The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Jamie Foxx FTW.

    And I'll go with the latter. But if it's the former, that's gonna seem like another rushed part of the Goblin.

    Yeah, Jamie Foxx fucking nailed it as Electro. As for how he found out he was Spider-Man... I have no idea. From what I remember, he saw Gwe

  • I personally wouldn't like it to be purple ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Thanks for clearing that up. Also... and that the forums will "not be entirely white." 'Not entirely white' my white ass! It'd

  • Shit fam you crazy

    I personally wouldn't like it to be purple ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • edited July 2016

    This website is whiter than Donald's Trumps vision for america

  • Hey guys? Are there any good horror movies about werewolves?

  • edited July 2016

    An American Werewolf In London. Then to a lesser extent, The Howling and Wolf(1994).

    Hey guys? Are there any good horror movies about werewolves?

  • Really abrupt, unexpected and incredibly strange. I just kinda sat there for a bit thinking the game bugged out or something because nothing was happening.

    But then the credits finally popped up :p

    Glad to see that more people are checking it out! It's definitely a really great title to play in terms of all the atmosphere it has. What did you think of the ending?

  • Just finished applying for a job. It's a traineeship at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation.

    Wish me luck! :D

  • edited July 2016

    I can't freaking like comments anymore, I can hardly have a PM conversation, I can hardly post AND WHY just why... THE FUC#$%* WHITE SCREEN?!
    And why did the site get updated anyway and who thought the white screen was good?

  • Calm Mr. Joshua. The like system has been replaced with the +1 system. I don't really see a difference. Just click the number beside the Reply button. I guess the solid white background is only a temporary one, so we'll see about that.

    joshua007 posted: »

    I can't freaking like comments anymore, I can hardly have a PM conversation, I can hardly post AND WHY just why... THE FUC#$%* WHITE SCREEN?! And why did the site get updated anyway and who thought the white screen was good?

  • That is the problem I can't like it and my notifications doesn't respond

    Johro posted: »

    Calm Mr. Joshua. The like system has been replaced with the +1 system. I don't really see a difference. Just click the number beside the Reply button. I guess the solid white background is only a temporary one, so we'll see about that.

  • Damn I wish I could be there that sounds cool bro

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Just finished applying for a job. It's a traineeship at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. Wish me luck!

  • The first works for me, the second is broken for everyone. It sucks and I hope they fix it soon too. Should. The forum games people are losing their shit over it.

    joshua007 posted: »

    That is the problem I can't like it and my notifications doesn't respond

  • Ayy, good luck, mate. ^-^

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Just finished applying for a job. It's a traineeship at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. Wish me luck!

  • Welcome to the new era of lol. Maybe they will fix it eventually.

    So like, I'm not receiving notifications anymore, the site takes eons to load a new page and the completely white page is destroying my fuck

  • Oh great, now there's a storm outside... and a pretty big one.

    I swear, if I even encounter a tornado, I'll literally shit my pants.

  • Would Van Helsing count as a horror movie? Because Van Helsing is fucking kickass.

    Hey guys? Are there any good horror movies about werewolves?

  • A tornado hit the apartment I was living in when I was like 4. It was awesome to my 4 year old self. Then an F5 touched down miles away from my house in Union when I was 11. Since I had a grasp over the fact that death was a thing, that was less awesome. Point is, I survived through both of em. You'll be fine. Or not. Fuck idk.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh great, now there's a storm outside... and a pretty big one. I swear, if I even encounter a tornado, I'll literally shit my pants.

  • Think they're doing another one soon

    Would Van Helsing count as a horror movie? Because Van Helsing is fucking kickass.

  • As long as the tornado has some distance from the house I'm staying at the moment, I'll be fine.

    If not, then I'm fucked.

    A tornado hit the apartment I was living in when I was like 4. It was awesome to my 4 year old self. Then an F5 touched down miles away from

  • I just finished LIMBO. While also a good game, I just didn't feel as engaged as I was with INSIDE. But it's nice to know that Playdead definitely improved from LIMBO. I'll be keeping an eye on them from now on and I look forward to their future games :)

  • I'm not even interested in that game.

    Yeah, you've got a point. I mean, PS4 users got fucking Bloodborne for shit's sake.

  • Anyone here ever play payday 2?

  • I have payday the heist on steam and I've played some of it. Does that count?

    Anyone here ever play payday 2?

  • Yeah that works just wondering are those games any fun? Payday 2 crime wave is on sale on xbox for 12.00

    I have payday the heist on steam and I've played some of it. Does that count?

  • That'll be a cool thing to put on your future resume! Good luck!

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Just finished applying for a job. It's a traineeship at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. Wish me luck!

