The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited June 2016

    My parents seem to think I'm a hypochondriac, or at least they did at one point. I'm also 15, can't drive, and can't/don't know how to schedule a doctor's appointment (Air Force brat here - and my main hospital is an Army base hospital). It's only become really apparent to me in the last week or so that there might be a problem. I was wondering if this was me being paranoid or what. But you're definitely right - I'm currently brainstorming ways to get the message across to my mom.

    Clord posted: »

    Yes. Why the heck are you still asking advice over here instead of seeing doctor like months ago? People who tend to lose weight fast even when they don't try have tumor (which could easily affect your vision too.)

  • edited June 2016

    Call me a heretic, but my dad just made a Facebook post about how he couldn't talk me into seeing Finding Dory.

    I guess I'm going to hell now...


  • Thank you very much - my diabetic grandmother is actually coming to visit soon, so I may end up bringing it up to her if I haven't already. She's extremely intelligent about that kind of thing (I don't remember exactly if she is T1 or T2; I vaguely remember her injecting insulin rather than taking it orally, so she may be T1) and actually listens to me. I'm definitely going to check out the link. I really appreciate the help from both of you guys. Thank you! :)

    I've found a website that lets you look up symptoms and conditions associated with them. I had a look around and I'm not sure how it works,

  • Me and my mom went to see it Wednesday and I was probably the oldest kid there...

    Call me a heretic, but my dad just made a Facebook post about how he couldn't talk me into seeing Finding Dory. I guess I'm going to hell now... In other news: TWO WEEKS OF HOLIDAAAAAAAAAYS!

  • Britain coming out of the EU sucks. I never thought I'd live in a world where Nigel Farage won the majority :\

  • Any time :)

    Thank you very much - my diabetic grandmother is actually coming to visit soon, so I may end up bringing it up to her if I haven't already.

  • I might go and see it in my own time. Today was my last day of school (currently writing this at ten to nine in the evening), and I'm on holidays for two weeks. Maybe I can fit it in between taking care of my dad until he's back at work, holiday homework and my writing schedule.

    Me and my mom went to see it Wednesday and I was probably the oldest kid there...

  • finally something going my way was called togo to a vewing for my own place no guarantee ive got it yet but hoping plus britain is leaving eu today may be declared as uk independence day

  • ive been listening to loadsof alice juban music i love japanese music and they are great. music like hatsune miku songs ive listened to for a few years now and lve that aswell

  • I think you're going to have to tell your parents, even if they're going to criticize you for blowing symptoms out of proportion. If school were in session, you could talk to the nurse there, but it's summer, and I don't think you should wait. There are simple blood tests the doctor can run that will suggest or eliminate the possibility of diabetes (and a thyroid test), and they're probably covered for free under your parents' health insurance, if they're just willing to let you go take them. If grandma has diabetes in any form, that means you have a family history of it.

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit. So for the last few week

  • Yeah, I'm going to have to, you're right... I'm going to try to get on my mom's good side, and then send her a screenshot of the symptom list. What really worries me in the numbness in both my legs, and the tingling in one of my feet. I'm worried they won't take me seriously because, along with the hypochondriac thing, I was tested for T1 when I was 6, and that was negative. I'm not sure if they know that T1 is autoimmune, not something you're born with. Thank you so much for your advice - I'm just kind of scared.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I think you're going to have to tell your parents, even if they're going to criticize you for blowing symptoms out of proportion. If school

  • Sounds like diabetes urgent you seek help and adjust ur diet according

    When ur health is involved all assumptions or judgements don't matter just getting you healthy ur parents will understand please do my dad has it

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit. So for the last few week

  • It's worth seeing. Definitely.

    Call me a heretic, but my dad just made a Facebook post about how he couldn't talk me into seeing Finding Dory. I guess I'm going to hell now... In other news: TWO WEEKS OF HOLIDAAAAAAAAAYS!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited June 2016

    As an American, I just heard the news about the Brexit results last night and things seem to already be going poorly for the British economy. Yikes. I really hope for your guys' sakes that some good contingency plans are being worked out. :/

    These next few months in the short term are going to be interesting to follow from an outsider perspective.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I'm pretty sure it's good, I was unaware of this because I don't use social media.

