What Should TellTale's Marvel Game Focus On?
I want to know your honest opinion on who should be the hero they focus on in the game and maybe not just focus on one superhero but multiple superheroes.
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I want to know your honest opinion on who should be the hero they focus on in the game and maybe not just focus on one superhero but multiple superheroes.
Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)
If you don't know who she is LOOK HER UP! One of the best characters i've gotten to know, She's only been around since 2014
Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
Oh yeah I know who both of those characters are and they would make great characters for TellTale to use.
I think a Daredevil or an Iron Man game would be pretty cool to see from Telltale!
If they wanted to make brand new characters they'd probably go with S.H.I.E.LD or XMEN.
If they went for a canon character... well Spiderman (Peter Parker) has always been my favourite super hero ever!
Big Hero 6. Diverse and compelling cast that was profitable and Disney isn't doing anything with them. Plus, I'm still upset at Disney screwing us over about Infinity.
Yes I really like that idea about Daredevil. I love the tv show and I have no doubts TellTale would do a great job as putting us in the suit of Daredevil.
My cousin loves Kamala Khan! She is her favorite Marvel superhero. She is also the first Muslim superhero in the Marvel Universe.

Actually not the first, she's the first to have her own comic series. The other being M (uncanny Xmen) she's doesn't have her own comic, there's also Sooraya Qadir and Dr. Faiza Hussain. She's not the first Muslim superhero just the first one to have her own series
I'm a huge spiderman nerd so my choice is obvious.
SPIDERMAN, because and I'll admit I'm a huge Spidey fanboy.
I be a huge fan of Spider-Man and Deadpool. Either of those two.
I'd be down with Miles Morales. Although Deadpool would be a pretty cool choice too.
I'd personally like a hero who is morally grey, does good things and bad things - although it would be cool to be a completely new character that's getting trained by a Marvel hero who can descend into villainy.
I know it's kind of an obvious one but Spider-Man would be my pick. I think the stressful and unlucky life Peter lives with his power and responsibility would make him an excellent candidate for the Marvel TT game. Yes there's already been dozens of Spider-Man games, but I think a one that shows the stress of Peter's life and chaotically bad luck would work really well in a TT game.
Plus when we're playing as Spider-Man I can imagine his dialogue options just being as quippy as all hell when he's fighting a villain, which would just be hilarious.
Who is M?
It would also make a neat parallel to the Batman game with how you choose to be Bruce Wayne or Batman for certain scenes.
Monet Croix, born in France raised as a Muslim, she's a mutant, been around since 1994. Super strength, speed, telekinesis and healing factor but not like wolverines healing, more of an accelerated rate. I'm currently reading Uncanny Xmen which she's currently in.
Are you picking up Civil War II: Amazing Spider #1 It's out now, ive just got to go and pick mine up!
Spider-Man would certainly be awesome. He is the most relateable superhero.
But if Telltale doesn't want to make use of Spider-Man, I think they should have a Marvel superhero that is at least as relateable as Spider-Man.
That's why I think Ms Marvel is a good choice, young, stuck between school, avengers, friends, a very strict family. Oh and religion, Theres so much conflict in herself in her comics that it makes for a good and relatable read, especially for younger people
Either Spider-Man or Deadpool.
Also I don't read the comics - which I need to change at some point -, but after reading this young lady's wikia I wish for a game on her, mostly because of the cool shit she can do.
Guardians of the galaxy
Fuck yes.
It makes me so happy that so many people said Spiderman.
I literally know nothing about superheroes beyond the ones shown in movies, but from what I've seen from the comments here Ms. Marvel sounds like a good idea.
Uh, duh.
Clearly, if you're going to make a story driven superhero game, make it about the most mentally complex, hilarious, interesting, comic book-stylized and badass hero of all, the Brian Micheal Bendis/Mark Bagley Ultimate Spider-Man. He's got Spidey's jokes, Peter's interesting mental structure, The backstory behind his parents, an awesome Venom and an art style that I can ONLY SEE working in Telltale's format of graphics. Plus, imagine how awesome the QTEs of webswinging would be.
The Hell's Kitchen crew would make for a perfect Telltale Game, I think.
Hmm, that would be a pretty interesting Telltale game. It would definitely capture some similar vibes to Tales from the Borderlands, just as I expect Batman will capture some of the vibes from Wolf Among Us.
For me it has to be the Hell's Kitchen group so the punisher daredevil Luke cage Jessica Jones etc but yeah Daredevil would be the perfect fit and you would perfectly understand it if you've seen the daredevil Netflix series
ATTENTION: I am probably about to write a long paragraph because when I explain something, I need to note all the details. You have been warned.
I'd love an Ultimate Spiderman Telltale game, cause it'd fit their style so well. Now, I don't exactly read comics regularly, but, a while ago I played a little game known as "Ultimate Spider-man" (based on the comics, duh.) whose cinematics blew me away (extremely stylized comic book style, with captions and sound effects and everything -- check it out:
), and the writing was pretty good.. And, there was this show, "Spider-man: The New Animated Series" featuring Neil Patrick Harris (he's my favourite) as Peter in a full 3D, CGI animated show (which Brian Michael Bendis co-produced). It was good at best, but the the art style... ooh the art style, looking back at it now it kind of resembled what the Wolf Among Us turned out to be, mostly just the shadow effects on the characters. But really, the music was probably the best part of the show, and captivated my attention the most. (see if you can find it on dvd, or just somewhere online, some episodes are pretty good.) Anyway, if there would be a Spiderman game out of all of this, mixing those two things into Telltale's formula would make me he happiest person to play that game. Holy moly. You see? Long paragraph... Dang it.
I love you more than anyone on these forums just for that long, amazing paragraph about Ultimate Spider-Man and the fact that you love the game as much as I do. Also, that Spider-Man series with NPH was the fucking bomb. You man, you are a good dude.
Aw, thanks man. I'm so glad I met someone with the same opinion as me about those two Spiderman things, let alone just for even knowing they exist.
EDIT: oh man, your profile picture just changed.. Freaky. Uh, what's the occasion?
Oh, it's Tim, or better known as Masky, from Marble Hornets. I just finished watching it, and the final few episodes were so awesome I changed my profile picture on Facebook and TTG to show my fanboyism for the amazing series.
Just from reading all of these comments I do believe SpiderMan would make a great Telltale game but I do believe if they used Daredevil things would get interesting....