The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • There has been billions of years of evolutionary advancement, then you have Megan the cancerous fuck from Australia.

  • I'm Australian and I don't get what you're saying.

    There has been billions of years of evolutionary advancement, then you have Megan the cancerous fuck from Australia.

  • Recently being in the forum just depresses me. I mean, yeah I still see funny stuff every now and again but I see people arguing, bitching and moaning, trolling and just being negative peeps more than anything.

    Hopefully the forum sorts itself out soon or when the Batman game is released :/

  • Well, Kasich is out as well, Trump is the last Republican standing.

    Ugh, it pains me to say this, but it looks like I'm voting Trump in November.

    Make America Great Again

  • Yo, we have new TftB avatars!

    Still waiting for that Asher tho... :(

  • edited May 2016

    I think it'd be surprisingly stressful.

    Must be peaceful working in a library.

  • Lord, this election is a shit show.

    Well, Kasich is out as well, Trump is the last Republican standing.

  • They're fantastic.

    I'm just waiting for an Oak or Randall one.

    Pipas posted: »

    Yo, we have new TftB avatars! Still waiting for that Asher tho...

  • Hey telltale members, you all look gorgeous today <3

    have a nice day xxx




    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Almost finished with RWBY (my first anime, lol)

  • Me as well. Care to explain?

    There has been billions of years of evolutionary advancement, then you have Megan the cancerous fuck from Australia.

  • It's very self-explanatory.

    Me as well. Care to explain?

  • There has been billions of years of evolutionary advancement, then you have Megan the cancerous fuck from Australia.

    I'm Australian and I don't get what you're saying.

  • I approve this. It hits just the right notes of non-condescending and just plain nice without being overly positive. Thanks, buddy.

    Hey telltale members, you all look gorgeous today have a nice day xxx

  • Hey telltale members, you all look gorgeous today have a nice day xxx

  • ive been playing fallout 4 and found that automatron robots you make yourself can be assigned to gardens im really glad that i can do this because many people died at the castle in the last attack and i had no one tending the gardens i never knew sentry bots could be good for something other than warfare

  • Clearly not to me, else I would have understood it. I fail to see the correlation between "Megan" and "cancerous fuck from Australia".

    I feel as if there is something here that I am completely unaware of.

    It's very self-explanatory.

  • edited May 2016

    Finals are now over, my first year of college is officially complete, my roommate has moved out, and I have the room to myself for the next 24 hours. You know what that means?

    enter image description here

  • Megan is her name, therefore she is the cancerous, Australian fuck in question.

    Clearly not to me, else I would have understood it. I fail to see the correlation between "Megan" and "cancerous fuck from Australia". I feel as if there is something here that I am completely unaware of.

  • Nope, sorry. Not ringing any bells.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Megan is her name, therefore she is the cancerous, Australian fuck in question.

  • edited May 2016

    enter image description here

    Well, Kasich is out as well, Trump is the last Republican standing.


    So i'm going to celebrate by setting the world record for most jacksepticeye videos watched within a five hour period.

  • No school today, and college semester is coming to a close for now. Now I only need money and Wi-Fi and life would be sooo good.

  • Well, it looks like Gramps isn't going to make it. Got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday and took a sharp turn for the worst today.

    My mom is flying up to see him, but I've got to stay down here and do fucking finals. Shit blows. :(

  • edited May 2016

    I'm sorry to hear Max. I lost someone recently too. :(

    It's a shame these sort of events occur at times when we're the most busy.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, it looks like Gramps isn't going to make it. Got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday and took a sharp turn for the worst today. My mom is flying up to see him, but I've got to stay down here and do fucking finals. Shit blows.

  • Who wants to watch me own noobs in The Last of Us? It's a 15 min vid, but it's still very good. :)

    enter link description here

  • edited May 2016

    Ranting aside, Overwatch has open-beta until May 9.

    Play while you can! It's a totally fun game.

  • I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry you can't go and see him. My prayers are with him.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, it looks like Gramps isn't going to make it. Got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday and took a sharp turn for the worst today. My mom is flying up to see him, but I've got to stay down here and do fucking finals. Shit blows.

  • sorry to hear it i lost my gran last year to cancer so i know how you feel my prayers go out to him

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, it looks like Gramps isn't going to make it. Got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday and took a sharp turn for the worst today. My mom is flying up to see him, but I've got to stay down here and do fucking finals. Shit blows.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited May 2016

    Thanks guys, shitty situation, so it means a lot.

    His quality of life has taken a nosedive over the last few years, so a dignified, comfortable passing is mercy at this point. I wish I could see him, but Grandpa was raised poor and saw education as a precious privilege. He probably wouldn't want me bugging out on finals to watch him go.

    I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry you can't go and see him. My prayers are with him.

  • I just saw Civil War last night, and that movie was friggin incredible. Prior to seeing the Avengers in 2012, I wasn't really much of a comic book movie type of guy, but the MCU movies/Netflix shows are pretty awesome all around.

  • edited May 2016

    Currently making Gelatine without my Mom knowing, she sometimes doesn't like me touching things (since I sometimes break them, lol)

    So, I'm currently going to refrigerate the mix and I'll let you guys know if my custom recipe was a success. . . or not.

  • I'm really sorry to hear it, I lost my grandma last year when we were abroad so I know how it feels.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Well, it looks like Gramps isn't going to make it. Got diagnosed with pneumonia yesterday and took a sharp turn for the worst today. My mom is flying up to see him, but I've got to stay down here and do fucking finals. Shit blows.

  • The new greatest Gif.

    enter image description here

  • Ah, TLoU. One of the very few games I make an effort in when playing. Usually I fuck around and just hope to get lucky, but this game...

    Who wants to watch me own noobs in The Last of Us? It's a 15 min vid, but it's still very good. enter link description here

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2016

    In the theater for Captain America: Civil War, so uh this should be cool.

    Had some Chipotle, line for popcorn too big, so uh yeah.

  • It's gonna be super awesome. Hope you enjoy the movie.

    In the theater for Captain America: Civil War, so uh this should be cool. Had some Chipotle, line for popcorn too big, so uh yeah.

  • I will check nothing from a man called "InnerFedora".

    InnerFedora posted: »

    Check out my thread about artists (:

  • Custom? What did you put in it?

    (Mmmmmm.... habañero Jello....)

    Currently making Gelatine without my Mom knowing, she sometimes doesn't like me touching things (since I sometimes break them, lol) So, I

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