I don't hate any of the characters.....if only because I see things from a psychological point of view. I guess "most disliked" would be the St. Johns. They had no excuse for their insanity (not when others are surviving the apocalypse without resorting to cannibalism) and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Larry would be second because he acts like an a-hole just because he can. Then I guess Kenny, though I like Kenny. He was just realllllllly irritating in Season 2. Next would be "placeholder" characters like Carlos, Alvin, Mike, etc.
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as… more much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as… more much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
Ahh unfortunately i have never really liked Bonnie. I tried to like her but couldn't. She was a very up and down character for me. She appeared very nice upon seeing her at the lodge in episode 2 for the first time (not including 400 Days) and then after lying about "having a family that were starving", she betrays you with the ambush from Carvers gang. She turned a corner in episode 3 helping the group escape and how she was in ep 4 which I appreciated but in episode 5 she hated me for not trying to help Luke even though i was just doing what HE wanted me to do and then her betrayal leaving with Mike and Arvo and then telling Mike to "just leave her" after Clem was shot, that did it for me and was very selfish of her.
I'm normally very forgiving but i care about Clem more than any other character and for her to say "just leave her" struck a nerve to the point I can't forgive that
She apologizes to you in A House Divided at first. By Amid The Ruins, when she's in labor, she'll tell you how you're a good kid and I think she'll determinately say that her and Clem came a "long way since they've met".
Season 1: Larry, mainly. While Ben always found new ways to piss me off, there was always a small side of me that just felt bad for him. That being said, he's still a shitbird. i enjoyed his final act of redemption when he stood up to Kenny, though.
400 days: Eh, no one really. Becca kinda annoyed me from the whole pissy-attitude shit she had going on, but its expected at her age, so she gets a free pass.
Season 2: Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, and Rebecca for an episode. As firewall said, first impressions are very important, and Rebecca's was complete and utter shit. Though, she apologized which kinda caught me off guard. Now for Bonnie and Mike...What the FUCK, you two?? Bonnie was just now starting to redeem herself but then she turned right around and fucked it all up. AGAIN. But Mike..? Miiiiike! I expected so much better from you! I just hated how his character did a complete 180 and pulled that bullshit in No Going Back. And Arvo shot a kid, so he's automatically a scumbag in my book.
Michonne: No one in Michonne really pissed me off either, but I'm amazed that Sam and Greg had survived as long as they did. They lacked so much common sense to the point where it was dangerous in the outbreak.
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as… more much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
I don't believe Alex is holding onto Sam's hurt arm and she isn't screaming in pain.
Jesus, Telltale. They never went to a doctor, or watched Doctor House?
Season 1: Larry, mainly. While Ben always found new ways to piss me off, there was always a small side of me that just felt bad for him. Tha… moret being said, he's still a shitbird. i enjoyed his final act of redemption when he stood up to Kenny, though.
400 days: Eh, no one really. Becca kinda annoyed me from the whole pissy-attitude shit she had going on, but its expected at her age, so she gets a free pass.
Season 2: Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, and Rebecca for an episode. As firewall said, first impressions are very important, and Rebecca's was complete and utter shit. Though, she apologized which kinda caught me off guard. Now for Bonnie and Mike...What the FUCK, you two?? Bonnie was just now starting to redeem herself but then she turned right around and fucked it all up. AGAIN. But Mike..? Miiiiike! I expected so much better from you! I just hated how his character did a complete 180 and pulled that bullshit in No Going Back. And Arvo shot a k… [view original content]
I liked episode 1 Kenny, he seemed like a nice dude with a nice family. Episode 2 Kenny was chill for the most part of the episode but then in the meatlocker scene the guy who in episode 1 was devasted for not being able to save Shaw, decided to kill a man based on a hunch and instead of trying to see things from Lee's point of view and understand why he didn't agree to kill a man that could potentially be alive, he decides that it's best to let him die! -100 points of respect for Kenny.
In the very final scene after my Lee decides not to take the stuff from the wagon, he keeps acting like I'm being the vilain looking at me like I'm some kind of monster because I'm not stealing with him!
He leaves me to die once again in Episode 3. You're doing a great job as a friend Kenny! Please, keep at it. When I tell him about Lee's past he then comes with threats saying that Lee's past would come to play when deciding who comes on the boat and who doesn't. Because it's Kenny who decides that, of course, not the group (sarcasm)! I felt bad for him when he lost his family and tried to be as suportive as I could, putting Duck down for him and all, did that count for anything? Nahhh, Kenny only cares if you help him kill people.
