Well, this vote seems to have come to a tie, and I intend to break it. Saving him will lead to a more interesting story down the long term, so I'm thinking Ferraro should attempt to rescue the old man.
They're currently in water, reasonably close to the ship. This was basically a decision asking if you wanted an interesting character introduced or not, and I think he is also mildly important as well for Ferraro's story :P
The cell wall was warm against Ferraro’s back, even though it was in the midst of the night. It had been a week since Wayne Cross… more and became his cell mate, and he had already learnt the alphabet and how to write and pronounce simple words. His teachings had kept him up most nights, forcing himself to think of what he had learnt so that he would not forget it. Fortunately this night was bright, as the moon was full and shared its light with Ferraro’s cell. He stared at the wall, where the letters of the alphabet were scribed onto the wall. He ran the letters through his head one by one, making sure he had a strong understanding of them. As he silently did this, he noticed Wayne sitting up from his corner, the moonlight shining on him. He turned to Ferraro with tired eyes, seeming surprised he was still awake.
“What are you doing?” He asked, sitting himself up. Ferraro kept his eyes focussed on the wall, mouthing the letters as he… [view original content]
I'm quickly closing off these votes mainly because I know I will forget if I don't, so apologies if you haven't had time to vote yet. Darrick will choose to take Rose to Raventree Hall.
This should certainly lead into an interesting story line for Darrick, as it will suggest more morals that he may have forgotten in his life of a sellsword.
Darrick stood outside the gates of Oldtown staring at the Citadel. The city was a work of art, a home of multiple faiths and over… moreall a seemingly peaceful city. Still, Darrick was just glad to have a new source of income, as his gold was running low. Darrick stood beside Prince Gilden, who wore his shiny armour and his equally shining smile, and beside him was his sister: Princess Rose. Darrick looked the woman up and down. She still wore her green dress which fell to the ground, and from the way she shifted on her feet, Darrick presumed she was wearing heels or something uncomfortable. Darrick receive a striking glare from Gilden which forced his eyes to look elsewhere. Fucking bastard. Darrick looked at the muddy road which they would follow to Casterly Rock, the road that would make him rich. And the Lannister’s still haven’t arrived. Promising. Prince Gilden clearly was not impressed either with the way he paced and the groans a… [view original content]
The footsteps making their way to the exit of the hall was as loud as thunder on a warm night. Thorn sat silently, beside his cousi… morens Brock Rivers and Alec Blackwood. At the end of the table sat a furious Jon Blackwood, who sat impatiently as the noble men and women were cleared from the hall. When only guards and their table remained, Lord Jon sighed, burying his head in his hands.
“They’ve taken it all away from us, those traitorous Bracken’s.” He said miserably, his words muffled from his hands. Thorn flickered his gaze to where Helyn was sitting, or where she was sitting.
“We must conduct an investigation, my lord. We cannot be certain that the Bracken’s ordered this…” Cryus tried to explain, though only received an irritated groan. Lord Jon arose from his hands, his face redenned.
“Then who else, Cryus? A man in rags comes into my godswood, poisons my weirwood and then screams that our faith is false. Who else holds an … [view original content]
The footsteps making their way to the exit of the hall was as loud as thunder on a warm night. Thorn sat silently, beside his cousi… morens Brock Rivers and Alec Blackwood. At the end of the table sat a furious Jon Blackwood, who sat impatiently as the noble men and women were cleared from the hall. When only guards and their table remained, Lord Jon sighed, burying his head in his hands.
“They’ve taken it all away from us, those traitorous Bracken’s.” He said miserably, his words muffled from his hands. Thorn flickered his gaze to where Helyn was sitting, or where she was sitting.
“We must conduct an investigation, my lord. We cannot be certain that the Bracken’s ordered this…” Cryus tried to explain, though only received an irritated groan. Lord Jon arose from his hands, his face redenned.
“Then who else, Cryus? A man in rags comes into my godswood, poisons my weirwood and then screams that our faith is false. Who else holds an … [view original content]
The footsteps making their way to the exit of the hall was as loud as thunder on a warm night. Thorn sat silently, beside his cousi… morens Brock Rivers and Alec Blackwood. At the end of the table sat a furious Jon Blackwood, who sat impatiently as the noble men and women were cleared from the hall. When only guards and their table remained, Lord Jon sighed, burying his head in his hands.
“They’ve taken it all away from us, those traitorous Bracken’s.” He said miserably, his words muffled from his hands. Thorn flickered his gaze to where Helyn was sitting, or where she was sitting.
“We must conduct an investigation, my lord. We cannot be certain that the Bracken’s ordered this…” Cryus tried to explain, though only received an irritated groan. Lord Jon arose from his hands, his face redenned.
“Then who else, Cryus? A man in rags comes into my godswood, poisons my weirwood and then screams that our faith is false. Who else holds an … [view original content]
The footsteps making their way to the exit of the hall was as loud as thunder on a warm night. Thorn sat silently, beside his cousi… morens Brock Rivers and Alec Blackwood. At the end of the table sat a furious Jon Blackwood, who sat impatiently as the noble men and women were cleared from the hall. When only guards and their table remained, Lord Jon sighed, burying his head in his hands.
“They’ve taken it all away from us, those traitorous Bracken’s.” He said miserably, his words muffled from his hands. Thorn flickered his gaze to where Helyn was sitting, or where she was sitting.
“We must conduct an investigation, my lord. We cannot be certain that the Bracken’s ordered this…” Cryus tried to explain, though only received an irritated groan. Lord Jon arose from his hands, his face redenned.
“Then who else, Cryus? A man in rags comes into my godswood, poisons my weirwood and then screams that our faith is false. Who else holds an … [view original content]
The footsteps making their way to the exit of the hall was as loud as thunder on a warm night. Thorn sat silently, beside his cousi… morens Brock Rivers and Alec Blackwood. At the end of the table sat a furious Jon Blackwood, who sat impatiently as the noble men and women were cleared from the hall. When only guards and their table remained, Lord Jon sighed, burying his head in his hands.
“They’ve taken it all away from us, those traitorous Bracken’s.” He said miserably, his words muffled from his hands. Thorn flickered his gaze to where Helyn was sitting, or where she was sitting.
“We must conduct an investigation, my lord. We cannot be certain that the Bracken’s ordered this…” Cryus tried to explain, though only received an irritated groan. Lord Jon arose from his hands, his face redenned.
“Then who else, Cryus? A man in rags comes into my godswood, poisons my weirwood and then screams that our faith is false. Who else holds an … [view original content]
Man, Lord Blackwood surely is a complete jerk.
[Take Alec to Oldtown]
This sounds like a way for Alec to prove himself and considering his earlier talk with Thorn, I think he would appreciate such a chance.
Alright, well I don't think there are any incoming votes so I'll close this one. Thorn shall take Alec to Oldtown. This choice with have it's pros and cons as with all the choices in the story.
Now, I think I'd like to talk with you guys about my plans for story writing. Yesterday I was sent back to that dreadful place where I am entitled to learn things, so my writing has come to a halt. I've already received a handful of assignments as well as some stress in preparation for these upcoming exams. Currently, there are only two more parts left, maybe three, those two being the Stranger and Todd. Once this chapter is over, I'm wanting to revive The Invasion from where I left it and finish that chapter, though which all the loads of assignments that are raining down, it's likely I may need a week or two to get organised. I am currently in the process of making a summary of the story, so it will be easier to catch up or re-jog your memory on what you may have missed or just can't remember. Hopefully this should be helpful for the readers here which perhaps haven't read the story, though I think most of you have :P.
Anyway, so that's just a small summary of what's happening right now. Apologies that my writing has been extremely slowed, not a lot I can do about it. I intend to finish TNC sometime this upcoming weekend if I have time. Once again, this has been an epic journey to have started and I'm glad you guys have joined me with it!
The footsteps making their way to the exit of the hall was as loud as thunder on a warm night. Thorn sat silently, beside his cousi… morens Brock Rivers and Alec Blackwood. At the end of the table sat a furious Jon Blackwood, who sat impatiently as the noble men and women were cleared from the hall. When only guards and their table remained, Lord Jon sighed, burying his head in his hands.
“They’ve taken it all away from us, those traitorous Bracken’s.” He said miserably, his words muffled from his hands. Thorn flickered his gaze to where Helyn was sitting, or where she was sitting.
“We must conduct an investigation, my lord. We cannot be certain that the Bracken’s ordered this…” Cryus tried to explain, though only received an irritated groan. Lord Jon arose from his hands, his face redenned.
“Then who else, Cryus? A man in rags comes into my godswood, poisons my weirwood and then screams that our faith is false. Who else holds an … [view original content]
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fought to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light reflections almost entirely defeated as the sun set behind the Wall. The Stranger took his first step into the snow, revealing himself to the eyes of the watchers on the Wall. When The Stranger took a second, the entity of Niclas Stone appeared in his shadowed formity. His expression was cold though his glare was colder, nothing like the northern chill. The Stranger gave a lopsided grin.
“Nic! How good it is to see you again!” The entity of the bastard looked less than pleased.
“I won’t allow you to pass the Wall, only a true brother can pass through the Wall.” The Stranger’s grin turned into a sneer, he clasped his hands together.
“Well don’t you think I know that, that’s why you’re here.” The Stranger unsheathed Frostbite from his black scabbard. Niclas’ entity lowered his eyebrows in concern.
“What are you doing?” Niclas’ words spoke with worry and concern. The Stranger shrugged.
“Something dangerous, for you and I.” The Stranger sliced his cold scarred hand and placed it on his upper chest, where his lamented heart rested.
Without hesitation, The Stranger lunged the sword into the entity of Niclas’ heart, causing the shadow to break apart. The dark ink coursed through the sword, into The Stranger’s bloody arm until reaching his chest. The Stranger felt the heart in his corpse start to beat, blood flowing through each of the organs in his body, leaving a tingling feeling behind. The Stranger grinned, sheathing the bloody Frostbite back into his scabbard.
“What have you done?” The sound of Niclas’ voice being one with The Stranger’s sent cold chills down The Stranger’s new reliving spine.
“Made us one again! Is it not great to be back?” The Stranger spoke aloud for the silence to hear. The Stranger sighed, and lowered his voice. “Now we can pass through the Wall, with your soul now in your corpse.” The Stranger spoke with admiring and cheerful words, Niclas however lacked the impression.
“You can’t do this! If you pass the Wall, gods know what will happen.” Niclas’ tone was filled with terror and anxiety, The Stranger hushed his voice.
“Easy now, Niclas. All I need is for you to relax, as there is no need to fret. Once we’re done here, you’ll have your body back and I will be on my way. It will be as if nothing ever happened.” Expecting a reply, The Stranger received nothing.
Disenchanted, The Stranger pulled the sentinel horn from his belt and pulled it to his lips. A warm breath left his mouth and sounded the horn, a cold mist appeared at the mouth of the horn as the warm air met with the cold. The single blast was thunderous and powerful, its sound ranging for miles before dying in the winds. The thick oak gate started to rise almost immediately once the horn sounded, The Stranger smirked and continued forwards.
The tunnel to Castle Black was long and narrow, failing to be as straight as the stories told. The Stranger entered the tunnel, and the gate was lowered behind him. A hundred metres ahead stood an iron gate, a murder hole resided above it.
“Hold there! State your name, brother.” The Stranger’s steps came to a halt, his chest beat with impatience and stress, though his expression was calm and warm.
“I am Niclas Stone, First Ranger of the Night’s Watch.” The Stranger spoke with confidence, relying on the living memory of his host to answer the questions presented to him.
The Stranger heard murmurs behind the gates, then a sound of keys unlocking the door. The mass of iron swung open, and out came two black brothers, both with shock on their faces. The men stopped a few metres in front of The Stranger, their expressions showing disbelief.
“First Ranger Niclas, it’s really you.” The man commented, his tone surprised. “You’re still alive!” The Stranger nodded, smiling.
“I am alive, and tired. I require an escort to my quarters immediately.” The man who spoke nodded.
“Follow me, m’lord.” The man turned and entered the gate where he had come from, The Stranger followed.
Castle Black stood tall and true, brothers of the Night’s Watch attending to their duties. The builders worked on the damages that the Maester’s quarters had suffered. Hardin’s Tower stood with a severe lean, a large mess of rubble surrounded the base of the tower. The Stranger covered his eyes when the shining light from the descending sun reappeared to greet him south of the Wall. The Stranger was also greeted by the acting First Ranger Kegan. The man stood with total disbelief, clearly grown attached to his new rise in power.
“Niclas Stone…” He commented, his jaw dropped. The Stranger nodded, extending his bloody hand. As Kegan went to receive it, he halted when he realised the deep gashes on The Stranger’s palms.
“Seven hells! I’ll fetch the Maester, he is now located in the library.” The Stranger held up his hand.
“That’s alright, I just need to rest. Please, just take me to my quarters.” Kegan nodded to the men beside him.
“I’ll go inform your squire that you have returned, and I’ll fetch the Maester as well.” The Stranger nodded, acting too tired to argue. Truth be told, he required all the hands he could muster.
He allowed the two rangers to carry him to his quarters, which resided in a large tower known as the First Ranger’s Nest. The room itself was large, held up by stone pillars. The contents of the First Ranger’s quarters were a large desk, a small armory, a large king sized bed with it’s own ensuite. The Stranger grinned. Niclas, you never told me you were royalty, he mocked, gazing at all the luxuries that would soon be irrelevant.
The Stranger was placed in the large bed, the sheets were made of silk and dyed black. The Stranger nodded to the men, resting his head on the goose-feather pillows that embraced his tired head. The Stranger looked to one of the men, a small and stumped male with a scrunched up face. The Stranger cleared his throat, grabbing his attention.
“Yes, m’lord?” The Stranger grinned, appreciating the sudden royalty he was receiving.
“Tell me, who in Castle Black can read and write?” The man looked at The Stranger with such confusion he worried that his head might implode, the task seemed to be a struggle for him.
“The Maester and his stewards, your squire… The librarians.” The Stranger raised his eyebrows, intrigued by the man’s final mention.
“And, how many librarians are there at Castle Black?” The man looked at The Stranger as if to ask if it were a trick question. He hesitated, counting his fingers and moving his lips as he worded the numbers silently.
“Twelve, m’lord.” The Stranger’s eyes filled with a life that his corpse had never filled with before.
“Very good, bring them here immediately. Your ‘First Ranger’ commands it!” He yelled with a jovial tone, and the man quickly turned and hurried off. The second stood silently, he was a tall and robust figure with a large beard. The Stranger looked him from toe to head.
“I’ve changed my mind, fetch me the Maester. Tell him I want every raven he has with him.” The man silently nodded, turning and exiting the doors to the quarters.
