The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited May 2016

    It was this moment I was born many years ago.

    Also coincidentally the moment when the world got a lot better.

  • Happy Birthday, Traci Lords. I liked you in... uh. The Tommyknockers.

    It was this moment I was born many years ago. Also coincidentally the moment when the world got a lot better.

  • I just looked at what Australia's 2016 Budget involved. What the hell happened to the budget emergency?

  • Happy day of birth!

    It was this moment I was born many years ago. Also coincidentally the moment when the world got a lot better.

  • edited May 2016


    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    No_username posted: »

    And what is that?

  • I was on my Tablet in school yesterday playing Wolf Among Us, and totally forgot about the Pudding n' Pie scene.

    I am so glad I sit in the back of the class.

  • Those awkward moments

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    I was on my Tablet in school yesterday playing Wolf Among Us, and totally forgot about the Pudding n' Pie scene. I am so glad I sit in the back of the class.

  • I'm a bit late, but eh... Happy Birthday, InGen! :D

    It was this moment I was born many years ago. Also coincidentally the moment when the world got a lot better.

  • I love Spoole trying to get in on the action.


  • Good luck with your bff, they can be challenging at first.

    So in the 24 hours I've been home from college, I've unpacked everything, saw Captain America Civil War, took in a foster dog, had Bratwurst

  • A few months ago I signed up for some free seeds as part of a bee initiative thing, I was lucky to get some because there weren't enough for everyone so I had to plant them- which led to buying compost, which led to buying seeds, which led to fruit and veg, which led to me becoming my mother.

    Everything is planted in "hippy pots", bits of rubbish, recycling bins old broken fruit trays from the back of the corner shop that type of thing, and they're actually growing !

  • This dog has been a handful so far that's for sure, and it doesn't help that we own another, much smaller, dog that already has a tough time getting along with other dogs, especially ones bigger than her, and is insanely jealous. But he's been fine for the most part, but he is a bit scared around people.

    Good luck with your bff, they can be challenging at first.

  • Its sad that hes scared, it important that you introdce him to as many people as possible early, I mean different heights, ages, ethnicities just because down the line when he perks up and you foret about the anxiety he might see someone that reminds him of his past and freak out, if you know what types people trigger him it will make things easier.

    This dog has been a handful so far that's for sure, and it doesn't help that we own another, much smaller, dog that already has a tough time

  • he might see someone that reminds him of his past and freak out, if you know what types people trigger him it will make things easier.

    Funny, we learned one of those triggers yesterday, people wearing baseball hats, or any hat in general. A friend of my mom, who's been helping with this dog, came over wearing a hat, the dog freaked out, started shaking and cowering. Once she took the hat off, the dog was fine. I came back from the baseball game, wearing a hat, and the dog didn't want to be around me. So now we know not to wear hats around this dog, it definitely seemed to trigger something inside of him.

    Its sad that hes scared, it important that you introdce him to as many people as possible early, I mean different heights, ages, ethnicities

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I know it's a bit late but

    Happy Birthday :D

    It was this moment I was born many years ago. Also coincidentally the moment when the world got a lot better.

  • She's almost 40. She knows who Luke and R2 are, and Leia, and knows vaguely of Han's existence. My dad and I were watching The Force Awakens, and even after we explained who everyone was, she thought Poe was Luke and BB-8 was R2's son... Because that's possible...

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    If you're 15, your mom should be in her 30s or 40s, maybe 50s. I can't imagine someone that age not knowing about Star Wars.

  • What does it involve?

    I just looked at what Australia's 2016 Budget involved. What the hell happened to the budget emergency?

  • which led to me becoming my mother.

    Happy Mother's Day!

    A few months ago I signed up for some free seeds as part of a bee initiative thing, I was lucky to get some because there weren't enough for

  • Who wouldn't if it's between James and Bruce?

    I love Spoole trying to get in on the action.

  • Mainly, plenty of tax cuts across middle income families and small businesses, and a bunch of spending in other areas: namely employment progammmes and constructing new infastructure. All of this in spite of what Abbott said only last year, in that we were in the midst of a budget emergency. The Liberal Party keeps on going on and on about how the Australian Labor Party's rampant spending under Rudd and Gillard got us into this mess, and yet we have them supposedly about to do exactly what they did! Unless, of course, they pull a full 180 down the line.

    Then again, this IS an election year.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    What does it involve?

  • Late, but Happy Belated Birthday!

