The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Aw, seriously? What happened between Troy, Tim and Joseph? I watched a panel from them last night from 2015 and they all seemed really happy.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    One of us. One of us. One of us. Yeah Marble Hornets is great. Sadly the creators Troy, Tim and Joseph had a really bad falling out. I

  • I just realized...the X-Men movies have so many fucking plotholes.

    enter link description here

  • I've been reading a lot of my old facebook messages lately. Really funny ones too :) some great group conversation.

    Eventually I started reading a lot of conversations I had with an old crush of mine. So much flirting! XD Reading them made me realize that I'd forgotten how into her I was. I had fun reading all the flirting and banter. I got pretty sad towards the end.

  • I cringe at all my old facebook messages.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I've been reading a lot of my old facebook messages lately. Really funny ones too some great group conversation. Eventually I started re

  • I need some patriotic music to get my spirits up. Today has been a roller coaster of emotion.

  • Yeah but you rather have Pablo the Plug as your prisoner mate than Randy the Rapist.

    Lmao too true, they must be salty about it as well.

  • edited June 2016

    Oh me too XD

    The way I talked I can't help but cringe. I spoke like:

    How are u 2day? Aw yea I no!

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I cringe at all my old facebook messages.

  • Anyone would rather have Pablo the Plug as a prisoner mate instead of Randy the Rapist.

    Euron posted: »

    Yeah but you rather have Pablo the Plug as your prisoner mate than Randy the Rapist.

  • I need some patriotic music to get my spirits up. Today has been a roller coaster of emotion.

  • Don't know whether it's wrong to feel happy about Telltale news today while there's all this shooting controversy on the news... But, I guess so if it keeps my spirits up?

  • Tragedies happen everyday, if you're going to get sad and ruin your day over every single tragedy that happens, you won't be able to live a normal life.

    AChicken posted: »

    Don't know whether it's wrong to feel happy about Telltale news today while there's all this shooting controversy on the news... But, I guess so if it keeps my spirits up?

  • Yeah, but this one's a pretty big one. I don't think too much about these things, but sitting down today in front of the tv thinking about those people just got me down (I am kind of an emotional person). This didn't ruin my day, it just took a strange turn which I didn't expect.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Tragedies happen everyday, if you're going to get sad and ruin your day over every single tragedy that happens, you won't be able to live a normal life.

  • enter link description here

    It's not really a song, but it always lifts my spirits.

    I need some patriotic music to get my spirits up. Today has been a roller coaster of emotion.

  • Bioware needs to stop giving me blue b****. They still have shown next to nothing about Mass Effect Andromeda

  • Are you trolling at this point?

  • No, but if you think I am, I'll just flag my own comment.

    Are you trolling at this point?

  • Yes, because anybody who says they support Trump, is obviously a troll.

    Are you trolling at this point?

  • Dude, I know this event has you scared and emotional but the blind support over an egotistical and dangerous candidate is not going to make you safer.

    No, but if you think I am, I'll just flag my own comment.

  • Clinton is worse.

    Dude, I know this event has you scared and emotional but the blind support over an egotistical and dangerous candidate is not going to make you safer.

  • I'm asking if he's trolling because he has posted a lot of stuff in support of Trump with little support as to why. You were on the mass shooting thread I presume.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Yes, because anybody who says they support Trump, is obviously a troll.

  • Don't know about that, she sure is bad, I sure don't support her.

    Clinton is worse.

  • he has posted a lot of stuff in support of Trump with little support as to why.

    And you have just posted an anti-Trump comment with little support as to why, and I know you're not trolling.

    I'm asking if he's trolling because he has posted a lot of stuff in support of Trump with little support as to why. You were on the mass shooting thread I presume.

  • If you wish to know why, please ask, I was asking him and he didn't provide anything. I'd be happy to explain my views, I didn't think it was necessary to state my views before asking for another's.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    he has posted a lot of stuff in support of Trump with little support as to why. And you have just posted an anti-Trump comment with little support as to why, and I know you're not trolling.