Once The Stranger was alone, he sighed and sat up. He felt his power starting to drain him, making him feel weaker. He unsheathed Frostbite from its scabbard, then started to return Niclas’ soul to the blade. The black ink seeped from The Stranger’s lively arms, which turned pale and deathly as the entity left him and returned to the sword. The once healthy looking Niclas Stone had returned to grim and pale corpse with glowing blue eyes, the stranger in comparison. Once the process was complete, in an instant a furied presence of Niclas appeared in front of The Stranger’s pale glowing eyes. The darkness clouded his head as it did his entire body, like a shadow. His expression read anger, disgust and menace.
“You dare steal my body! Use my soul to pass into the living world and force me back out! I swear the old gods and new, once I am free I will end your despicable and worthless life!” The Stranger’s sneer pierced through the ink shadow like an axe through wood.
“My life ended hundreds of years ago, bastard. You will be free soon enough, perhaps you will even have a chance to stop me before I bring down the Wall.” The entity’s mood swung from hatred to confusion and concern.
“Bring down the Wall, how?” The entity stood tall, his tone naive. “The Wall is more than just a block of ice and stone, creature.” His words spoke with confidence and derision, his inky mouth formed a smirk. The Stranger nodded in agreeance.
“Correct, there is more to the Wall then what meets the eye. Hence why I could not pass the Wall without your help, and why I can’t simply bring down the wall with blood magic. Though there is something, a horn of a sort. Legend says the first king beyond the Wall used it to wake the giants.” The Stranger observed as Niclas raised his eyes, with either shock or surprise.
“The Horn of Winter? Seven hells, gods know that is only a myth…” Niclas’ tone held doubt in his unsure words, which drifted off in the cool winds that breezed through the open hatched windows. The Stranger shrugged.
“When I was a child of the forest, I met with Joramun when I agreed to side my people with Brandon the Breaker. I knew the giants were real, and when Joramun came through the Wall with an army of them by his side, I knew the power of his horn. I will bring down the Wall.” Niclas crossed his arms, his attitude bitter and his eyes aggravated.
“For what reason, creature? The Wall was built by Bran the Builder to keep the Others and wildlings in the north. You would bring it down and cause chaos for the entirety of Westeros.” The Stranger shook his head irritably, standing from the silk covered mattress.
“You’re naivety disappoints me, bastard. The Wall was not built by Bran Stark, though formed by the wraiths in the Frozen Lands. The Frozen Army warred with the undead for a millennia before the First Men ever set foot on Westeros, and formed the Wall once the Great Other was defeated. Now the Blizzard grows hungry, it’s power is connected with that of the Wall. If the Wall is destroyed, so is the Frozen Army. That is why I must destroy it, Niclas Stone.” The Stranger spoke with cold words, his tone demonic and yet melodic.
As Niclas was about to speak, the sound of a thudding on the door to the First Ranger’s quarters caused him to disappear. The Stranger, remembering his hideous appearance from separating with Niclas’ soul, lifted his black hood over his head and walked to the door.
The door swung open, a loud creak of noise followed as the new downward pressure was placed on the door. Outside of the quarters stood fifteen men, twelve being librarians, one was The First Ranger’s squire: Pirrip Beesbury, and the other was Franco Snow - the maester’s steward. Finally, Maester Horden stood with his hands tucked in his sleeves. His body was skinny and frail, and his gowns looked as if they weighed him down to the earth. In his hands was a small cage, with one raven.
The Stranger beckoned for them to enter, locking the door behind them. The group settled down at the First Ranger’s planning desk, which was large enough to seat twenty men. The Stranger stood at the head of the table, the cage of ravens sat in front of him. The Stranger unlocked the cage, picking up the black bird.
“Gentlemen, I have called you here out of urgent matter. When I ventured beyond the Wall, I found the Lord Commander and he gave me this.” The Stranger pulled out a letter from his belt and threw it onto the table. “Maester Horden, if you’d be kind enough.” The old man nodded without hesitation, grabbing to piece of paper and unrolling it. He cleared his throat.
“To my faithful brothers who have served by my side for the many years.
We have been used and betrayed by the Starks for thousands of years, our once great order has been pissed on with criminals, rapists and murders, rather than the honourable men we used to be. Which is why I have come to the decision to request you brothers who agree with me to join me beyond the Wall. I am naming myself king, and will take the fight to the wildlings like the Night’s Watch never have. If you know that the black is dead, then you will join me beyond the Wall.
Rodrik Flint
King Beyond the Wall”
The men stared at each other with blank gazes, waiting for someone to speak up. The Stranger did not allow them that chance.
“You are here, to replicate the message. To which we will send a thousand ravens to fly over all the castles along the wall, and pour down the message to those who will hear.” The Stranger observed the shock and disagreeance clashing with the smirks of agreeance. The Maester shook his head.
“As a Maester of the Night’s Watch, it is my duty to serve my lord, or in this case the First Ranger. Though I must ask, how do you propose to muster a ‘thousand ravens’ to our side?” The Stranger smiled, stroking the feathers on the raven he clasped in his hands.
Nearly all of a sudden, the raven curled up, clearly in pain. It’s feathers pinned back, it’s beak released a deafening screech which filled the quarters. The bundle of feathers and meat disintegrated within The Stranger’s hands, and from the ashes rose a handful young ravens. The men stared with shock in their eyes.
“Start now, and you may be finished by dawn. Whoever fails to complete their share will die, any questions?” The men all stared at The Stranger with blank faces, all but one. Pirrip stood with anger burning in his eyes.
“What you say is treason, Niclas! I am a sworn brother of the Night’s Watch, and I will not-” The Stranger lifted his hand, extending his arm towards the young squire.
The young man went silent, as his face grew pale and the blood vessels burst and streamed from his eyes, nose and ears. The man collapsed to the ground, a mild nerve spasm hit as he landed on the wooden floor. The Stranger turned to the fearful men at the table, feeling stronger and regenerated.
“Get started.” The Stranger spoke with cold and demanding words, and the men quickly obeyed, ducking their heads down and dipping their quills in their ink pots.
The Stranger placed the growing ravens down on the table, which as soon as they grew to their full size they repeated the process that The Stranger demonstrated. He walked across the room, stepping over the fidgety corpse of Pirrip Beesbury. Reaching the window, The Stranger watched as the red sky turned dark, becoming black. The Stranger turned back to the corpse of Pirrip and sighed. I’ll give you a chance, Niclas. Try and stop me. The Stranger walked over to the corpse and placed his cold hand on his bloody face, before everything went black.
The corpse of Niclas Stone rested on the floor beside The Stranger, who had now possessed the corpse of Pirrip Beesbury. The Stranger stood up, feeling stronger and more energetic than his previous corpse had allowed him to be. He turned and walked over to Niclas’ bed, where Frostbite remained in its scabbard. The Stranger picked up the blade and unsheathed it, returning to Niclas and impaling it into his corpse. The transfer started to take place. Good luck dealing with the Icy Knight, my friend. The Stranger turned to his attention back to the table, the men wrote furiously, fearing their lives were on the stakes. The Stranger grinned, his teeth were bloody from the bursted vessels in his mouth. He sneered nonetheless. Now, to stay and watch the mayhem, or to continue with the mission, The Stranger thought, knowing which he would prefer to do.
[Continue to Winterfell] [Remain at Castle Black]
Hey guys, apologies taking so long to release this part. I've decided that I won't do a Todd part as it was not fitting for the finale. Instead, I've decided I'll make a Prestan part though I'm not sure if I will get it finished by tomorrow or not. I hope so because then I can focus, slowly but surely, on The Invasion! . Once again, sorry for the wait.
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
God damn it, the Stranger is even more creepy than I thought. I loved the exposition on him, even though I am still not sure what he is. Somehow, you managed to give a lot of answers, while raising a similarly high amount of new questions and I liked that a lot And well, as much as I hate him, I have to applaud the Stranger for his final move. Leaving Niclas' body might mean that he manages to throw the Icy Knight off his trail, because I guess the Knight still thinks that he is in Niclas' body. That was clever. As for the choice, I can actually emphasize with his goals, so let's help him for now. Bringing down the wall will be for the best for everyone beyond it, so helping him might help a lot of my favourite characters
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
The sun was starting to set in the west when Prestan sat behind his desk, lighting a candle to continue reading a scroll that had come from Blacktyde.
I understand we’ve had our differences, though your family calls on you once again for your aid. What you did was stupid, no doubting that, you fucked the King’s daughter and then you ran off to the Wall. Throw away your stupid oath and redeem yourself, bring all the ships you can muster and raid south with us!
Pennrod Blacktyde
Lord of Blacktyde.
Prestan sighed, placing the scroll over the candle flame. The tannish paper caught alight, leaving black crisps in its wake as it coursed its way to Prestan’s hand. I swore an oath, father. Something you wouldn’t understand. Prestan felt the heat of the flame reaching his fingers, to which he dropped the scroll to the ground. The burnt roll of paper broke into a pile of ash as it hit the ground, Prestan sucked his burnt fingers. Looking at his pile of notes, he groaned in boredom. Prestan longed to be out on the sea again, he had hoped becoming Commander of Eastwatch would have enabled him that opportunity. Instead, it had left him with paperwork and hard decisions. Prestan stood up, walking over to his small window which overlooked the courtyard. Some rangers sparred, others watched as they awaited to be called for their meals in the mess hall. However, what caught Prestan’s eye was Peter Grassfield standing next a box of cargo. Prestan turned to the door to his quarters, grabbing the knob and twisting it open. To his surprise, another man stood on the other end with his fist ready to pound on the door. The two men stood in silence for a moment, before the other spoke.
“Commander. Peter Grassfield sent me up, he wants your approval for…” Prestan cut him off, pushing through the door. As he started descending the large spiral staircase, the man followed.
Prestan exited the Commander’s Tower with a quick haste, walking into the courtyard where five men stood. All were stewards, except for one. Williem, the only ranger among the crowd, stood with his iron sword in his scabbard. He too was a man from the Iron Islands, with his brown hair and green eyes, a long scar stretched across his left eye. Beside him stood the stewards: Salmon, Pierce and Camoran Hill. Salmon was a skinny man, having short bright red hair and pale skin. He was a fisherman from the village directly east of Eastwatch, which was currently inhabited by Stephas Swyft and his men.
“What are you lot doing?” Prestan asked, direction his demand to Peter Grassfield, who was adding another crate onto the cargo sled. Salmon replied instead.
“Stephas Swyft and his men are demanding food. They raided our fish stalls and the villagers homes. The men and women are petrified, Commander.” Prestan flickered his gaze from Salmon back to Peter, who now looked at him with embarrassment on his face. Prestan narrowed his eyebrows.
“I thought you told me the villagers had been moved…” Prestan’s words were cold and bitter, disappointment lingered on the end of them. Peter shook his head miserably.
“I’m sorry, Commander. We tried to but there was nowhere for them to go, I didn’t think it would have been a-” Prestan’s rage caught the entire courtyard by surprise.
“A problem? Of course it would have been a fucking problem! All the gods know the men of Greenguard are a fucking problem! Now, our fishermen are what? Held captive by them and demanding food?” Peter nodded his head weakly, his left hand rested over the head of his axe. Williem spoke up with an unconfident tone.
“Will we still deliver the food, Commander?” Prestan sighed and looked at the men, whom all stared back at him with blank faces.
“Aye, they will. I want you here. I sent the best of my rangers to Skane, I won’t risk the lives of anymore.” Prestan walked over to Peter, resting his hand on the man’s shoulder. “First sign of aggression and the lot of you get out of there, you hear?” Prestan made sure he got an affirming nod before he allowed the men to leave.
The portcullis rose with a large rattle, as the cold chains were forced to pull up the barred iron gate. Once it was high enough for the men to exit, the portcullis closed behind them. Prestan turned to Williem, who stood with his arms crossed.
“Keep watch. If anything goes inappropriately, come find me.” The man nodded, leaving Prestan alone in the courtyard.
The mess hall was filled with the chatter and laughter of under a hundred men, most of them being stewards and builders. Prestan sat alone this evening, downing his first tankard of ale. The meal in front of him was salted flathead fillets, crumbed and doused in oil. As a side there were lettuce and turnips and potatoes, drizzled in a sweet vanilla sauce. These meals were rarely found in the Night’s Watch, and Prestan should have been enjoying it, though other matters were pressing at his mind. Father, Stephas Swyft, Skane, Hardhome. The list never seemed to end, and he felt his dangers were closest to Eastwatch. Prestan was caught entirely off guard when Maester Dovan approached him from the side. His curly grey hair covered his eyes, and a stubble had started to appear on his face.
“Commander.” He said with great urgency, sitting beside him. Prestan sighed and poured himself another drink.
“How can I help you, Maester.” Prestan observed the concern engraved on the man’s face, which started to trouble him. The Maester pulled a dozen scrolls from his sleeve and presented them to Prestan.
“These were scattered all over the castle, hundreds of ravens dropping them.” Prestain raised an eyebrow, picking up one of the scrolls. He broke the Night’s Watch seal and read the contents. Prestan choked on his drink when he had finished reading the paper.
“Rodrik is naming himself king? This is not good.” Dovan shook his head, in agreeance with Prestan.
“Especially since these letters were dropped over the fishing village as well, Commander.” Prestan raised his eyebrows, feeling his free hand clench into a fist.
“Have Peter and the others returned?” Maester Dovan shook his head.
“No, Commander.” The main doors slammed open, the wind howling into the mess hall. Williem stood at the entrance with shock crawling over his face.
“Commander Prestan!” Prestan shot up from his chair, grabbing his iron sword which rested in its scabbard against the table.
Prestan noticed the rangers were the first to stand from their tables, joining in Prestan’s worried curiosity. As Prestan was nearly at the main doors, the rest of the men had stood up and joined them.
Prestan followed Williem down the large stone staircase, peering up into the night sky. A light glowered off in the distance, a hot burning light. As they descended the steps, there was no missing that the fishing village was alight. The homes fell as the fires ate away at the foundations, the farms smoked as the greenery burnt. Williem led Prestan and the rest of the men to the portcullis, showing a far worse sight. Three wooden spikes displayed the heads of Salmon, Pierce and Camoran Hill. Resting against the spikes was a sign that read: Fishermen burn next. Prestan turned to Williem, whose expression was shocked, devastated, horrified. Maester Dovan made his way through the crowd, his expression showed much the same. Prestan felt the anger burn through his veins, coursing to his heart and turning it black. Williem’s expression matched Prestan’s anger.
“We have to kill the fuckers!” Williem screamed, other men joining him, though Maester Dovan shook his head.
“We have the fort, our defense is strong here. If they try to attack we can easily pick them off.” There was a mutter of agreeance in the crowd. Prestan bitterly shook his head.
“They have Peter…” Prestan’s words were cold and menacing. Maester Dovan shook his head hopelessly.
“I’m sorry Commander, though we do not know if he is even alive.” Prestan’s anger was pushing into his throat, desperately trying to escape and consume everyone around him.
