Let's respect for ...



  • Michelle is the scavenger at the diner/truck stop that shoots Omid in the opening scene of Season 2.

    Clementine and Sam are the only 2 Children/Teenagers I like in Telltale. Almost all were annoying or useless, I know they're only kids but s

  • TTG fanTTG fan Banned

    Wrong person!

    Not creepy at all.

  • Okay?...

    TTG fan posted: »

    Wrong person!

  • Russel. I wish I saw more of him, I was really intrigued in his storyline and characterization.

  • Why are you unnecesarily being so rude at some points?

    Where the he'll is TWAU season 2?

    OMG, you already know that. It's up to Vertigo ONLY.

  • I reported this to InGen.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Why are you unnecesarily being so rude at some points? Where the he'll is TWAU season 2? OMG, you already know that. It's up to Vertigo ONLY.

  • Good

    I reported this to InGen.

  • I think you both need to chill lol. Obviously when someone points out behavior as being goofy, but then does it themselves...it is being ironic. You two need to step back and stop playing thread police. Like when AronDracula ripped into the bring back Lee thread. You are not the legislator of all things allowable on the forums.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Okay, but you didn't have to call us "The annoying fans who swarm William Shatner".

    I think you both need to chill lol. Obviously when someone points out behavior as being goofy, but then does it themselves...it is being ir

  • Now you just calm down for a min, will ya? You did started this because you made such an unnecesary rudeness here. Telltale staff not giving us news because we are messing around here? This thread ISN'T necesary for Telltale Staff to reply. You gotta learn how this works.

    Like when AronDracula ripped into the bring back Lee thread

    This is because these "Bring Back Lee" and "Lee is alive" threads are getting so old. I'm sure Telltale bosses don't let some of their employees who roam around the community, give big information about their work on their games to the audience. So please, stop being childish.

    I think you both need to chill lol. Obviously when someone points out behavior as being goofy, but then does it themselves...it is being ir

  • edited June 2016

    The only person who was acting childishly was you. Though I do admit to egging things on...so in the future I will refrain from knocking Kenny so much. So let's just drop it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Now you just calm down for a min, will ya? You did started this because you made such an unnecesary rudeness here. Telltale staff not giving

  • edited June 2016

    The only person who was acting childishly was you

    Um, hello. Who wrote "Well now we know why Telltalegames staff rarely post...you guys are like the annoying fans who swarm William Shatner and ask him the real age of Spock or how any decks on the Enterprise. You should've taken the time ask them important questions...like when is season 3 coming out and of course...Where the he'll is TWAU season 2?" ?

    The only person who was acting childishly was you. Though I do admit to egging things on...so in the future I will refrain from knocking Kenny so much. So let's just drop it.

  • What is ur sallery

    ur sallery


    You mean celery, right? People get it confused.

    I'll admit, I've been wondering about @emilybuckshot's celery too.


    TTG fan posted: »

    What is ur sallery

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    Celery is a delicious and nutritious veg, best when dipped in ranch or peanut butter. My celery is in my fridge, where it belongs. It's fairly standard celery.

    What is ur sallery ur sallery sallery You mean celery, right? People get it confused. I'll admit, I've been wondering about @emilybuckshot's celery too.

  • edited August 2016

    I'd honestly hesitate to call half of these gals children but whatever. Also, Sam apparently doesn't belong here. Good to know....

    Sarah is definitely at the top. Her dopey, but caring personality and desire to become someone greater than she was sheltered into being made her very endearing. I was compelled to do my best to help her be able to get through the world.

    Michelle gets points for being one of the only antagonistic characters. I also feel bad that she felt like she needed to be mean and hold little girls at gunpoint(despite being taller than Omid) in order to get by. Also, she's 19?!

    Greg gets a mention just because he got rapped up in a situation he was too naive to understand.

