The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited April 2016

    I mean I really hate to break out such a beautiful relationship, but uh, the avatar you got there, if someone yells at ya for spoilers...

    I mean I don't think anyone would really notice, but it's always a consideration.

    Yo what the fuck are you doing with Randall as profile picture you fucking monster.

  • Thanks, Maxwell.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Glad to hear it!

  • I'm sorry for your loss :(

    My fish Shiniqua died today and I buried her in my garden. It was sad (don't ask why she was called Shiniqua, I have no idea) I even gave her a gravestone :'|

  • Have I covered it? Now it's not suspicious at all!

    I mean I really hate to break out such a beautiful relationship, but uh, the avatar you got there, if someone yells at ya for spoilers... I mean I don't think anyone would really notice, but it's always a consideration.

  • If any of you guys own classic Sega Genesis games on Steam, they just released a free update that includes a new launcher app in a 3D Environment, and additionally, you can also download ROM hacks from Steam Workshop. It's pretty neat. I've tried it so far with Sonic 3 and Knuckles by trying out the Sonic 3 Complete ROM Hack.

  • I think it's a 1000% better. Although some Oak love would be make it 10000000000% better.

    Have I covered it? Now it's not suspicious at all!

  • Time to make a screenshot of Oak, this will take 10 min I hope.

    I think it's a 1000% better. Although some Oak love would be make it 10000000000% better.

  • How about a safe?

    * The doctor might think she's a drug addict, judging from how fast it went away. * We don't have any idea how.

  • Took a little longer because I ahd stuff and thangs to do at 2:30 am.

    enter image description here

    I think it's a 1000% better. Although some Oak love would be make it 10000000000% better.

  • Can't afford one :/

    Flog61 posted: »

    How about a safe?

  • im sorry fam

    papai46 posted: »

    cancerous 10 year old fanbase FTFY

  • when you realize you just got a copyright strike

    Took a little longer because I ahd stuff and thangs to do at 2:30 am.

  • I really suck @ video games. Metal gear solid Peace walker is kicking my ass.

  • neato

    If any of you guys own classic Sega Genesis games on Steam, they just released a free update that includes a new launcher app in a 3D Enviro

  • God didn't give us free will, Rush did.

  • But... I couldn't resist having Randall as my profile picture. I mean, look at his puppy eyes ;-;

    Yo what the fuck are you doing with Randall as profile picture you fucking monster.

  • Quite a few of those threads got merged into this one, correct?

    There are actually older versions of this thread as well. I'd guess the earlier ones are probably as far back as around 2010-2011?

  • I think you're fine, I mean look at his eyes.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    But... I couldn't resist having Randall as my profile picture. I mean, look at his puppy eyes ;-;

  • enter link description here

    Im binge-listening to this whole album

    I'm on The Grobe right now.

  • 10/10

    Took a little longer because I ahd stuff and thangs to do at 2:30 am.

  • Sorry but It hurts seeing Randall... sniff

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    But... I couldn't resist having Randall as my profile picture. I mean, look at his puppy eyes ;-;

  • Pats Scrub. There, there... Everything will be okay...

    Sorry but It hurts seeing Randall... sniff

  • I am finally back!

  • Welcome back!

    I am finally back!

  • [removed]

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    That's and Undertale reference BTW

  • Cool, welcome back!

    I am finally back!

  • One of my schoolmates killed himself.

    After texting multiple trusted sources (aka my best friends), they did confirm his death.

    My best friend said that he (the guy who died) had an arguement with his mother, and the latter called him a "drug addict."

    He texted his girlfriend soon after, but when she read the texts of him ranting... he's already dead.

  • Aww :( too much people are dying this year

    One of my schoolmates killed himself. After texting multiple trusted sources (aka my best friends), they did confirm his death. My bes

  • What's with all the mindless shitposting on this forum lately?

    I mean there's always been mindless shitposting, just that recently it's seemed like there's way more.

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited April 2016

    So about the last threads that I made, it was a social experiment.

    And I see that some people actually gave their real last name, I'm not proud, no cookies for you.

  • [removed]

    Eryka posted: »

    So about the last threads that I made, it was a social experiment. And I see that some people actually gave their real last name, I'm not proud, no cookies for you.

  • [removed]

    Eryka posted: »

    So about the last threads that I made, it was a social experiment. And I see that some people actually gave their real last name, I'm not proud, no cookies for you.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I've noticed a few months ago, thank you.

  • I dunno, i think it's something in the air, send help!

    Green613 posted: »

    What's with all the mindless shitposting on this forum lately? I mean there's always been mindless shitposting, just that recently it's seemed like there's way more.

  • And now she's never leaving out of spite, thank you...

  • edited April 2016

    Probably no one of you heard about this in the news, but.. has anyone heard about the recent air strikes in Aleppo, Syria? I'd have shared pictures but according to the forum guide lines they're too gruesome to share here. If you wanna know more about it go to the following hashtags on Twitter and Facebook:


  • What is wrong with our world? Why is it so easy to hate but so difficult to love? I have just looked up about the recent airstrikes and it was just...sickening. Why doesn't a lot of people know more about this? And it's not just about the airstrike. This torture has been happening for quite some time now. Ther has been no peace. Children, elders, men and women who are innocent are being killed there everyday. This is inhumane. Today, I think we should dedicate this day for the people of Aleppo and make the telltale forums red.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Probably no one of you heard about this in the news, but.. has anyone heard about the recent air strikes in Aleppo, Syria? I'd have shared p

  • Thank you guys! :)

    I am finally back!

  • I am sorry for your loss. A lot of times we don't know what our classmates are going through outside the classroom. It is truly tragic. :(

    One of my schoolmates killed himself. After texting multiple trusted sources (aka my best friends), they did confirm his death. My bes

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