“We can’t let the fishermen die!” A man in the crowd called out.
“They have our ships.” Another called, and many of the other men agreed. Prestan nodded in agreeance.
“Aye, they have our ships. They’re threatening to burn the men and women who keep us fed alive, and they’ll likely get away with it too. We have to act, not sit behind our walls and pray.” The men cheered, though Williem shrugged his shoulders.
“And how are you going to do that, Commander? They have a mass that is four times the size of our own, and they’re all rangers. We only have a dozen.” Prestan unsheathed his iron sword from his scabbard.
“We fight and die, or allow these traitorous bastards to get away with what they’ve done. You may stay here, though I’ll name you as traitors to the black, and once we come back…” One of the rangers shook his head.
“We stand with you, Commander. Just say the word.” Prestan eyed the man, then the rest of the crowd who all seemed to nod. Prestan turned to the Maester.
“Rise the portcullis.” The Maester nodded and quickly did as Prestan commanded, other stewards joined him. Prestan lifted his sword in the air. “Let’s go kill these traitors!” Prestan’s tongue spat fire, which the men drank as fuel. The men cheered, unsheathing their blades.
Eastwatch’s fishing village set a light which stretched for a hundred metres in each direction, making it nigh impossible to stay hidden. Prestan and his small force approached the flaming village, where an equal force awaited him outside the walls of the village. Prestan spotted Stephas Swyft, and beside him was a bruised and bloody Peter Grassfield, his hands bound in fishing wire. Prestan and his men stopped at the edge of the light and darkness, his men wielded pikes which stretched metres ahead of them. Stephas grinned, taking a step forward, one of his men pushed Peter forward - who collapsed to the ground. Prestan felt a fiery anger build up in his chest.
“Commander Blacktyde, so good of you to join us on this… Pleasant night.” Stephas spoke with dark words, a hint of mockery could be heard within them. Prestan formed a tighter grip around the hilt of his sword, staring at Peter.
“Let him go, his intentions not ill met. Let him go and I promise you we can sit and talk this out.” Stephas knelt down and grabbed Peter by the collar, lifting him up. A sick and evil chuckle came from Stephas.
“The time for talking is over, Prestan Blacktyde. Perhaps you should have talked before you decided to take my role.” Stephas unsheathed his greatsword, his grin turned to a sneer. Prestan shook his head.
“Stephas, you don’t have to do this. Be merciful!” Prestan felt so helpless, which was exactly how Stephas wanted it to be.
“The Night’s Watch has fallen, Commander. Those who will not take arms with King Rodrik will fall by his might, like your friend.” Stephas pushed Peter forward, who stared at Prestan with pleading eyes.
Before Prestan could say another word, Stephas’ greatsword pierced through Peter’s stomach. Prestan saw the shock and pain bleed through his face, he screamed an agonising scream which filled the night sky.
“NO!” Prestan found his feet moving without his knowing, and his sword pointed in Stephas’ direction.
His men followed him with a battlecry, their pikes meeting with the shields of the Greenguard’s. Prestan avoided the first sword to come flying past him, dodging out of the way. The black brother turned back to Prestan, side swinging his steel blade.
Prestan parried the attack and sent his fist flying into the man’s jaw. Temporarily knocked back, Prestan lunged his sword into the man’s chest. The leather gave way as soon as Prestan’s metal dug into it. When Prestan freed his blade, it was coated red.
Prestan turned his focus to Stephas, who has retreated back behind the safety of the village walls. Prestan tried to chase after him, though was intercepted by a traitorous brother. The man was large, wielding a hammer in one hand and Peter’s axe in the other.
Prestan gritted his teeth, his hatred made his first move, lunging his sword towards the man’s chest. The brute parried the attack with Peter’s axe, and sent a counter with his hammer, which hit Prestan in the gut.
Prestan staggered back, only just managing to ward off the next attack which came down at his head. Prestan dodged the hammer that came flying down at him, and found himself behind his target. Seeing an opening, Prestan sliced the man’s achilles, causing him to fall to the ground. Prestan finished strike his sword through the back of the man’s head, his body going limp and falling to the ground.
Prestan freed his blade, picking up Peter’s axe with his freehand. He had a clear path to Stephas, who was fighting with one of Prestan’s brothers from the Iron Isles. Prestan charged at the man, yelling his name.
Splitting his attention for just a second, Prestan brought down his axe, which landed against the man’s steel greatsword and caught in a lock. Before Prestan realised the opportunity granted to him, he felt to full force of Stephas’ fist against his right eye.
Prestan fell back, his eye welling up and blurring his right sided vision. He felt his eye beginning to sting, though it did not matter. Realising that he had lost Peter’s axe, Prestan turned to meet Stephas’ greatsword flying down at him. Prestan made the mistake to parry, and his blade broke in half from the sheer force it has encountered. Disarmed, Prestan backed away from Stephas, who wore a dirty wide grin on his face.
“You could have joined me, Prestan. We could have sailed to Hardhome together.” Stephas brought down his enormous sword, which Prestan rolled out of the way from. Securing his hands on a harpoon resting against a fishing rack, Prestan turned back to his foe.
“I would never join you, you traitorous fuck!” Prestan lunged the harpoon at Stephas’ thigh, which to his surprise actually hit. Prestan did not try to free the harpoon, and fortunately his ingenuity saved him from being cut in two.
Prestan crawled towards Peter’s axe, which had been thrown against a picket fence, which had broken as a consequence. At arm's reach, Prestan tried to grab the axe but felt his leg being tugged backwards. Prestan turned, kicking at his opposer, a tall man draped in black. He lifted his sword to bring down on Prestan’s leg, though his attempts were ceased when Stephas’ blade removed his head.
Prestan crawled back to the axe, forming a tight grip around the wooden shaft. Turning back to Stephas, Prestan swung the axe at the man’s chest, which was easily deflected. Prestan attempted to back away, though as he did he felt the cold hand fasten around his neck and pull him back towards Stephas.
Stephas lifted him off the ground, his blood stained teeth formed a grin. Prestan spat into his eyes, pulling a dagger from his belt and sticking it into his side. Prestan received only a groan, before being thrown at the burning house they fought beside.
Prestan felt the hot wood against his leathers, he quickly rolled away from the fires that attempting to burn him. Stephas had removed the dagger from his side, and turned to Prestan.
“You little shit. By the end of this night, you will-” His voice, and the sound of metal singing against metal, was cut off by the thundering sound of an explosion.
Prestan felt the force lunge him, as well as the majority of the men fighting, to the ground. Prestan lifted his face from the dirt, turning to expect Stephas behind him. Instead, he saw Williem and the Maester, who started to drag him away from the fires. Prestan desperately fought against them, wanting to finish his fight with Stephas.
“Let me go! You fucking bastards!” Prestan’s order was obeyed, and he felt himself fall to the ground.
Picking himself up, he saw the collateral damage. Half of the black fleet was alight, and a ship that had been storing oils had caused half the village to explode. Prestan felt his legs were weak beneath him, he searched desperately for Stephas. A mass of black corpses filled the burning village, though Stephas’ was not among them. Prestan’s ship - Blade Wake - had set sail from the village, on board stood the fiery traitor, Stephas Swyft. Prestan felt his legs give way beneath him, he collapsed to the ground. Prestan banged his fists against the ground, letting out a painful scream. I will find you, Stephas. I will kill you.
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comments mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome . Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions!
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
The sun was starting to set in the west when Prestan sat behind his desk, lighting a candle to continue reading a scroll that had… more come from Blacktyde.
I understand we’ve had our differences, though your family calls on you once again for your aid. What you did was stupid, no doubting that, you fucked the King’s daughter and then you ran off to the Wall. Throw away your stupid oath and redeem yourself, bring all the ships you can muster and raid south with us!
Pennrod Blacktyde
Lord of Blacktyde.
Prestan sighed, placing the scroll over the candle flame. The tannish paper caught alight, leaving black crisps in its wake as it coursed its way to Prestan’s hand. I swore an oath, father. Something you wouldn’t understand. Prestan felt the heat of the flame reaching his fingers, to which he dropped the scroll to the ground. The burnt roll of paper broke into a pile of ash as it hit the ground, Prestan sucked his bu… [view original content]
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
I think I enjoyed the most Todd and The Stranger, however wierd it sounds :-P It was different POV than the others, I guess this is the reason.
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV? Hmmm... I think i grew fond of Amathe, same about Skagard the Thenn.
• Least favourite PoV? Rila... :-/ And I did not enjoy so much Jared POV as well, was hard somehow to read it.
• Least favourite non-PoV? Stephas, especially after the finale.
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far? I've enjoyed many of them, but cannot decide on one. The story is having quite a pace and a lot of things was happening in different places at same time. I surely enjoy the dynamics and fights described by you. Like smallfolk in Skane fighting for their land or the hail storm which happened in Todd's POV.
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed? Not applicable... even if some parts were harder to go through, they don't deserve to be called not enjoyable.
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling? I would like to see more of the magic and inexplicable things happening, like with the Stranger. I am curious of his mission and way he was able to possess Niclas body, binding him into a sword.
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon! Looking forward myself, you know why :-)
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comme… morents mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome . Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions!
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
Wow, it has ended definitely too soon! Well, I like The Invasion as well, but TNC is way better - whole plot of it got me, whereas Invasion - I don't know, doesn't do the same (maybe it's that I'm not in that fanfiction from the beggining. Anyway I'm kinda excited with it to return, because you've left us with a lot of cliffhangers, hope the story will get clear in upcoming episode 3 This questionaire is good idea, so I'll try to answer as accurately as I can.
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
It will be no surprise, I suppose that the majority of readers will answer the same - The Stranger. He's definitely the best developed character in your story. Usually I'm not waiting especially for any of POVs - except for those starring my character and The Stranger. Parts with him are definitely the best in the story (not like the other POVs are way worse) - ideal connection of action, mystery, plot twists, and we still don't know what is his exact purpose. Ending of this chapter with him was even better - the whole Icy Knight and body-changing situation is really awesome.
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Of course it's Charles Black ! Not really, he didn't get much attention in any part of the story, even in chapters starring him he was unconscious 2/3 of the time (the situation with the hail, and then this introduction of Icy Knight ;d). At the moment, I'll say it's Odin Umber. I've read parts with him with interest, now with that wildlings plot - well, I wonder what you're gonna do with him (maybe he will join the Free Folk for real? I definitely don't want him to simply just die).
• Least favourite PoV?
I'd say it's Tristifier Oldstark. all of his storyline seems irrelevant to story. Of course I'm not skipping those parts, but this plot seems the most boring by far.
• Least favourite non-PoV?
Stephas Swyft. Die.
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
To start with, all of the Stranger's parts. Next - I liked Skage storyline too, but I felt it was too tangential to whole plot of wildlings marching south or wars in the North. Talking about the North - rising war between Starks and Boltons seems like it wll be very exciting and meaningful to the story.
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I don't know. Like really, I've been reading all those parts, and there wasn't any ones being VERY bad. As I said - maybe Tristifier's story. I don't enjoyed his parts that much, as it wasn't connected with the most important things in your story. Also, I felt Ferraro Sand's parts strange to read (for same reasons as Tristifier), but about that I'm more convinced - Ferraro is rather new character and new POV, so I'll give it time to develop, then judge.
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
I can't tell much about that, because I find your writing very good and nice to read, and I have no objections to your storytelling, as it's very interesting and exciting story, so I'll leave this question open. I'm sure that Liquid is writing you whole essay about it though
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
We should thank you for creating this amazing experience! What can I say - I hope you'll keep The Invasion as good as the Northern Chill is, and well, I wish you got more attention on this story - like I said once, your creation definitely deserves it See you on the Invasion, which I'm looking forward to already!
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comme… morents mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome . Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions!
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
I think I enjoyed the most Todd and The Stranger, however wierd it sounds :-P It was different POV than the others, I guess this is the reason.
The Stranger is likely to be a common choice, and I can see why :P. I'm very happy to here you're liking Todd. Curious, would you say there have been any positives or negatives that stand out with him?
Rila... :-/ And I did not enjoy so much Jared POV as well, was hard somehow to read it.
Rila is completely understandable. She is a sadistic jealous Bolton, so there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't hate her! . As for Jared, interesting. What did you find difficult about him or how I wrote him? Just asking for educational purposes :P
Stephas, especially after the finale.
I think since the finale, a lot of people aren't gonna like Stephas XD.
I've enjoyed many of them, but cannot decide on one. The story is having quite a pace and a lot of things was happening in different places at same time. I surely enjoy the dynamics and fights described by you. Like smallfolk in Skane fighting for their land or the hail storm which happened in Todd's POV.
It's a bit of shame that no one wanted Jorge to go back to Skane. Would have made for an interesting plotline, though that's that. I highly enjoyed writing these parts you have mentioned, and I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed them as such!
I would like to see more of the magic and inexplicable things happening, like with the Stranger. I am curious of his mission and way he was able to possess Niclas body, binding him into a sword.
Don't stress about that, we'll be seeing more magic once the Frozen Army comes about. The Stranger is really interesting and hard to comprehend character, and most of the way he does things is not through the ice magic that Others have. Though through a form of blood magic (all non-canon of course) which he can sap from bodies to regenerate and feed. He's kinda like an Other/Vampire if you want to think of him like that :P.
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
I think I enjoyed the most Todd and The Stranger, however wierd it sounds :-P … moreIt was different POV than the others, I guess this is the reason.
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV? Hmmm... I think i grew fond of Amathe, same about Skagard the Thenn.
• Least favourite PoV? Rila... :-/ And I did not enjoy so much Jared POV as well, was hard somehow to read it.
• Least favourite non-PoV? Stephas, especially after the finale.
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far? I've enjoyed many of them, but cannot decide on one. The story is having quite a pace and a lot of things was happening in different places at same time. I surely enjoy the dynamics and fights described by you. Like smallfolk in Skane fighting for their land or the hail storm which happened in Todd's POV.
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed? Not applicable... even if some… [view original content]
Wow, it has ended definitely too soon! Well, I like The Invasion as well, but TNC is way better - whole plot of it got me, whereas Invasion - I don't know, doesn't do the same (maybe it's that I'm not in that fanfiction from the beggining. Anyway I'm kinda excited with it to return, because you've left us with a lot of cliffhangers, hope the story will get clear in upcoming episode 3 This questionaire is good idea, so I'll try to answer as accurately as I can.
I know! I was really getting into TNC, but I got mentions about The Invasion and worries that it wouldn't ever start up again, so I decided to close TNC off here . Do not stress though, where we left off in The Invasion was pretty early in the chapter, so I will likely just make that story a super long chapter like this one and then come back here once it's done! .
