Do you think we'll see religious characters introduced in the upcoming Season?
It has already been somewhat introduced into the series, with characters like Hershel, Carol, Reverend Gabriel, and I believe one other - though I can't remember off hand.
And it has already been done somewhat in the game, like in S1, when Lee talks about Divine Providence to Katja back on Hershel's farm, and again when Kenny mentions that he's a Christian.
Now admittedly, religion is a very touchy issue, given that their are so many differing branches of faiths and ideas.
Nevertheless, I think that religion in itself can very well be introduced into S3 through a character, and it can be done in a way that's not "in your face" but still manages to promote some kind of value.
And done for the sake of realism, because just like in disaster scenarios today, you have religious people who survive, and they carry their beliefs with them.
I think this is an interesting question, especially because it allows to us hypothesize about possible upcoming characters.
For example, will we see a character - and I'm not sure how he's portrayed in the comics - like Father Gabriel, a warrior preacher, introduced this Season? Or will we see a character is very anti-religious, like Rick Grimes?
Will see a character like Hershel - who was the quintessential image of the God fearing stubborn farmer? Or will we see a character like The Governor, or possibly even Negan, both who could be considered "The Devil in disguise"?
I'm sure we will but someone's religion doesn't define who they are. I personally don't think it's important for a character's religion to be spotlighted as there are far more important things in a zombie apocalypse. There shouldn't be religious characters just for the sake of there being religion. The world The Walking Dead is set in is a totally different to our world and the world it once was. For me, it doesn't matter whether a character is religious or not. What matters is who they actually are.
I was hoping a scenario like that would happen in Amid The Ruins, sadly it didn't. It would be cool seeing some sort of cult (doesn't have to be satanic) in S3, I've been hoping for a dark episode with rituals and all that dark stuff for awhile now.
If they were to touch on religion, I would like to see a character who lost faith after everything broke down. The player as Clem (or Javier) can influence them to find their faith again or disavow it.
I think Clementine herself is religous, at least to some degree. There are multiple dialogue options in S2 that suggests she believes in an afterlife.
I've always liked the part in the comics with Eugene and Father Gabriel debating over what caused the ZA. I hope we'll see something like that in this game. Nothing heated, just in passing by like the casual smart ass conversation they had.
If Alvin was killed in Ep 2, in Ep 3 During that little hub part in the beginning, if you talk to Rebecca she will mention how much she misses Alvin and wishes he was there, you will get the dialogue option to say that Alvin is watching over her and is proud of her, just like Lee is watching over her (Clem that is).
The only ones I can think of right now is how she tells Kenny "maybe you'll see them again someday" and again if she shoots him.
Eh, not really. I'm certainty not a supporter of religion of any kind, nor do I care to see it in the game. Obviously people are entitled to their beliefs, but I don't think it's necessary unless it's really crucial to a character's development. And the only way I see that is if the character's some sort of priest or a religious wackjob.
I would prefer to see someone who's not religious (that isn't Randall). Pretty much every character has said "God" in exclamation.
Also, when Rebecca dies, in the beginning of Episode 5 of S2, she says: "At least she's with Alvin now", or something like that.
She also says, when talking to Kenny about Katja and Duck: "Maybe you'll get to see them again."
Haven't played the Michonne dlc, so I wouldn't know.
Friendly correction, @Kenny/Lee!
She says "you're going to see Katjaa and Duck. You're going to see them again…"
The expression "oh my God" would mostly only be said by non-Christian people, since saying God in sentences like that would be using his name in vain, I suppose. Same with "god dammit!" It doesn't sound like you're taking a minute to praise him to me.
But what would I know if I'm not a native speaker.
I personally believe that knowing about a character's religious beliefs or lack thereof adds an extra layer of characterization if done right—that is, as something that is shown to us in the way of actions and rituals and whatnot, instead of being told, spoon-fed, that they are religious. The golden "show, don't tell" rule that few people bother to explain.