  • @GoldenPaladin, although those comments were removed, I'm still interested about your reasoning and views about Trump. If you wouldn't mind disclosing them.

  • I have from today forward 4000 likes:)

  • Tfw your headphones broke and your laptop sounds weird af without them.

    Y u do dis to me, life? :IIIII

  • RIP Headphones

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw your headphones broke and your laptop sounds weird af without them. Y u do dis to me, life? :IIIII

  • Ripperoni in pepperoni.

    At least I found some working earphones, but hey.. better than nothing.

    RIP Headphones

  • That's a shame those were removed, I didn't see an issue with them. I'd be happy to share my opinion.

    I don't personally support Trump, and my reasoning isn't like most people's who yell that he's racist or what not. I see Trump as a very dangerous state to American diplomacy. The President, although powerful, is mainly in control of the military and diplomacy with other more friendly nations. As it is now, not many leaders across the world support a Trump presidency and wouldn't treat him with the same respect as possibly another president, while I blame that on Trump's carelessness with what he says, it can also be blamed on other world leaders who should treat matter with who...with respect. Trump is also a very, flip floppy candidate, he says one thing and another a while later, and while some see this as positive (Unpredictable), I see it as a very dangerous thing as we can not know which side he is on.

    Trump also isn't a very clear person, he says things without putting a plan in action. For example, who he will select as the heads of several important departments of the executive branch and his presidential cabinet. It doesn't make it seem like he has a plan, and if you're running for a position as important a president of one of the largest and most power nations in the world, you kind of need a plan that can be followed by people. The plans he does have is extremely unreliable and in some cases, extremely unconstitutional. For my first example, the wall, and I don't know where to start with this one. A wall is a terrible idea to stopping immigration, not only would it cost America billions, if not trillions of money to build a wall across the entire border, much less a high one, but it would cost America because Mexico will not pay for it, their president already made that known. A wall will also not stop immigration, while land immigration is a very common one, it's not impossible to get into America. If someone really wants to get into America, they will find a way.

    My second example is his plan to stop terrorism by stopping Muslim immigration. Stopping immigration from the middle east is still unreliable but more constitutional than discriminating based on a religion. I agree that something has to be done against ISIS, but something smart, punishing all Muslims or people in the Middle East causes future hatred and thus more terrorism in the future, a very dangerous thing. He also has a very aggressive stance towards immigration and Muslims, it's not entirely unwarranted but it is dangerous, as we need to look at the root of our problems and solve that before making large mistakes in stopping the symptoms.

    Trump is very nationalistic. Nationalism isn't always bad but it can be, he constantly states we must fight against China who is over taking global trade, and I think we do need to do more to get back on the world stage both economically but as well as politically. Forgive me if this is misinformation but I recall him saying he'll use tariffs to fight China's globalism and help small businesses but that's a very dangerous thing. Tariffs usually hurt a nation, at least on a large scale and stop nation trade.

    I might have forgotten some things but this can be a start to understanding my dislike of a Trump presidency.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    @GoldenPaladin, although those comments were removed, I'm still interested about your reasoning and views about Trump. If you wouldn't mind disclosing them.

  • That's what you get for cyberbullying!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw your headphones broke and your laptop sounds weird af without them. Y u do dis to me, life? :IIIII

  • I had them for like 3 years, so I was expecting that to happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    And yeah... but cyberbullying is fun, I can't help it. ;-;

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    That's what you get for cyberbullying!

  • That's it, I'm clicking the report abuse button, prepare to have the FBI knock down your door any minute.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I had them for like 3 years, so I was expecting that to happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And yeah... but cyberbullying is fun, I can't help it. ;-;

  • Finally getting what you deserve

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I had them for like 3 years, so I was expecting that to happen. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And yeah... but cyberbullying is fun, I can't help it. ;-;

  • edited June 2016

    Damn, did anyone else check out that S3 teaser of TWD game? Anyone else notice Clem's ring finger was missing as well? And also, what do you guys think of the upgraded engine?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2016
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Anyone else notice Clem's ring finger was missing as well?

