Cleganebowl Confirmed! Get Hype!
Also, Arya mentioned the Hound and how she regrets 'killing' him.
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Also, Arya mentioned the Hound and how she regrets 'killing' him.
It was confirmed when the role of Ian Mc Shane was revealed. I mean, come on, they cut so many importants characters and cast Septon Meribald, there should be a reason about it. :')
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Episode 7 is called 'The Broken Man', a speech by Septon Meribald/Elder Brother and who else is a broken man....
It should be called Dogfight instead.
Okay, I dont like the Mountain or the Hound so I care not to see any of them ever again.
That said, why are people hyped about a fight between them anyway? The Mountain is not the Mountain anymore. He's a zombie. Killing him when he wouldnt even recognize The Hound probably, would feel hollow.
Because, get hype.
In all honesty they are two of the best fighters living in the Seven Kingdoms at the moment (maybe throw in Brienne too) and the backstory with Gregor burning Sandor's face as a kid has set up a great rivalry that still hasn't been resolved.
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man that was awesome! lmao
I thought you hated cersei, if she looses she is marked for death?
Do you like any characters that are remotely complex or morally questionable? Dont you realise the show would be dull with just people like Jon snow, Davos and Brienne
Must. Resist. Posting. Hype.
Wait what is this about? Is the hound still alive? Please tell me he's still alive O_O
It's not confirmed, but there is a booktheory about him being a certain gravedigger. And what comes to the show, well, his death was never shown and there have been rumors of his return this season.
This is why I need to read the books.
Yes, I hate Cercei. I dont see your point. This is about the Hound fighting someone who is not his brother anymore.
I dont have to like anyone just because they are morally questionable, and so more interesting. I like who I like based on their actions, their intentions, and how entertaining they are to me. It doesnt mean I want the show to be just full of good people. I can still enjoy it as I do, and not love every character. Besides, The Mountain was not morally questionable. He was pure evil.
Thats my point. Its not going to be resolved if Hound is just fighting an empty shell. I cant imagine he would get any real satisfaction out of it.
I guess there is a certain irony to it. These two finally get to face each other in a fight to death, but both of them have changed so much (I assume Sandor Clegane will return as a changed man) that it doesn't have the same meaning it would have once had. If Cleganebowl happens, the main focus of it won't be Sandor getting his revenge, but Cersei either winning or losing the trial.
Join the Hypetrain. First stop Bastardbowl second stop Cleganebowl. Choo choo motherfuckas.
Clegane Bowl Baby!
Read the books friend. You'll be blown away at what you're missing out on.
I'm positive the Gravedigger on the Quiet Isle is Sandor Clegane. His horse Stranger is also there, and in the books it's explicitly stated that Sandor is the ONLY one who can control him (he bites, kicks, other warhorse shit), and that the path you must follow through the saltflats to reach the Quiet Isle is tricksy as shit.
Therefore Sandor must have brought Stranger to the island, or at the very least, was in the party when Stranger was brought there.
NOTE: This post is a fanfiction by someone very hyped who imagines witnessing the magnificence of the Cleganebowl as an extra. Don't get your hype in a twist. Taken from Reddit /r/cleganebowl.
I was an extra on the show in the audience at CleganeBowl. I'm posting this on an internet forum so you know I am telling the truth and what I say is 100% accurate just like all leaks. So heres what I saw:
Cersei requested trial by combat to atone for her sins. Idk really how this goes down because I wasn't there for this scene. Anyways she names Robert Strong (who everyone just now accepts is the Mountain for some reason) as her champion. On the day of the trial a huge crowd comes to watch because surprise everyone fucking hates Cersei. I was an extra in that crowd. It's just the High Sparrow on the other side of the arena from the mountain and everyone is disappointed. He says something like
'If you choose a champion I should choose one as well'
The gate to the arena opens up and trumpeters start playing as a large figure walks in. There is a moment of confusion but the crowd recognizes the Hound and starts chanting 'The Hound, The Hound, The Hound' over and over again. He walks to the centre of the arena and motions for silence.
'Brother,' he yells across to the Mountain, who doesn't respond. 'Once we fought you locked me in a wooden box and set it ablaze. They called me a dog, but today you're the one who will die like one.'
The Mountain doesn't say anything but draws his sword so The Hound does the same. The Hound is the first to charge and they fight with clashing swords. It looks like the Mountain's strength is overwhelming. The fight goes on with the Hound in retreat until a lucky blow sends the Mountain's sword flying into the spectators (I heard someone saying it winds up sticking straight through a spectators head but I guess they didn't do the effects for that yet.)