I couldn't stand him in Episode 4. My plan was clear. Lee and Clem would go to the Marsh house and try to find her parents, if they couldn't find them then they would travel north. But for some mysterious reason Kenny (and everyone else for that matter) acts like the boat is everyone's plan. That made this episode so unbearable. When i vote that we should stay in the house and treat Omid, Kenny reprehends me for not prioritising his plan!
After my Lee is yet again forced to stick with the boat plan and go to Crawford, Ben decides to tell how he unintendedly got Duck bitten and Kenny goes nuts, threatening to murder Ben and yet again making himself the owner of the boat (that Clem found and that the group, Ben included, was helping repairing), claiming that Ben wasn't going to have a place on it for something that he did by accident. After I saved Ben in the bell tower, Kenny keept saying that Ben should've died and gave Lee death stares for not murdering Ben. That was just disgusting of him.
I just told him to fuck off when he refused to help Clem because Lee didn't did what he wanted enough times.
Kenny showing Ben some empathy in episode 5 was nice of him. Something nice about his character that disappeared when he insinuated that Lee should've been killed in the attic. He then decides to trap himself in an alley full of walkers instead of going to safety. Funly enough, minutes ago he was talking about how suicide is not the answer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honorable Mentions: Vernon, Save Lots Bandits, Larry, St. Johns, Molly (kinda) and....
The Stranger
Hurrrrr, Lee! I wanna kill u becuz u saved carly and brought clem to the st john diary. Nevermind you didn't steal from me unlike your group! I don't hate them, I only hate you! Because... reasons!
400 days - Nate
This may be personal taste but this guy's personality disgusted me. I do not appreciate gross jokes. I do not appreciate his stupid way of playing with dead bodies, talking about them as if they were sexual objects and then playing with Russel's life in order to make a stupid joke. He then decides to murder a couple for an unknow reason.
I congratulate the people who were able to find some deep meaning in this character, but I just don't see the appeal.
Honorable Mention: Becca
She was annoying as hell, but terribly well written. Out of all TWD media, she's probably the most believable teenager. They really showed how the ZA would mess up a teenager's head.
Season 2 - Kenny
I don't reacall Kenny making one good thing in Season 2 besides helping deliver AJ. In episode 2, if he had tried to find Luke instead of starting to shoot random people and expect the antagonist group to not retaliate, maybe everyone could've been safe and sound by the end of episode 2. Way to go, Kenny! I can understand Kenny wanting to leave Howe's in episode 3, but trying to enforce his suicidal plans is not the way.
Trying to figh tons of armed people? Too bad he didn't try, I wonder what would've happened.
Trying to leave when the place gets overrun by walkers? Carver's men wont be looking at them, sure, but what about the zombies?
Kenny couldn't listen to anyone but himself. Even Sarita tries to make him act rationally, but he just shoves aside what everyone else says and only takes his own opinion into account. He then decides to waste time by smashing Carver's face which leads to his girfriend to get bitten and then he blames it on us??? 'You think just because you're a little girl, you can get people killed and no one will care? That's not how it works!' Ohhh, the hypocrisy.
I didn't like Arvo. Like, at all and i thought we should've just left him, but the group decided otherwise. Although i may dislike the guy, I do not approve Kenny constantly beating, insulting and thretening him. What was he expecting to acomplish?
When confronted with the group's opinion of heading south instead of mindlessly heading north until the baby actually freezes to death or dies of starvation he starts yelling, saying that the group will do what he wants, isolating himself from everyone else like a butthurt teenager.
Kenny then proves, without a shred of doubt, that he is willing to murder someone. He attempts to kill Jane for no apparent reason. I shot him, and I'm glad I did.
Honorable mentions: Michelle, Nick (kinda), Arvo.
Michonne - Randall
Ehhh, I don't hate Randall. But if I had to choose the worst person I'd say it's him.
I hated the juice box the most. I think he caused the cabin group's death. I just don't get why people loved him so much. He and his army needs to be taken down! >:(
After getting shoot, and crying through the scene with Lee, I could not bring myself to hate anyone. After that scene, Lee's words just echoed in my head, people do strange things when they are scared, and so I really, really could not hate anyone, even lying Arvo or treacherous Bonnie, they were all just scared. Kenny was lost, Jane was confused and Mike was all three. I guess Carver, but even he believed he was doing the right thing so I guess he was confused as well. The cannibals from season 1, cancer survivors, all gun wielding thugs, all have a reason to be hated but their actions can be understood if think that they were all just scared and lost. That doesn't justify their actions, but only makes them pitiful, After the scene with Lee in season 2, I really could no longer bring myself to hate anyone.