  • Sam is 22.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'd honestly hesitate to call half of these gals children but whatever. Also, Sam apparently doesn't belong here. Good to know.... Sarah

  • "young adults" or "children and teens" would have been more accurate.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I'd honestly hesitate to call half of these gals children but whatever. Also, Sam apparently doesn't belong here. Good to know.... Sarah

  • I like clem of course
    I like duck his dumb beatiful facealways make my day i was sad more than kenny him self when he died DAMMIT I PLAYED THE DETECTIVE GAME WITH HIM HE WAS GOING TO BE A GOOD DETECTIVE MAY BE LIKE DAREL DEXON CUZ SAW STUF EVEN LEE DIDNT SEE
    becca i am and becca are like the same in the personalty thats why i like her and she almost killed me when she jumpscared me dammit if i was in the game i did killed her for that
    I like my russell (my russell) he wasnt in season two why cuz my russel is not a killer
    Aj no one didnt like the babies
    James and alex those two are a poor kids i did what i can for them i give james a gun so he can take care of him self and his brother and so he can be the family man when he grow up

  • [removed]

  • [removed]

  • Clem, duh.

    And Greg and Sam.

  • Bro the wikia writers are humans like us they can miss and like and hate soo dont trust every thing you read their

    @emilybuckshot is part of the Telltale Games Staff, as seen on the badge next to her name. We can trust her more than we can trust the Wikia on this.

  • makmak600makmak600 Banned
    edited August 2016


    @emilybuckshot is part of the Telltale Games Staff, as seen on the badge next to her name. We can trust her more than we can trust the Wikia on this.

  • That's what I meant.

    Sam is 22.

  • That is my point exactly—the contibutors at wikia handle just as much information as forum users do. A Telltale Staff is much more reliable than the first two, so I don't see what you're getting at.

    makmak600 posted: »

    Bro the wikia writers are humans like us they can miss and like and hate soo dont trust every thing you read their

  • That is my point exactly—the contibutors at wikia handle just as much information as forum users do. A Telltale Staff is much more reliable than the first two, so I don't see what you're getting at.

    makmak600 posted: »

    Bro the wikia writers are humans like us they can miss and like and hate soo dont trust every thing you read their

  • Lol clem at 13 in season 3 compared to James at 13 in Michonne is a really noticeable difference

    James is 13 and Alex is 7. I didn't work on Season 1 or 2, so I'm not sure of those characters' ages.

  • That 2 year thread bump tho

    cutupuss- posted: »

    Lol clem at 13 in season 3 compared to James at 13 in Michonne is a really noticeable difference

  • Yeah, I remember that being a significantly awkard jump when comparing most of the previous teenage girls to the still very small ANF!Clementine and Baseball Kid.

    cutupuss- posted: »

    Lol clem at 13 in season 3 compared to James at 13 in Michonne is a really noticeable difference

  • edited March 2018

    so ... answer and do not hurt me :)


  • edited April 2018

    I'm going to be very original and say Clementine, without a doubt. I just love her story. Clementine essentially went from a box of crayons and paper to a gun and a knife. Her story is one of the saddest but also one of the best stories ever told. Let's hope the final season does her justice!

  • edited April 2018

    Oh yeah, I remember this thread. Where Sam and Paige were revealed to be 22 and les-yay, respectively.

    Might wanna consider adding Gabe, Marianna, Drew, and Baseball Kid to the list, if possible.

    Still a little curious how the OP figured Arvo and especially Michelle's specific given ages, though.

  • .
    enter image description here .

    Veeeee posted: »

    I'm going to be very original and say Clementine, without a doubt. I just love her story. Clementine essentially went from a box of crayons

  • when you frown a lot, you tend to look older than you are.
    same probably goes for Lilly.

    The "sam being 22" thing really weirds me out for some reason...

    CuteClem posted: »

    becca is not 11 for sure. she's 15-16 and look like that

  • Probably because she otherwise [kinda] looks, sounds, acts, and is treated like she's younger.

    Louche posted: »

    when you frown a lot, you tend to look older than you are. same probably goes for Lilly. The "sam being 22" thing really weirds me out for some reason...

  • I got a soft spot for Ben just cause he is a fuck up

  • edited April 2018

    The "sam being 22" thing really weirds me out for some reason...

    Wait what? Sam is 22? I don't know why, but it weirds me out for some reason too. I had her pegged as a 17 or 18 year old.

    Louche posted: »

    when you frown a lot, you tend to look older than you are. same probably goes for Lilly. The "sam being 22" thing really weirds me out for some reason...

  • probably because she acted like a total idiot

    Veeeee posted: »

    The "sam being 22" thing really weirds me out for some reason... Wait what? Sam is 22? I don't know why, but it weirds me out for some reason too. I had her pegged as a 17 or 18 year old.

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