Thanks! I always heard people linking the two views together and I thought to myself: "Isn't Marxism just a political view? What has Atheism got to do with that?". That really clears it up now, many thanks!
To complete, this turkish slogan is certainly derivated from the French anarchist's slogan "Ni Dieu ni maître" made a century ago, meaning "… moreno God no Masters", sentence which has been taken by a lot of anarchists movements since then.
So yes, there's indeed a big link between the anarchists and atheism.
@ZapThroat. There is a link between Athiesm and Marxism, though most Atheists aren't Marxists, and only some Marxists are atheists (see: lib… moreeration theology). Marx described religion as the an "opiate of the masses" and "the sigh of an oppressed creature." He generally believed that religion's purpose in a capitalist society is to pacify the working masses and dull the misery of their alienation with promises of glory in the afterlife. A lot of Anarchists have also adopted this view. For example the slogan of the Turkish Anarchist groups fighting daesh with the Kurds is "No god! No state! No caliphate!"
As you probably know, religion was mostly banned in the various ""communist"" states of the 20th century, however I take a pretty cynical view on this. I think a big reason the bans were enforced was in order to maintain various cults of personality, surrounding their leaders. After all, time spent worshipping God is time that could… [view original content]
In the same franchise? Yes. With the same characters? I personally think it's a bit silly but people do it. (Unless you're rooting for all the 3+ characters to be together).
In the same franchise? Yes. With the same characters? I personally think it's a bit silly but people do it. (Unless you're rooting for all the 3+ characters to be together).
Emotion or Reason?
No problem. there's also "Cultural Marxism", which a lot of reactionaries associate with atheism, but that's just a conspiracy theory.
Interesting! The radical left really owes a lot to the French.
Grilled chicken breast.
Garfield or Heathcliff?
Garfield. That's the only cartoon character I know.
Best mixtape that burned your house down?
Eh, we kinda learn from our actions in the past so I agree and disagree at the same time. I just can't fully agree or disagree in that sentence.
Your favorite school subject?
What time do you normally go to sleep?
Personally, these are my favorite kind of breasts.
enter link description here
Weekdays 11 pm weekend/vacation 4 am.
Do you need your phone in your daily life?
Kind of.
Would you eat a snake who's alive for 50M$?
I'd eat it for free. That's good meat, right there.
What word sums you up best?
Favourite hot drink?
Hot Chocolate
Dualshock or Xbox controller?
Do you see any hypocrisy on this forum?
None that I know of.
Would you rather give up food or sex? (Understand this reference and I'll give you 100 dollars)
I would become LobsterWomen with those lobster claws so I'll take this.
Would you rather be a cyber bully or being the one who's cyber bullied?
Be the one who's being cyber-bullied, I'm too nice and I can handle it.
Do you hate autistic people?
No of Course Not!
Have You ever broken a Bone?
Both of my wrists in the 3rd grade!
Nothing else after that, though!
Complete this phrase: _____ is/are the root of all evil.
Dora The Explorer.
Pizza or Chinese food?
Can you have more than one OTP?
Friends, right?
In the same franchise? Yes. With the same characters? I personally think it's a bit silly but people do it. (Unless you're rooting for all the 3+ characters to be together).
Emotion or Reason?
Here's your money :P
I'm talking about more than one OTP in general.
Oh, like in the same game/show/film/whatever having 2 favourite ships? Yep, totally!
Cool XD
Reason. Emotion usually gets me in trouble
Who was the last person you hugged and why?
Cash please.
I just gave it to you :P
My mom coz she's my mom
Best Assassins Creed game?
Mortal Kombat.
How can we stop Eryka from getting our personal info?
Kill Eryka before she stalks everything that can move
Should I quit this forum?
Thanks for this compliment dude, I appreciate it.
Anytime. Now please leave the forums.
But I love you so much
Thanks dada
Well, guess what. I never loved you.