Season 2 playable characters
So in season 1 we had Ethan Frorrester, Rodrick Forrester, Gared Tuttle, Myra Forrester and Asher FOrrester. So 5 playable characters. Ethan is dead, either Rodrick or Asher are dead and Myra depends on our decisions (on my gameplay she's dead, sorry guys but I don't want her to be the sex slave of that idiot and end up being murdered anywways after she gives him an heir, eyah she could have had the chance to escape later, that's problably what I would decide in real life if it was me, But in the game I think everyone knows how shit would eventually be).
So I'm counting that only Ahser (in my gameplay, Rodrick in other people's) and Gared come back as playable characters. WIch I'm guessing leaves at least 2 more slots open for playable characters (since in season 1 we never had more than 4 playable characters at the same time). The point of this post is to discuss who do you guys think will fill that gap left by the deaths in season 1.
I would say Beshka will be a playbale character, since you know she left with the little Forrester (can't remember his name) and it will be fun to play her away from Asher for a while. for the final playable character I would say Talia Forrester will be a playable character in the next season. I want to see a character in a gameplay style like Myra, Myra was the smart more political part of the game that even tought was pretty determined what was going to happen, I mean if I could decide I would have never trusted that guy from the beggining... But was some of the best storylines in the game, I love the politicla games in King's Landing, so I would like Talia to go to King's Landing to try and get some allies, or I would want a new character working for the Forresters to do that. SO 2 characters being Beskha and Talia or 3 being Beskha, Talia and a new character for season 2, what do you guys think?
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As for my guesses, I would predict Gared, Talia, Beshka as three of the more likely characters. I'm not sure if Telltale will go as far as to let you play as the surviving brother or not, but that would be cool if they did.
I would love to play as Talia and Beskha. I don't want Talia to become like Mira honestly. Talia has her own character and that's what I like about her. Mira was not really that smart in my opinion. She was smart enough to only get herself killed. Besides, if Talia were to go to Kings landing, where would she get power from? I don't think there is anyone in court that would help her. The only person we know would her is Tom and his boss. I do agree that we might play as Beskha, given her personality and abilities (considering that she's just as strong as Asher). I also think that there's a chance we will play as Talia ( I hope she does some cool stuff too).
All I care about is if we play as Rodrik/Asher.
Malcolm is an obvious choice, given how his story was left open ended and he is the only Forrester ally in Essos.
I'm hopeful that we'll play either Tom or Mira depending on who survived.
A lot of people seem to think Beskha will be a POV but it is pretty obvious to me that our POV will be Ryon. He had the least amount of characterization compared to a character like Beskha who is already fleshed out. Also the game ends with his face looking forward in determination so I think he's a safe bet for POV.
Gared, Asher/rodrick, Ryon, malcom
I think there would only be scenes with a few each episode
I think it will be Asher/Rodrik, Gared, Ryon, Malcolm, and maybe Talia.
Mira is taken off the main menu screen no matter her ending - I think it's fair to say she won't be in the story as a player character anymore, especially when her story ended in death for so many people. Tom could be a substitute for her story line in King's landing, but that's also unlikely given he's just as determinate as Mira. It could be that they're determinate player characters like Rodrik and Asher, but unlike Rodrik and Asher, their dynamics are much different as a betrothed handmaiden and a coal boy, meaning more determinate settings, character dialogue, and scenes are required than I think Telltale should bother with. If they absolutely needed a character in King's Landing, they could always use Sera, though I don't think she has much significance in the Forrester story anymore.
I think Ryon might be more likely to be a player character than Beskha. While I would love to play Beskha, don't get me wrong, I feel like she's too defined as her own character to try to determine her actions for her. Ryon has much less characterization, and therfore more freedom for the player to mold. Also, the fact he's a Forrester gives him more to lose than Beskha, making his story more compelling.
I only think Malcolm might be a player character to keep a perspective in Essos. It will be a welcome change in scenery and Malcolm still has the ultimate goal in helping the Forresters. I would love to see Talia as a playable character, however, since she is in Rodrik/Asher's ending no matter what, I have my doubts since they typically don't like putting two player characters together for very long. If Talia stays for an extended time with Rodrik/Asher and they are still the playable characters, I don't think Talia will be playable at that point, though she could be later on.
Playing as a Whitehill is an intriging idea, but not one I think can be executed very easily at this point in the story, considering our main goal as the Forresters is to defeat them and take back Ironrath. I think many people will foresake roleplay in this case and just try to manipulate the Whitehill storyline into intentionally horrible decisions to make it easier for the Forresters, and I wouldn't really blame them.
Ryon seems like a good candidate to be a playable character. He is basically a blank sheet except the honorable "Iron from Ice" stuff and that he wants revenge for what they did to his father. I liked to play Ethan and Ryon could turn out pretty cool. I bet he goes to Essos to become a Faceless Man.
Gared- He's the only character who isn't determinant so they must have huge plans for him.
Rodrik/Asher- I think Telltale will let us play as them, but only for 3 episodes max in which we kill either Gryff/Ludd (whoever survived Episode 6) before falling in battle to Lord Thorren Whitehill.
Beskha- Please not Ryon. Beskha is awesome and her quest with Ryon could be reminiscent of The Hound and Arya and Osha and Rickon.