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as… more much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
In episode 2, if he had tried to find Luke instead of starting to shoot random people and expect the antagonist group to not retaliate, maybe everyone could've been safe and sound by the end of episode 2
That was Luke's decision to take a hike so it's Luke's fault for not helping his friends right at the time.
He then decides to waste time by smashing Carver's face which leads to his girfriend to get bitten
This doesn't make any sense. During the escape plan, everyone could have been killed at any minute. Walkers around, people shooting at them. Even if Kenny killed Carver in a fast way, Sarita would have still been bitten.
Season 1 - Kenny
I liked episode 1 Kenny, he seemed like a nice dude with a nice family. Episode 2 Kenny was chill for the most part of t… morehe episode but then in the meatlocker scene the guy who in episode 1 was devasted for not being able to save Shaw, decided to kill a man based on a hunch and instead of trying to see things from Lee's point of view and understand why he didn't agree to kill a man that could potentially be alive, he decides that it's best to let him die! -100 points of respect for Kenny.
In the very final scene after my Lee decides not to take the stuff from the wagon, he keeps acting like I'm being the vilain looking at me like I'm some kind of monster because I'm not stealing with him!
He leaves me to die once again in Episode 3. You're doing a great job as a friend Kenny! Please, keep at it. When I tell him about Lee's past he then comes with threats saying that Lee's past would come to play when deciding who come… [view original content]
Actually, if you listen closely, Kenny is the one who told Luke to take a hike
If they left earlier perhaps they wouldn't find themselves in the eye of the herd. Maybe Carlos wouldn't get shot as he did because they'd be more far away. Kenny indirectly led to Sarita's death although many other factors also contributed, he helped delaying the group.
In episode 2, if he had tried to find Luke instead of starting to shoot random people and expect the antagonist group to not retaliate, mayb… moree everyone could've been safe and sound by the end of episode 2
That was Luke's decision to take a hike so it's Luke's fault for not helping his friends right at the time.
He then decides to waste time by smashing Carver's face which leads to his girfriend to get bitten
This doesn't make any sense. During the escape plan, everyone could have been killed at any minute. Walkers around, people shooting at them. Even if Kenny killed Carver in a fast way, Sarita would have still been bitten.
If they left earlier perhaps they wouldn't find themselves in the eye of the herd. Maybe Carlos wouldn't get shot as he did because they'd be more far away.
Kenny's decision to kill Carver held them back no longer than 2 minutes. There likely wouldn't have been a big difference. If anything, a delay might actually be more useful, since that means less dead to push through to get past the herd. And if we want to argue, the reason the guards started shooting down towards where the group are was most likely because of Jane shooting Troy. They heard the gunshot, and switched to that side of the roof. Troy followed the group outside just before they got into the herd. Even if they managed to get inside the herd, all it'd take is Troy either seeing one of us in the distance and taking a few potshots, or him getting swarmed and firing off a few shots, and we're back at square one; our group walking through the herd, with guards firing down into it. Carlos could have still been shot, and the same series of events could have occurred, just a little further into the herd this time.
Actually, if you listen closely, Kenny is the one who told Luke to take a hike
If they left earlier perhaps they wouldn't find themselve… mores in the eye of the herd. Maybe Carlos wouldn't get shot as he did because they'd be more far away. Kenny indirectly led to Sarita's death although many other factors also contributed, he helped delaying the group.
If they left earlier perhaps they wouldn't find themselves in the eye of the herd. Maybe Carlos wouldn't get shot as he did because they'd b… moree more far away.
Kenny's decision to kill Carver held them back no longer than 2 minutes. There likely wouldn't have been a big difference. If anything, a delay might actually be more useful, since that means less dead to push through to get past the herd. And if we want to argue, the reason the guards started shooting down towards where the group are was most likely because of Jane shooting Troy. They heard the gunshot, and switched to that side of the roof. Troy followed the group outside just before they got into the herd. Even if they managed to get inside the herd, all it'd take is Troy either seeing one of us in the distance and taking a few potshots, or him getting swarmed and firing off a few shots, and we're back at square one; our group walking through the herd, with guards firing down i… [view original content]
I'm failing to see your point here? You're comparing Vitali's death to Carver's death?
