What was/were the most shocking, satisfying and dissapointing death/s on the TV show?
Mine :
Most satisfying :
1.Joffrey : After what he did to Ned, Sansa and Robert's poor bastards it was more than satisfying to see that little psycho fuck die however i wonder what would he have done with the sparrows if he was still alive hmmmm.
2.Ramsay Bolton : I waited so long to see that fuck face die and he died the most satisfying way possible, his last words were to a dog :-}
3.Late Walder Frey : His sons baked into a pie and served to him and having his throat slit by a smiling stark, That old twat really deserved what he got
Most Shocking :
1.Oberyn Martell : He was a very cool character i didn't expect him to die that way , his head crushed like a watermelon :-s
2.Roose Bolton : i know Ramsay was a psychopath but i didn't expect him to kill his father , I really hated Roose for the Red Wedding but he was a very interesting character.
P.S : unfortunately Ned, Robb and Jon's deaths were spoiled for me so i dunno how would i have reacted to their deaths
Most dissapointing :
1.Blackfish : So he returned after a long time just to die offscreen WTF?
2.Doran Martell And His Son : So the sand snakes decided to avenge oberyn's death by killing what remained of his family Well Done!!!
I love to know what you guys think and uhh i'm sorry for my bad English.
Most shocking:
enter link description here
Most satisfying:
enter link description here
Most disappointing: Robert's death.
i kinda agree with Robert's death. idk i didnt expect him to drop so fast but it kinda was lame. such a loud guy kinda deserved to go in glory.
basically what you have my man. like all of them.
And on top of that, he died to a fucking pig!
Well Cersei is to blame for that
I don't know if I'm ever satisfied by a death. I think most characters who were killed off in GOT were killed off for good reasons but there's a couple that disappointed me.
Most satisfying deaths are all those characters that aren't canon as per books.
Most shocking: Hodor's death was done well
Most disappointing: Blackfish and house Martel
Most shocking:Hodor
Most satisfying: Joffery
Most satisfying: Joffrey
Most shocking: Roose Bolton
Most disappointing: Ser Barristan Selmy
I don't agree with Barristan's death he killed around 13 sons before he fell, he died a hero.
Disappointing as in he shouldn't have died in the first place. His death did nothing for the show other than for shock value.
Don't worry he is still alive in the books
Suppose you're right