400 Days cast vs. the cabin group

Am I the only one who thinks Telltale Games should have wrote Season 2 around the 400 Days characters? 400 Days as a DLC was wasted, aside from teasing Bonnie and tying up loose ends where the cancer support group was concerned. Each of the 400 Days PC and minor characters were more compelling and nuanced than any one of the cabin group characters, yet they (determinately) made a brief appearance only to presumably die. What was the point?? Eff Carver and his camp. Eff Kenny/Jane drama all season and Luke's overrated nice guy character and blatant and shameless plot device death.
Nate should have been the villain. Out of sight at times, but a looming threat, in relentless pursuit of the group; tormenting them just for kicks. Nate was buck wild, unhinged and unpredictable, while William Carver was a walking cliche. The best antagonists are entertaining and have a grey element. Carver was someone you automatically disliked, not because he was a truly terrifying person, but because he wasn't.
Vince could have been a darker Luke, Shel a more relatable Jane. Becca could have challenged Clementine in ways Sarah never did. Wyatt and Eddie = if Pineapple Express was set during the Zombie Apocalypse. Their exchange in the car was hilarious. Bonnie was pretty well developed in Season 2, but could have done with a more well-rounded backstory. What was she using? How did she get hooked? She carries herself like someone who may have been a victim of some sort of mental and/or physical abuse. I picture her having a boyfriend that got her addicted and was bitten during the outbreak, while she barely escaped. Russel was the only one I felt lacked something, but that's probably only because Nate was such a presence.
I prefer the cabin group but I agree that the 400 days cast should've had a larger role.
I agree completely. 400 had a strong cast of characters, whilst the cabin group were, mostly, just bland. The only ones I liked were Luke, Nick and Pete, but I won't lie and say they were super interesting characters. I mean, Nick and Pete just die without having left much impact on the story, whilst Luke is just the standard nice guy.
i completely agree. cabin group was a waste, only three i liked were Pete, Nick (sorta), and Alvin.
And all three got the worst determinant treatment.
Russel could've been Nick, both didn't really trust anyone and were very concerned for family.
Well, from the looks of it, I'm going to say no
I thought you meant 400 days character group vs cabin group in a fight. 400 days group would kick the cabin group's ass because they aren't incompetent
I did want the 400 Days characters to be a bigger part of season 2. That's actually what I thought was happening with that big build up of who goes with Tavia. I thought Clem would end up in their camp and it would go from there. I would have preferred that because it would nicely bridge between the seasons.
Don't agree about Nate. He's the least grey character in the game. There was never a moment he didn't seem like a loon to me.
CoughCough Sarah CoughCough. I think she had the worst determinant treatment.
Yeah 400 days cast had so much potential imo. BRING MY BOY NATE BACK FOR SEASON 3
I think she was reffering the protagonists, not the NPCs.
What if they all got into a drunken boxing match
I think Nick could stand a chance, since he gets into a drunken boxing match with a zombie if you went with him
Not gonna lie. I love the Cabin Group but...
It would have been better if we met the 400 Days crew at the cabin. I mean think about it, all their relationships could be different depending on who left to join Carver and who didn't. Like in your DLC, if only Bonnie went to join Carver then the group could see her as a burden since Carver is only hunting them for Bonnie escaping and finding them at the cabin. Stuff like that would be really interesting.
TBH, I like the cabin group but the only I liked the most was Sarah, I never cared for any of this 400 Days cast and OMG I hate Becca.
Why is that
Well, because he is just crazy. He doesnt have a whole lot of layers that I could see.
Season 2 could have easily been about both the Cabin Group and the 400 Days characters.
One group settles in a community that took them in and transforms from ordinary people struggling to survive in a zombie apocalypse into hardened survivalists with combat experience, but their experiences in the community have left them either embittered by the circumstances around them or needlessly cruel and pragmatic. Another group disagrees with Carver's methods and brutality, and instead chooses to run from them in the middle of the night in an attempt to live and support themselves on their own until they are brought back against their will, and find themselves up against a group that they had once thought were their friends.
