I like to think that I am a little more influential than I am influenced, but other than my own perspective, I don't have a clue. Great question by the way, @IronWoodLover!
Who was the recepient of your last private message?
I think it was Eryka? She was just being weird so I just went along with it.
A million dollars, but a tiny snail will follow you for the rest of your life and try to kill you. It's an unstoppable force, and you can't kill it in anyway. But it still moves at a snails pace. Would you take the money?
I think it was Eryka? She was just being weird so I just went along with it.
A million dollars, but a tiny snail will follow you for the … morerest of your life and try to kill you. It's an unstoppable force, and you can't kill it in anyway. But it still moves at a snails pace. Would you take the money?
Instead of being stereotypical, here's 3 of them: Uncharted 4, Persona 5, maybe even No Man's Sky. (Sorry, Xbox or PC people, I've only been following the PlayStation stuff lately, so those are just off the top of my head...)
When was the last time a week went really slow for you, and why?
I haven't had many to be honest that I can remember, or if I did I got over it pretty quickly. I tell plenty of jokes where no one laughs...they're pretty awkward. I laugh though because I'm an idiot who laughs at his own jokes lol.
Best member here:
@Wolfenus54 my old buddy <33
I've never spoke to.. TheWingedcheetah? I just took the first user in this page that I saw so...
Who's your favorite artist?
I like people that are honest and non-malicious. I hate being lied to and I hate people that take pleasure from causing pain or disturbance.
Let us say that you are stuck in a post apocalyptic setting a la Fallout. The last person you spoke to is your companion, the only weapon on you is the weapon from the last video game you played, you have a lifetime supply of the last thing you ingested, and your only form of distraction/time killing that you have at your disposal (aside from talking to your companion) is the last thing you read. What is your selection?
My mom, a katana, potatos with chicken and vegetables (dayum, that's awesome), "The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge" by Bernard Werber.
If you'd have to eat only one thing for the rest of your life (without any consequences or damage to your body), what would you choose?
Oh, if he does not. But it depends on why he dosen't want to do it.
I like to think that I am a little more influential than I am influenced, but other than my own perspective, I don't have a clue. Great question by the way, @IronWoodLover!
Who was the recepient of your last private message?
I believe in RED DEAD Redemption.
I think it was Eryka? She was just being weird so I just went along with it.
A million dollars, but a tiny snail will follow you for the rest of your life and try to kill you. It's an unstoppable force, and you can't kill it in anyway. But it still moves at a snails pace. Would you take the money?
I will whore and gamble my way to an early grave before that clumsy beast can slay me!
Favorite book series?
I like my choices better.
My favorite book series is Warriors, as in the warrior cats.
Do you like Plants vs. Zombies?
What game of 2016 do you think deserves to win the GOTY?
Instead of being stereotypical, here's 3 of them: Uncharted 4, Persona 5, maybe even No Man's Sky. (Sorry, Xbox or PC people, I've only been following the PlayStation stuff lately, so those are just off the top of my head...)
When was the last time a week went really slow for you, and why?
I haven't played much videogames lately...
Sexiest body parts other than the obvious?
Sorry bro. @AChicken answered first.
When I was in 8th grade my last week was so slow because my friends had gone on vacations and I was left all by myself.
Your favorite soft drink?
Tab..... nah forreal though either Sprite or Coco Rico,
Relatively, how much online shopping do you do?
Kind of a lot... Mostly food and videogames, tho.
Most awkward moment of your life? If you're comfortable sharing, ofc.
I haven't had many to be honest that I can remember, or if I did I got over it pretty quickly. I tell plenty of jokes where no one laughs...they're pretty awkward. I laugh though because I'm an idiot who laughs at his own jokes lol.
How DOOM hold heat then preach non-violence?
A lot.
Who stayed behind in your playthrough of GoT Episode 5?
Blondie, of course.
I've asked this before but I think it's pretty good so I'll do it again: who is your favorite member on here, who you've never spoken to?
Best member here:
@Wolfenus54 my old buddy <33
I've never spoke to.. TheWingedcheetah? I just took the first user in this page that I saw so...
Who's your favorite artist?
I'm not the best member here!?
Bob Dylan. Poet and musician all rolled into one! (If you meant a visual artist, then Norman Rockwell probably!)
What's number 1 on your bucket list?
Sorry dad but @Wolfenus54 has been my friends since... Oh wait, already a year, damnmmmmm
Well @Wolfenus54 can fuck off. (Just kidding, I like him really, but you know)
... I'm my favorite user here.
lol rip you piece of bags
I'm your favorite member, right? Righttttttt? I mean, we are married.
Edit: guess not
The worst job for me would be a builder
What is your least favourite colour?
Which Naughty Dog characters do you prefer? From Uncharted series or The Last of Us?
Hard question but I place my bets on Joel and Ellie from the Last of Us
What kind of people you like the most? (as character wise)
Ofc you are
I'd fight with you for that but you're a genius and arguing with you is pointless.
No anus, fightttttttt
But did you even read his bio?!
It's already a lost fight.
Babe, if you change your bio for the same thing, you'll probably have a chance to win.
I like people that are honest and non-malicious. I hate being lied to and I hate people that take pleasure from causing pain or disturbance.
Let us say that you are stuck in a post apocalyptic setting a la Fallout. The last person you spoke to is your companion, the only weapon on you is the weapon from the last video game you played, you have a lifetime supply of the last thing you ingested, and your only form of distraction/time killing that you have at your disposal (aside from talking to your companion) is the last thing you read. What is your selection?
My mom, a katana, potatos with chicken and vegetables (dayum, that's awesome), "The Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge" by Bernard Werber.
If you'd have to eat only one thing for the rest of your life (without any consequences or damage to your body), what would you choose?
See a person with his face skin on his hand, or see a person with his/hers intestines falling out?
Face skin on his hand
Die or live?
Dive (die and live)
Cory in the house?