It looks like the Hound is about to win, but as he swings his sword for a finishing blow the Mountain grabs it in his bare hand and crushes the blade into several pieces. He clubs the now defenceless hound to the ground and towers over him. Reaching down he grabs the writhing Hound by the neck and lifts him up into the air high above his head. The crowd is dead silent. Just as he is about to slam the Hound down to the ground and kill him the Hound kicks out and knocks the Mountain's helmet off. The Mountain immediately drops the hound and raises both hands to cover his face. Not sure if it's because he wants to hide his face or he's simply trying to keep his head from falling apart because this thing is seriously disgusting. It's black and purple and leaking yellow and black fluids but you can tell it's Gregor Clegane's head.
So the Mountain is staggering around with his hands on his head and the hound walks around the edge of the ring with his hands held above his head pumping up the crowd who is losing their shit over what they are seeing. the 'The Hound' chanting starts back up again. He walks over to the staggering Mountain and grabs him by the waist. He turns him upside down so his head is facing the ground and jumps as high as he can into the air, slamming the disgusting head into the ground. The thing pops and black fluid sprays everywhere and there are maggots writhing in the remains. It really stinks and some people in the crowd vomit. I'm sure there will be closeups of this, don't worry. Once the crowd recovers from the stench they start going nuts and rioting. People start throwing things at Cersei who is in total disbelief as she is escorted away by armed guards. The riot starts to spread out of the arena into the rest of King's Landing.
As the arena starts to empty Qyburn walks over to the headless remains of the Mountain and looks down at it. I'm sure you'll get a totally necessary closeup of the corpse. The body is motionless but after a few seconds it lets out a single quiet fart. The End.
Confirmed levels-Fucking.
McShane in thrones yeeeeeesssssssssssss s!!!!!!!
The night is dark and full of hype.
They better fight like this
come on its da choo choo train
House Stark- Hype is Coming.
House Lannister- Hear Me Hype.
House Tully- Hype, Duty, Honour.
House Arryn- Higher than Hype.
House Martell- Unbowed, Unbent, Unhyped (jk, HYPED!)
House Tyrell- Growing Hyper.
House Targaryen- Fire and Hype.
House Forrester- Iron from Hype.
House Whitehill- Ever Hyper.
House Bolton- Our Blades are Hyped.
House Greyjoy- We Do Not Hype (f-ck off Greyjoys).
House Baratheon- Ours is the Hype.
House Karstark- The Hype of Winter.
House Mormont- Here We Hype.
House Tarly- First in Hype.
House Hodor- Hold the Hype.
Plot twist: The High Sparrow names Gendry as his Champion.
The Return of the King
Pls no, the Cleganebowl will never be stopped.
IF (big if) the hype inexplicably doesn't happen, then this would be a suitable alternative,
So he kills tommem as he thinks hes a threat to cersei?
I'd love Cleganebowl but seeing the FrankenGregor tear apart, say, Lancel for example would be also pretty great
Wouldn't be much tension on that fight though....Same goes for Gendry btw, except seeing him get tore apart wouldn't really be enjoyable, it would be Oberyn all over again. With the difference that Gendry wouldn't even stand a chance.
Pretty much, he's sworn loyal to Cersei, not Tommen.
hold the hype aw got sad typing it r.i.p big man
ahh haaaa
Guys I almost let the Hold the Door distract me from the hype that is CleganeBowl!!
They're trying to make us sad in these episodes so that when episode 8 and 9 finally come around, the Hype gets effin real!
CleganeBowl or die!!! PikeBowl and BastardBowl for the effin win
I'm pretty sure the Hound is dead.
Are you sure? The books have a priest (played by Ian McShane in the show) who says he found the Hound and tended to him until his death. But he only says 'The Hound' is dead but Sandor Clegane is 'at rest'. He also says he 'died' at Robert's Rebellion and became a peaceful monk and left his violent ways behind.
Brienne then sees a man, a gravedigger, walking with a limp, who is taller than Brienne, with his face covered, rubbing some hounds (very subtle GRRM) and has the Hound's horse with him. It is heavily implied the Hound survived his wounds and left his violent ways behind to live on an island, finding solace in religion.
However, war is brewing across King's Landing. Cersei Lannister has chose The Mountain, Ser Gregor Clegane, as her champion in the upcoming trial by combat with the Faith. The Faith will need to find someone who supports the Faith, hates Cersei and can beat the Mountain? This leads them to picking a no-brainer choice like Sandor Clegane. He will give up his peace temporarily to finally settle the score with his brother and end Cersei Lannister once and for all!
Also, don't forget Cersei's prophecy, which states that the 'Valonqar' meaning 'little brother' will kill her. Sandor is Gregor's little brother so it fits.
tru tru
Tully should be 'Hype, Duty, Honor', because they put hype before anything else.