It will be no surprise, I suppose that the majority of readers will answer the same - The Stranger. He's definitely the best developed character in your story. Usually I'm not waiting especially for any of POVs - except for those starring my character and The Stranger. Parts with him are definitely the best in the story (not like the other POVs are way worse) - ideal connection of action, mystery, plot twists, and we still don't know what is his exact purpose. Ending of this chapter with him was even better - the whole Icy Knight and body-changing situation is really awesome.
Yeah, I kind of expected The Stranger to grow on people once I released his ambitions. The current threat on the Wall is the wildlings, but the real threat lies with the guardians of the Wall, which grow hungry. Though I must ask, you say that the other PoV's are much worse compared to him? From my biased view I am inclined to disagree, though I would like to hear your thoughts on the other PoV's, there faults mostly :P (if you have the time!).
Of course it's Charles Black ! Not really, he didn't get much attention in any part of the story, even in chapters starring him he was unconscious 2/3 of the time (the situation with the hail, and then this introduction of Icy Knight ;d). At the moment, I'll say it's Odin Umber. I've read parts with him with interest, now with that wildlings plot - well, I wonder what you're gonna do with him (maybe he will join the Free Folk for real? I definitely don't want him to simply just die).
Ahhh, poor old Charlie. That boy really needs to catch up on his sleep... Though in all seriousness, my apologies for not giving him much screentime. As for Odin Umber, he may or may not be playing a bit of a less boring role in the next chapter to come.
I'd say it's Tristifier Oldstark. all of his storyline seems irrelevant to story. Of course I'm not skipping those parts, but this plot seems the most boring by far.
Yeah, I can't say Tristifer's storyline is quite interesting just yet. He's an honorable man who's wanting to keep his oath to the Watch, yet not realising with all the things happening around him that where he is truly needed is at Ol'Tower.
Stephas Swyft. Die.
Haha, I can imagine Stephas has become a new antagonist in the story for some of you. Especially after killing off Peter, which I'm still waiting for Alikir's response on .
To start with, all of the Stranger's parts. Next - I liked Skage storyline too, but I felt it was too tangential to whole plot of wildlings marching south or wars in the North. Talking about the North - rising war between Starks and Boltons seems like it wll be very exciting and meaningful to the story.
Ahh I see, so your thoughts were the Skane storyline would take heat away from the north. Understandable, the storyline doesn't have much impact and well all know how it ends :P. The Bolton's and the Stark's should hopefully have a highly interesting non-canon war!
don't know. Like really, I've been reading all those parts, and there wasn't any ones being VERY bad. As I said - maybe Tristifier's story. I don't enjoyed his parts that much, as it wasn't connected with the most important things in your story. Also, I felt Ferraro Sand's parts strange to read (for same reasons as Tristifier), but about that I'm more convinced - Ferraro is rather new character and new POV, so I'll give it time to develop, then judge.
Ferraro should be a fairly interesting character, just currently his time in Dorne has been very... Slow. Once we get him to Sandship, it should be a bit more interesting. I just have to make an effort not to make things like Nymeria's War in Dorne, which is highly limiting in some places
I can't tell much about that, because I find your writing very good and nice to read, and I have no objections to your storytelling, as it's very interesting and exciting story, so I'll leave this question open. I'm sure that Liquid is writing you whole essay about it though
Ha! I'm surprised he hasn't already posted! Well, I'm really happy to hear you overall enjoyed the story, even if there are some boring bits to accompany the good bits.
We should thank you for creating this amazing experience! What can I say - I hope you'll keep The Invasion as good as the Northern Chill is, and well, I wish you got more attention on this story - like I said once, your creation definitely deserves it See you on the Invasion, which I'm looking forward to already!
Well, thank you . It means a lot to me that you guys are really enjoying this, because I really wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you guys. It's likely I won't start The Invasion for another week or so, just because study is so heavily packed. I'm working on a recap for the story, so it should hopefully be a bit easier to remember some things because even I have forgotten a lot. As for the audience, well there's not a lot I can do about that XD. Sometimes smaller audiences are better, because I can get more parts done and worry less if not everyone has voted :P.
Wow, it has ended definitely too soon! Well, I like The Invasion as well, but TNC is way better - whole plot of it got me, whereas Invasion … more- I don't know, doesn't do the same (maybe it's that I'm not in that fanfiction from the beggining. Anyway I'm kinda excited with it to return, because you've left us with a lot of cliffhangers, hope the story will get clear in upcoming episode 3 This questionaire is good idea, so I'll try to answer as accurately as I can.
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
It will be no surprise, I suppose that the majority of readers will answer the same - The Stranger. He's definitely the best developed character in your story. Usually I'm not waiting especially for any of POVs - except for those starring my character and The Stranger. Parts with him are definitely the best in the story (not like the other POVs are way worse) - ideal connection of action, mystery, plot twists, and we st… [view original content]
Right, well this is the final vote in TNC, forever... Joking, joking! The Stranger will continue to Winterfell.
Now I did not joke when I say this is the final vote for this chapter in TNC, and it's likely we won't see any more of TNC for about a month or two. However long it takes me to complete The Invasion's chapter. As much as it saddens me to see this postponed for a little while, I am highly excited to get back to The Invasion, and I hope to see you all there!
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fou… moreght to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light … [view original content]
I'll answer to these later because I'm with mobile now and writing something that long would kill my hands My laptop has been a bit laggy past few days (which sadly also slows down the writing of my own stories). I'll get to use my parents PC tomorrow though, so I'll probs go through these questions then
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comme… morents mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome . Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions!
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
I'll answer to these later because I'm with mobile now and writing something that long would kill my hands My laptop has been a bit laggy p… moreast few days (which sadly also slows down the writing of my own stories). I'll get to use my parents PC tomorrow though, so I'll probs go through these questions then
This was a fantastic finale! I did not expect things to escalate that quickly with Stephas and to end that violently, though it made for an amazing read. Can't promise if it is an essay I'm going to write though XD But this part was impressive. The atmosphere was intense, the fight was gruesome and bloody and realistic and I couldn't get enough of it.
After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
Does it surprise anyone when I say Freya? In all seriousness, she was the one that immediately gave me actual feels and I loved how you wrote her so perfectly. Another of my favourites is the Stranger, I think I'm not the only one here. His mysteriousness, creepiness and frankly, his petty evilness that contrasts so well with his good intentions made for a fun read and he is the most intriguing guy in this story. And finally... Rila. I made up my mind and decided that she is my third favourite PoV, even though I hate her at the same time. Unlike the Stranger, she has no good intentions, she is just petty, cruel and plain evil, while still having a bit of a Gryff Whitehill vibe to her, as the least favourite child that desperately tries to impress and fit in. She might be evil, but she's my kind of evil XD
Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Huh... I grew quite fond of Odin Umber in Freya's latest part. He's a complex character and I liked how he bonded with Freya, giving her more respect for those south the wall. Other than that, we haven't seen much of her but Aia seems freaking cool and I can't wait to learn more about her.
Least favourite PoV?
Hard to say, as I somewhat liked all of them. Ferraro seems a bit less important than the others so far, so if I have to name anyone, it's him. I don't dislike him though, but he is the one I find the most meh so far. I'll probably form a more distinct opinion on him once I learn more about him. Also, while she also is my favourite PoV, Rila is simultaneously my least favourite PoV, as I'm oddly ambivalent about her. I love her, I hate her. She's crazy and a psycho and I'm captivated.
Least favourite non-PoV?
Easily Stephas, the fucking bastard. I wasn't expecting him to pull this sort of shit so soon and he has firmly earned himself a place in my hate list. I don't have much else to say. I hate him.
What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
The finale was amazing and definitely my favourite part in the entire story. I think I went into enough detail about that before I answered the questions. Obviously, I also loved Freya's parts, especially the one where Talon took down Odin Umber, a grown man ten times her size. Birds are badass. And I enjoyed the Icy Knight reveal, that was another very memorable moment in this great story.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
Honestly, I loved them all. Some more than others, but there was no part where I ended up being bored or not entertained. Every PoV adds something to the story and this is all I have to say about that. Keep it like that, and there will never be a part I don't enjoy.
Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
Now... this is actually something I am not going to write an essay about. In fact, I will keep this as short as possible. I am unable to give good advice on these topics and I don't feel you need any advice. You're rocking this story! It's your story and I would not dare telling you how to write it, especially since I was greatly entertained so far.
Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
Thank you very much for writing this story, I look forward to see it back
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comme… morents mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome . Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions!
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
Does it surprise anyone when I say Freya? In all seriousness, she was the one that immediately gave me actual feels and I loved how you wrote her so perfectly. Another of my favourites is the Stranger, I think I'm not the only one here. His mysteriousness, creepiness and frankly, his petty evilness that contrasts so well with his good intentions made for a fun read and he is the most intriguing guy in this story. And finally... Rila. I made up my mind and decided that she is my third favourite PoV, even though I hate her at the same time. Unlike the Stranger, she has no good intentions, she is just petty, cruel and plain evil, while still having a bit of a Gryff Whitehill vibe to her, as the least favourite child that desperately tries to impress and fit in. She might be evil, but she's my kind of evil XD
I'm really glad to know you're happy with my representation of Freya. She is by far one of my favourite characters to write in the story. Rila is another interesting character, because as you stated she is very much ruled by jealousy. She is a girl who thinks highly of her family, though not vice versa. She feels neglected, and takes out her pain on mere servants (the girl in the closet) and corpses. She is indeed someone to pay attention to, perhaps a little like in representation of jealousy.
Huh... I grew quite fond of Odin Umber in Freya's latest part. He's a complex character and I liked how he bonded with Freya, giving her more respect for those south the wall. Other than that, we haven't seen much of her but Aia seems freaking cool and I can't wait to learn more about her.
Odin should prove to be an awesome character in the next chapter. He and Freya have created a bond, if only a weak one, where Freya has found some respect for him. So this will certainly be a step-up for him among the Free Folk society. As for Aia, we should be seeing her soon in Chapter 3. I'm currently in the creation of two new PoV's, one in the Vale of Thenn and the other in Skagos. So, if anyone is reading this and looking for places I need characters. Skagos and Thenn are the place.
Hard to say, as I somewhat liked all of them. Ferraro seems a bit less important than the others so far, so if I have to name anyone, it's him. I don't dislike him though, but he is the one I find the most meh so far. I'll probably form a more distinct opinion on him once I learn more about him. Also, while she also is my favourite PoV, Rila is simultaneously my least favourite PoV, as I'm oddly ambivalent about her. I love her, I hate her. She's crazy and a psycho and I'm captivated.
I'm actually really looking forward to Ferraro's storyline, because believe it or not it also ties into the Ironborn storyline. Ferraro will be doing a lot more than just helping out the Martell's in their civil war against the Yronwood's. In fact, we're likely not going to get much screen time on the actual war itself, Ferraro's storyline goes down an entirely different branch. Understandable about Rila, she's a cold hearted bitch to say the least XD.
Easily Stephas, the fucking bastard. I wasn't expecting him to pull this sort of shit so soon and he has firmly earned himself a place in my hate list. I don't have much else to say. I hate him.
It would appear I have succeeded in making an antagonist which you lot want dead. I will say, the ravens did drop hundreds of these letters over all the castles along the Wall, so Eastwatch was not the only place to experience mutineers. We'll see how that plays out next chapter.
The finale was amazing and definitely my favourite part in the entire story. I think I went into enough detail about that before I answered the questions. Obviously, I also loved Freya's parts, especially the one where Talon took down Odin Umber, a grown man ten times her size. Birds are badass. And I enjoyed the Icy Knight reveal, that was another very memorable moment in this great story.
Love writing about Freya, mostly because she is the only warg PoV I have. Her and Talon are awesome to write about, and I highly enjoyed describing Talon's ass kicking moves on Odin. The Icy Knight should be another interesting and complicated part to the story, especially since that will now become Niclas' problem. Speaking of Niclas, he will be an entirely changed man, in spirit and physical form.
Honestly, I loved them all. Some more than others, but there was no part where I ended up being bored or not entertained. Every PoV adds something to the story and this is all I have to say about that. Keep it like that, and there will never be a part I don't enjoy.
I'll do my best! Glad to hear so far you're enjoying it. Hope I can keep that expectation with The Invasion once I get around to starting it...
Now... this is actually something I am not going to write an essay about. In fact, I will keep this as short as possible. I am unable to give good advice on these topics and I don't feel you need any advice. You're rocking this story! It's your story and I would not dare telling you how to write it, especially since I was greatly entertained so far.
Awh, that's a shame. I was hoping to get some nifty tricks that could improve my writing, especially from a great writer like yourself! XD. Maybe Wildling will chuck out some pointers . At any rate, there's always something I can find to improve. For me, I find my difficulties are my grasp on vocabulary and description.
Thank you very much for writing this story, I look forward to see it back
So do I! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful and gruesome journey!
This was a fantastic finale! I did not expect things to escalate that quickly with Stephas and to end that violently, though it made for an … moreamazing read. Can't promise if it is an essay I'm going to write though XD But this part was impressive. The atmosphere was intense, the fight was gruesome and bloody and realistic and I couldn't get enough of it.
After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
Does it surprise anyone when I say Freya? In all seriousness, she was the one that immediately gave me actual feels and I loved how you wrote her so perfectly. Another of my favourites is the Stranger, I think I'm not the only one here. His mysteriousness, creepiness and frankly, his petty evilness that contrasts so well with his good intentions made for a fun read and he is the most intriguing guy in this story. And finally... Rila. I made up my mind and decided that she is my third favourite PoV, even though I hate her at the sam… [view original content]
I'm really glad to know you're happy with my representation of Freya. She is by far one of my favourite characters to write in the story. Rila is another interesting character, because as you stated she is very much ruled by jealousy. She is a girl who thinks highly of her family, though not vice versa. She feels neglected, and takes out her pain on mere servants (the girl in the closet) and corpses. She is indeed someone to pay attention to, perhaps a little like in representation of jealousy.
Yes, jealousy was the word I was looking for! It actually makes her an almost pitiable character. I don't know what it is with me and the psycho, but she left a big impression on me. I'm not even sure if I want her to die or want her to live and by all means she usually should be a character I hate and want to see suffer.
Odin should prove to be an awesome character in the next chapter. He and Freya have created a bond, if only a weak one, where Freya has found some respect for him. So this will certainly be a step-up for him among the Free Folk society. As for Aia, we should be seeing her soon in Chapter 3. I'm currently in the creation of two new PoV's, one in the Vale of Thenn and the other in Skagos. So, if anyone is reading this and looking for places I need characters. Skagos and Thenn are the place.