    It was this moment I was born many years ago. Also coincidentally the moment when the world got a lot better.

  • Started work experience today and am currently on my lunch break. Since I'm working in customer service, I've spent most of the morning listening in on the calls taken and seeing how things are done.

  • Just started watching Rick and Morty.

    This show is both strange and endearing... a truly bizarre combination of (actually funny) dark humor, sci-fi insanity, pop-culture references, and heartfelt moments. There's certain similarities to pre-Season 4 Community that made the show all the more awesome to me (this was before discovering Dan Harmon was the co-creator).

  • What took you so long that shows wubbalubbadubdub beeyotch

    Just started watching Rick and Morty. This show is both strange and endearing... a truly bizarre combination of (actually funny) dark hum

  • I am in great pain, please help me. ;(

    What took you so long that shows wubbalubbadubdub beeyotch

  • The first 2 were alright but the Italian one caught me off guard.

    enter link description here

  • When I was a kid, I thought Krokus was a cover band. All their hits were covers.

  • edited May 2016

    Okay, so before I start, spare your torches and pitchforks cuz I know much hate this series gets here, but I like to share my thoughts about this one little thing. I was watching youtube vids, going on Markiplier's channel I stumbled across a fan game. It had me intrigued so I looked it up. Here's the trailer of it at least.

    The Joy of Creation

    An FNAF fan game. One that really stands out to me, something that sets it apart from the other fan games. Now I was never a big fan of the series nor hated it, just midly interested. But this fan game has definitely brought my attention. It uses Unreal engine and actually made me tense a bit as Markiplier tried to survive and avoid Freddy (freaking terrifying how fast he runs). It's only an alpha as of right now and it's free roam. Something I felt the original series was lacking with potential. In one preview game of this project it plays in similar manner to the original (not the official gameplay, as I said it's free roam) but is in an office, and you discover that you're playing Scott himself (the creator of FNAF) and the animatronics are after him now. There's a story mode and several bonus modes where you collect items and it all takes place in every floor of the house. This is the first time I've actually been quite intrigued to this extent with the series and I'm interested in how it will end up in the end.

  • edited May 2016

    I was asleep on my bed dreaming of myself in Alexandria with TWD cast. Talking to Carl who's at the door after saving him from a lazy, pirate Negan (he was in red, white and blue and wore a beret! with Jeffrey Morgan's face. Oh an Carl was tied to a chair. It was super cheesy), suddenly I see something at the corner of my and sees a walker running up to me while hearing a loud scream in my left ear. I woke up as I back handed the stereo to the left of me, the cause of the screaming sound came from a commercial. I woke up my brother when I whacked the stereo. xD

  • That's cool! I'll have to watch that later.

    Okay, so before I start, spare your torches and pitchforks cuz I know much hate this series gets here, but I like to share my thoughts about


  • sorry for caps, I was really happy, I am actully in the 2% percentile...


    _BEARZZ_ posted: »


  • edited May 2016

    Einstein was supposedly 160. By that comparison, you are one sharp tool.

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »

    sorry for caps, I was really happy, I am actully in the 2% percentile... BOW BEFORE MY GENIUS

  • EUGH SLEEP PARALYSIS RETURNED LAST NIGHT! And it wasn't even scary (The dream part)! The fact that I couldn't move or talk was still scary nonetheless :D

  • edited May 2016

    Gah, sleep paralysis has happened to me countless times man. It is fucking annoying. The worst part about it is that it always feels like you're suffocating!

    And for me, whenever I attempt to go back to sleep after getting out of it, I immediately go back into the paralysis

    EUGH SLEEP PARALYSIS RETURNED LAST NIGHT! And it wasn't even scary (The dream part)! The fact that I couldn't move or talk was still scary nonetheless

  • It sucks, but unfortunately I can't fall asleep on anywhere but my back unless I'm super tired, since apparently sleeping on your back is part of it.

    Gah, sleep paralysis has happened to me countless times man. It is fucking annoying. The worst part about it is that it always feels like yo

  • Ugh... I had it while I was on this one medication. Always happend while I was sleeping on my side. I swear every time there was something breathing heavily above my head.

    It sucks, but unfortunately I can't fall asleep on anywhere but my back unless I'm super tired, since apparently sleeping on your back is part of it.

  • My results were 147 then 149 and my careers include Fast Food and Grocery Stores.

    I'm just throwing that out there. We're not all changing the world.

    _BEARZZ_ posted: »


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