Jane killed Vitali in order to stop Kenny from being killed. She didn't do it in order for him to suffer. As far was we know, that knife was the only weapon Jane carried.
Kenny did that to Carver cos, I dunno, Carver has imprisoned the only people that he cared about and completely messed up his eye.
Couldn't Kenny, I dunno, just shoot him in order to get his little revenge? Instead of, you know, making all that shitshow?
And I totally understand Kenny's rage towards Carver. But in the current situation where a herd was coming their way and they needed to hurry, shooting him in the face would've probably been the wisest decision.
It's still a waste of time and needless violence when he could've just shot him in the face.
I think it's hard to get over something someone has done. Carver bashed his left eye so Kenny gave him a death more painful
Season 1 - Kenny
I liked episode 1 Kenny, he seemed like a nice dude with a nice family. Episode 2 Kenny was chill for the most part of t… morehe episode but then in the meatlocker scene the guy who in episode 1 was devasted for not being able to save Shaw, decided to kill a man based on a hunch and instead of trying to see things from Lee's point of view and understand why he didn't agree to kill a man that could potentially be alive, he decides that it's best to let him die! -100 points of respect for Kenny.
In the very final scene after my Lee decides not to take the stuff from the wagon, he keeps acting like I'm being the vilain looking at me like I'm some kind of monster because I'm not stealing with him!
He leaves me to die once again in Episode 3. You're doing a great job as a friend Kenny! Please, keep at it. When I tell him about Lee's past he then comes with threats saying that Lee's past would come to play when deciding who come… [view original content]
And I totally understand Kenny's rage towards Carver. But in the current situation where a herd was coming their way and they needed to hurry, shooting him in the face would've probably been the wisest decision.
Him shooting Berto (that thankfully, didn't happen in my canon save).
I can understand his anger. Michonne and Sam both murdered Zachary, but what did Berto had to do with that? He shoots an innocent men for the actions of another. That pretty irrational.
Anyway, I don't hate Jonas. It's just something about his character that I didn't like.
He means that he put too much work into helping Sarah stay alive and keeping her strong, and Telltale fucked him over by giving Sarah the most pointless, annoying and rushed death possible, which ruined her entire character arc.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
Ok fair enough on your opinion but what about looking at all the good things about him? Believe it or not he's not a "prick" all the time if you actually look at another side of things. Also when he is being horrible, look at the reasons behind why he is because there will be a reason and not just because he's being horrible for the sake of it unlike Larry!
I also feel when you said "he should have died in the alleyway" was a bit harsh but hey your opinion
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as… more much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
Kenny cannot be expected to act rationally when he is under a rage episode.
However, I would like to point out that, just because he is enraged at a certain point in time, doesn't mean that his actions are in any way justified or moral. Whenever something like this happens—St. John's meat locker, delivery truck driving to Howe's Hardware, Sarita being devoured in the middle of a herd, jumping to the conclusion that Jane killed AJ—it is extremely easy to understand why he acts how he does, since he is easy to read. This does not mean by default that he was right in killing Larry, planning to take the son of a bitch's gun, yelling at Clementine and abandoning her, and killing Jane in cold blood. Numerous people fail to make the distinction, which in return, ends up with forum arguments based off misconceptions.
Whenever he makes an—in my opinion immoral—decision in his right state of mind, such as leaving Lee to fend for himself while he was inches away from being bitten in the drugstore, and advocating to leave Lilly behind knowing that she could be raped, shot or devoured… yeah. That is what I truly dislike him for.
Him shooting Berto (that thankfully, didn't happen in my canon save).
I can understand his anger. Michonne and Sam both murdered Zachary,… more but what did Berto had to do with that? He shoots an innocent men for the actions of another. That pretty irrational.
Anyway, I don't hate Jonas. It's just something about his character that I didn't like.
I don't hate any of the characters.....if only because I see things from a psychological point of view. I guess "most disliked" would be the St. Johns. They had no excuse for their insanity (not when others are surviving the apocalypse without resorting to cannibalism) and no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Larry would be second because he acts like an a-hole just because he can. Then I guess Kenny, though I like Kenny. He was just realllllllly irritating in Season 2. Next would be "placeholder" characters like Carlos, Alvin, Mike, etc.