Perhaps Aia would make a fine PoV. You seem to have planned to have her stick with Kaiden, but now that this won't happen, she could have the potential for a storyline of her own. As for the characters, I don't think I'll be making a Skagosi, they have never been among my favourites. Thenn's are awesome though! Perhaps I will think of something, though there is also an Invasion character I need to write down first
I'm actually really looking forward to Ferraro's storyline, because believe it or not it also ties into the Ironborn storyline. Ferraro will be doing a lot more than just helping out the Martell's in their civil war against the Yronwood's. In fact, we're likely not going to get much screen time on the actual war itself, Ferraro's storyline goes down an entirely different branch. Understandable about Rila, she's a cold hearted bitch to say the least XD.
I'm looking forward for him as well, it was just that so far he was the most uninteresting of the bunch. I'm absolutely convinced this will change once I get invested in his story and once we learn more about him. It was just his start that felt the weakest out of all the characters.
Awh, that's a shame. I was hoping to get some nifty tricks that could improve my writing, especially from a great writer like yourself! XD. Maybe Wildling will chuck out some pointers . At any rate, there's always something I can find to improve. For me, I find my difficulties are my grasp on vocabulary and description.
One thing I forgot to mention is that your writing has developed extremely well! It's amazing how different the recent parts read from the early ones, so your skills in vocabulary and description will get even better over time, I'm sure of that. I actually don't know myself what I'm doing right, so I am unable to give sound advice here, sorry!
Does it surprise anyone when I say Freya? In all seriousness, she was the one that immediately gave me actual feels and I loved how you wrot… moree her so perfectly. Another of my favourites is the Stranger, I think I'm not the only one here. His mysteriousness, creepiness and frankly, his petty evilness that contrasts so well with his good intentions made for a fun read and he is the most intriguing guy in this story. And finally... Rila. I made up my mind and decided that she is my third favourite PoV, even though I hate her at the same time. Unlike the Stranger, she has no good intentions, she is just petty, cruel and plain evil, while still having a bit of a Gryff Whitehill vibe to her, as the least favourite child that desperately tries to impress and fit in. She might be evil, but she's my kind of evil XD
I'm really glad to know you're happy with my representation of Freya. She is by far one of my favourite characters to write in the … [view original content]
Though I must ask, you say that the other PoV's are much worse compared to him? From my biased view I am inclined to disagree, though I would like to hear your thoughts on the other PoV's, there faults mostly :P (if you have the time!).
I didn't mean that other POV's are bad, but there's no other POV I enjoy the same as the Stranger's. It feels so mysterious and exciting, and compared to other characters' stories it seems way more meaningful. I don't want you to read that there are faults in others POV's - it's just Stranger's storyline being too good
Wow, it has ended definitely too soon! Well, I like The Invasion as well, but TNC is way better - whole plot of it got me, whereas Invasion … more- I don't know, doesn't do the same (maybe it's that I'm not in that fanfiction from the beggining. Anyway I'm kinda excited with it to return, because you've left us with a lot of cliffhangers, hope the story will get clear in upcoming episode 3 This questionaire is good idea, so I'll try to answer as accurately as I can.
I know! I was really getting into TNC, but I got mentions about The Invasion and worries that it wouldn't ever start up again, so I decided to close TNC off here . Do not stress though, where we left off in The Invasion was pretty early in the chapter, so I will likely just make that story a super long chapter like this one and then come back here once it's done! .
It will be no surprise, I suppose that the majority of readers will answer the same - The Stranger. He's def… [view original content]
I didn't mean that other POV's are bad, but there's no other POV I enjoy the same as the Stranger's. It feels so mysterious and exciting, and compared to other characters' stories it seems way more meaningful. I don't want you to read that there are faults in others POV's - it's just Stranger's storyline being too good
Oh no, that's completely fine! The whole idea of this is to find where my faults lie so I can fix them! . So don't hesitate if you're holding anything back
Though I must ask, you say that the other PoV's are much worse compared to him? From my biased view I am inclined to disagree, though I woul… mored like to hear your thoughts on the other PoV's, there faults mostly :P (if you have the time!).
I didn't mean that other POV's are bad, but there's no other POV I enjoy the same as the Stranger's. It feels so mysterious and exciting, and compared to other characters' stories it seems way more meaningful. I don't want you to read that there are faults in others POV's - it's just Stranger's storyline being too good
After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
I have to say the Stranger. I think he is just the most unique of all the PoVs and his story feels the most intriguing. Though I must say I kinda enjoy the Ironborn PoV, Jared Pyke, as well for some reason - perhaps that's just me being hyped for everything Iron Islands related atm
Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Well, the one who has stuck to my mind is Odin Umber. There is just something great about that guy.
Least favourite PoV?
Idk, Wayne Cross has not yet really peaked my interest that much. And as someone already said Tristifer feels a bit isolated from the main story. Well, so does Ferraro, but I'm still interested in the Dorne plotline
Least favourite non-PoV?
Hmm, well as people have said, Stephas sure is an asshole, but other than him I don't really know.
What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
Most of the Stranger's parts have been great, that last part with Prestan was very good. And as said I did enjoy that latest Jared part that we got from Iron Islands, and Dorne feels interesting as well.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
Some parts on Riverlands and Reach have felt a bit weird since it's so far from the main focus of the story. However, I'm a total hypocrite on saying that since I have enjoyed the Iron Islands and Dorne
Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
Nothing big really, but I hope you have a plan on starting to tie these stories together at some point. Because the thing I'm really invested in this story is this whole deal with the Frozen Army, so I hope characters like Ferraro aren't going to be loose ends and not have any effect on that part of the story
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comme… morents mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome . Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions!
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
I have to say the Stranger. I think he is just the most unique of all the PoVs and his story feels the most intriguing. Though I must say I kinda enjoy the Ironborn PoV, Jared Pyke, as well for some reason - perhaps that's just me being hyped for everything Iron Islands related atm
Jared Pyke is on of my preferred PoV's, just because of my love for the Ironborn pretty much. So I'm happy to see others who really liked reading about his story. In reference to likely everyone's comments, the story is going slower than I would have liked it to have progessed in chapter 2. Originally, all of this chapter's events were meant to occur in Chapter 1, so that's slowed me down a bit with previous bad choices.
Well, the one who has stuck to my mind is Odin Umber. There is just something great about that guy.
It appears that I might be giving Odin a bigger purpose in this storyline, a lot of people seem to like him over the rest. Perhaps I didn't focus enough of the rest? XD
Idk, Wayne Cross has not yet really peaked my interest that much. And as someone already said Tristifer feels a bit isolated from the main story. Well, so does Ferraro, but I'm still interested in the Dorne plotline
I'm presuming you meant Darrick Cross, and that's completely understandable. Tristifer as well is pretty isolated as you said, though once he gets to the citadel it should start to rise up a bit more. Ferraro's storyline is going to be a fun one for me, just gotta actually get there first so it's a bit boring at current as I've said once finishing the parts.
Hmm, well as people have said, Stephas sure is an asshole, but other than him I don't really know.
Pretty much. Stephas and Prestan have a past, they were both good friends and both wanted to be the Commander of Eastwatch when the position came up after the previous Commander went missing at sea. Prestan obviously got the job, and Stephas' jealousy overcame him, and he nigh immediately requested to get himself relocated to another castle beside the Wall. This was likely the falling point of their friendship.
Most of the Stranger's parts have been great, that last part with Prestan was very good. And as said I did enjoy that latest Jared part that we got from Iron Islands, and Dorne feels interesting as well.
I'm really hoping each PoV will have an interesting part for all of you guys, in a matter of time. It's interesting because I never really thought much of The Stranger as a character, though others like Todd and Julie always struck my interest when writing their part. Of course, I haven't yet shown interesting parts on their sides yet either :P
Some parts on Riverlands and Reach have felt a bit weird since it's so far from the main focus of the story. However, I'm a total hypocrite on saying that since I have enjoyed the Iron Islands and Dorne
I guess that's really the thing. With ASOIAF, the story is spread all over the place, which is very much the aim of TNC. The two main focuses you could say are the threat beyond the Wall, and the ironborn conquest. Hence that's why I needed PoV's in the Reach and Riverlands. Dorne is also (somehow) connected to the ironborn incursion, so that's why that is there.
Nothing big really, but I hope you have a plan on starting to tie these stories together at some point. Because the thing I'm really invested in this story is this whole deal with the Frozen Army, so I hope characters like Ferraro aren't going to be loose ends and not have any effect on that part of the story
The southern stories tie together, and most of the northern stories will tie together. Tying the north and the south together will likely only happen once the Frozen Army are really on threat. Though as I said, there are two main focuses, so the characters will ultimately end up entangled in one or the other. Then of course, one will lead to the next.
After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
I have to say the Stranger. I think he is just the most unique of all the PoVs… more and his story feels the most intriguing. Though I must say I kinda enjoy the Ironborn PoV, Jared Pyke, as well for some reason - perhaps that's just me being hyped for everything Iron Islands related atm
Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Well, the one who has stuck to my mind is Odin Umber. There is just something great about that guy.
Least favourite PoV?
Idk, Wayne Cross has not yet really peaked my interest that much. And as someone already said Tristifer feels a bit isolated from the main story. Well, so does Ferraro, but I'm still interested in the Dorne plotline
Least favourite non-PoV?
Hmm, well as people have said, Stephas sure is an asshole, but other than him I don't really know.
What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
Most of the Stranger's … [view original content]
Hey you guys! So as you lot are well aware, TNC is taking a little (sort of largish) break for now. The chapter is over, and I've chosen to pick up The Invasion where I left it. Now, if you don't know, or remember, The Invasion was my very first fan fiction on the forums. If you're new, or can't remember, do not stress! There is a short recap, about 9 pages, which you guys can look over. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you need some clarification! Otherwise, here it is! The Invasion: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/99062/interactive-got-fan-fiction-the-invasion?new=1
Well, this vote seems to have come to a tie, and I intend to break it. Saving him will lead to a more interesting story down the long term, so I'm thinking Ferraro should attempt to rescue the old man.
They're currently in water, reasonably close to the ship. This was basically a decision asking if you wanted an interesting character introduced or not, and I think he is also mildly important as well for Ferraro's story :P
I'm quickly closing off these votes mainly because I know I will forget if I don't, so apologies if you haven't had time to vote yet. Darrick will choose to take Rose to Raventree Hall.
This should certainly lead into an interesting story line for Darrick, as it will suggest more morals that he may have forgotten in his life of a sellsword.
[Take Alec to Oldtown]
Man, Lord Blackwood surely is a complete jerk.
[Take Alec to Oldtown]
This sounds like a way for Alec to prove himself and considering his earlier talk with Thorn, I think he would appreciate such a chance.
[Take Brock to Oldtown]
[Take Alec to Oldtown]
[Take Alec to Oldtown]
Don't know what it is with these choices which no one ever wants to bastard to go xD
Alright, well I don't think there are any incoming votes so I'll close this one. Thorn shall take Alec to Oldtown. This choice with have it's pros and cons as with all the choices in the story.
Now, I think I'd like to talk with you guys about my plans for story writing. Yesterday I was sent back to that dreadful place where I am entitled to learn things, so my writing has come to a halt. I've already received a handful of assignments as well as some stress in preparation for these upcoming exams. Currently, there are only two more parts left, maybe three, those two being the Stranger and Todd. Once this chapter is over, I'm wanting to revive The Invasion from where I left it and finish that chapter, though which all the loads of assignments that are raining down, it's likely I may need a week or two to get organised. I am currently in the process of making a summary of the story, so it will be easier to catch up or re-jog your memory on what you may have missed or just can't remember. Hopefully this should be helpful for the readers here which perhaps haven't read the story, though I think most of you have :P.
Anyway, so that's just a small summary of what's happening right now. Apologies that my writing has been extremely slowed, not a lot I can do about it. I intend to finish TNC sometime this upcoming weekend if I have time. Once again, this has been an epic journey to have started and I'm glad you guys have joined me with it!
[Take Alec to Oldtown] ,
The Stranger
As the sun set in the west, the Wall became a glowing reflection of light for all of the north to see. Lights danced and fought to secure a position against the darkness that began to creep in from the east. The Stranger stood at the edge of the treeline, miles ahead of him stood the solid oak gate which led to Castle Black. In between The Stranger and the gate was a mile or more of snow capped tree stumps, which had been recently cut from the amount of sawdust that appeared amongst the snow. The Stranger turned around, checking he had not been followed. The Icy Knight was not a man nor a white walker, though something else. The Icy Knight sided with the Frozen Army, and had been tracking The Stranger since he had left the Lands of Always Winter in his frail form. The Stranger lifted his scarred hands, the wounds had healed faster than that of an ordinary man. The Stranger grinned, turning his gaze back to the Wall, the light reflections almost entirely defeated as the sun set behind the Wall. The Stranger took his first step into the snow, revealing himself to the eyes of the watchers on the Wall. When The Stranger took a second, the entity of Niclas Stone appeared in his shadowed formity. His expression was cold though his glare was colder, nothing like the northern chill. The Stranger gave a lopsided grin.
“Nic! How good it is to see you again!” The entity of the bastard looked less than pleased.
“I won’t allow you to pass the Wall, only a true brother can pass through the Wall.” The Stranger’s grin turned into a sneer, he clasped his hands together.
“Well don’t you think I know that, that’s why you’re here.” The Stranger unsheathed Frostbite from his black scabbard. Niclas’ entity lowered his eyebrows in concern.
“What are you doing?” Niclas’ words spoke with worry and concern. The Stranger shrugged.
“Something dangerous, for you and I.” The Stranger sliced his cold scarred hand and placed it on his upper chest, where his lamented heart rested.
Without hesitation, The Stranger lunged the sword into the entity of Niclas’ heart, causing the shadow to break apart. The dark ink coursed through the sword, into The Stranger’s bloody arm until reaching his chest. The Stranger felt the heart in his corpse start to beat, blood flowing through each of the organs in his body, leaving a tingling feeling behind. The Stranger grinned, sheathing the bloody Frostbite back into his scabbard.
“What have you done?” The sound of Niclas’ voice being one with The Stranger’s sent cold chills down The Stranger’s new reliving spine.
“Made us one again! Is it not great to be back?” The Stranger spoke aloud for the silence to hear. The Stranger sighed, and lowered his voice. “Now we can pass through the Wall, with your soul now in your corpse.” The Stranger spoke with admiring and cheerful words, Niclas however lacked the impression.
“You can’t do this! If you pass the Wall, gods know what will happen.” Niclas’ tone was filled with terror and anxiety, The Stranger hushed his voice.
“Easy now, Niclas. All I need is for you to relax, as there is no need to fret. Once we’re done here, you’ll have your body back and I will be on my way. It will be as if nothing ever happened.” Expecting a reply, The Stranger received nothing.
Disenchanted, The Stranger pulled the sentinel horn from his belt and pulled it to his lips. A warm breath left his mouth and sounded the horn, a cold mist appeared at the mouth of the horn as the warm air met with the cold. The single blast was thunderous and powerful, its sound ranging for miles before dying in the winds. The thick oak gate started to rise almost immediately once the horn sounded, The Stranger smirked and continued forwards.
