I see but there are many things which makes me uncomfortable in the revenge ending. For example:
Roman was sooo useless in this mission. He did absolutely nothing to help his cousin, he didn't use a gun and didn't even help Niko get onto the chopper.
Chasing Pegorino with a chopper felt sooo short and easy.
Niko gets only two calls after the end, from Roman and Packie (Not a big deal) when after the deal ending, we get three calls, from Brucie, Mallorie and Kate and when the credits end, you hear from Niko, this "So, this is what the dream feels like, this is the victory we longed for".
Chasing Pegorino through the Liberty Island felt so short and easy.
What was the point? Kill a guy we never cared for for some "girlfriend" we never cared for?
Definitely a tossup between Anakin Skywalker and Shane from the Walking Dead (AMC's version has a one up on the comics). I couldn't tell you which though. They're both too good in my opinion.
Who is your go-to fighter in (any) Super Smash Bros?
I got all the love for the anime (let's be honest it is more an anime than a cartoon) series, prefer it over Korra, but I don't want any movie about it unless the original writers for the series make it an animation movie.
Collete and Elodie aka Michonne's daughters. The only reason people hate them is because Michonne can't forget about them (being a mother and all). And that is a real dumb reason to hate them because we never even met them. We just saw hallucinations of them from Michonne's perspective.
I got all the love for the anime (let's be honest it is more an anime than a cartoon) series, prefer it over Korra, but I don't want any movie about it unless the original writers for the series make it an animation movie.
Wesker which leads me to my next question. Who's the smartest out of these characters:
Lex Luthor
Albert Wesker
Tywin Lannister
Rick Grimes
Scott Shelby
I see but there are many things which makes me uncomfortable in the revenge ending. For example:
What was the point? Kill a guy we never cared for for some "girlfriend" we never cared for?
I'd say Lex Luthor.
Captain America: Civil War or Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2?
Captain America: Civil War
Favorite hero turned villain?
Definitely a tossup between Anakin Skywalker and Shane from the Walking Dead (AMC's version has a one up on the comics). I couldn't tell you which though. They're both too good in my opinion.
Who is your go-to fighter in (any) Super Smash Bros?
Only played a few times but I always liked Shadow
What made you choose the username you're using?
Naughty Dog
Which is your most wanted remastered game or triology?
hm, Septerra Core
Who is your favorite moderator here?
edit: sorry, wasn't meant to be a reply
None of them because they all suck. (I'm just kidding please don't ban me)
I'm not excluding the others here because they're all great, but Blind_Sniper seems very cool to me.
What's one thing in this world that made you legitimately upset? Like you just wanted to punch a wall out of anger upset?
.The Walking Dead Season 6 finale, easy. This also got me close: http://moviepilot.com/posts/3542674
Favorite concert you've ever attended?
Fucking Last Airbender 2?!
I got all the love for the anime (let's be honest it is more an anime than a cartoon) series, prefer it over Korra, but I don't want any movie about it unless the original writers for the series make it an animation movie.
I've never had the opportunity to attend a concert
Favourite Playstation exclusive game?
Crash Bandicoot!!
What one melee weapon would you use in a zombie apocalypse?
Haha good choice! Love that game
First thing I remember from playing the PS1
First game I ever played.
A chainsaw.
If you could bring one fictional character in real life, who would it be?
Polish Saber or Katana both perfect for cutting.
Worst movie you have ever seen?
A Slenderman movie, I dunno if it was made by fans or by a company.
Which video game character do you think doesn't deserve the hate it gets?
Collete and Elodie aka Michonne's daughters. The only reason people hate them is because Michonne can't forget about them (being a mother and all). And that is a real dumb reason to hate them because we never even met them. We just saw hallucinations of them from Michonne's perspective.
Have you ever thought of suicide?
Would you rather be blind or deaf?
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) or Venom (Eddie Brock)?
It's really not an anime as it wasn't made in Japan, just anime influenced.
Favourite voice actors for any game?
Nolan North in Deadpool and the Uncharted saga.
Green Goblin (Norman Osborn) or Venom (Eddie Brock)?
Oi, I ain't letting this thread to die.
By the way, I'll go with Venom.
Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead? (Telltale games and/or shows)
The Walking Dead (Both Medias)
Would you rather get jumpscared or watch naked people?
Get jumpscared.
Are you an Autobot or Decepticon?
Sry, I answered first
game that has scared you so much you screamed?
Slenderman: The 8 Pages.
Are you afraid of slepping alone?
I get creeped out reading Creepypastas at 2am but I'm not afraid of sleeping alone ^-^
Have you played resident evil? If so did you scream when the dogs jumped through the windows? :-)
I have never played Resident Evil.
Apple or Android?
If you could bring any video game character to life, who would you pick?
Optimus Prime.
Mac or Windows?
BioShock (2007) or Dead Space (2008)?
For anyone who says BioShock and Dead Space are incomparible, read this
Orange Fanta, with Mountain Dew in 2nd place.
Amnesia: The Dark Descent or Penumbra: Black Plague?
Outlast or Whistleblower DLC?