Season 2 w/Jane ending: Did you allow the family into the hardware store?

I'm honestly not sure what to do when I come to this point in my final play through. Did you trust them, and what effect do you think this decision has, if any? The man having a gun doesn't mean they are bad but they did give me the creeps a bit.
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I did, but only because I know if they try anything, Clementine and Jane will get them.
When I play the Howe's route, I usually let the family stay. I'm pretty suspicious of Randy, but I think Patricia MIGHT be worth trusting, and I worry for Gill. I honestly think he could be a major character in S3 if you let him stay, but probably at the expense of Jane.
Seems interesting i'll make 3 endings then..
I didn't because for that play through I make that version of Clem, ultra tough survivor Clem. Since those people brought nothing to the table they were told to take a walk.
In my play through I let the family stay. I figure the more survivors the better chance at helping defend the fort in case your overrun by the undead or bandits come poking around. Plus in a zombie Apocalypse you will want to build a community, the more people the better chance at surviving. Now of course there is the worry of trust and being turned against but im sure if the family tried anything Clem and Jane are more the capable of defending themselves.
I chose to not let them in. Randy was acting too suspicious when he swatted Patricia away when she was trying to step in, and his comment "What if we're dangerous?" when I refused to let them in had sealed the deal for me.
You don't threaten people when they refuse to let you in their home for good reasons.
Trying to scare two likely armed people into letting your family inside your home is a pretty silly thing to do. Randy ended up convincing me that that he can't be trusted and would likely act on the threats he made to Clementine and Jane whether I let him in or not.
The "threat" seemed more like desperate grasping at a reason. The delivery didnt sound very threatening at all. I understand people not wanting to trust strangers but none of them did anything that I wouldn't reasonably expect from people. If they had all been super friendly and perfect I would have been more suspcious
I've been trying to get clementine to insult the dog but i'm not sure which path to take in season one to get her to say that. Though I wouldn't let them in. You just lost all but two people in your group with you being the third. Then these strangers show up and want in. You don't have enough food, you're a kid and there's a baby in your group. Another kid plus two more people doesn't sound like an ideal situation i'd want to be in considering all of that. You also don't know who they are.
I agree, had Randy and his family acted too friendly and agreeable, I would have been suspicious as well.
But at the time I was rather worn out with the finale and I wasn't up to just letting random strangers inside and trusting them to not compromise our safety when the father let slip that his family could be "dangerous". I also felt that Randy was acting too aggressive and desperate, and I wasn't in the mood to tolerate another hot-blooded father figure and risk compromising our community we've adopted.
I was weary of making decisions at that point and still hadn't quite come back from killing Kenny, so I let Jane decide. She let them in, which I thought was awesome development on her part.
Well you didnt really have a community you had you and jane, you refused the idea of any more people and being a community.
Let 'em in
Perhaps 'community' was the wrong word, 'home' would seem more accurate.
And I say 'home', because the ending had appeared to me that Clementine and Jane have decided to stay in the building for some time, as opposed to just taking what supplies they need and leaving.
I let them stay. They seemed like they genuinely needed help and their appreciation (Woman hugging Clem so hard) I doubt that this is foreshadowing for trouble.
While I personally did not play the Jane ending, personally I would allow the family to stay. For one thing, it would hardly be decent to just turn away a family like that.
And number two, is that people are strongest when they stick together, and a community needs people in order to survive.
The playthrough I had with the Jane ending had my Clementine choosing to let them come in. I haven't got her to give up on humanity. Plus, I thought we could use their help to rebuild something there. Start our own community. No one knows the future (except TT in this case), they could turn out to be something positive. If not, I'm sure Clem and Jane can take em even if she loses a finger over it.
Just so you know, the woman hugs Jane