The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That game was the shit, got to like level 100 haha! Can't remember the account or details for the life of me now

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Yeeeaaah boi! PKing was my shit!

  • edited June 2016

    So I finally got to check my email after several tiring days of being busy with a festival event and binge playing GTA Online and RE7 Demo (the dummy finger must have a purpose... everything in RE has a purpose o___o).... My replacement battery for my laptop is in stock! :D It's been in the store since Saturday though lol

    EDIT: I have to confess... I misinterpretated the message when it said it was shipped, so when I came to the store I learned that it still coming. So I have to wait longer. v.v

  • Briefly around mid-school. My friend helped me make an account but with schoolwork I hardly got to play it. Fun game though.

    Did anyone ever play runescape back in the day? 2006-2008 era

  • edited June 2016

    I finally got my bachelor of law, yas!

    Only two more years of studies. o/

  • edited June 2016

    I'm curious, would ya'll like me to make both a Mass Effect and Resident Evil thread? (I was inspired by the Fallout thread for the longest time) If so when should I make em? I know some people hate notifications cluttering but I have no problem with that and don't visit every day so I can easily make them. I've seen plenty are excited for both upcoming games of the franchises based on the E3 thread only so I thought I'd ask.

    EDIT: I'll check back later.

  • I looked through the search and the only dedicated thread I saw to either of those franchises was this, but this was from 2012. I saw a bunch of threads like "Mass Effect Andromeda delayed to 2017" and etc.

    If you want a dedicated discussion, I'd go for it. Personally, I've been waiting to see if the Mass Effect trilogy goes to next-gen then maybe I'll get it.

    I'm curious, would ya'll like me to make both a Mass Effect and Resident Evil thread? (I was inspired by the Fallout thread for the longest

  • Have you tried using the dummy finger in the fusebox? :3

    So I finally got to check my email after several tiring days of being busy with a festival event and binge playing GTA Online and RE7 Demo (

  • RE7 thread, so we can talk about the dummy finger.

    I'm curious, would ya'll like me to make both a Mass Effect and Resident Evil thread? (I was inspired by the Fallout thread for the longest

  • Just when I decide to play WildStar the EU servers start having problems .___.

  • Congratulations :)

    Euron posted: »

    I finally got my bachelor of law, yas! Only two more years of studies. o/

  • So I took this character quiz...

    Yup, seems about right!

  • Might take a break from the forums for a little bit. There's not much worth talking about recently

  • That'll probably change once Batman and Season 3 premiere, but yeah, that's fine. See you around then.

    Clemenem posted: »

    Might take a break from the forums for a little bit. There's not much worth talking about recently

  • Very Sansa-esque.

    So I took this character quiz... Yup, seems about right!

  • edited June 2016

    Thank you! ;)

    I'm glad it's over. Now I'm going to move in another city to finish my studies so here comes some refreshing times!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • Not after 6x09.

    Euron posted: »

    Very Sansa-esque.

  • Way to go!

    Euron posted: »

    I finally got my bachelor of law, yas! Only two more years of studies. o/

  • @Markd4547


    enter link description here
    Probably my last Unity video there is no way I can surpass that bloody ending

  • (pokes the fuse box with the dummy finger, gets electocuted and the screen turns to black with few words)


    Do you want to continue? Yes/No"

    papai46 posted: »

    Have you tried using the dummy finger in the fusebox?

  • Yeah, I dunno if I will by the lack of response. I'll think it over.

    I looked through the search and the only dedicated thread I saw to either of those franchises was this, but this was from 2012. I saw a bunc

  • Sorry about that. My condolences.

    I just found out that two kids I went to high school with were killed in a car accident last night. I wouldn't say I was close friends with

  • Crap man. I wish the best for him and hope he makes it through this.

    I found out my dog has cancer and I honestly don't know how I should feel about this or even react. I've never really had a potential close loss like this. .

  • What're you guys planning to buy in the Steam Summer Sale?

    I'm going to buy:

    • Condemned: Criminal Origins
    • F.E.A.R.
    • Penumbra: Black Plague
    • Penumbra: Overture
    • Doom 3
    • PAYDAY 2 Biker Character Pack
    • PAYDAY 2 The Biker Heist
  • What're you guys planning to buy in the Steam Summer Sale? I'm going to buy: * Condemned: Criminal Origins * F.E.A.R. * Penumbra: Black Plague * Penumbra: Overture * Doom 3 * PAYDAY 2 Biker Character Pack * PAYDAY 2 The Biker Heist

  • Fuck, yes i do. Try the dummy finger with cassete player.

