The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Whoops.

    Should've spoiler tagged it :P

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Uuuh, spoilers?

  • Don't worry, I got it. Just be careful next time!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Whoops. Should've spoiler tagged it :P

  • Please tell me that that isn't Mira Forrester.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Whoops. Should've spoiler tagged it :P

  • It's not, I swear.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Please tell me that that isn't Mira Forrester.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Which dark side? The dark dark dark one or the one with a little bit of light?

    Leluch123 posted: »

    nah just a kid who has too much time since he/she don't have social life and just discovered the dark side of the internet...

  • Oh, thank God! I still haven't got around to playing the game so that would've been a really big off for me.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It's not, I swear.

  • Check your PM again take a very loooonnnnggg and careful look at what he/she sent you and you will know the answer

    Eryka posted: »

    Which dark side? The dark dark dark one or the one with a little bit of light?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I didn't received anything

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Check your PM again take a very loooonnnnggg and careful look at what he/she sent you and you will know the answer

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Rip I'm not even receiving any of those pics

  • You lucky bastard :c

    Eryka posted: »

    Rip I'm not even receiving any of those pics

  • ErykaEryka Banned


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You lucky bastard :c

  • You're not the Only one

    As a victim of those images, I politely ask that someone please end my suffering and brutally murder me so that I will never have to see those atrocities again.

  • Worse.

    Dead children.

    Sexual GIFs...

    I won't go into detail so you won't be doomed, too.

  • Lucky guy up ahead

    Eryka posted: »

    I didn't received anything

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Ayyy yes

    Lucky guy up ahead

  • I hate you so much

    Eryka posted: »

    Ayyy yes

  • I get the feeling I missed something theatrical.

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    I hate myself too!!

    I hate you so much

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Don't. Ask.

    I get the feeling I missed something theatrical.

  • Desperately looks through conversation starter cards

    Ah ha, I am eating Chipotle and listening to AC/DC.

    How was your day?

  • ErykaEryka Banned

    Meh. I had 54% in a test in french lmao kill me

    But I'm ok.

    Desperately looks through conversation starter cards Ah ha, I am eating Chipotle and listening to AC/DC. How was your day?

  • I think we should all try to forget about what happened and hope that this doesn't happen in a long, long, time. So, how about the weather?

  • Partly cloudy with a 50% chance of unpleasant surprises in your feed.

    I think we should all try to forget about what happened and hope that this doesn't happen in a long, long, time. So, how about the weather?

  • I'm drinking, reading and engaging in a quote war with @Eddie_Maiden.

    Desperately looks through conversation starter cards Ah ha, I am eating Chipotle and listening to AC/DC. How was your day?

  • Pretty good. I went out in 28 degree weather with cool breeze and heat while wearing two shirts (tee and short sleeved unbuttoned) and jeans. Strange, strange never changes.

    Hanged out with a friend, had pizza with my brother, and searched for a new fridge since our freezer gave in (luckily my aunt is now selling her's to us).


    I think we should all try to forget about what happened and hope that this doesn't happen in a long, long, time. So, how about the weather?

  • Basically had a party with some bugs and chilled the whole day. Thanks for asking man. :)

    Pretty good. I went out in 28 degree weather with cool breeze and heat while wearing two shirts (tee and short sleeved unbuttoned) and jeans

  • Don't forget some of this:

    enter image description here

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Partly cloudy with a 50% chance of unpleasant surprises in your feed.

  • edited May 2016

    Hurray for bugs. Unfortunately for them, I'm the party crasher. Mwahahahah!

    bug: eheheh time to annoy the house owner

    bug notices a shadow and looks up, sees me with some scrunched kleenix in hand smiling sadistically at the little shit

    me: Not today, son!

    bug: nooooooooo!


    Basically had a party with some bugs and chilled the whole day. Thanks for asking man.

  • It was fine, had my first day of lifeguard training at a small water park near my house. They gave us a 30 minute break for dinner around 6:30, and as I was waiting for my dinner to be cooked, I figured, "Hmm, haven't been on the Telltale forums in a while, I think I'll check my feed." I open it up, the first thing I see was one of the most disgusting images I have ever seen, didn't even feel like eating afterwards.

    Desperately looks through conversation starter cards Ah ha, I am eating Chipotle and listening to AC/DC. How was your day?

  • It's been enjoyable.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm drinking, reading and engaging in a quote war with @Eddie_Maiden.

  • Agreed. I really liked the Jefferson quote.

    I should specify that "property is theft" isn't a condemnation of all private properly, after all Proudhon also coined the phrase "property is existence!", but rather, he was referring to property that is used for exploitative and usurious reasons.

    It's been enjoyable.

  • Agreed. I really liked the Jefferson quote.

    Jefferson is my favorite of the founding fathers in terms of their individual beliefs.

    I should specify that "property is theft" isn't a condemnation of all private properly, after all Proudhon also coined the phrase "property is existence!", but rather, he was referring to property that is used for exploitative and usurious reasons.

    I'll have to read more into him, as I haven't read anything of his yet besides the quot you provided. Private property is something that I consider essential for the individual; your home, your land, your possessions. Beyond the scope of an individual, private property is something that I can be negotiated with if someone presents me an option I like. Corporations certainly have done nothing to earn my trust.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Agreed. I really liked the Jefferson quote. I should specify that "property is theft" isn't a condemnation of all private properly, afte

  • Me too! I asked about it but my comment got taken away. Sooo I guess we'll never know. It's a mysteryyyy ooooh!

    I get the feeling I missed something theatrical.

  • Guys, I need your advice. What should I catch up on first:

    Breaking Bad or Daredevil?

  • I'm cooking some meth.

    Desperately looks through conversation starter cards Ah ha, I am eating Chipotle and listening to AC/DC. How was your day?

  • I'll have to read more into him, as I haven't read anything of his yet besides the quot you provided. Private property is something that I consider essential for the individual; your home, your land, your possessions. Beyond the scope of an individual, private property is something that I can be negotiated with if someone presents me an option I like. Corporations certainly have done nothing to earn my trust.

    Interesting. Proudhon and Anarchists also draw a distinction between personal and private property. Personal property like cars and houses are strictly off-limits, but private (capitalist) property is considered illegitimate unless proven otherwise.

    As for Proudhon, I'd recommend you check out Kevin Carson instead as P.j. was incredibly dry and doesn't translate into English very well. I'd definitely recommend checking this out. It's a real eye-opener, probably one of my biggest influences.

    Agreed. I really liked the Jefferson quote. Jefferson is my favorite of the founding fathers in terms of their individual beliefs.

  • Man Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated was the sh*t man. So glad they put it on Netflix.

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