Opinions On Season 3
I changed the original thread because I just wanted to hear a quick opinion.
Anyway, what do you think about season 3, How will the episode begin depending on last season choices?
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I changed the original thread because I just wanted to hear a quick opinion.
Anyway, what do you think about season 3, How will the episode begin depending on last season choices?
I changed the discussion, I just wanted to see an opinion or two, thanks.
I believe it will start some time ahead with Clem in the same place for everybody (of course) and the difference of our endind choices back in Season Two will be played by us in the form of flashbacks, I am just guessing anyway.
Lol at least i remember
Same the choices youve made will have importance but won't necessarily change the story
(I went with Kenny)
I think it will start off in wellington, 2-3 years after the story of S2.
Clem has a friend from Wellington (the guy in the trailer).
A horde of walkers will attack the gates and break trough, Kenny, Clem, the guy from the trailer and AJ will flee while everyone fights the walkers.
Kenny will risk his life for Clem and the baby but Kenny and AJ will die.
Clem and the boy will flee and they will try to survive on their own.
That's what I think will happen.
5-6 years? XD it's gonna be only 2-3 years after season 2.
Omid and Chris- ahem, oops, I meant Jane and Kenny are proabably gonna get killed off in the first 5 minutes of episode 1.
As for Kenny/Jane, I hope they are given a treatment similar to Urdnot Wrex, per my description in this thread from forever ago: https://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/83377/determinate-characters-urdnot-wrex
As for how it will open, the basic outline that I expect to see is that we'll probably have 3 main opening scenes with slight variations that will probably last about 5-10 min before everything is written into a common plot point.
Here's an EXAMPLE of what I mean by that, written by me forever ago just to explain to somebody here on the forums that they don't need fifty bigzillion openings that branch into the stars for season 3 to exist. I in no way think this is how it will open, but it's an example of a 3 pronged approach.
yeah I kinda messed up there. Clem looks 15-16 in the trailer :P
She look 13-14 to me.
IDK how old was she in Season 2
But she looks 14-15 in Season 3 to me.
if the opening of the episode's lag, you know the previously sequences, i'd be mad.
like TWDM was super laggy as well, hoping they fix that.
idk how it will open up, i'm guessing maybe a backstory or prologue of what has happened since S2.
i think it will be good, though.
In S1: 8-9
In S2: 10-11
In S3: 13-14
Oh thanks
well I'm gonna edit it.
Exactly! Job Stauffer clarified that Clementine would be 13–14.
From what I've headcanonned (lol that word probably doesn't exist! (it does now!)), I think we'll spend the first 20-30 minutes of the episode as Javier. He eventually bumps into Clem and Kenny/Clem and Edith/Clem and Jane/Clem and Patricia/Clem and AJ.
Why is everyone asking about opinions about Season 3 when it hasn't even come out yet?
I'm PRAYING that there aren't that many references to the comics. Please. I want the games to be separate from the comics and the show.
I also feel like I'm not going to like Javy but lmao.
She's 13+ maybe 13.5
I'm hoping S3 has very little in common with S2 and acts like S2 just never happened in it's beginning episode but that's probably not going to happen.
I'm very excited for it. I have a feeling it will be better than season 2.
I just really hope they include some more opportunities for us to walk around and explore. Season 2 didn't have very much of those in comparison to the first season. I love having optional conversations as it really helps with character development.
Why is that so? The Game is luckily not based on the TV Show anyway, but on the Comics, and those are great. If you haven't read them yet, but enjoy the TWD Games, you should read them. So why no references? If you get them, great, if you don't get them, also great. As long as the references don't distract from the game itself, I don't see a problem. Don't you want references at all, or just not too many?
Either way, the Game is not separate from the Comics anyway, as much as you want to wish or pray for it. Nothing can happen in the Game, that can't happen in the Comics, like finding a cure or something like that.
Yeah, seeing as choices from Season 2 carry over, it is not going to happen.