    (pokes the fuse box with the dummy finger, gets electocuted and the screen turns to black with few words) "YOU'RE DEAD Do you want to continue? Yes/No"

  • edited June 2016

    enter link description here

    A game that looks like it could be run on a Dreamcast, was in development for 3 years, and was heavily downgraded from initial footage, can't even maintain a locked 60 fps on the PS4...

    "It's better than nothing" - Keiji Inafune.

  • edited June 2016

    Wait sale!?

    EDIT: Oh! hahaha... you got me. Its not on now, but will be in 2 days. Ok, then I'll just buy whatever's on sale on my wishlist.

    What're you guys planning to buy in the Steam Summer Sale? I'm going to buy: * Condemned: Criminal Origins * F.E.A.R. * Penumbra: Black Plague * Penumbra: Overture * Doom 3 * PAYDAY 2 Biker Character Pack * PAYDAY 2 The Biker Heist

  • edited June 2016

    We got news today. She has to take steroids to shrink it and then they'll be able to remove the tumor. She should be okay.

    Crap man. I wish the best for him and hope he makes it through this.

  • edited June 2016

    Thank you and I'm very sorry to hear about your corgi.

    I appreciate all of the people responding to me on here, I had no idea that anyone actually would. On the bright side, we heard some news today and from the sounds of it, she should be okay! She has to take steroids to shrink the tumor, but they should be able to surgically remove it with little damage to her.

    I knew I should've remained optimistic, but you know, it's a little hard when you hear something like, "[Name here] has cancer." Especially if you're close to them.

    I'm sorry. Our very old corgi of 13 years passed away a month ago, so I can understand what it's like. We're much less consolation than the

  • Yeah, there's gonna be a summer sale.

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait sale!? EDIT: Oh! hahaha... you got me. Its not on now, but will be in 2 days. Ok, then I'll just buy whatever's on sale on my wishlist.

  • Update: We got some news today. She should be okay! The cancer hasn't spread yet and as long as we shrink the tumor, the surgeons should be able to remove it with minimally no damage to her!

    I'm sorry to hear about that. Did they say how bad it is?

  • Thank goodness, that's great news.

    Update: We got some news today. She should be okay! The cancer hasn't spread yet and as long as we shrink the tumor, the surgeons should be able to remove it with minimally no damage to her!

  • edited June 2016

    Wow. Disappointing for a "modern" sidescroller on the PS4.

    EDIT: Meant to reply to @MichaelBP's comment. sorry.

  • It sounds like the XBO version is even worse, considering he said it had a "whole other set of problems". Just check out footage of Shantae Half-Genie Hero. It raised ~700k or 800k on Kickstarter, compared to MN9's 4 mil, but it looks way better.

    enter link description here

    AChicken posted: »

    Wow. Disappointing for a "modern" sidescroller on the PS4. EDIT: Meant to reply to @MichaelBP's comment. sorry.

  • Okay, that does look good. 800k you say? Superb graphics. Didn't No9 used to look better in pictures and trailers, now it's all simple, minimal things?

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It sounds like the XBO version is even worse, considering he said it had a "whole other set of problems". Just check out footage of Shantae

  • It does. went on to the wiki, it raised 800k on KS, and they accepted donations until December 2014. The total budget was 950k. I still trust Wayforward far more when it comes to making a good game, and Shantae is set to launch this September. It did for the promo material they used in order to fool people into funding it. Just look at these exploding pizzas. Beautiful.

    enter image description here

    Apparently people who pleged 10k on KS got to have dinner with Inafune. I wonder if that actually happened. Also betting they want their money back.

    AChicken posted: »

    Okay, that does look good. 800k you say? Superb graphics. Didn't No9 used to look better in pictures and trailers, now it's all simple, minimal things?

  • I just finished watching the first Back to the Future movie. Fuckin' loved it.

  • I'm back Homo Sapiens! What did I miss?

  • That music is beautiful.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    It sounds like the XBO version is even worse, considering he said it had a "whole other set of problems". Just check out footage of Shantae

  • The Homo Erectus finally went extinct, bloody buggers!

    I'm back Homo Sapiens! What did I miss?

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