Official Jetra thread



  • U hAv tEM FLaKeS! MmM! TeMmIE wAnT tEM FlaKEs bUt HaS tO PaY fOR CollEg!

    teM iS huNGriE! feED tEM TemMiE fLaKeS!

  • edited June 2016



  • TeMmIE nO mONeY! TeMmIE GO DiE nOw!

    michyxox posted: »

    U hAv tEM FLaKeS! MmM! TeMmIE wAnT tEM FlaKEs bUt HaS tO PaY fOR CollEg!

  • TeM Go tO CoLEg! mAke FaMLi PrOUdS! TeM WiLL mAkE U ProUDs HoOmAN!

    michyxox posted: »

    U hAv tEM FLaKeS! MmM! TeMmIE wAnT tEM FlaKEs bUt HaS tO PaY fOR CollEg!



  • If u do help your friends, Petra will say "You did a great job Jesse for helping your friends." or something like that.

    Omg really? Thank goodness I went for the friends. O_O

  • When Petra gets mad at you for not helping your friends. I want to say something offensive back to her but theirs nothing offensive to say

  • I think Ivor will die before episode 6 because in episode 8 it shows Lukas Jesse and Petra and no ivor

  • Hi. I'm Bob.

    TeM Go tO CoLEg! mAke FaMLi PrOUdS! TeM WiLL mAkE U ProUDs HoOmAN!

  • HoI bOB! mE Is jOHn ceNA!

    mooshroom91 posted: »

    Hi. I'm Bob.

  • I would rather not, I do like Lukas as a character. I always love the characters who used to be the enemy but befriended the main characters coughperidotcough

    AW COME ON! Why don't they let us kill Lukas ;(

  • "It was cool what you did back there."

    Petra thought Jesse was cool. :) Huehuehuehuehuehuehue...

    Funnily enough, Gabriel is the exact opposite- commending you if you go for the amulet, and mildly rebuking you if you go for the others.

    JimMate789 posted: »

    If u do help your friends, Petra will say "You did a great job Jesse for helping your friends." or something like that.

  • edited June 2016


    JimMate789 posted: »


  • You have no right to be offensive towards her, she's got a point, you risked your own life for a stupid thing over your friends.

    When Petra gets mad at you for not helping your friends. I want to say something offensive back to her but theirs nothing offensive to say

  • I think you meant after episode 6. I don't think so, Episode 6 showed Petra, Lukas and Jesse but Ivor yet he still appeared.

    I think Ivor will die before episode 6 because in episode 8 it shows Lukas Jesse and Petra and no ivor

  • Does Somebody knows if telltale, have actually said something about jetra

  • edited June 2016

    I 80% agree! (IDK what's the remainin' percent XD)

    (Oh and also, I accidentally read your username as 'BlueBandana'. God, I am so blind x) )

    Brenbanana posted: »

    I actually ship my female Jesse with Petra though so I don't see why it would be awkward. She has the exact same interactions with her as the male Jesse would have so I don't see why it would be any different.. xD

  • can someone explain what is happening lmao

    HoI bOB! mE Is jOHn ceNA!

  • We are talking the way the NPC Temmie talks. Temmie is from the game Undertale. Her dialogue is like this : oH mY gOD, iT iS jOHn ceNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

    can someone explain what is happening lmao

  • I dUn REmEmbER TemS TaLKiN BoUt JoN cENa

    We are talking the way the NPC Temmie talks. Temmie is from the game Undertale. Her dialogue is like this : oH mY gOD, iT iS jOHn ceNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


  • Nope, it's all from the fans.

    kilian19 posted: »

    Does Somebody knows if telltale, have actually said something about jetra

  • Oh, there's definitely something going on.

    If you haven't noticed, Petra seems to like the choices of Jesse being tough, in episode 1, if you choose to fight on the bridge, Petra will

  • John Cenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

    I dUn REmEmbER TemS TaLKiN BoUt JoN cENa

  • Yeah, Petra will PROBABLY talk about the fight moment on the bridge, because thats when they FIRST fought together. So far, she hasn't said anything about it yet, also if you choose to jump off the bridge, she won't remember. Weird right?

    Oh, there's definitely something going on.

  • We have THREE loves for Jesse people. Holy cow. XD

    I felt a lot of Jessvor in episode 6 if you failed the QTEs... called it

  • Raises the milky way galaxy.


  • Both male and female Jesse are the same character.

    I hate to say it, but if it were female Jesse, she would go with THE TRASH BAG WITH BLONDE HAIR. I am sad. I may go cry in the corner now and reflect on why Lukas exists. ;(

  • Don't forget Jesse x Soren! :(

    We have THREE loves for Jesse people. Holy cow. XD

  • Okay, I know for A FACT that that would never happen. Let's just have the obsessed guys on Wattpad talk about that, not here.

    Don't forget Jesse x Soren!

  • dUn dUn dUn dUn!

    John Cenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!

  • Ah, the Wattpad people. All they do is shop their Mary Sue OCs with canon characters.

    Okay, I know for A FACT that that would never happen. Let's just have the obsessed guys on Wattpad talk about that, not here.

  • 100% accurate description.

    Ah, the Wattpad people. All they do is shop their Mary Sue OCs with canon characters.

  • yOu arE NOt wANTeD hEre

    JimMate789 posted: »

    dUn dUn dUn dUn!

  • I'm a Jetra fan, through and through. :)

    Everyone is welcome to share the light of Jetra! Unless you decide to ship Lukesse too. Not cool.

  • whO tOld yoU dAt?

    yOu arE NOt wANTeD hEre

  • YEAH! high fives

    I'm a Jetra fan, through and through.

  • I'm always the "bisexual" person in fandoms. I go both ways. (Jetra and Lukesse don't kill me plz) why am I making sexuality references I've been on tumblr too much

    I'm a Jetra fan, through and through.

  • Male Jesse is me, but other people think female Jesse has better dialogue than the male version. I did notice male Jesse sounds a bit too quick on the sentences.

    YEAH! high fives

  • I just hope she does.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Very doubtful she will not like him

This discussion has been closed.