What are you reading? Books/Comics/Magazines
I'm more of a comic reader myself. So far this month's reads are:
The Walking Dead Issue 154: Led To Slaughter
ABOUT: Negan is loose. Michonne and Aaron follow his trail towards the whisperers' border. They don't know that Brandon helped Negan escape. But Brandon doesn't know that his plan is for the Whisperers and Alexandria to kill each other differs from Negan's... until Negan stabs him in the heart.
QUICK REVIEW: (I won't spoil) 9/10 - Very, very good issue. Really had fun reading this issue, as well as being shocked + Happy for characters. Eagerly awaiting next months issue as always.
The Punisher (2016) Issue 1
ABOUT: FRANK CASTLE LOSES CONTROL! A by-the-numbers drug bust is about to take Frank Castle by surprise…and he HATES surprises. The horrible fallout threatens to send The Punisher into the heart of darkness, but Castle won’t make that journey alone: A DEA agent is on his trail and attempting to get into his head…but what horrors will she find there, and will she survive the experience? First-time Punisher writer Becky Cloonan and quintessential Punisher artist Steve Dillon are forcing Frank Castle out of his comfort zone and taking him to the edge of the world he thought he knew!
QUICK REVIEW: Good first issue, Mainly was building up the story and introducing a few characters. Punisher shows up, goes berserk and kills whole lot of people before the DEA get to the location themselves and steals the files he wants - For unknown reasons as of yet.
ABOUT: HYPERION IS BACK! Or is he? The high-powered hero is hiding in plain sight, driving a truck across the U.S. to learn about the country he has adopted. Along the way, he picks up a lone runaway named Doll, who has more baggage than he anticipated. Doll is in danger, chased by a pack of freaks and lunatics known as THE CARNIES. Will Hyperion reveal himself to save her? Maybe! Will he use a tractor trailer as a baseball bat? Probably!
QUICK REVIEW: This was a stand out buy. While picking up both TWD & The Punisher on Saturday. I loved the look of the cover. The name also stood out, HYPERION! Being known name to me from the Borderlands Series. I really enjoyed this, it didn't disappoint. Gripped me from the start. So far his abilitys remind me much of Superman but a hillbilly version! haha. Laser beam eyes, Super Strength, Flying. That's all that was seen this issue. Started with a character called Dolly, trying to find Hyperion to help save her. But he's staying hidden as a truck driver called Marcus 'Marc' Milton.
What are you reading??
I am still reading A Clash of Kings. Man I have no time but its good to know that GRRM is a slow writer.
EDIT: And I am reading Walking Dead too. ^^
The complete Sherlock Holmes. It's a collection of short stories written in Watson's point of view glorifying Sherlock's brilliance. My favorites so far would have to be The Five Orange Pips and The Adventure Of Black Peter.
I read The Walking Dead comics when they are released. Currently, I'm reading the book Johnny Got His Gun, by Dalton Trumbo (writer of the movie Spartacus).
It's about a WW1 soldier who looses his arms, legs, eyes, ears, and other parts of his body, but his mind is in perfect condition, leaving him basically trapped inside his own body. The novel is also the inspiration for my favorite Metallica song, One, whose music video incorporates scenes from the film adaptation of the novel. Fun fact: to avoid paying a royalty fee every time the music video was played, Metallica bought the rights to the film.
enter link description here
Re-reading the A Song Of Ice and Fire series. I'm up to A Storm of Swords.
Just got past my least and most favorite weddings.
Just finished "The Color of Water" by James McBride last week. Currently reading a collective of HP Lovecraft's short stories.
im reading assasins creed brotherhood theres alot more detail than in the game
That book is really haunting and depressing.
No kidding. I'm only like 3 chapters in right now and it can be quiet depressing, but it's captivating at the same time.
I had to read that book in my freshman year of high school, I loved it, one of the few books I actually enjoyed reading for school.
That book made me extremely emotional. It's an inspiration.
Im very proud of these beauties

I like books that look cool, like dusty old wizard tomes, I have loads of complete collections for that reason. im not in the headspace to read at the moment, when I am in the mood I read loads in quick succession
I only have the short stories collective. The Necronomicon is next on my list.
Im pretty sure I saw a movie of that when I was about 6, it scared the shit out of me.
I've never actually seen the movie adaptation, but I do know it was written and directed by Dalton Trumbo, the same guy who wrote the novel, so I can definitely imagine it being terrifying. The only parts of the movie I've seen are the clips used in the music video.
I'm reading the Walking Dead comics as each volume comes out, so I always have to stay wary of spoilers for most of the year.
On my own I'm enjoying 11/22/63 by Stephen King, buut that had to be thrown aside for a bit because:
I'm reading A Tale of Two Cities in English, but I'm actually enjoying it very much! Dickens's writing is fantastic.
Right now, I'm reading this:
And this:
"Who controls the past controls the future and who controls the present controls the past." Winston Smith. I have been waiting for the next ASOIAF book but I think old George will die before it is finished.
enter link description here
I'm currently on
This thread is a real treasure! Thanks to this, I learned an incredibly huge amount of new things that you can read! Thanks guys! I added a lot to my notes. I am reading The Boys comic now, very gorgeous, I advise everyone!
Oh? Does this exist? Noiceeee...
I've recently picked up some stuff from the library.
The Oracle Code_ by Marieke Nijikamp.
Batman Hush Vol 1 By Jeph Loeb
Star Wars Shattered Empire by Greg Rucka
Marvel's Secret Wars by Johnathan Hickman
I just picked up an audiobook of Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn and have been listening to it while DoorDashing. I really liked the miniseries and I'm really liking the book so far.
I am not a reader but you know what, I decided to read something and that would be the Avatar The Last Airbender comics. I am starting with the Lost Adventures.
currently i'm reading 2 books the one is about American tradition like their dressing ways their food or like famous food of American people and majorly about their ascent like what is the difference between American ascent and England and some other staff and the second book which named as the "Animal Horn" many early hornbooks were made by printing letters onto paper or vellum (animal skin) – both expensive materials at the time. To protect them, the letters were covered with a layer of animal horn like cow horns, sheep, goat etc so thin that it was see-through. This horn was fixed to a wooden or leather base, which was known as a hornbook. Sometimes the ‘books’ were made from metal, ivory, or bone like this one, but they still kept the same name. Some were even baked out of gingerbread to tempt children to ‘swallow what they read’!

