The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • In case you missed it - Telltale showed off four Batman screens and a Reveal Trailer for Walking Dead Season 3 - both running on a heavily upgraded Telltale engine.

  • I would say he's more flexible, when circumstances change, he adjusts his view accordingly. His policies may change, but that does not mean who he is and what he stands for will change. Which I'd say, is a good quality to have.

    Being flexible is a very important trait to have no matter the job, but I don't think what Trump is, is flexible. However, that's more or less based on our opinion, so not worth arguing for that.

    I disagree with your last statement, we clearly know whose side he is on; America's side. His country's side. Trump is willing to do whatever it takes to keep America safe and civilized. I don't see that changing anytime soon.

    "America's side" is a very broad statement, we are a nation of millions of people comprising of several different ideologies and opinions. Safety is important but we should be careful what we do to be "safe". It's very easy to rationalize some pretty stupid stuff in the pretense of making us safe. I would also like to know what you consider "civilized" and what you don't, if you don't mind clarifying that. Back to the main point of this reply, we don't know which of the internal sides he's on, of course he's on America's side, but what part of America.

    Just because Trump hasn't disclosed any plan to the public doesn't mean he hasn't a plan in mind. Not coming out with a public plan might even be part of Trump's plan.

    That's a fair point. I would prefer to at least know what I'm voting for.

    True, a wall will not completely deter illegal immigration, but however will minimize it. Which I think is worth it.

    So you would prefer we waste billions of tax dollars for a small margin of change in immigration?

    The thing about the Muslims, it's not meant to be a punishment for all of them. It is much rather a precaution, and the unfortunate Muslims who are not radicalized will be affected by it, but there really is no better or more reasonable solution at this given time.

    I understand it's not a punishment but it's extremely unconstitutional, we can't discriminate based on religious beliefs. We have the option of banning immigration from some countries, even travel, and that would be better as it's not based on religion. No answer is going to solve our problems nor stop any of these terrible events from happening, but we need to try a different method instead of radicalizing more Muslims to actively hate the US.

    A few more thoughts came to mind. Trump doesn't believe in climate change and several other scientifically proven dangers to the US and the world. I can not support someone who ignores obvious dangers to our future as a species. He also has no political experience, and even admitted to owning all the other Republican candidates during the first Republican debate, people argue that Trump will get money out of politics but he is the money in politics.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I don't personally support Trump, and my reasoning isn't like most people's who yell that he's racist or what not. I see Trump as a very dan

  • edited June 2016

    TWD S3... TTG Batman... My brother getting our first ever PS4.... So much E3 shit to look forward to... I think I'm in heaven.

  • Does that mean you'll be able to play GTA V on PS4?

    TWD S3... TTG Batman... My brother getting our first ever PS4.... So much E3 shit to look forward to... I think I'm in heaven.

  • YES! C:

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Does that mean you'll be able to play GTA V on PS4?

  • edited June 2016

    Long story short it was money problems (the THAC channel wasn't bringing in much money), Troy's use of his power as head of the company and their new addition Noah (Tim and Joseph hated him, Troy didn't) that split them apart. Troy and Joseph have returned to speaking terms since then but Tim has completely cut off Troy from his life.

    According to them they pretty much had to put up a face during the panels and conventions they went to just before breaking up.

    Aw, seriously? What happened between Troy, Tim and Joseph? I watched a panel from them last night from 2015 and they all seemed really happy.

  • Wow, that really sucks. Interesting how one person can ruin a good thing without even trying.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Long story short it was money problems (the THAC channel wasn't bringing in much money), Troy's use of his power as head of the company and

  • edited June 2016

    Well, I think my PS4 just died. I had it since the day it launched in Europe. What a great way to start the week.

  • edited June 2016

    Noo!! RIP ;-;

    How did it look? Was it just a black screen when you turn it on?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Well, I think my PS4 just died. I had it since the day it launched in Europe. What a great way to start the week.

  • R.I.P my PS4. November 2013 - June 2016.

    Yep, just a black screen. The light kept flashing blue, and it kept making the turning on and shutting off noises on an endless loop. Should've known this was bound to happen someday, conisdering launch models tend to be the more problematic.

    Noo!! RIP ;-; How did it look? Was it just a black screen when you turn it on?

  • Fuck, thank everything. My power is back. Hopefully my PS4 is fine, it was on when the power went out.

  • I just learned that in order to play multiplayer online on PS4 I need to fucking pay for PS Plus? What the fuck is this disgraceful bullshit? They get their money with the systems, the games and PSN cards. Apparently that's not enough. Fuck sakes, now me and my brother has to put our money together yearly now.

    Sigh, so anything I should know about PS Plus? Requirements and such? We've tried to avoid it all these years.

  • Goddamn you. ;-;

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Finally getting what you deserve

  • And this is why I game on PC.

    I just learned that in order to play multiplayer online on PS4 I need to fucking pay for PS Plus? What the fuck is this disgraceful bullshit

  • Come ON, gravatar! Why won't you work!?

  • My profile pic #ShesBack

  • I just hope no cheesy romance between the two

    Damn Clem looks awesome

    I'm so hyped for this

  • enter link description here

    Bethesda perfect

    I'm so hyped looks like they improved every aspect of Dishonored and took no shortcuts GOTY material

  • just finished gone home on ps4

  • Fun Fact: "Big In Japan" was a hit song in four different countries. None of them were Japan.