    They mentioned that on the Stream

    And also, what do you guys think of the upgraded engine?

    Batman and this look pretty good.

    By the way I like that we're playing as two characters, TFTB style.

  • I don't personally support Trump, and my reasoning isn't like most people's who yell that he's racist or what not. I see Trump as a very dangerous state to American diplomacy. The President, although powerful, is mainly in control of the military and diplomacy with other more friendly nations. As it is now, not many leaders across the world support a Trump presidency and wouldn't treat him with the same respect as possibly another president, while I blame that on Trump's carelessness with what he says, it can also be blamed on other world leaders who should treat matter with who...with respect. Trump is also a very, flip floppy candidate, he says one thing and another a while later, and while some see this as positive (Unpredictable), I see it as a very dangerous thing as we can not know which side he is on.

    I would say he's more flexible, when circumstances change, he adjusts his view accordingly. His policies may change, but that does not mean who he is and what he stands for will change. Which I'd say, is a good quality to have. I disagree with your last statement, we clearly know whose side he is on; America's side. His country's side. Trump is willing to do whatever it takes to keep America safe and civilized. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    Trump also isn't a very clear person, he says things without putting a plan in action. For example, who he will select as the heads of several important departments of the executive branch and his presidential cabinet. It doesn't make it seem like he has a plan, and if you're running for a position as important a president of one of the largest and most power nations in the world, you kind of need a plan that can be followed by people. The plans he does have is extremely unreliable and in some cases, extremely unconstitutional. For my first example, the wall, and I don't know where to start with this one. A wall is a terrible idea to stopping immigration, not only would it cost America billions, if not trillions of money to build a wall across the entire border, much less a high one, but it would cost America because Mexico will not pay for it, their president already made that known. A wall will also not stop immigration, while land immigration is a very common one, it's not impossible to get into America. If someone really wants to get into America, they will find a way.

    Just because Trump hasn't disclosed any plan to the public doesn't mean he hasn't a plan in mind. Not coming out with a public plan might even be part of Trump's plan. He has stated that he hates how other politicians, like Obama, reveal most of their plan of action. He wants to keep it a secret and thinks it should be a secret. True, a wall will not completely deter illegal immigration, but however will minimize it. Which I think is worth it.

    My second example is his plan to stop terrorism by stopping Muslim immigration. Stopping immigration from the middle east is still unreliable but more constitutional than discriminating based on a religion. I agree that something has to be done against ISIS, but something smart, punishing all Muslims or people in the Middle East causes future hatred and thus more terrorism in the future, a very dangerous thing. He also has a very aggressive stance towards immigration and Muslims, it's not entirely unwarranted but it is dangerous, as we need to look at the root of our problems and solve that before making large mistakes in stopping the symptoms.

    The thing about the Muslims, it's not meant to be a punishment for all of them. It is much rather a precaution, and the unfortunate Muslims who are not radicalized will be affected by it, but there really is no better or more reasonable solution at this given time. We should be cautious of all Muslims, the US simply cannot risk letting Muslims into the country and cannot tell who is radicalized and who is not. It's not a very welcoming thought, but it's honest, and true.

    That's a shame those were removed, I didn't see an issue with them. I'd be happy to share my opinion. I don't personally support Trump, a

  • By the way I like that we're playing as two characters, TFTB style.

    We are? Any proof of this?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Anyone else notice Clem's ring finger was missing as well? They mentioned that on the Stream And also, what do you guys think

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Job said on the livestream we're playing as Clementine and Javier.

    By the way I like that we're playing as two characters, TFTB style. We are? Any proof of this?

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