The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • That's nice

    Sometimes I wish I was a cookie

  • It is nice thank you

    Rocked03 posted: »

    That's nice

  • Why a Telltale Games thread? Does 'TTG' scream 'doctor!' at you or something?

    I got out of school last Friday for the summer.

  • edited June 2016

    I can't get a finding dory spoiler tag - so that's what the next post is

    EDIT: I figured it out

    How does it hold up to the original? Does it feel like it has its own worthy story to tell (like Toy Story 2/3), or is it closer to something like the other Pixar sequels?

  • edited June 2016

    One year after the events of the first film, Dory begins having fragmented dreams and flashbacks of her life prior to meeting Marlin and Nemo, particularly of her parents. After hearing a lecture from Mr. Ray about migration, where sea animals use their instinct to return home, Dory's memories are triggered, and she has the sudden urge to find her parents, only vaguely remembering that they lived at the Jewel of Morro Bay, California.

    Marlin, who is initially reluctant, and Nemo decide to accompany Dory in her quest. With the help of Crush, the trio rides an ocean current to California. When Dory wanders near a shipwreck, they are forced to flee from a predatory giant squid, almost killing Nemo in the process. Marlin blames Dory for endangering Nemo and angrily tells her forgetting things is "what you do best." Although hurt, Dory decides to seek help for Nemo and travels to the surface, where (after getting tangled in trash) she is taken captive by volunteers from the nearby Marine Life Institute.

    Dory is tagged and sent to the Quarantine section of the Institute, where she meets an ill-tempered, seven-legged octopus named Hank. He desires Dory's tag since it means that instead of being released back into the wild like other fish, she will be sent to a permanent aquarium in Cleveland. Due to a past traumatic experience, Hank dreams of living alone in enclosure and agrees to help Dory find her parents in exchange for her tag.

    Dory deduces that she was born in the Institute's Open Ocean exhibit. She enlists the help of her childhood friend Destiny, a near-sighted whale shark, and Bailey, a beluga whale who believes he is incapable of using his echolocation ability. After reaching her old home, Dory learns that the blue tangs are receiving their own exhibit in Cleveland and have been sent to Quarantine.

    Meanwhile, Marlin and Nemo attempt to rescue Dory. A pair of sea lions named Fluke and Rudder introduce them to a dimwitted common loon named Becky, who manages to get them inside the Institute. After travelling through various exhibits, they reunite with Dory in the facility's labyrinthine pipe system.

    The trio travels to Quarantine with the help of Destiny and Bailey, who is finally able to echolocate. They locate a tank of blue tangs, but are told that Dory's parents travelled to Quarantine to look for Dory and have not been seen since, indicating that they likely died in the attempt. While Dory is in shock, Hank attempts to evacuate the trio, but only manages to retrieve Dory. Marlin and Nemo, along with the blue tangs, are loaded in a truck bound for Cleveland.

    In his haste to board the truck, Hank accidentally drops Dory into a drain that leads to the ocean. With no memory of her circumstances, Dory wanders inconsolably before she comes across a trail of shells. She remembers being taught to follow shells to get back home and does so, ultimately reuniting with her parents, Charlie and Jenny. They reveal that when they failed to find Dory in Quarantine, they deduced she escaped into the ocean. Hoping that she would one day discover them, they spent years forming trails of shells for her to follow.

    Although she is happy to have fulfilled her quest, Dory suddenly remembers that she needs to rescue Marlin and Nemo. Destiny and Bailey escape their exhibits, and alongside a group of sea otters and Becky, they help Dory intercept the truck. She rescues Marlin and Nemo, but is accidentally left behind. Dory convinces Hank that life is about freedom and chance, and he agrees to escape with her. They hijack the truck and drive it into the ocean, freeing all of the captive sea animals. Dory, her parents, Hank, Destiny, and Bailey return with Marlin and Nemo to live a new life at the Great Barrier Reef.

    In a post-credits scene, the Tank Gang from the previous film, still trapped in their plastic bags, manage to make their way to California, where they are promptly taken captive by volunteers from the Marine Life Institute.

    Taken from

    Rocked03 posted: »

    I can't get a finding dory spoiler tag - so that's what the next post is EDIT: I figured it out

  • I haven't seen it. I just read this.

  • Uh... This thread is called "Whatever's on your Mind Megathread" in a off subject section for a reason dude.

    Rocked03 posted: »

    Why a Telltale Games thread? Does 'TTG' scream 'doctor!' at you or something?

  • With the NHL draft done, the trade season starts and free agency next friday. Woo. Yeah, I like hockey.

  • edited June 2016

    When a thread you made over a year ago gets revived.

    enter image description here

    I cringe everytime I see it. Least it's finally closed.