    Is that good or bad?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    and things seem to already be going poorly for the Britian economy.

    I learned about that through this image

    enter image description here

    As an American, I just heard the news about the Brexit results last night and things seem to already be going poorly for the British economy

  • Oh my god this is brilliant.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    and things seem to already be going poorly for the Britian economy. I learned about that through this image

  • Britian economy

    -suppresses urge to edit to 'British'-

    But yeah, it'll definitely be interesting to see how they play out across the pond. It's going to be an interesting time.

    As an American, I just heard the news about the Brexit results last night and things seem to already be going poorly for the British economy

  • edited June 2016

    Dir en grey, x japan, babymetal and lady baby are my favorite japanese bands I dont like vocaloids much but they are great fun, the akb48 anime is a laugh too.

    ive been listening to loadsof alice juban music i love japanese music and they are great. music like hatsune miku songs ive listened to for a few years now and lve that aswell

  • Good luck!!!! I hope things work out well :3

    finally something going my way was called togo to a vewing for my own place no guarantee ive got it yet but hoping plus britain is leaving eu today may be declared as uk independence day

  • Jesus fucking christ, GO TO A DOCTOR! never EVER get medical advice online.

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit. So for the last few week

  • Tell a school nurse or something.

    My parents seem to think I'm a hypochondriac, or at least they did at one point. I'm also 15, can't drive, and can't/don't know how to sched

  • Doctor. Now.

    It might be urgent for all you know.

    Hey, can I have a little bit of advice? Sorry to bother, there's just an issue that's been bugging me for a bit. So for the last few week

  • Hah, fixed it. :P

    But, yeah, hopefully they keep things going somewhat smoothly in the times ahead.

    Britian economy -suppresses urge to edit to 'British'- But yeah, it'll definitely be interesting to see how they play out across the pond. It's going to be an interesting time.

  • How does it hold up to the original? Does it feel like it has its own worthy story to tell (like Toy Story 2/3), or is it closer to something like the other Pixar sequels?

    It's worth seeing. Definitely.

  • Sometimes I wish I was a cookie

  • TTG fanTTG fan Banned
    edited June 2016


  • I don't understand why people sometimes just wipe their comment right after posting it. Did you suddenly regret posting it?

    TTG fan posted: »


  • I got out of school last Friday for the summer.

    Tell a school nurse or something.

  • edited June 2016

    I've been really feeling down recently, but I was on another forum and found probably the most ridiculous trailer to a movie ever.

    Roar 1981

    I got a big laugh outta it. The first song reminds me of those old Emmanuelle movies.

  • What even is this!? Is this a mockumentary or what?

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I've been really feeling down recently, but I was on another forum and found probably the most ridiculous trailer to a movie ever. Roar 1981 I got a big laugh outta it. The first song reminds me of those old Emmanuelle movies.

  • Nope, it's 100% real and all the injuries to the cast is real and all of it is in the movie.

    What even is this!? Is this a mockumentary or what?

  • Then my browser would delete you on exit.

    And cookie monster would be a real monster.

    Sometimes I wish I was a cookie

  • edited June 2016


    I don't understand why people sometimes just wipe their comment right after posting it. Did you suddenly regret posting it?

  • edited June 2016

    So update on what happened yesterday with my performance; it wasn't that bad as I actually thought it would be in the first place. Staying behind at school is actually kind of fun, I got to talk to a few people in my drama classroom and some found out about my love for video games.

    And I surprisingly didn't fuck up as bad, which is odd because I usually stutter when I talk to people other than friends and family - so imagine on being on stage in front of people. I also got told I play a very good drunk by others and manged to get a merit in BTEC.

  • enter image description here

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    enter link description here

  • ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I've been really feeling down recently, but I was on another forum and found probably the most ridiculous trailer to a movie ever. Roar 1981 I got a big laugh outta it. The first song reminds me of those old Emmanuelle movies.


    Look at the injuries section

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I've been really feeling down recently, but I was on another forum and found probably the most ridiculous trailer to a movie ever. Roar 1981 I got a big laugh outta it. The first song reminds me of those old Emmanuelle movies.

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