I try not to hate characters and tend to forgive them, I felt bad for Lily, I understood Bonnie's actions, I didn't hate Norma or Randall as much as the game wanted me to, I thought Jane had many great points in her reasonings.
But I really dislike Kenny. From S1E4 forward he's been just a massive prick. I know he lost everything, but damn, he hated everyone and liked to start arguments while missing Duck and Katjaa in the meantime. Should've died in the alleyway. He'd be at peace much sooner.
you're my new favorite person on the forums
i've never seen someone on the forums that i've agreed with on every single thing in their post. thank you, crips, thank you.
Sarah,I just can't handle her.
Ahh unfortunately i have never really liked Bonnie. I tried to like her but couldn't. She was a very up and down character for me. She appeared very nice upon seeing her at the lodge in episode 2 for the first time (not including 400 Days) and then after lying about "having a family that were starving", she betrays you with the ambush from Carvers gang. She turned a corner in episode 3 helping the group escape and how she was in ep 4 which I appreciated but in episode 5 she hated me for not trying to help Luke even though i was just doing what HE wanted me to do and then her betrayal leaving with Mike and Arvo and then telling Mike to "just leave her" after Clem was shot, that did it for me and was very selfish of her.
I'm normally very forgiving but i care about Clem more than any other character and for her to say "just leave her" struck a nerve to the point I can't forgive that
I don't get it
She apologizes to you in A House Divided at first. By Amid The Ruins, when she's in labor, she'll tell you how you're a good kid and I think she'll determinately say that her and Clem came a "long way since they've met".
Too much work fuck all pay off
Season 1: Larry, mainly. While Ben always found new ways to piss me off, there was always a small side of me that just felt bad for him. That being said, he's still a shitbird. i enjoyed his final act of redemption when he stood up to Kenny, though.
400 days: Eh, no one really. Becca kinda annoyed me from the whole pissy-attitude shit she had going on, but its expected at her age, so she gets a free pass.
Season 2: Mike, Bonnie, Arvo, and Rebecca for an episode. As firewall said, first impressions are very important, and Rebecca's was complete and utter shit. Though, she apologized which kinda caught me off guard. Now for Bonnie and Mike...What the FUCK, you two?? Bonnie was just now starting to redeem herself but then she turned right around and fucked it all up. AGAIN. But Mike..? Miiiiike! I expected so much better from you! I just hated how his character did a complete 180 and pulled that bullshit in No Going Back. And Arvo shot a kid, so he's automatically a scumbag in my book.
Michonne: No one in Michonne really pissed me off either, but I'm amazed that Sam and Greg had survived as long as they did. They lacked so much common sense to the point where it was dangerous in the outbreak.
Hell yes to the Randall and Norma point. They didn't even really do anything wrong. None of it was really Michonne's business honestly.
I don't believe Alex is holding onto Sam's hurt arm and she isn't screaming in pain.
Jesus, Telltale. They never went to a doctor, or watched Doctor House?
That is a clever realization.
Michonne caused the death of multiple kids, though.
Michonne's sin list is too high to count in numbers, man. That's why she's fucking insane.
Season 1 - Kenny
I liked episode 1 Kenny, he seemed like a nice dude with a nice family. Episode 2 Kenny was chill for the most part of the episode but then in the meatlocker scene the guy who in episode 1 was devasted for not being able to save Shaw, decided to kill a man based on a hunch and instead of trying to see things from Lee's point of view and understand why he didn't agree to kill a man that could potentially be alive, he decides that it's best to let him die! -100 points of respect for Kenny.
In the very final scene after my Lee decides not to take the stuff from the wagon, he keeps acting like I'm being the vilain looking at me like I'm some kind of monster because I'm not stealing with him!
He leaves me to die once again in Episode 3. You're doing a great job as a friend Kenny! Please, keep at it. When I tell him about Lee's past he then comes with threats saying that Lee's past would come to play when deciding who comes on the boat and who doesn't. Because it's Kenny who decides that, of course, not the group (sarcasm)! I felt bad for him when he lost his family and tried to be as suportive as I could, putting Duck down for him and all, did that count for anything? Nahhh, Kenny only cares if you help him kill people.
I couldn't stand him in Episode 4. My plan was clear. Lee and Clem would go to the Marsh house and try to find her parents, if they couldn't find them then they would travel north. But for some mysterious reason Kenny (and everyone else for that matter) acts like the boat is everyone's plan. That made this episode so unbearable. When i vote that we should stay in the house and treat Omid, Kenny reprehends me for not prioritising his plan!