  • edited June 2016

    Sonic Team sat down with Famitsu magazine in Japan for this week's issue, during which a new game (platforms to be announced on July 22) and a feature film was also announced. (Translation courtesy SOAH City)

    "We at Sonic Team – are developing a completely new game, as well as developing a full movie, actively done by Sony Pictures, and animation on Sonic Boom"

    Sonic 2016, the follow up to Sonic 2006 we have all been waiting for. My body is ready.



    enter image description here

    The Sonic 06 2 dream is dead.

  • edited June 2016

    Okay so it went from constant rain to help me it's so hot I can't BREATHE.

  • Yeah, basically what Tobi said. This is also the only forum I belong to.

    Rocked03 posted: »

    Why a Telltale Games thread? Does 'TTG' scream 'doctor!' at you or something?

  • edited June 2016


    I don't understand why people sometimes just wipe their comment right after posting it. Did you suddenly regret posting it?

  • Oh my god I love this, I suggest trying it out to see what amazing name you can get.

    Lord George George Smelly the Inbred

  • By the Grace of God, Prunella Julietta Smellysnatch the Slaphappy

    Where has this been all my life XD

    Oh my god I love this, I suggest trying it out to see what amazing name you can get. Lord George George Smelly the Inbred

  • enter image description here

    For me my last bad feel here was when a thread got bumped from months ago

    And I saw really stupid and cringy post I made, I can't even remember posting or why I would

    When a thread you made over a year ago gets revived. I cringe everytime I see it. Least it's finally closed.

  • You know, as much as I hate Undertale, Megalovania is a god damn good piece of music. I might even say it's a legendary song in video game history.

  • Just got back from seeing Finding Dory. I had middle of the road expectations for the story, but it was pretty good actually. I mean, it definitely wasn't on the level of Toy Story 2/3, but it was still great for a Pixar sequel though. The visual effects they managed to pull off in the Ocean scenes were really great, especially seeing as how they took the time to emulate intricate details with things such as individual bits of sand in the movie as well as the short they showed beforehand. Pixar's visuals are getting really good, and it makes me excited to see how much further they can push their effects in future movies.

  • edited June 2016



  • Earl Evelyn Camilla Cockshoot the Elder... This is too funny lmao :D

    mellofox28 posted: »

    By the Grace of God, Prunella Julietta Smellysnatch the Slaphappy Where has this been all my life XD

  • Was it sad?

    Just got back from seeing Finding Dory. I had middle of the road expectations for the story, but it was pretty good actually. I mean, it def

  • It was still sad, like any Pixar movie, but not to the degree of the beginning of Finding Nemo for instance.

    Was it sad?

  • It has some sad moments, but it's mostly happy overall.

    Was it sad?

  • The Sonic 06 2 dream is dead.

    I will never love again...

    MichaelBP posted: » Sonic Team sat down with Famitsu magazine in

  • Best thing you've posted. 10/10


  • I'm trying to start a chain.

    Best thing you've posted. 10/10

  • ....Annnd I just ruined it, huh? Sorry man.

    I'm trying to start a chain.

  • edited June 2016

    I'm gonna go flag my comment.

    And it's okay :)

    ....Annnd I just ruined it, huh? Sorry man.

  • I'm trying to start a chain.

    Let's keep the focus on small talk, instead. ;)

    I'm trying to start a chain.

  • edited June 2016

    I don't know what you mean :/

    I'm trying to start a chain. Let's keep the focus on small talk, instead.

  • Great. Umbrella Corps is shit and I placed a fuckton of faith into it. Fan-fucking-tasitc. But I think the best part is the fact that Capcom has a streak where they release 2 really good ResE games and then 2 bad/mediocre ones. And since Resident Evil: Revelations 1 and 2 were awesome and this one sucked, I guess Resident Evil 7 is going to be the fucking worst thing ever. Fun.

  • The Sonic 06 2 dream is dead.

    Wouldn't that be Sonic Adventure 4?

    shots fired.

    But really, it's a shame the next game is coming out next year, but hey, maybe it'll be awesome!

    MichaelBP posted: » Sonic Team sat down with Famitsu magazine in

  • The Right & Honorable Basil Henry Shaftslapper the Sausagefingered

    By Jove!

    Oh my god I love this, I suggest trying it out to see what amazing name you can get. Lord George George Smelly the Inbred

  • Really good base for the theory you have there


    Great. Umbrella Corps is shit and I placed a fuckton of faith into it. Fan-fucking-tasitc. But I think the best part is the fact that Capcom

  • edited June 2016

    It's just a pattern that Capcom has with the Resident Evil gamez, and from what I'm seeing, history is repeating itself. Excuse me for putting my trust in a company who claims to have learned from their shitty past mistakes and being let down for the 19th time.

    papai46 posted: »

    Really good base for the theory you have there /s

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Well a dot is pretty small Blind.

    I'm trying to start a chain. Let's keep the focus on small talk, instead.

  • Can't argue with that logic! :P

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Well a dot is pretty small Blind.

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