Game Of Thrones "The Broken Man" episode discussion
Since no one else made it yet I decided to. Feel free to discuss the episodes and hide the fookin' chickens
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Since no one else made it yet I decided to. Feel free to discuss the episodes and hide the fookin' chickens
Cleganebowl confirmed
Margaery is faking it! I'm so happy rn ;-;
Arya... Pls. Do not be dead. ;-;
Everyone, brace yourselves and get hype!
All of those who deny Cleganebowl will see the light on this day.
XD. Blackfish mean mugging lol
Come on Theon you still have fingers and a mouth.
F*** I was hoping that Arya scene was a dream sequence
She'll survive. But damn that scene was creepy.
Wow. A lot happened in this episode
Need to watch it again, but after the first viewing I'd say the Riverrun scenes, Lady Mormont and the creepy Waif stabbing Arya were the highlights of the episode. And of course Hound coming back
Ian McShane was great too. I wonder why they didn't give a version of the Broken Men -speech (from AFFC) to his character - considering the name of the episode and all, but oh well, McShane shined even without it.
Only 3 episodes left
Obviously next episode will likely heavily focus on Arya based off the title. I feel like the season has to end with her killing Walder Frey
Man I was hopping the Forresters would get mention by Jon Snow.
well... interesting episode.
EDIT: ok so i rewatched the episode and it changed my mind a bit. i was keeping an eye in the NBA finals game and i guess i didnt grasp it completely. i didnt really see how beautifully directed. that was pretty damn good job. so it has changed from the low score that i gave to a bit higher grade. 7.5-8/10. solid episode. also the waif wasnt the one that threw arya over the bridge, it was arya to safe herself from her. and in the second viewing i noticed how it wasnt more stabbed than i initially thought. but she did twist that shit so idk how realistic that was.. but then again there has been cases that people had survived gunshots to the belly..
also one lil thing... since they mentioned jon being steward to Jeor, why didnt they question jon about him leaving the nights watch?? or why did he show Longclaw?? well..
PS: im still hoping for a northern backstab to the boltons, the whole Bron line "good thing we are friends or we would be fucking you in the ass" maybe that means Umbers gonna be fucking the boltons since there is no real love in there.
This is by far my favorite episode of the season. Nothing else to say about it. 9.5/10
So besides the obvious CleganeBowl hype... I'm more focused on Arya right now more than anything. It seems like now we have two Starks who may have a disability for the rest of their days.
The obvious one is Bran, since he cannot walk. But I wonder if the waif stabbing will mess with Aryas reproductive system. So now she may not be able to have an heir. And we can even include Jon if one wants to acknowledge that being a bastard in Westeros is almost a death sentence, especially those from noble families.
But great episode. Loved the speech that the Glovers gave, loved Davos and the Blackfish. So happy to see Bronn again! It's been too long.
Hide every fucking chicken in Westeros
Lmao "every man from bear island is worth 10 from the mainland" We've been through this before.
I bet the Forresters (specifically Rodrik) would want to slap Lord Glover if they saw him in this episode.
"Wah, my wife and children were imprisoned. Wah, what was Robb doing? Wah, the Starks are dead."
you talking about the game? lol
Think it was a reference to Theon on the ironborn in his speech at Winterfell.
"Every Ironborn man is worth a dozen from the mainland. D'you think they're right?"
you know what i was hoping for?? for when the waif threw arya, that her dead body would float and then the waif would grab her and see that it really wasnt arya, it was someone she put a face on..
It was a reference to the game. The slavers being worth 10 from westeros each. But that's a pretty similar statement by the mormont and theon :P
I think Margarey and Tommen are playing the game I don't think Tommen will be a religious fanatic and I do have high hopes with the character and I really look forward to him being more of king I do think he is playing more diplomatic than violent after all it's better to play diplomacy first before violence but if Cersei is challenging the Seven and I'm really looking forward to it if turns out the way I see it in next episode than all hell will break loose also I find Margarey and Tommen great characters and including the romance here's hope Tommen can be the character we want him to be and also I was excited to see the Hound again glad he is alive and can't wait to see him rekt the brotherhood without banners.go Hound!!!Also I hope Arya is OK and seeing her in preview I hope she escapes and kills that(don't know character's name)many face god's assassin love to see that I hope and I give this episode a 7.5/10 great episode
Hopefully in Season 2 of Telltale's Game Of Thrones
I dont get why people want this, it would spoil the future of the game
Another decent episode
I thought this was a good episode. I like Jon and Sansa negotiating and gathering men. Although I was slightly disappointed that Robert Glover revealed that the Boltons helped them take back their castle, meaning the Forresters won't play a role in our game, but at least it will give Telltale the freedom to do whatever they want once Season 2 starts.
For once I actually enjoyed the King's Landing story. It was nice to see Margerary acting and being sutble.
I also enjoyed the Riverrun scene with Jaime.
Another thing, regarding Arya.
Is it Arya or Jaqen/Or Faceless Men wearing Arya's face who got stabbed? One possibility that it is Jaqen, it is because Arya wasn't carrying Needle. But another thing against the theory is that the Faceless men didn't have Arya's face, unless they do like the one we saw in Season 5 episode 10 unless that was a vision due to the posion that Arya got.
I loved it. I was literally screaming when The Hound was back, as fast as I saw Ian McShane I knew what's goin' on.
Also, Arya's bits is great. And that Gloverspeech was epic, Davos speech was epic, Daenerys absence was epic, Tyrions absence was not as epic. KL was epic, Olennas fuck off towards the septa was INCREDIBLY epic. Yeah. And towards Cersei aswell.