Two groups are in a conflict with each other with no easy answers on who is more justified in their actions, and Clementine ends up stuck in the middle of said conflict, all while Carver (who should be more morally ambiguous yet brutal in his methods than an outright bloodthirsty tyrant) takes an interest in her and tries to convince her to join his cause and adopt his ideals, while Pete (who would be alive at this point) tries to appeal to her kindness and humanity instead.
mm Russel was cool I guess, his story about the 7 member squad he was in was interesting. I liked Vince too.
I totally agree with you man, Pete, Alvin, Nick were also my favorite from the cabin.
400 days group > cabin group. I've said this before and i'll say it again - Becca was a fantastic character and I wanted to see her involved more. Her and Clementine having a similar type of determinant friendship/rivalry that Lee and Kenny had would have made for a great storyline imo.
Yes! This would've been great. Becca's great and would've had a super interesting relationship with Clementine.
OOps, nevermind
Um, didn't how she talked in front of Clem?
I'm not what sure what you're asking.
In S2 I mean
I agree completely. They'd be able to push each other into becoming better survivors.
Hell i'd take just Shel and Becca over the cabin group.
"No Becca! We don't need to."
"How can you be so sure Clem? I'm not taking any chances!"
[Let Becca kill him]
[Protect (blank)]
Cabin group (all except for Luke and Carlos) all the way.
Please....(trembling voice) (looking at Clementine) don't don't don't do this. Please...
I think Nate would've been a bad villain personally. Boring "I'm so crazy and derangeddddd!!!" kind of villain.
I disagree. He was pretty decent to Russel in a way, and honestly I doubt he'd harm people for the sake of it. He seems like the sort of guy who will kill you without hesitation if you try to harm him, but otherwise he's content to do his own thing. I think Eddie killing his friend sent him over the edge mentally, but he's not like Carver. I'd call him an antihero so far
While I liked the cabin group, using the 400 days characters just would have made more sense and it would have justified 400 Days' existence a little more.
Especially because I have memories of staying up all night waiting for that DLC to launch...
What? "Should we kill these guys and take their stuff?" An antihero?
Crazy can come in different flavors. Psychotic and evil or eccentric and good. He comes off as kind of a nutbag granted but not without redeeming qualities (loyal and helpful) but that's just me
The ones who shot at them? I'm not saying I consider him heroic or good, but he saw a threat, eliminated it and took their supplies. He reminds me of Merle, only with a messed up mental state from trauma. I disagree with him killing the old couple. He can commit bad acts. But until I see him killing people who have never attempted to harm him, or worse, I won't say he's a villain. He's a screwed up guy in a screwed up world, but so far he's no St John or Carver imo. If he's a villain he's a very minor level one for now, if you disagree with antihero. I'm not sure what other phrase would describe him besides antihero. It doesn't mean I consider him a good guy doing bad stuff. I just see him as neutral
Hypeeeerventilaaaaates due to exciiiiitemeeeent.
They should also throw in the immoral acts that the cabin group is responsible for, in order to spice up the conflict and dilemma—murdering George in cold blood on their way out, and also have Reggie be mad as fuck for being left behind. Have somebody call out Nick on his mother being mean to somebody else. Additionally, have tons more of Howe's residents, and let them yell at our group when they are escorted by Tavia, Bonnie and Troy. Show the cabin group be ashamed of it, maybe with Sarah having a panic attack. Just explore the rivalry between Rebecca and Co. and the other survivors.
shut up you annoying brat
I'd rather not replace one with the other. I mean, why can't we have both instead of one or the other?
You know, back before episode 3 came out, my running theory for the episode was that you'd run into whoever went with Tavia in the first half of the episode, strike up a friendship with them, and learn that they also wish to escape. The rest of the 400 Days group (whoever didn't go with Tavia, if any) would show up alongside Luke later in the episode, who is trying to break you guys out (granted, this sounds kinda contrived the more I think about it, but it was just an old idea). Then you'd work on an escape plan together, get out of Carver's camp, and they'd stick around for the rest of the season alongside the cabin group.
Agreed 100%
They would have a "sisters" relationships waaaaaaay better than that shit Clem and Jane (or the "siblings" thing with Luke) had. Specially if Shel died and Becca had to take care of Clementine in the midle of nowhere, like, alone in the woods, like in the TV Show after the Prision fall or whatever the name is, just that instead the prision it would be Howe's.
(sorry for my bad english)