The tunnel to Castle Black was long and narrow, failing to be as straight as the stories told. The Stranger entered the tunnel, and the gate was lowered behind him. A hundred metres ahead stood an iron gate, a murder hole resided above it.
“Hold there! State your name, brother.” The Stranger’s steps came to a halt, his chest beat with impatience and stress, though his expression was calm and warm.
“I am Niclas Stone, First Ranger of the Night’s Watch.” The Stranger spoke with confidence, relying on the living memory of his host to answer the questions presented to him.
The Stranger heard murmurs behind the gates, then a sound of keys unlocking the door. The mass of iron swung open, and out came two black brothers, both with shock on their faces. The men stopped a few metres in front of The Stranger, their expressions showing disbelief.
“First Ranger Niclas, it’s really you.” The man commented, his tone surprised. “You’re still alive!” The Stranger nodded, smiling.
“I am alive, and tired. I require an escort to my quarters immediately.” The man who spoke nodded.
“Follow me, m’lord.” The man turned and entered the gate where he had come from, The Stranger followed.
Castle Black stood tall and true, brothers of the Night’s Watch attending to their duties. The builders worked on the damages that the Maester’s quarters had suffered. Hardin’s Tower stood with a severe lean, a large mess of rubble surrounded the base of the tower. The Stranger covered his eyes when the shining light from the descending sun reappeared to greet him south of the Wall. The Stranger was also greeted by the acting First Ranger Kegan. The man stood with total disbelief, clearly grown attached to his new rise in power.
“Niclas Stone…” He commented, his jaw dropped. The Stranger nodded, extending his bloody hand. As Kegan went to receive it, he halted when he realised the deep gashes on The Stranger’s palms.
“Seven hells! I’ll fetch the Maester, he is now located in the library.” The Stranger held up his hand.
“That’s alright, I just need to rest. Please, just take me to my quarters.” Kegan nodded to the men beside him.
“I’ll go inform your squire that you have returned, and I’ll fetch the Maester as well.” The Stranger nodded, acting too tired to argue. Truth be told, he required all the hands he could muster.
He allowed the two rangers to carry him to his quarters, which resided in a large tower known as the First Ranger’s Nest. The room itself was large, held up by stone pillars. The contents of the First Ranger’s quarters were a large desk, a small armory, a large king sized bed with it’s own ensuite. The Stranger grinned. Niclas, you never told me you were royalty, he mocked, gazing at all the luxuries that would soon be irrelevant.
The Stranger was placed in the large bed, the sheets were made of silk and dyed black. The Stranger nodded to the men, resting his head on the goose-feather pillows that embraced his tired head. The Stranger looked to one of the men, a small and stumped male with a scrunched up face. The Stranger cleared his throat, grabbing his attention.
“Yes, m’lord?” The Stranger grinned, appreciating the sudden royalty he was receiving.
“Tell me, who in Castle Black can read and write?” The man looked at The Stranger with such confusion he worried that his head might implode, the task seemed to be a struggle for him.
“The Maester and his stewards, your squire… The librarians.” The Stranger raised his eyebrows, intrigued by the man’s final mention.
“And, how many librarians are there at Castle Black?” The man looked at The Stranger as if to ask if it were a trick question. He hesitated, counting his fingers and moving his lips as he worded the numbers silently.
“Twelve, m’lord.” The Stranger’s eyes filled with a life that his corpse had never filled with before.
“Very good, bring them here immediately. Your ‘First Ranger’ commands it!” He yelled with a jovial tone, and the man quickly turned and hurried off. The second stood silently, he was a tall and robust figure with a large beard. The Stranger looked him from toe to head.
“I’ve changed my mind, fetch me the Maester. Tell him I want every raven he has with him.” The man silently nodded, turning and exiting the doors to the quarters.
Once The Stranger was alone, he sighed and sat up. He felt his power starting to drain him, making him feel weaker. He unsheathed Frostbite from its scabbard, then started to return Niclas’ soul to the blade. The black ink seeped from The Stranger’s lively arms, which turned pale and deathly as the entity left him and returned to the sword. The once healthy looking Niclas Stone had returned to grim and pale corpse with glowing blue eyes, the stranger in comparison. Once the process was complete, in an instant a furied presence of Niclas appeared in front of The Stranger’s pale glowing eyes. The darkness clouded his head as it did his entire body, like a shadow. His expression read anger, disgust and menace.
“You dare steal my body! Use my soul to pass into the living world and force me back out! I swear the old gods and new, once I am free I will end your despicable and worthless life!” The Stranger’s sneer pierced through the ink shadow like an axe through wood.
“My life ended hundreds of years ago, bastard. You will be free soon enough, perhaps you will even have a chance to stop me before I bring down the Wall.” The entity’s mood swung from hatred to confusion and concern.
“Bring down the Wall, how?” The entity stood tall, his tone naive. “The Wall is more than just a block of ice and stone, creature.” His words spoke with confidence and derision, his inky mouth formed a smirk. The Stranger nodded in agreeance.
“Correct, there is more to the Wall then what meets the eye. Hence why I could not pass the Wall without your help, and why I can’t simply bring down the wall with blood magic. Though there is something, a horn of a sort. Legend says the first king beyond the Wall used it to wake the giants.” The Stranger observed as Niclas raised his eyes, with either shock or surprise.
“The Horn of Winter? Seven hells, gods know that is only a myth…” Niclas’ tone held doubt in his unsure words, which drifted off in the cool winds that breezed through the open hatched windows. The Stranger shrugged.
“When I was a child of the forest, I met with Joramun when I agreed to side my people with Brandon the Breaker. I knew the giants were real, and when Joramun came through the Wall with an army of them by his side, I knew the power of his horn. I will bring down the Wall.” Niclas crossed his arms, his attitude bitter and his eyes aggravated.
“For what reason, creature? The Wall was built by Bran the Builder to keep the Others and wildlings in the north. You would bring it down and cause chaos for the entirety of Westeros.” The Stranger shook his head irritably, standing from the silk covered mattress.
“You’re naivety disappoints me, bastard. The Wall was not built by Bran Stark, though formed by the wraiths in the Frozen Lands. The Frozen Army warred with the undead for a millennia before the First Men ever set foot on Westeros, and formed the Wall once the Great Other was defeated. Now the Blizzard grows hungry, it’s power is connected with that of the Wall. If the Wall is destroyed, so is the Frozen Army. That is why I must destroy it, Niclas Stone.” The Stranger spoke with cold words, his tone demonic and yet melodic.
As Niclas was about to speak, the sound of a thudding on the door to the First Ranger’s quarters caused him to disappear. The Stranger, remembering his hideous appearance from separating with Niclas’ soul, lifted his black hood over his head and walked to the door.
The door swung open, a loud creak of noise followed as the new downward pressure was placed on the door. Outside of the quarters stood fifteen men, twelve being librarians, one was The First Ranger’s squire: Pirrip Beesbury, and the other was Franco Snow - the maester’s steward. Finally, Maester Horden stood with his hands tucked in his sleeves. His body was skinny and frail, and his gowns looked as if they weighed him down to the earth. In his hands was a small cage, with one raven.
The Stranger beckoned for them to enter, locking the door behind them. The group settled down at the First Ranger’s planning desk, which was large enough to seat twenty men. The Stranger stood at the head of the table, the cage of ravens sat in front of him. The Stranger unlocked the cage, picking up the black bird.
“Gentlemen, I have called you here out of urgent matter. When I ventured beyond the Wall, I found the Lord Commander and he gave me this.” The Stranger pulled out a letter from his belt and threw it onto the table. “Maester Horden, if you’d be kind enough.” The old man nodded without hesitation, grabbing to piece of paper and unrolling it. He cleared his throat.
“To my faithful brothers who have served by my side for the many years.
We have been used and betrayed by the Starks for thousands of years, our once great order has been pissed on with criminals, rapists and murders, rather than the honourable men we used to be. Which is why I have come to the decision to request you brothers who agree with me to join me beyond the Wall. I am naming myself king, and will take the fight to the wildlings like the Night’s Watch never have. If you know that the black is dead, then you will join me beyond the Wall.
Rodrik Flint
King Beyond the Wall”
The men stared at each other with blank gazes, waiting for someone to speak up. The Stranger did not allow them that chance.
“You are here, to replicate the message. To which we will send a thousand ravens to fly over all the castles along the wall, and pour down the message to those who will hear.” The Stranger observed the shock and disagreeance clashing with the smirks of agreeance. The Maester shook his head.
“As a Maester of the Night’s Watch, it is my duty to serve my lord, or in this case the First Ranger. Though I must ask, how do you propose to muster a ‘thousand ravens’ to our side?” The Stranger smiled, stroking the feathers on the raven he clasped in his hands.
Nearly all of a sudden, the raven curled up, clearly in pain. It’s feathers pinned back, it’s beak released a deafening screech which filled the quarters. The bundle of feathers and meat disintegrated within The Stranger’s hands, and from the ashes rose a handful young ravens. The men stared with shock in their eyes.
“Start now, and you may be finished by dawn. Whoever fails to complete their share will die, any questions?” The men all stared at The Stranger with blank faces, all but one. Pirrip stood with anger burning in his eyes.
“What you say is treason, Niclas! I am a sworn brother of the Night’s Watch, and I will not-” The Stranger lifted his hand, extending his arm towards the young squire.
The young man went silent, as his face grew pale and the blood vessels burst and streamed from his eyes, nose and ears. The man collapsed to the ground, a mild nerve spasm hit as he landed on the wooden floor. The Stranger turned to the fearful men at the table, feeling stronger and regenerated.
“Get started.” The Stranger spoke with cold and demanding words, and the men quickly obeyed, ducking their heads down and dipping their quills in their ink pots.
The Stranger placed the growing ravens down on the table, which as soon as they grew to their full size they repeated the process that The Stranger demonstrated. He walked across the room, stepping over the fidgety corpse of Pirrip Beesbury. Reaching the window, The Stranger watched as the red sky turned dark, becoming black. The Stranger turned back to the corpse of Pirrip and sighed. I’ll give you a chance, Niclas. Try and stop me. The Stranger walked over to the corpse and placed his cold hand on his bloody face, before everything went black.
The corpse of Niclas Stone rested on the floor beside The Stranger, who had now possessed the corpse of Pirrip Beesbury. The Stranger stood up, feeling stronger and more energetic than his previous corpse had allowed him to be. He turned and walked over to Niclas’ bed, where Frostbite remained in its scabbard. The Stranger picked up the blade and unsheathed it, returning to Niclas and impaling it into his corpse. The transfer started to take place. Good luck dealing with the Icy Knight, my friend. The Stranger turned to his attention back to the table, the men wrote furiously, fearing their lives were on the stakes. The Stranger grinned, his teeth were bloody from the bursted vessels in his mouth. He sneered nonetheless. Now, to stay and watch the mayhem, or to continue with the mission, The Stranger thought, knowing which he would prefer to do.
[Continue to Winterfell] [Remain at Castle Black]
Hey guys, apologies taking so long to release this part. I've decided that I won't do a Todd part as it was not fitting for the finale. Instead, I've decided I'll make a Prestan part though I'm not sure if I will get it finished by tomorrow or not. I hope so because then I can focus, slowly but surely, on The Invasion!
. Once again, sorry for the wait.
[Continue to Winterfell]
[Continue to Winterfell]
God damn it, the Stranger is even more creepy than I thought. I loved the exposition on him, even though I am still not sure what he is. Somehow, you managed to give a lot of answers, while raising a similarly high amount of new questions and I liked that a lot
And well, as much as I hate him, I have to applaud the Stranger for his final move. Leaving Niclas' body might mean that he manages to throw the Icy Knight off his trail, because I guess the Knight still thinks that he is in Niclas' body. That was clever. As for the choice, I can actually emphasize with his goals, so let's help him for now. Bringing down the wall will be for the best for everyone beyond it, so helping him might help a lot of my favourite characters 
[Continue to Winterfell] The Stranger's storyline surely is interesting. I think continuing the mission would be good storytelling-wise.
**[Continue to Winterfell]*
[Continue to Winterfell]
The sun was starting to set in the west when Prestan sat behind his desk, lighting a candle to continue reading a scroll that had come from Blacktyde.
I understand we’ve had our differences, though your family calls on you once again for your aid. What you did was stupid, no doubting that, you fucked the King’s daughter and then you ran off to the Wall. Throw away your stupid oath and redeem yourself, bring all the ships you can muster and raid south with us!
Pennrod Blacktyde
Lord of Blacktyde.
Prestan sighed, placing the scroll over the candle flame. The tannish paper caught alight, leaving black crisps in its wake as it coursed its way to Prestan’s hand. I swore an oath, father. Something you wouldn’t understand. Prestan felt the heat of the flame reaching his fingers, to which he dropped the scroll to the ground. The burnt roll of paper broke into a pile of ash as it hit the ground, Prestan sucked his burnt fingers. Looking at his pile of notes, he groaned in boredom. Prestan longed to be out on the sea again, he had hoped becoming Commander of Eastwatch would have enabled him that opportunity. Instead, it had left him with paperwork and hard decisions. Prestan stood up, walking over to his small window which overlooked the courtyard. Some rangers sparred, others watched as they awaited to be called for their meals in the mess hall. However, what caught Prestan’s eye was Peter Grassfield standing next a box of cargo. Prestan turned to the door to his quarters, grabbing the knob and twisting it open. To his surprise, another man stood on the other end with his fist ready to pound on the door. The two men stood in silence for a moment, before the other spoke.
“Commander. Peter Grassfield sent me up, he wants your approval for…” Prestan cut him off, pushing through the door. As he started descending the large spiral staircase, the man followed.
Prestan exited the Commander’s Tower with a quick haste, walking into the courtyard where five men stood. All were stewards, except for one. Williem, the only ranger among the crowd, stood with his iron sword in his scabbard. He too was a man from the Iron Islands, with his brown hair and green eyes, a long scar stretched across his left eye. Beside him stood the stewards: Salmon, Pierce and Camoran Hill. Salmon was a skinny man, having short bright red hair and pale skin. He was a fisherman from the village directly east of Eastwatch, which was currently inhabited by Stephas Swyft and his men.
“What are you lot doing?” Prestan asked, direction his demand to Peter Grassfield, who was adding another crate onto the cargo sled. Salmon replied instead.
“Stephas Swyft and his men are demanding food. They raided our fish stalls and the villagers homes. The men and women are petrified, Commander.” Prestan flickered his gaze from Salmon back to Peter, who now looked at him with embarrassment on his face. Prestan narrowed his eyebrows.
“I thought you told me the villagers had been moved…” Prestan’s words were cold and bitter, disappointment lingered on the end of them. Peter shook his head miserably.
“I’m sorry, Commander. We tried to but there was nowhere for them to go, I didn’t think it would have been a-” Prestan’s rage caught the entire courtyard by surprise.