After my Lee is yet again forced to stick with the boat plan and go to Crawford, Ben decides to tell how he unintendedly got Duck bitten and Kenny goes nuts, threatening to murder Ben and yet again making himself the owner of the boat (that Clem found and that the group, Ben included, was helping repairing), claiming that Ben wasn't going to have a place on it for something that he did by accident. After I saved Ben in the bell tower, Kenny keept saying that Ben should've died and gave Lee death stares for not murdering Ben. That was just disgusting of him.
I just told him to fuck off when he refused to help Clem because Lee didn't did what he wanted enough times.
Kenny showing Ben some empathy in episode 5 was nice of him. Something nice about his character that disappeared when he insinuated that Lee should've been killed in the attic. He then decides to trap himself in an alley full of walkers instead of going to safety. Funly enough, minutes ago he was talking about how suicide is not the answer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Honorable Mentions: Vernon, Save Lots Bandits, Larry, St. Johns, Molly (kinda) and....
The Stranger
Hurrrrr, Lee! I wanna kill u becuz u saved carly and brought clem to the st john diary. Nevermind you didn't steal from me unlike your group! I don't hate them, I only hate you! Because... reasons!
400 days - Nate
This may be personal taste but this guy's personality disgusted me. I do not appreciate gross jokes. I do not appreciate his stupid way of playing with dead bodies, talking about them as if they were sexual objects and then playing with Russel's life in order to make a stupid joke. He then decides to murder a couple for an unknow reason.
I congratulate the people who were able to find some deep meaning in this character, but I just don't see the appeal.
Honorable Mention: Becca
She was annoying as hell, but terribly well written. Out of all TWD media, she's probably the most believable teenager. They really showed how the ZA would mess up a teenager's head.
Season 2 - Kenny
I don't reacall Kenny making one good thing in Season 2 besides helping deliver AJ. In episode 2, if he had tried to find Luke instead of starting to shoot random people and expect the antagonist group to not retaliate, maybe everyone could've been safe and sound by the end of episode 2. Way to go, Kenny! I can understand Kenny wanting to leave Howe's in episode 3, but trying to enforce his suicidal plans is not the way.
Trying to figh tons of armed people? Too bad he didn't try, I wonder what would've happened.
Trying to leave when the place gets overrun by walkers? Carver's men wont be looking at them, sure, but what about the zombies?
Kenny couldn't listen to anyone but himself. Even Sarita tries to make him act rationally, but he just shoves aside what everyone else says and only takes his own opinion into account. He then decides to waste time by smashing Carver's face which leads to his girfriend to get bitten and then he blames it on us??? 'You think just because you're a little girl, you can get people killed and no one will care? That's not how it works!' Ohhh, the hypocrisy.
I didn't like Arvo. Like, at all and i thought we should've just left him, but the group decided otherwise. Although i may dislike the guy, I do not approve Kenny constantly beating, insulting and thretening him. What was he expecting to acomplish?
When confronted with the group's opinion of heading south instead of mindlessly heading north until the baby actually freezes to death or dies of starvation he starts yelling, saying that the group will do what he wants, isolating himself from everyone else like a butthurt teenager.
Kenny then proves, without a shred of doubt, that he is willing to murder someone. He attempts to kill Jane for no apparent reason. I shot him, and I'm glad I did.
Honorable mentions: Michelle, Nick (kinda), Arvo.
Michonne - Randall
Ehhh, I don't hate Randall. But if I had to choose the worst person I'd say it's him.
Honorable Mentions: Gabby, Jonas.
I hated the juice box the most. I think he caused the cabin group's death. I just don't get why people loved him so much. He and his army needs to be taken down! >:(
After getting shoot, and crying through the scene with Lee, I could not bring myself to hate anyone. After that scene, Lee's words just echoed in my head, people do strange things when they are scared, and so I really, really could not hate anyone, even lying Arvo or treacherous Bonnie, they were all just scared. Kenny was lost, Jane was confused and Mike was all three. I guess Carver, but even he believed he was doing the right thing so I guess he was confused as well. The cannibals from season 1, cancer survivors, all gun wielding thugs, all have a reason to be hated but their actions can be understood if think that they were all just scared and lost. That doesn't justify their actions, but only makes them pitiful, After the scene with Lee in season 2, I really could no longer bring myself to hate anyone.
That was Luke's decision to take a hike so it's Luke's fault for not helping his friends right at the time.