(!) Some novel spoilers ahead.
I don't believe that having a religious extremist character would be a good idea, since it could be perceived as a rehash of the novel series. There was a priest called Jeremiah Garlitz who was the leader of a group, and wanted to take over a well-known community. After his failed ambush where virtually everyone on his group died, he found himself another group, and attacked again. He cultivates the art of perseveration, to put it lightly.
That's when he dies. @Kenny/Lee is referring to when Clem has a talk with Kenny when she's trying to get him to come to the fire.
Well considering that Kenny is Christian and he swears almost every sentence, "god damnit" included, I don't think that's very true.
Kenny never filters his sentences, though.
After doing some bits of research, I can assure you that this is a controversial subject among Christian websites, if that's a thing.
I think anyone who's survived this far into the apocalypse has stopped believing in god a long time ago.
Whenever religion is included in media it tends to turn toxic, particularly the larger part of the character or story it is. I wouldnt mind a few mildly religious characters as long as they dont force it too much.
I liked the way Irene (the girl at the motel) was handled, despite being a minor character. She was so devoted to her faith that she chose to die before she could turn. I always tell her "God bless you" after letting her have the gun, being religious myself.
That said, I could see a crazy cultist being introduced or something similar to the trope.
Cults maybe, but religion is a hard subject.
Also Religion might get thrown out the window when you're trying to fight zombies and people. And generally trying to get through each day
You're right but I would consider that more spiritual than religious. Religion is a set rule of beliefs and guidelines that must be followed and usually has specific rituals, such as prayer or reading the bible/torah/koran or whatever, and then acting upon these beliefs to better your life and others (haha I sound like a hardcore preacher here but I'm agnostic, just assuming this is what religion is considered as). It's never really stated if Clem has a religion and I know there's the general widespread acknowledgment and adherence to christianity that can lead us to assume her parents followed some branch of it, but I seriously doubt she'd bet her life on faith and religion considering a following hasn't been shown as of this point. She's probably agnostic or believes in spirits and an afterlife but not a religion or a specific God (like myself, hope this is not biased but it is just my opinion after all)
I'd like to see some religious characters included! But my concern with that is how they'll portray that. Most times in ZA media, there's two types of attitudes: the people who have absolutely no faith, and the crazed, zealots who are made out to be villains. I'd like to see someone who is religious, and allows that to influence their choices and interactions with Javier and Clementine, but isn't a caricature.
Im sure small bits and pieces of religion will be mentioned like it already has like Kenny saying hes a christian, but I doubt we'd get some guy going, "This is my holy bible that was given to me by my great grand father, now gather round and we shall read his favorite verse!"
We already have one in the comics so why not.
Oh goodness I hope not. It will likely cause ridiculous problems. The priest in the show and comics is my least favorite character.
I haven't read that novel for a while. that kid was plain creepy .
I hope so, adds more diversity. I really don't think this is an issue people should worry about...there's billions of religious people in the world, who cares if a character is religious? It can add to his/her story and motives, good and bad. I think TWD will be approached in a much more mature light if they delve into these issues.
It'd be great if they even went into things like racism imo.
I think I'd be okay with that. I like Gabriel in the Show, he's a pretty interesting character and I liked how he has evolved, so things like that could be good for TTG.
Religion is one of the most terrifying things in the world. That's why it works so well in horror movies/themes.
Blind faith in a 'higher powers' rules, beliefs and regulations have caused most of the worst wars in history. Not to mention all the centuries of false accusations of witchcraft, sodomy, adultry and whatever else religious zealots can think up to justify their hate of what they don't even try to understand. It gives people free reign to act upon the assumptions they make about how their 'God' wants his world to be run.
Like i said, terrifying.
When a character is wholly defined by his religion then he's probably going to be a boring character. I don't mind someone mentioning their religion or something but I see no point, no one cares about your religion in the ZA. It's a pretty trivial thing that really doesn't need a spotlight.