well i'm reading The "Animal skull" and this book describes in words and pictures the bones and skulls of different animals and regions of the skull important to identification, including illustrations of all the bones in the cranium, leading to a greater understanding of a creature's place in the natural world. Life-size drawings and detailed measurements make this guide an invaluable reference for wildlife professionals, trackers, and animal-lovers alike and secondly i'm reading the "Forty Rules Of Love", lol anyways alot of people already knows about this book cause this common and its worth reading because it has true factors you know, its great.

In the middle of rereading LotR. Just finished the first half of The Two Towers. It's been a long time since I've reread them and I've been enjoying rediscovering details I forgot.
8 ball pool
This has become my favorite book! Thank you and all the best, take care of your family and yourself!
I've been reading the first Spawn Compendium by Todd McFarlane.
So far, it's pretty good. I'm on like... The 13th issue I'm pretty sure. I really like how it's heavily influenced by Frank Miller. Which is more so in the layout, than it is the writing. They have the same tone, but Todd McFarlane's stuff is more fast paced than his. One other thing I noticed is that in the beginning of each issue, they have these really long pieces of text all over the page and it's so hard to know which order you're supposed to read it in. But most of the time, what they're saying with those is just a recap or the origin of Al Simmons.
I finally finished the Spawn Compendium...
It was pretty good. I really liked the artistic influence that I talked about in my previous message. Frank Miller is probably my favorite writer/artist, so it's cool to see someone who does it like him but also puts their own spin on it.
I will say, when Greg Capullo picked up and did some of the work for Spawn it did get just a little weird. I don't know what it is either, I liked his art in the New '52 Batman series with Scott Snyder but his art just looked very off. It wasn't terrible, it just didn't look how I expected it to.
But I like the series so far. And if you're a fan of Image comics or Todd McFarlane or characters like Batman or the Punisher, I recommend this series.
sry I can't read
but in the hypothetical situation that I could I'd tell you that I finished re-reading saga not long ago and finished reading the spider-man stan-ditko run
The book lover of the overabundance of reading has not faded away? I still have a bad habit from my student years - if I read something, I obsessively emphasize especially clever thoughts with a pencil
Does manga count? I guess they're Japanese style comics so it fits in this discussion. From hundreds of different ones I've read my favorite is Haikyuu. It's about a volleyball team Karasuno and their two star players Kageyama and Hinata. Kageyama is a nationally recognized talent while Hinata has to work hard to overcome the shortage that is his height. I'd recommend it to anyone who is remotely interested in sports!
I’ve just receive (Life Is Strange Dust Vol 1) right now and can’t wait to read it.
I hope you enjoy it!
Finished Reading (Life Is Strange : Dust Vol 1) And what I can say is (I LOVED IT !)
Considering this took place a year after the first game where Max and Chloe are in Seattle too cope under trauma on what happened to Arcadia Bay and Max well considering she doesn’t want to use her powers is understandable but she keeps having those flickers of different alternate realities or different universes of of herself and her friends which was pretty interesting but Chloe also having trauma on not saying goodbye to her mom after the storm and looking at the aftermath of price residence I understand why she wanted to go back but at the same time that will also hurt you simultaneously what I can say is that throughout the first game different fragment and memories that she has altered come to here like Joyce talking to Max about Chloe’s death which of cource when you decided to sacrifice Chloe and and other reality’s of cource Rachel Amber still being alive.
Have to give it a 5/5
It is one of my favorites, too! I wish I could reread it, but unfortunately, I have a lot of homework which is quite difficult. For example, I had to write a proposal essay, it was quite hard in the beginning, but this article https://studybay.com/blog/how-to-write-a-proposal-essay/ simplified the process of writing it a lot. For me, it is easier to write something when I have examples or some guides that help me to write them step by step. It turned out to be a masterpiece, even my teacher was proud of it.
Trying to pick up the habit of reading books again and recently finished The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, which I really enjoyed. Really well written, emotional, very timely and touches upon some social issues that I've never really thought about.
I'm now about a third of a way through my second book of the year, which is The Man in the Brown Suit by Agatha Christie. I'm enjoying it so far, the humour's pretty sharp, the mystery so far is interesting and I'm liking the main character who's a bit of a jerk lol. I will say that I do find it hard at times to understand certain expressions and metaphors... because they're literally a hundred years old and aren't used anymore. It also took me a while to get invested with the mystery, but now I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out.
Just received (Life Is Strange waves Vol 2) in the mail as I loved Vol 1 Dust I should love Vol 2.