“A problem? Of course it would have been a fucking problem! All the gods know the men of Greenguard are a fucking problem! Now, our fishermen are what? Held captive by them and demanding food?” Peter nodded his head weakly, his left hand rested over the head of his axe. Williem spoke up with an unconfident tone.
“Will we still deliver the food, Commander?” Prestan sighed and looked at the men, whom all stared back at him with blank faces.
“Aye, they will. I want you here. I sent the best of my rangers to Skane, I won’t risk the lives of anymore.” Prestan walked over to Peter, resting his hand on the man’s shoulder. “First sign of aggression and the lot of you get out of there, you hear?” Prestan made sure he got an affirming nod before he allowed the men to leave.
The portcullis rose with a large rattle, as the cold chains were forced to pull up the barred iron gate. Once it was high enough for the men to exit, the portcullis closed behind them. Prestan turned to Williem, who stood with his arms crossed.
“Keep watch. If anything goes inappropriately, come find me.” The man nodded, leaving Prestan alone in the courtyard.
The mess hall was filled with the chatter and laughter of under a hundred men, most of them being stewards and builders. Prestan sat alone this evening, downing his first tankard of ale. The meal in front of him was salted flathead fillets, crumbed and doused in oil. As a side there were lettuce and turnips and potatoes, drizzled in a sweet vanilla sauce. These meals were rarely found in the Night’s Watch, and Prestan should have been enjoying it, though other matters were pressing at his mind. Father, Stephas Swyft, Skane, Hardhome. The list never seemed to end, and he felt his dangers were closest to Eastwatch. Prestan was caught entirely off guard when Maester Dovan approached him from the side. His curly grey hair covered his eyes, and a stubble had started to appear on his face.
“Commander.” He said with great urgency, sitting beside him. Prestan sighed and poured himself another drink.
“How can I help you, Maester.” Prestan observed the concern engraved on the man’s face, which started to trouble him. The Maester pulled a dozen scrolls from his sleeve and presented them to Prestan.
“These were scattered all over the castle, hundreds of ravens dropping them.” Prestain raised an eyebrow, picking up one of the scrolls. He broke the Night’s Watch seal and read the contents. Prestan choked on his drink when he had finished reading the paper.
“Rodrik is naming himself king? This is not good.” Dovan shook his head, in agreeance with Prestan.
“Especially since these letters were dropped over the fishing village as well, Commander.” Prestan raised his eyebrows, feeling his free hand clench into a fist.
“Have Peter and the others returned?” Maester Dovan shook his head.
“No, Commander.” The main doors slammed open, the wind howling into the mess hall. Williem stood at the entrance with shock crawling over his face.
“Commander Prestan!” Prestan shot up from his chair, grabbing his iron sword which rested in its scabbard against the table.
Prestan noticed the rangers were the first to stand from their tables, joining in Prestan’s worried curiosity. As Prestan was nearly at the main doors, the rest of the men had stood up and joined them.
Prestan followed Williem down the large stone staircase, peering up into the night sky. A light glowered off in the distance, a hot burning light. As they descended the steps, there was no missing that the fishing village was alight. The homes fell as the fires ate away at the foundations, the farms smoked as the greenery burnt. Williem led Prestan and the rest of the men to the portcullis, showing a far worse sight. Three wooden spikes displayed the heads of Salmon, Pierce and Camoran Hill. Resting against the spikes was a sign that read: Fishermen burn next. Prestan turned to Williem, whose expression was shocked, devastated, horrified. Maester Dovan made his way through the crowd, his expression showed much the same. Prestan felt the anger burn through his veins, coursing to his heart and turning it black. Williem’s expression matched Prestan’s anger.
“We have to kill the fuckers!” Williem screamed, other men joining him, though Maester Dovan shook his head.
“We have the fort, our defense is strong here. If they try to attack we can easily pick them off.” There was a mutter of agreeance in the crowd. Prestan bitterly shook his head.
“They have Peter…” Prestan’s words were cold and menacing. Maester Dovan shook his head hopelessly.
“I’m sorry Commander, though we do not know if he is even alive.” Prestan’s anger was pushing into his throat, desperately trying to escape and consume everyone around him.
“We can’t let the fishermen die!” A man in the crowd called out.
“They have our ships.” Another called, and many of the other men agreed. Prestan nodded in agreeance.
“Aye, they have our ships. They’re threatening to burn the men and women who keep us fed alive, and they’ll likely get away with it too. We have to act, not sit behind our walls and pray.” The men cheered, though Williem shrugged his shoulders.
“And how are you going to do that, Commander? They have a mass that is four times the size of our own, and they’re all rangers. We only have a dozen.” Prestan unsheathed his iron sword from his scabbard.
“We fight and die, or allow these traitorous bastards to get away with what they’ve done. You may stay here, though I’ll name you as traitors to the black, and once we come back…” One of the rangers shook his head.
“We stand with you, Commander. Just say the word.” Prestan eyed the man, then the rest of the crowd who all seemed to nod. Prestan turned to the Maester.
“Rise the portcullis.” The Maester nodded and quickly did as Prestan commanded, other stewards joined him. Prestan lifted his sword in the air. “Let’s go kill these traitors!” Prestan’s tongue spat fire, which the men drank as fuel. The men cheered, unsheathing their blades.
Eastwatch’s fishing village set a light which stretched for a hundred metres in each direction, making it nigh impossible to stay hidden. Prestan and his small force approached the flaming village, where an equal force awaited him outside the walls of the village. Prestan spotted Stephas Swyft, and beside him was a bruised and bloody Peter Grassfield, his hands bound in fishing wire. Prestan and his men stopped at the edge of the light and darkness, his men wielded pikes which stretched metres ahead of them. Stephas grinned, taking a step forward, one of his men pushed Peter forward - who collapsed to the ground. Prestan felt a fiery anger build up in his chest.
“Commander Blacktyde, so good of you to join us on this… Pleasant night.” Stephas spoke with dark words, a hint of mockery could be heard within them. Prestan formed a tighter grip around the hilt of his sword, staring at Peter.
“Let him go, his intentions not ill met. Let him go and I promise you we can sit and talk this out.” Stephas knelt down and grabbed Peter by the collar, lifting him up. A sick and evil chuckle came from Stephas.
“The time for talking is over, Prestan Blacktyde. Perhaps you should have talked before you decided to take my role.” Stephas unsheathed his greatsword, his grin turned to a sneer. Prestan shook his head.
“Stephas, you don’t have to do this. Be merciful!” Prestan felt so helpless, which was exactly how Stephas wanted it to be.
“The Night’s Watch has fallen, Commander. Those who will not take arms with King Rodrik will fall by his might, like your friend.” Stephas pushed Peter forward, who stared at Prestan with pleading eyes.
Before Prestan could say another word, Stephas’ greatsword pierced through Peter’s stomach. Prestan saw the shock and pain bleed through his face, he screamed an agonising scream which filled the night sky.
“NO!” Prestan found his feet moving without his knowing, and his sword pointed in Stephas’ direction.
His men followed him with a battlecry, their pikes meeting with the shields of the Greenguard’s. Prestan avoided the first sword to come flying past him, dodging out of the way. The black brother turned back to Prestan, side swinging his steel blade.
Prestan parried the attack and sent his fist flying into the man’s jaw. Temporarily knocked back, Prestan lunged his sword into the man’s chest. The leather gave way as soon as Prestan’s metal dug into it. When Prestan freed his blade, it was coated red.
Prestan turned his focus to Stephas, who has retreated back behind the safety of the village walls. Prestan tried to chase after him, though was intercepted by a traitorous brother. The man was large, wielding a hammer in one hand and Peter’s axe in the other.
Prestan gritted his teeth, his hatred made his first move, lunging his sword towards the man’s chest. The brute parried the attack with Peter’s axe, and sent a counter with his hammer, which hit Prestan in the gut.
Prestan staggered back, only just managing to ward off the next attack which came down at his head. Prestan dodged the hammer that came flying down at him, and found himself behind his target. Seeing an opening, Prestan sliced the man’s achilles, causing him to fall to the ground. Prestan finished strike his sword through the back of the man’s head, his body going limp and falling to the ground.
Prestan freed his blade, picking up Peter’s axe with his freehand. He had a clear path to Stephas, who was fighting with one of Prestan’s brothers from the Iron Isles. Prestan charged at the man, yelling his name.
Splitting his attention for just a second, Prestan brought down his axe, which landed against the man’s steel greatsword and caught in a lock. Before Prestan realised the opportunity granted to him, he felt to full force of Stephas’ fist against his right eye.
Prestan fell back, his eye welling up and blurring his right sided vision. He felt his eye beginning to sting, though it did not matter. Realising that he had lost Peter’s axe, Prestan turned to meet Stephas’ greatsword flying down at him. Prestan made the mistake to parry, and his blade broke in half from the sheer force it has encountered. Disarmed, Prestan backed away from Stephas, who wore a dirty wide grin on his face.
“You could have joined me, Prestan. We could have sailed to Hardhome together.” Stephas brought down his enormous sword, which Prestan rolled out of the way from. Securing his hands on a harpoon resting against a fishing rack, Prestan turned back to his foe.
“I would never join you, you traitorous fuck!” Prestan lunged the harpoon at Stephas’ thigh, which to his surprise actually hit. Prestan did not try to free the harpoon, and fortunately his ingenuity saved him from being cut in two.
Prestan crawled towards Peter’s axe, which had been thrown against a picket fence, which had broken as a consequence. At arm's reach, Prestan tried to grab the axe but felt his leg being tugged backwards. Prestan turned, kicking at his opposer, a tall man draped in black. He lifted his sword to bring down on Prestan’s leg, though his attempts were ceased when Stephas’ blade removed his head.
Prestan crawled back to the axe, forming a tight grip around the wooden shaft. Turning back to Stephas, Prestan swung the axe at the man’s chest, which was easily deflected. Prestan attempted to back away, though as he did he felt the cold hand fasten around his neck and pull him back towards Stephas.
Stephas lifted him off the ground, his blood stained teeth formed a grin. Prestan spat into his eyes, pulling a dagger from his belt and sticking it into his side. Prestan received only a groan, before being thrown at the burning house they fought beside.
Prestan felt the hot wood against his leathers, he quickly rolled away from the fires that attempting to burn him. Stephas had removed the dagger from his side, and turned to Prestan.
“You little shit. By the end of this night, you will-” His voice, and the sound of metal singing against metal, was cut off by the thundering sound of an explosion.
Prestan felt the force lunge him, as well as the majority of the men fighting, to the ground. Prestan lifted his face from the dirt, turning to expect Stephas behind him. Instead, he saw Williem and the Maester, who started to drag him away from the fires. Prestan desperately fought against them, wanting to finish his fight with Stephas.
“Let me go! You fucking bastards!” Prestan’s order was obeyed, and he felt himself fall to the ground.
Picking himself up, he saw the collateral damage. Half of the black fleet was alight, and a ship that had been storing oils had caused half the village to explode. Prestan felt his legs were weak beneath him, he searched desperately for Stephas. A mass of black corpses filled the burning village, though Stephas’ was not among them. Prestan’s ship - Blade Wake - had set sail from the village, on board stood the fiery traitor, Stephas Swyft. Prestan felt his legs give way beneath him, he collapsed to the ground. Prestan banged his fists against the ground, letting out a painful scream. I will find you, Stephas. I will kill you.
End of Chapter 2: Blood, Sweat and Tears
Credits theme :P
So, finally done. Not for ever of course! I'd like to thank you guys a bunch for sticking around and supporting me and the story. Your comments mean a great deal, and I doubt I'd be here giving this stuff an attempt without you lot, so thank you. You guys are awesome
. Now I've never done this before, but I've seen how useful it's been on Liquid's and Wildling's story, so I figure I'll give it a go. This has been a decently long chapter, so I think it's time I ask you guys a few questions! 
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
• Least favourite PoV?
• Least favourite non-PoV?
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
That was a great fight, and a very good part overall!
Glad you liked it!
[Continue to Winterfell]
I will with pleasure witness how the story of Stranger will develop, staying at the Wall would stop it.
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
I think I enjoyed the most Todd and The Stranger, however wierd it sounds :-P It was different POV than the others, I guess this is the reason.
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV? Hmmm... I think i grew fond of Amathe, same about Skagard the Thenn.
• Least favourite PoV? Rila... :-/ And I did not enjoy so much Jared POV as well, was hard somehow to read it.
• Least favourite non-PoV? Stephas, especially after the finale.
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far? I've enjoyed many of them, but cannot decide on one. The story is having quite a pace and a lot of things was happening in different places at same time. I surely enjoy the dynamics and fights described by you. Like smallfolk in Skane fighting for their land or the hail storm which happened in Todd's POV.
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed? Not applicable... even if some parts were harder to go through, they don't deserve to be called not enjoyable.
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling? I would like to see more of the magic and inexplicable things happening, like with the Stranger. I am curious of his mission and way he was able to possess Niclas body, binding him into a sword.
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon! Looking forward myself, you know why :-)
Wow, it has ended definitely too soon! Well, I like The Invasion as well, but TNC is way better - whole plot of it got me, whereas Invasion - I don't know, doesn't do the same (maybe it's that I'm not in that fanfiction from the beggining. Anyway I'm kinda excited with it to return, because you've left us with a lot of cliffhangers, hope the story will get clear in upcoming episode 3
This questionaire is good idea, so I'll try to answer as accurately as I can.
• After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
It will be no surprise, I suppose that the majority of readers will answer the same - The Stranger. He's definitely the best developed character in your story. Usually I'm not waiting especially for any of POVs - except for those starring my character and The Stranger. Parts with him are definitely the best in the story (not like the other POVs are way worse) - ideal connection of action, mystery, plot twists, and we still don't know what is his exact purpose. Ending of this chapter with him was even better - the whole Icy Knight and body-changing situation is really awesome.
• Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Of course it's Charles Black
! Not really, he didn't get much attention in any part of the story, even in chapters starring him he was unconscious 2/3 of the time
(the situation with the hail, and then this introduction of Icy Knight ;d). At the moment, I'll say it's Odin Umber. I've read parts with him with interest, now with that wildlings plot - well, I wonder what you're gonna do with him (maybe he will join the Free Folk for real? I definitely don't want him to simply just die).
• Least favourite PoV?
I'd say it's Tristifier Oldstark. all of his storyline seems irrelevant to story. Of course I'm not skipping those parts, but this plot seems the most boring by far.
• Least favourite non-PoV?
Stephas Swyft. Die.
• What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
To start with, all of the Stranger's parts. Next - I liked Skage storyline too, but I felt it was too tangential to whole plot of wildlings marching south or wars in the North. Talking about the North - rising war between Starks and Boltons seems like it wll be very exciting and meaningful to the story.