Talia- Fearing for her safety and the threat of Lord Morgryn, Rodrik/Asher send her off to King's Landing where she teams up with Mira/Tom to plot Morgryn's downfall.
Malcolm- We don't know tons about him plus I's say Telltale want an Essos POV. He could be fighting the Sons of the Harpy for Daenerys and she repays him by sending over hundreds of Second Sons to help retake Ironrath.
Playing the sentinel/traitor would be cool.
Until then they had the role of advisors; in S2 they could be actors and see if they follow the path they thought the right one (for Royland war/Duncan peace). Choices would matter if it happens aswell.
Like I don't know, going on a mission to find support in others houses à la Davos Seaworth.
Thanks, I hadn't writen in the forum for a while wasn't sure how the formatting worked :P
That's a possibility, I mean I'm always hoping telltale makes a jump forward an instead of we having always the same kind of "choices" that in the end actually don't really amtter becuse no matter what the characters that are supposed to die always die adn the ones who are supposed to survive, survive, but yeah now that you said it maybe we won't get to play with Asher/Rodrick, but we'll play Talia in their place, specially since we never get to play two playable characters in the same plot.
I did not ment for Talia to go to King's Landing, I was just syaing I loved the King's Landing psychological and political games and I want another character to do that
Maybe we will have Malcolm doing that with Daenerys in Essos like many people have commented. But I really think Talia will be a playable character, but in her own way, she would never be like Myra becuase Myra was trying to solve her families problems without really living them, Talia has bene there for EVERY SINGLE SH*T they have passed, so it's more personal to her.
I agree, now that many people are pointe that out, I knew that, but forgot that fact when writing this post. We never play with two playable character (at least at the same time) in the same plot. So I'm guessing we either play with Asher/Rodrick for one episode but then they pass the torch to Talia and we start playing with her, or we just straight up play with her
But yeah Malcolm would be a really good idea, I mean he would take on the more political role in the game, like Myra had it in season 1. Also I'm prety sure the prourcers on't want to disconenct completly from Essos like you said.
Gared. Obvious, he survives, he's got to continue what he has started.
Rodrik/Asher. The Lord has power. You're the one making the choices. Therefore, you must be the lord, unless S2 needs to fail. I don't think they want the lord to fall because there would be nobody ready to do the job, except Ryon but then good job, it would be worse than with Ethan.
Beskha Everyone loves her. People want to play as her. Easy guess. Plus she needs to save Ryon, so choices shall be there for her on how to do that.
Talia? Would be cool. Although I like her as a NPC too, and I don't assimilate to her unless there's a scene where she can save her brother like her mom did. Hopefully, the kid will survive.
Malcolm. Clearly, you got to serve Dany to help House Forrester. Depending on how well you do, you could get her help by making her job easier in Essos.
Mira in an escape scene, maybe. Or Tom if she's dead.
And here I thought spelling "Rodrik" as "Rodrick" was bad.
I'm sorry but it really infuriates me when people misspell names, especially GoT's characters' names. It's honestly annoying the hell out of me.
Okay... I think I'll just go before my grammar nazi sickness makes me mad.
Yeah. I know how it feels. I just find people misspelling GoT's character's name to be incredibly disrespectful. I know I shouldn't feel this way or care about it. But I guess it is because I care about the Forresters so much and I find people misspelling their names to be an insult and disrespect.
While I understand getting upset with people misspelling names, some people don't play with subtitles. If I didn't have subtitles on I doubt I would get Rodrik or Ryon or Elaena right, since they have variant spellings of real names and their name spelling only come up occasionally during choices or in the Codex. Beskha it a tricky one too. For the most part I let it slide unless it is really butchered, like Roderrick or Besskah
I know my hopes will one day get crushed and eaten by Telltale, but I keep hoping that Rodrik/Asher doesn't die in Season 2 or any other Season. I just don't know who else can carry the Forrester's story forward like they do.
Ryon is a possibility, but I am not as attached to him as I am with Rodrik.
I want the story to be about Rodrik's/Asher's struggle with rebuilding their house stronger than ever and lived long to have their descendents tell their stories in the future. Years later, the Forrester descendents will tell the tales about the Sons of Gregor the Good. Ethan the Brave/Bold/Wise who bravely lead his house in times of period. The tales of Rodrik the Strong, who is the hero that saved and restored his House, stronger than ever or Asher the Fierce, who returned from exile and took up his father and brother's sword to lead his house in their desparate hour. And more stories.
I really don't want the Forrester name to go extinct...
Yeah, that's true. If I wasn't playing with subtitles, I'd misspell everyone's name, too.
Even though I do understand it, for some reason, it just gets me kinda upset. Maybe it's because I'm a huge grammar nazi.
My real name 80% of the time is always spelt incorrectly, so I also get annoyed when character names are also misspelt .
Gared Tuttle. He represents us North Of The Wall.
Asher/Rodrik Forrester. The only left capable Lord. Considering Ryon's age.
Mira Forrester (determinant). If your Mira is dead you will have Talia in KL.
Talia Forrester (determinant). Only if Mira is dead.
Malcolm Branfield. The POV in Essos.
Ryon Forrester. I think it would be more interesting playing Ryon than Beskha, it would be more dynamic. I also have this feeling that he is going to Bravos.
I know, I know but they're determinant, it's better to accept their deaths now than later
To be fair, at least for the playable characters, it displays their name the first time you see them in each episode, so.