with handguns, although, an error I found was that Sam said she'd help him, but she disappears magically and Michonne is the one who eventually saves him. Sam then appears in the other extreme of the room.
Using a handgun to hitting a target at long range isn't the best idea. Plus, he could've been a terrible shot, given that he only managed to shoot John's half head, despite being few feet away from him.
Most could've missed this, but the whole point of Sam and Greg going out of the mansion was that they'd scavenger for supplies, but they went and stole from Norma again. That's why they were out of the house, and why John, Paige and the others didn't wonder where they were in the first place.
My hard work of responding to every single one of your points has gone to waste because you decided to ignore most of it!
Edit: Waves fist, angrily.
Oh, but this statements proves that you acknowledge you're making sins out of nowhere. I believe we should strive to be as unbiased as possible.
No one ever had that haircut before Maxine.
I have to agree with this.
I really never understood the hype of this. It just created so people can just ignore games more awesome than this crap. Some even consider it better than TWD, I DO NOT accept that.
That's not a sin and you're not CinemaSins either. Also they look nothing alike. They have a similar red jacket at one point? But, Sam is a young Native American teenager. Max is a Caucasian American teenager (or adult how you see it). They are both female, thin and have a similar hairstyle, that's it.
Your logic was "Sam using the radio caused her brother's death." That makes no sense. With that logic you can blame any death on any one random person because they started a chain of events, loosely related. So for example, "Patient Zero of The walking Dead virus caused all the deaths of the characters by spreading the virus, and therefore it's all their fault!"
Which she more than likely couldn't get to due to being surrounded by walkers. Michonne and Pete had a hard enough time getting here and they were more than likely concerned that Randall was closing in on them, preventing their options.
Except none of them were humorous and there were about as many as there were in The Walking Dead: Season One. But that's none of my business.
Ah yes those same boats, with all the wooden planks, and the bridges to each boat made of wood, and the wooden platforming and the tons of wooden houses built on top of them. Also, not the entire community burned. When Michonne is escaping, we see a lot of it on fire but only some of the boats were made of metal.
Sam is actually 22-years old.