How many of you would've preferred to have played as Lee in S2?

I have always regretted that they killed Lee, after having played as Clementine. I just felt that playing as her, the experience left something to be desired.

I think what I missed most of all was the father/daughter dynamic. And honestly I think that's one of the biggest reasons why I like the story in TLOU, and why I've referenced it more than a couple of times.

Anyway, I was just wondering how many of you missed playing as Lee, and for the same reason?


  • Me

  • Nope. Lee had a good death and I enjoyed playing as Clem.

  • Enjoyed seeing the apocalypse from a child's eyes

  • I loved playing as Lee, he's by far one of my favourite all time characters, being Clem in season 2 was interesting in a way, seing as she isn't as strong as Lee so there were a few things limited, but it's something i don't want for season 3.

    Clementine is awesome as a "sidekick" companion character and she should stay that way, i hope they bring back a Lee type character for season 3.

  • Me, I think killing Lee was a huge mistake on Telltale part when you think of it. A lot of the flaws would have been non existent.

  • So egocentric, right Lee?

    Me, I think killing Lee was a huge mistake on Telltale part when you think of it. A lot of the flaws would have been non existent.

  • Me. It was for me to play as a child compared to an adult. I prefer playing as someone who uses an axe rather then a hammer. And in my opinion Clem for me wasn't that interesting compared to Season 1 Clem.

  • No, If I wanted to relive the same experience, Id just play season one again.

  • Damn Right.

    So egocentric, right Lee?

  • Same.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Nope. Lee had a good death and I enjoyed playing as Clem.

  • I think it was a good move playing as Clementine. Kinda like passing the torch. It was properly built up throughout S1 and Lee got his time to shine with an epic story so few video game characters get.

  • The ending of season one would have been nothing without Lee's death. So no.

  • Lee had a really good ending , and clem was good in S2 . But i really hope , we get to play a new character in s3 ,perhpas even live a part of the beginning of the apocalypse ,because it's for me the best part of any zombie game or movie , seeing the characters transforamtion into badass or psychos is the best

  • That's the attitude!

    Damn Right.

  • same here.

    Me, I think killing Lee was a huge mistake on Telltale part when you think of it. A lot of the flaws would have been non existent.

  • that's preferable than playing the garbage season 2

    KCohere posted: »

    No, If I wanted to relive the same experience, Id just play season one again.

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