I've been pissing my sister off with my favourite reference

So you guys know that part of the game? Where rhys makes a plan and ends it with "and celebrate our swift and easy victory". Well I've been doing it a lot lately. This is my sister's favorite game so I like to pissing her off with these references. Whenever she asks me how I'm going to do something I start making a plan and then finish it with "and celebrate my swift and easy victory" and thus I get the odd "do you wanna get punched?" Comment though. it's the perfect way to troll someone who likes the game and the best part is they don't expect it. Well at my local comic con supanova troy baker who plays ryhs is going there and I'm thinking of going with my sister and there is this thing where you can get him to do a small recording I'm trying to think up something clever for him to say and finish it off with "and celebrate our swift and easy victory" for the grand troll finale so have you guys got any ideas? Also she's caught up on my swift and easy victory joke so I'm thinking of doing the other one where she asks what my plan is and I'll say "oh it's killer" say the plan and finish it with "to the victor go the spoils" so she doesn't really expect it. Anyway that's it. Cya.


  • Try to get him to talk about how he planned his voice acting for tftb and then add the reference at the end

  • I was scrolling past this and I thought it said, "I Piss on My Sister." You would not believe the amount of relief I had when I did a double take.

  • LOL best comment 10\10

    ralo229 posted: »

    I was scrolling past this and I thought it said, "I Piss on My Sister." You would not believe the amount of relief I had when I did a double take.

  • 9/11 would think "is 'pissing off' a good word to use?" contemplate it for a few minutes and then use it for the title anyway again

    ralo229 posted: »

    I was scrolling past this and I thought it said, "I Piss on My Sister." You would not believe the amount of relief I had when I did a double take.

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