Official Jetra thread



  • tEm dID!

    JimMate789 posted: »

    whO tOld yoU dAt?

  • wAT? nO!

    tEm dID!

  • I seriously can't stop thinking about that fall intro with Jesse and Petra's face like that. O_O

    Karnedg2013 posted: »

    I SHIP them more harder than RHYIONA! JETRA FOR LIFE!!! ;D

  • Yes or when you choose to fight the mobs with Petra, making her remember this moment.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I actually ship this. During the intro credits he gave her a look, and the "Whatever we do, we do it together" sort of implied something.

  • wHY aRe wE tAlKinG liKE tHIs iT's rEAllY hArD tO tYpE!

    JimMate789 posted: »

    wAT? nO!

  • I dOn't kNow!

    wHY aRe wE tAlKinG liKE tHIs iT's rEAllY hArD tO tYpE!

  • 20% not shipping.

    I 80% agree! (IDK what's the remainin' percent XD) (Oh and also, I accidentally read your username as 'BlueBandana'. God, I am so blind x) )

  • Is it kind?

    No, you just cursed.

    Is a kind word to the Lukesse shippers 'JESSE X JESSE WAS BETTER THAN YOUR BULL****'?

  • It's was 8 MONTHS! o_O

    I seriously can't stop thinking about that fall intro with Jesse and Petra's face like that. O_O


    JimMate789 posted: »

    Is it kind? No, you just cursed.

  • edited June 2016

    i ThINk tHiS IS tHe lONGesT diSCUssiOn oN tHe COmMunITY!

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I dOn't kNow!

  • Is your gender a demi-sexual bipolarbear transcurtain too?

    I'm always the "bisexual" person in fandoms. I go both ways. (Jetra and Lukesse don't kill me plz) why am I making sexuality references I've been on tumblr too much

  • No I don't think so

    Is your gender a demi-sexual bipolarbear transcurtain too?

  • "Bipolarbear" and "Transcurtain" clapping

    No I don't think so

  • hOW dO i TAkE a spOILeR tAg oFf?

    JimMate789 posted: »

    I dOn't kNow!

  • yOu jUSt dID wHY arE yOU aSkINg?

    hOW dO i TAkE a spOILeR tAg oFf?



  • aSk thE mOdErAtOrs tO remove iT!

    hOW dO i TAkE a spOILeR tAg oFf?

  • nEVeR mInD i THiNk i gOT iT!

    JimMate789 posted: »

    aSk thE mOdErAtOrs tO remove iT!

  • Hey, don't laugh! I'll have you know my best friend is a polysexiness asexual lesbrusselsprout bipolarbear transcurtain! They're very proud to be one.

    "Bipolarbear" and "Transcurtain" clapping

  • hOw?

    nEVeR mInD i THiNk i gOT iT!

  • The puns are quite funny but we should probably stop making fun of people it is a bit insensitive

    Hey, don't laugh! I'll have you know my best friend is a polysexiness asexual lesbrusselsprout bipolarbear transcurtain! They're very proud to be one.

  • I agree. :)

    Brenbanana posted: »

    I actually ship my female Jesse with Petra though so I don't see why it would be awkward. She has the exact same interactions with her as the male Jesse would have so I don't see why it would be any different.. xD

  • Gives his worker a raise.

  • Where do you save Lukas in the episode because I forgot.

    YAY! Making Lukas mad or upset makes me so happy

  • Raises finger of Milly ways.

    Raises the milky way galaxy.

    Underpants normal end anyone?

    JimMate789 posted: »


  • Before seeing jetra i shipped male Jesse and Lukas but now i see my OTP
    Is fricking love

    The puns are quite funny but we should probably stop making fun of people it is a bit insensitive

  • Ahaha.. AHAHA.. Starts slamming head and hands on the table

    Forcer99 posted: »


  • But still that "***** and ***** are ****** and it is *******!" is suspicious enough.

    Lazy_DC posted: »

    Nope, it's all from the fans.

  • Raises 10 Yogameters with 10 multiverses on top. Along with a cherry.

    Forcer99 posted: »

    Raises finger of Milly ways.

  • @michyxox good news den, the true underpants geno ending is comin up august!

    michyxox posted: »

    Ahaha.. AHAHA.. Starts slamming head and hands on the table

  • edited June 2016

    "You can do it, Jesse! I know you can!" ~Petra

    'Cause for the first time since the Nether, I finally understand!

    For the first time since the Nether, you can reverse this block's command!

    We can beat this Witherstorm together- you don't have to live in fear!

    'Cause for the first time since the Nether... I will be right here!

  • edited June 2016

    This is a test to see if I can remove spoilers

    JimMate789 posted: »


  • Omg, really thats so romantic.

  • I remember amnesia Petra said that. Also nice rhyme, hope for "Jetra confirmed". :)

    Tohabath posted: »

    "You can do it, Jesse! I know you can!" ~Petra 'Cause for the first time since the Nether, I finally understand! For the first time si

  • What about Torquedawg x tipped arrows? lol.

    Petra x Stampy, Petra x Dan and CaptainSparklez x Floor

  • Alright... I'll get a bite in here...

    If you are playing as Male Jesse, Then probably there's "Jetra".

    If you are playing as Female Jesse, Then it will go into "Lukesse".

    That's gonna be awkward if you are Male Jesse and going to Lukas, Or if you are Female Jesse and going to Petra.

    Who's got an idea about Switching Genders of Lukas and Petra?

    (Oh, I have an idea if Lukas and Petra will change their Genders... Louise and Pedro will be their names...)

    If that's gonna be happen on Episode 7

    Come on, No throwing bashes.

  • Meanwhile

    Smol Note: Not related to any Episodes! XD

    My original plan is to do a comic against Episode 6's somewhat Jetra moment. Yet, my plan failed pretty bad ;n;

  • readying a smol shotgun RIGHT BACK AT CHA X)

    JimMate789 posted: »

    If Lukesse's going to come here, get prepared incase anything happens! Got it? GOT IT GOT IT? GOT IT?

This discussion has been closed.