This doesn't make any sense. During the escape plan, everyone could have been killed at any minute. Walkers around, people shooting at them. Even if Kenny killed Carver in a fast way, Sarita would have still been bitten.
No one, actually. There are some characters I might slightly/strongly dislike but hatred is just too much.
Actually, if you listen closely, Kenny is the one who told Luke to take a hike
If they left earlier perhaps they wouldn't find themselves in the eye of the herd. Maybe Carlos wouldn't get shot as he did because they'd be more far away. Kenny indirectly led to Sarita's death although many other factors also contributed, he helped delaying the group.
Kenny's decision to kill Carver held them back no longer than 2 minutes. There likely wouldn't have been a big difference. If anything, a delay might actually be more useful, since that means less dead to push through to get past the herd. And if we want to argue, the reason the guards started shooting down towards where the group are was most likely because of Jane shooting Troy. They heard the gunshot, and switched to that side of the roof. Troy followed the group outside just before they got into the herd. Even if they managed to get inside the herd, all it'd take is Troy either seeing one of us in the distance and taking a few potshots, or him getting swarmed and firing off a few shots, and we're back at square one; our group walking through the herd, with guards firing down into it. Carlos could have still been shot, and the same series of events could have occurred, just a little further into the herd this time.
Ok, you make a good point. It's still a waste of time and needless violence when he could've just shot him in the face.
I hated Lilly the most in S1, killed mah gurl Carley..
In S2, Arvo for sure lol
I'm failing to see your point here? You're comparing Vitali's death to Carver's death?
Jane killed Vitali in order to stop Kenny from being killed. She didn't do it in order for him to suffer. As far was we know, that knife was the only weapon Jane carried.
Couldn't Kenny, I dunno, just shoot him in order to get his little revenge? Instead of, you know, making all that shitshow?
I think it's hard to get over something someone has done. Carver bashed his left eye so Kenny gave him a death more painful
And I totally understand Kenny's rage towards Carver. But in the current situation where a herd was coming their way and they needed to hurry, shooting him in the face would've probably been the wisest decision.
My thoughts about Season 1 and 2 Kenny exactly!
Btw, what did you dislike about Jonas from the miniseries? o:
The problem here is expecting Kenny to make a wise decision to begin with
Mmm, I don't know about that. Carver was pretty terrible, and a swift gunshot to the face wasn't a fate he deserved. Too painless.
Him shooting Berto (that thankfully, didn't happen in my canon save).
I can understand his anger. Michonne and Sam both murdered Zachary, but what did Berto had to do with that? He shoots an innocent men for the actions of another. That pretty irrational.
Anyway, I don't hate Jonas. It's just something about his character that I didn't like.
In Season 1, I really was not fond of Carley. In Season 2... ugh... Kenny.
He means that he put too much work into helping Sarah stay alive and keeping her strong, and Telltale fucked him over by giving Sarah the most pointless, annoying and rushed death possible, which ruined her entire character arc.
Fucking bitch. Now everyone hates Lilly because of her
Not everyone--I like Lilly and Carley equally
Ok fair enough on your opinion but what about looking at all the good things about him? Believe it or not he's not a "prick" all the time if you actually look at another side of things. Also when he is being horrible, look at the reasons behind why he is because there will be a reason and not just because he's being horrible for the sake of it unlike Larry!
I also feel when you said "he should have died in the alleyway" was a bit harsh but hey your opinion
Kenny cannot be expected to act rationally when he is under a rage episode.
However, I would like to point out that, just because he is enraged at a certain point in time, doesn't mean that his actions are in any way justified or moral. Whenever something like this happens—St. John's meat locker, delivery truck driving to Howe's Hardware, Sarita being devoured in the middle of a herd, jumping to the conclusion that Jane killed AJ—it is extremely easy to understand why he acts how he does, since he is easy to read. This does not mean by default that he was right in killing Larry, planning to take the son of a bitch's gun, yelling at Clementine and abandoning her, and killing Jane in cold blood. Numerous people fail to make the distinction, which in return, ends up with forum arguments based off misconceptions.
Whenever he makes an—in my opinion immoral—decision in his right state of mind, such as leaving Lee to fend for himself while he was inches away from being bitten in the drugstore, and advocating to leave Lilly behind knowing that she could be raped, shot or devoured… yeah. That is what I truly dislike him for.
Gabby shoots Berto because there can only be one Latino character.