Mark my words friends, next week, shit will hit my fucking fan.
No I love Arya! Someone save her fast please.
What a difference between this episode and the last. This is setting up future events done right.
House Glover... it's evident the North Remembers by what he spit right back at Sansa. A lot of people might throw House Glover some hate for that, but they gave it all for House Stark: his brother, his wife, his heir, lost his castle and a lot of his people to the Iron-born. When he states that House Bolton helped him take it back.. I'm assuming he had to mean Roose, because Ramsey is far too impulsive to be that much of a planner.
House Mormont was exactly what I wanted it to be. That is one 10 year old I wouldn't mind sitting the Iron Throne. Watching John and Sansa tour for troops was actually great. I wish they'd shown them doing more, but I do understand time constraints and it might've gotten old hearing the same pleas. I'm really hoping John starts taking a more confident leader role. Death left him shaken, but the world's not going to wait for him to get counseling for the brother's betrayal.
Jamie vs Blackfish with Brienne of Tarth on the way. I really can't wait. Blackfish lived up to his legend, and this book moment was made better with Bronn at Jamie's side. I'm really hoping for a character defining moment when Brienne arrives for Jamie. It would be the ultimate betrayal of Cersei if he were to decide to use those men to join the Blackfish in aiding Sansa and in a way fulfilling his oath to Caitlynn Stark. Or will it be a battle between Brienne and Jamie?
Arya's attempt at escape was swift, and as expected not without confrontation. I was expecting more of a fight for some reason, but this really does fit the assassin line better. The method of stabbing was a bit like watching the Red Wedding moment when Robb's wife and unborn child were killed. Here's hoping she has some time to heal before that rematch, because there's no way that's the end of it.
I really missed the Hound. Great acting all around for his return. Wish they'd had a little more time there for the set-up, but the pay off will be bloody. No amount of chickens will save those men from the Hound. Not sure how that will lead to him facing the Mountain in the trial by combat like we really would like as I expected the faith to somehow send a man for him since his identity wasn't a secret when he was found.
However.. Cersei's end is at hand. I honestly think that she will be the one that torch's King's Landing. It won't be long before she truly has nothing left, and she is not afraid to take everything down with her.
Lol I was actually kinda happy we didn't see Dany either lol
Me throughout the whole episode.
dis gon b gud
In terms of S2 for TTGOT...
-Lord Robett Glover's played by a well-known actor who could be under contract for future seasons and might be willing to do voicework for this
-The Boltons helped him retake Deepwood Motte from Ironborn
-Playable Torrhen helping take back Deepwood in S2?
-Rodrik/Asher meeting him in S2, even?
Also I'm really hype for Margaery after this episode, the way she worried the High Sparrow by refusing to produce heirs is foreshadowing for some trickery to come I hope...
I'd say this episode didn't have the best possible pacing - mostly because soooo much was crammed into such a short episode. However, there were many amazing scenes. I like everything in the Riverlands - both the Riverrun and the Sandor scenes. Lyanna Mormont was amazing, the Glover scene was a bit sad but I liked it too. Arya scene was very good even if fucking creepy. Of course people have already started to complain that it's unrealistic - yeah, whatever. Overall, a very good episode. 8.5/10
I don't know for sure but why do i get the feeling that alot more houses are going to turn up to help the Starks, I don't know it just seems disappointing that so little houses are helping
Nah, seriously, let the character rest in peace. It's like in every episode someone is shitting on him. Today is ungrateful Sansa. it's not like Stannis was trying to save you, hey.
Btw, I guess that guy in the brotherhood without banner is Lemoncloak from the books, because of... the color of his coat.
Seeing how it turns with the brotherhood without banners (no lady Stoneheart) and how their men praise the Lord of the Light I guess they will make Thoros of Myr or whoever in charge a bloody fanatic. That's the smell of it anyway.
I expect Manderlys will come in the next episode, but it's the Vale army that will save the day (I assume Sansa was writing her letter to Baelish).
It's just that such a long war has corrupted the BWB. And religion is always a good excuse for some murdering and stealing - especially during wartime.
Was he trying to save her? I dont remember that part. Was she even on his radar?
Well, you could say that by taking King's Landing Stannis would've saved Sansa from the Lannisters, and by taking Winterfell he would've saved her from Boltons - but obviously that wasn't his motive in either of those battles. And if we go by the books (because I don't remember him speaking about it in the show), for what I remember Stannis didn't really respect Sansa, called her Lady Lannister and so on.
In books it's fake Arya he's rescuying. To maintain his support with the northerners and in order to thank Jon Snow for "giving" him the Northern clans; once he had her back he sent her to the Wall to encounter her "half brother". Now Sansa and Jeyne Poole are two characters melted in the series.
Talking about the series:
enter link description here
Well, it's Baelish's POV, not the most trustable, but I don't see why he would lie on the interest of Stannis taking Winterfell. Basically it was to have the Northerners' support since he had none in the series.
You've got to put this quote in context. I couldn't find it but as I remember it they're talking about the heir of Winterfell. By calling her like that, he just point that she's no valid heir for him since she's a puppet of the Lannisters, married to the Dwarf.
Yeah, I was talking about the series at the start of my post.
And yeah, I do believe that Stannis would've made Sansa the Wardeness, if only because he couldn't persuade Jon to take the job.
True, what I mean was just that as far as I remember he wasn't very understanding towards Sansa, basically having a similar perspective that some fans that hate Sansa have: that she's a traitor.