• And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
I don't know. Like really, I've been reading all those parts, and there wasn't any ones being VERY bad. As I said - maybe Tristifier's story. I don't enjoyed his parts that much, as it wasn't connected with the most important things in your story. Also, I felt Ferraro Sand's parts strange to read (for same reasons as Tristifier), but about that I'm more convinced - Ferraro is rather new character and new POV, so I'll give it time to develop, then judge.
• Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
I can't tell much about that, because I find your writing very good and nice to read, and I have no objections to your storytelling, as it's very interesting and exciting story, so I'll leave this question open. I'm sure that Liquid is writing you whole essay about it though
• Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
We should thank you for creating this amazing experience! What can I say - I hope you'll keep The Invasion as good as the Northern Chill is, and well, I wish you got more attention on this story - like I said once, your creation definitely deserves it
See you on the Invasion, which I'm looking forward to already!
The Stranger is likely to be a common choice, and I can see why :P. I'm very happy to here you're liking Todd. Curious, would you say there have been any positives or negatives that stand out with him?
Rila is completely understandable. She is a sadistic jealous Bolton, so there is absolutely no reason you shouldn't hate her!
. As for Jared, interesting. What did you find difficult about him or how I wrote him? Just asking for educational purposes :P
I think since the finale, a lot of people aren't gonna like Stephas XD.
It's a bit of shame that no one wanted Jorge to go back to Skane. Would have made for an interesting plotline, though that's that. I highly enjoyed writing these parts you have mentioned, and I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed them as such!
Don't stress about that, we'll be seeing more magic once the Frozen Army comes about. The Stranger is really interesting and hard to comprehend character, and most of the way he does things is not through the ice magic that Others have. Though through a form of blood magic (all non-canon of course) which he can sap from bodies to regenerate and feed. He's kinda like an Other/Vampire if you want to think of him like that :P.
I know! I was really getting into TNC, but I got mentions about The Invasion and worries that it wouldn't ever start up again, so I decided to close TNC off here
. Do not stress though, where we left off in The Invasion was pretty early in the chapter, so I will likely just make that story a super long chapter like this one and then come back here once it's done!
Yeah, I kind of expected The Stranger to grow on people once I released his ambitions. The current threat on the Wall is the wildlings, but the real threat lies with the guardians of the Wall, which grow hungry. Though I must ask, you say that the other PoV's are much worse compared to him? From my biased view I am inclined to disagree, though I would like to hear your thoughts on the other PoV's, there faults mostly :P (if you have the time!).
Ahhh, poor old Charlie. That boy really needs to catch up on his sleep... Though in all seriousness, my apologies for not giving him much screentime. As for Odin Umber, he may or may not be playing a bit of a less boring role in the next chapter to come.
Yeah, I can't say Tristifer's storyline is quite interesting just yet. He's an honorable man who's wanting to keep his oath to the Watch, yet not realising with all the things happening around him that where he is truly needed is at Ol'Tower.
Haha, I can imagine Stephas has become a new antagonist in the story for some of you. Especially after killing off Peter, which I'm still waiting for Alikir's response on
Ahh I see, so your thoughts were the Skane storyline would take heat away from the north. Understandable, the storyline doesn't have much impact and well all know how it ends :P. The Bolton's and the Stark's should hopefully have a highly interesting non-canon war!
Ferraro should be a fairly interesting character, just currently his time in Dorne has been very... Slow. Once we get him to Sandship, it should be a bit more interesting. I just have to make an effort not to make things like Nymeria's War in Dorne, which is highly limiting in some places
Ha! I'm surprised he hasn't already posted! Well, I'm really happy to hear you overall enjoyed the story, even if there are some boring bits to accompany the good bits.
Well, thank you
. It means a lot to me that you guys are really enjoying this, because I really wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you guys. It's likely I won't start The Invasion for another week or so, just because study is so heavily packed. I'm working on a recap for the story, so it should hopefully be a bit easier to remember some things because even I have forgotten a lot. As for the audience, well there's not a lot I can do about that XD. Sometimes smaller audiences are better, because I can get more parts done and worry less if not everyone has voted :P.
Right, well this is the final vote in TNC, forever... Joking, joking! The Stranger will continue to Winterfell.
Now I did not joke when I say this is the final vote for this chapter in TNC, and it's likely we won't see any more of TNC for about a month or two. However long it takes me to complete The Invasion's chapter. As much as it saddens me to see this postponed for a little while, I am highly excited to get back to The Invasion, and I hope to see you all there!
I'll answer to these later because I'm with mobile now and writing something that long would kill my hands
My laptop has been a bit laggy past few days (which sadly also slows down the writing of my own stories). I'll get to use my parents PC tomorrow though, so I'll probs go through these questions then 
All good, take your time! I'm a bit postponed on my stories currently as well just due to studies.
This was a fantastic finale! I did not expect things to escalate that quickly with Stephas and to end that violently, though it made for an amazing read. Can't promise if it is an essay I'm going to write though XD But this part was impressive. The atmosphere was intense, the fight was gruesome and bloody and realistic and I couldn't get enough of it.
After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
Does it surprise anyone when I say Freya? In all seriousness, she was the one that immediately gave me actual feels and I loved how you wrote her so perfectly. Another of my favourites is the Stranger, I think I'm not the only one here. His mysteriousness, creepiness and frankly, his petty evilness that contrasts so well with his good intentions made for a fun read and he is the most intriguing guy in this story. And finally... Rila. I made up my mind and decided that she is my third favourite PoV, even though I hate her at the same time. Unlike the Stranger, she has no good intentions, she is just petty, cruel and plain evil, while still having a bit of a Gryff Whitehill vibe to her, as the least favourite child that desperately tries to impress and fit in. She might be evil, but she's my kind of evil XD
Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Huh... I grew quite fond of Odin Umber in Freya's latest part. He's a complex character and I liked how he bonded with Freya, giving her more respect for those south the wall. Other than that, we haven't seen much of her but Aia seems freaking cool and I can't wait to learn more about her.
Least favourite PoV?
Hard to say, as I somewhat liked all of them. Ferraro seems a bit less important than the others so far, so if I have to name anyone, it's him. I don't dislike him though, but he is the one I find the most meh so far. I'll probably form a more distinct opinion on him once I learn more about him. Also, while she also is my favourite PoV, Rila is simultaneously my least favourite PoV, as I'm oddly ambivalent about her. I love her, I hate her. She's crazy and a psycho and I'm captivated.
Least favourite non-PoV?
Easily Stephas, the fucking bastard. I wasn't expecting him to pull this sort of shit so soon and he has firmly earned himself a place in my hate list. I don't have much else to say. I hate him.
What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
The finale was amazing and definitely my favourite part in the entire story. I think I went into enough detail about that before I answered the questions. Obviously, I also loved Freya's parts, especially the one where Talon took down Odin Umber, a grown man ten times her size. Birds are badass. And I enjoyed the Icy Knight reveal, that was another very memorable moment in this great story.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
Honestly, I loved them all. Some more than others, but there was no part where I ended up being bored or not entertained. Every PoV adds something to the story and this is all I have to say about that. Keep it like that, and there will never be a part I don't enjoy.
Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
Now... this is actually something I am not going to write an essay about. In fact, I will keep this as short as possible. I am unable to give good advice on these topics and I don't feel you need any advice. You're rocking this story! It's your story and I would not dare telling you how to write it, especially since I was greatly entertained so far.
Thank you very much for joining me on this journey, and I look forward to resuming this story soon!
Thank you very much for writing this story, I look forward to see it back
I'm really glad to know you're happy with my representation of Freya. She is by far one of my favourite characters to write in the story. Rila is another interesting character, because as you stated she is very much ruled by jealousy. She is a girl who thinks highly of her family, though not vice versa. She feels neglected, and takes out her pain on mere servants (the girl in the closet) and corpses. She is indeed someone to pay attention to, perhaps a little like in representation of jealousy.
Odin should prove to be an awesome character in the next chapter. He and Freya have created a bond, if only a weak one, where Freya has found some respect for him. So this will certainly be a step-up for him among the Free Folk society. As for Aia, we should be seeing her soon in Chapter 3. I'm currently in the creation of two new PoV's, one in the Vale of Thenn and the other in Skagos. So, if anyone is reading this and looking for places I need characters. Skagos and Thenn are the place.
I'm actually really looking forward to Ferraro's storyline, because believe it or not it also ties into the Ironborn storyline. Ferraro will be doing a lot more than just helping out the Martell's in their civil war against the Yronwood's. In fact, we're likely not going to get much screen time on the actual war itself, Ferraro's storyline goes down an entirely different branch. Understandable about Rila, she's a cold hearted bitch to say the least XD.
It would appear I have succeeded in making an antagonist which you lot want dead. I will say, the ravens did drop hundreds of these letters over all the castles along the Wall, so Eastwatch was not the only place to experience mutineers. We'll see how that plays out next chapter.
Love writing about Freya, mostly because she is the only warg PoV I have. Her and Talon are awesome to write about, and I highly enjoyed describing Talon's ass kicking moves on Odin. The Icy Knight should be another interesting and complicated part to the story, especially since that will now become Niclas' problem. Speaking of Niclas, he will be an entirely changed man, in spirit and physical form.
I'll do my best! Glad to hear so far you're enjoying it. Hope I can keep that expectation with The Invasion once I get around to starting it...
Awh, that's a shame. I was hoping to get some nifty tricks that could improve my writing, especially from a great writer like yourself! XD. Maybe Wildling will chuck out some pointers
. At any rate, there's always something I can find to improve. For me, I find my difficulties are my grasp on vocabulary and description.
So do I! Thank you for being a part of this wonderful and gruesome journey!
Yes, jealousy was the word I was looking for! It actually makes her an almost pitiable character. I don't know what it is with me and the psycho, but she left a big impression on me. I'm not even sure if I want her to die or want her to live and by all means she usually should be a character I hate and want to see suffer.
Perhaps Aia would make a fine PoV. You seem to have planned to have her stick with Kaiden, but now that this won't happen, she could have the potential for a storyline of her own. As for the characters, I don't think I'll be making a Skagosi, they have never been among my favourites. Thenn's are awesome though! Perhaps I will think of something, though there is also an Invasion character I need to write down first
I'm looking forward for him as well, it was just that so far he was the most uninteresting of the bunch. I'm absolutely convinced this will change once I get invested in his story and once we learn more about him. It was just his start that felt the weakest out of all the characters.
One thing I forgot to mention is that your writing has developed extremely well! It's amazing how different the recent parts read from the early ones, so your skills in vocabulary and description will get even better over time, I'm sure of that. I actually don't know myself what I'm doing right, so I am unable to give sound advice here, sorry!
I didn't mean that other POV's are bad, but there's no other POV I enjoy the same as the Stranger's. It feels so mysterious and exciting, and compared to other characters' stories it seems way more meaningful. I don't want you to read that there are faults in others POV's - it's just Stranger's storyline being too good
Oh no, that's completely fine! The whole idea of this is to find where my faults lie so I can fix them!
. So don't hesitate if you're holding anything back 
After these two chapters, who’s become your favourite PoV?
I have to say the Stranger. I think he is just the most unique of all the PoVs and his story feels the most intriguing. Though I must say I kinda enjoy the Ironborn PoV, Jared Pyke, as well for some reason - perhaps that's just me being hyped for everything Iron Islands related atm
Who’s your favourite non-PoV?
Well, the one who has stuck to my mind is Odin Umber. There is just something great about that guy.
Least favourite PoV?
Idk, Wayne Cross has not yet really peaked my interest that much. And as someone already said Tristifer feels a bit isolated from the main story. Well, so does Ferraro, but I'm still interested in the Dorne plotline
Least favourite non-PoV?
Hmm, well as people have said, Stephas sure is an asshole, but other than him I don't really know.
What have been your favourite parts/moments been in this story so far?
Most of the Stranger's parts have been great, that last part with Prestan was very good. And as said I did enjoy that latest Jared part that we got from Iron Islands, and Dorne feels interesting as well.
And which parts/moments have you not enjoyed?
Some parts on Riverlands and Reach have felt a bit weird since it's so far from the main focus of the story. However, I'm a total hypocrite on saying that since I have enjoyed the Iron Islands and Dorne
Do you have any advice to give on the writing or storytelling?
Nothing big really, but I hope you have a plan on starting to tie these stories together at some point. Because the thing I'm really invested in this story is this whole deal with the Frozen Army, so I hope characters like Ferraro aren't going to be loose ends and not have any effect on that part of the story
Jared Pyke is on of my preferred PoV's, just because of my love for the Ironborn pretty much. So I'm happy to see others who really liked reading about his story. In reference to likely everyone's comments, the story is going slower than I would have liked it to have progessed in chapter 2. Originally, all of this chapter's events were meant to occur in Chapter 1, so that's slowed me down a bit with previous bad choices.
It appears that I might be giving Odin a bigger purpose in this storyline, a lot of people seem to like him over the rest. Perhaps I didn't focus enough of the rest? XD
I'm presuming you meant Darrick Cross, and that's completely understandable. Tristifer as well is pretty isolated as you said, though once he gets to the citadel it should start to rise up a bit more. Ferraro's storyline is going to be a fun one for me, just gotta actually get there first so it's a bit boring at current as I've said once finishing the parts.
Pretty much. Stephas and Prestan have a past, they were both good friends and both wanted to be the Commander of Eastwatch when the position came up after the previous Commander went missing at sea. Prestan obviously got the job, and Stephas' jealousy overcame him, and he nigh immediately requested to get himself relocated to another castle beside the Wall. This was likely the falling point of their friendship.
I'm really hoping each PoV will have an interesting part for all of you guys, in a matter of time. It's interesting because I never really thought much of The Stranger as a character, though others like Todd and Julie always struck my interest when writing their part. Of course, I haven't yet shown interesting parts on their sides yet either :P
I guess that's really the thing. With ASOIAF, the story is spread all over the place, which is very much the aim of TNC. The two main focuses you could say are the threat beyond the Wall, and the ironborn conquest. Hence that's why I needed PoV's in the Reach and Riverlands. Dorne is also (somehow) connected to the ironborn incursion, so that's why that is there.
The southern stories tie together, and most of the northern stories will tie together. Tying the north and the south together will likely only happen once the Frozen Army are really on threat. Though as I said, there are two main focuses, so the characters will ultimately end up entangled in one or the other. Then of course, one will lead to the next.
Hey you guys! So as you lot are well aware, TNC is taking a little (sort of largish) break for now. The chapter is over, and I've chosen to pick up The Invasion where I left it. Now, if you don't know, or remember, The Invasion was my very first fan fiction on the forums. If you're new, or can't remember, do not stress! There is a short recap, about 9 pages, which you guys can look over. Don't hesitate to send me a PM if you need some clarification! Otherwise, here it is! The Invasion: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/99062/interactive-got-fan-fiction-the-invasion?new=1