    I oddly feel like I was channeling Pop-up Video there.

  • enter link description here hope this helps

    Come ON, gravatar! Why won't you work!?

  • edited June 2016

    ps plus gives 3-4 free games every month remember to switch off auto renew in your settings or it will take money from your bank account (if you're using credit/debit cards) or ps wallet when it needs to be renewed and if you have any other playstation consoles ps plus will work on them(psp, vita etc).
    I agree with the comment of it is a stupid act on sonys part I think because it wasn't so popular on last-gen they are now making people pay for playing online the only game I know plays online without plus is cod ghosts but that it it think.

    I just learned that in order to play multiplayer online on PS4 I need to fucking pay for PS Plus? What the fuck is this disgraceful bullshit

  • it should be okay ususally after a power outage I rebuild the database just to make sure all fragmented data is gone

    Fuck, thank everything. My power is back. Hopefully my PS4 is fine, it was on when the power went out.

  • edited June 2016

    enter link description here be warned this will void any warranty you may have

    MichaelBP posted: »

    R.I.P my PS4. November 2013 - June 2016. Yep, just a black screen. The light kept flashing blue, and it kept making the turning on and sh

  • I was wondering how do people become Moderators its a question that's really eluded me

  • Thank you, I think I will at least give this a try later. If it doesn't work after that, I guess it's dead for good. I probably won't be buying the PS4 Neo at launch, considering the same thing happened to my OG 60GB PS3 (the worst about that model ceasing to work was it had backwards compatibility for both PS1 and PS2 games), in early 2010. I got a PS3 Slim later on that year, and it has lasted for the past 6 years.

    enter link description here be warned this will void any warranty you may have

  • Happy to help let me know how it goes :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Thank you, I think I will at least give this a try later. If it doesn't work after that, I guess it's dead for good. I probably won't be buy

  • edited June 2016

    I just watched the new trailer for Battlefield 1

    enter link description here

    The equipment shown (especially the Stahlhelme and MP18s) put this during the war's final year. I must admit that I am a bit disappointed at the glossing over of so many other points in the war's history. Seriously, why not something regarding the war in the East before Russia had to withdraw?

  • My reaction was the same when I learnt about it.

    I just learned that in order to play multiplayer online on PS4 I need to fucking pay for PS Plus? What the fuck is this disgraceful bullshit

  • So I don't need credit card if I get wallet cards? That's good. That was our first choice. I'll be sure to turn that off though.

    I agree with the comment of it is a stupid act on sonys part I think because it wasn't so popular on last-gen they are now making people pay for playing online the only game I know plays online without plus is cod ghosts but that it it think.

    Yeah, that's actually what I thought. They didn't sell as many PS Plus subscriptions as desired, so now they're forcing others to get one. Thing is, me and my brother spent too much on gathering games for it so it'd be a huge waste to return the system. Not just that, but our PC can't play games that well with the exception of flash games. So we're just gonna have to deal with the hardship even if we don't like it. We just need to put away 25 dollars each yearly to have one up. Sigh.

    ps plus gives 3-4 free games every month remember to switch off auto renew in your settings or it will take money from your bank account (if

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    The equipment shown (especially the Stahlhelme and MP18s) put this during the war's final year. I must admit that I am a bit disappointed at the glossing over of so many other points in the war's history. Seriously, why not something regarding the war in the East before Russia had to withdraw?

    There will probably be more content in DLCs so i wouldn't worry just yet.

    The trailer was good and when i was looking on the Battlefield subreddit i found some good raw gameplay videos that you might find interesting.

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    enter link description here

    I just watched the new trailer for Battlefield 1 enter link description here The equipment shown (especially the Stahlhelme and MP18s)

  • Loads of games coming out at the end of the year, I WONT HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR ALL HELP!

  • Just had powercut, apparently it has happened several times already today but I guess I slept through it.

  • Ship your consoles and PC to me, I'll have enough time.

    Loads of games coming out at the end of the year, I WONT HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR ALL HELP!

  • From what I've seen naturally helpful and nice people get offers to become mods. Having bans on your name probably lowers your chances as well.

    I was wondering how do people become Moderators its a question that's really eluded me

  • If you don't have enough time as well, send them to me then.

    I'm sure Jordan wouldn't mind.

    Ship your consoles and PC to me, I'll have enough time.

  • Now now guys lets not be hasty. THESE ARE MY GAMES, I maybe not have time to play them all the time but THEYRE MINE!

    Crips posted: »

    If you don't have enough time as well, send them to me then. I'm sure Jordan wouldn't mind.

  • looks interesting I might give the first one a shot again soon:)

    Markd4547 posted: »

    enter link description here Bethesda perfect I'm so hyped looks like they improved every aspect of Dishonored and took no shortcuts GOTY material

  • edited June 2016

    I just hope no cheesy romance between the two

    Highly doubt that. At most, Clem will be around 13 or 14 in season 3 due to the canon timeline of the comics that they're following. The male character (Javier), looks to be around his late 20's. I'm thinking it'll be more of a Joel and Ellie type of thing like they did in The Last of Us.

    Sad news though, is that some people, (insert banned user here), have already been shipping the two. It's disgusting and CLuke was already bad enough. We don't need a repeat of that.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just hope no cheesy romance between the two Damn Clem looks awesome I'm so hyped for this

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