  • edited July 2016

    OPINION: The decline of Assassin's Creed storyline and RANT!! (2007-2016)
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    Openings are really hard for me but I will try to tell you why I liked the original games storylines way more than the games that have come out in the last few years AND NO I am not an Ezio fanboy I like Altair, Ezio, Connor, Edward on the same level.
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    I am here sending this somewhere from the world to explain you guys why I think story wise speaking the series stopped making me interested and perhaps you to.
    I am a historian, sci-fi action adventure and bit of a stealth fan and AC had everything I wanted. Never did I expect a game named Assassin's Creed go so deep into the human mind and philosofy of humanity, having multiple layers of reality hidden in a game was for me a feast to enjoy on. But I think personally that the series has lost it's way and for this we have to go back a few years in time, are you ready?

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    Assassin's Creed freaking Unity (2014)

    Story wise speaking this was the most weakest in the series and here is why.

    1. The game starts with Helix a new version of the Animus and Helix is game console. The Assassin's break into your console and tell me that this is how history how it happened. The problem? We went from the Animus a device that relive memory's of our ancestors to a game console. Look I made a rant on this game here a link
    2. We start of with clichés and a copy paste named Arno Victor Dorian. Arnos father gets killed (Ezio father dies, Connors mother dies), Arno is dressed up like Ezio and acts like him and gets a Templar girlfriend (Altairs wife) You see what I mean!? Except Arnos girlfriend is a inconsistent with the book Unity written by Oliver Bowden. See Elise is nicer in the book and is very different than in the game. But almost all Ac books have inconsistent crap.
    3. No explanation for anything like reading memories.
    4. Plot holes not normal plot holes in gaming but plot holes that make a 10 year old laughing.
    5. After Bellecs death the story went nowhere and the 8 year old writers had to come up with filler which was so bad like a first draft for a comic book villian that had to be turned down or they would lose their job.
    6. What was the point of bringing in the Sages into this game? it is just a excuse to make a Modern plot which has been terrible awfull after AC3.
    7. The Assassin and Templar fight is almost none existent because Arno is acting out his own personally- wait why is this game called Assassin's Creed what is the Creed about?

    Look I can go own on this game story wise and I made a two hour rant on this anyway so now we start with AC Rouge.

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    Assassin's Creed Rogue (2014)

    This is the most** overrated **Assassin's Creed out there in story telling

    Shay Cormac leaves the Assassins because of a ridiculous communication error that is mostly his fault, and joins the Templars because they're nice to him.
    SURE people can defend what I just said but the storyline lacked depth. Focused to much on filler and personally I found Haytham out of place.
    And I don't buy they let Achilles live and the connection between Unity and Rouge is more a contradiction than a shared universe. Shay apparently should've killed Charles in less than 5 seconds + to even talk with him. I expected Charles to say when Shay walked away ''stop that man''... Or at least grab his gun and shoot Shay -_-
    but the French characters from Unity who appear in Rogue still use the cheesy BBC accents from Unity, but other French characters in Rogue actually have proper French accents. Did they even think this through?
    They mentioned Warden Vidic, Lucy, Connor, Altair and thousands of other game characters in the MD just to make it canon AND THAN HAYTHAM APPEARS!
    So in the Book Forsaken which is Haytham diary he talks about his adventures and doesn't mention Rogue in anyway maybe because. 1 Rogue wasn't even come up back then. 2 Haytham wanted to keep this secret so he didn't write it down or 3 bad writting.

    There was this deleted dialoge in AC3 with Achilles and Connor not sure if it is real but the video is called ''No Assassins Anymore Boy (deleted scene) - Assassin's Creed 3''
    It has probably to do with Shay Cormac and AC Rouge BUT deleted is not canon and in name of everything of the title AC... Why didn't they burn Achilles house down? Some can argue that ''he was defeated''...
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    Connor Kenway appears and takes everything from them in AC3 hell what was the point of letting him live seriously?!

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    it's obvious that Rogue was simply cooked up post hoc and AC3 and Forsaken were not written with it in mind. As for Berg I tend not to take him very seriously. His big plan that comes to fruition at the end of the game is basically to prank the Assassins with a bunch of videos, which if Syndicate is anything to go by has had zero effect on morale. Honestly I don't know why Ubisoft even bothered with Rogue except as a consolation prize for players who hadn't yet gone 8th-gen. In hindsight, making a game about the Templar purge of the Assassins in the 1750s maybe wasn't such a good idea since they hadn't written their existing story to accomodate it. They should have stuck with just the one game a year, and now they've ended up dropping even that.

    I always thought the Assassins were wiped out in America because times change. You can't just walk around anymore with blades and Haytham is a skilled EX-Assassin working with the Templars... But no... It where earthquakes and not thinking things through -_-

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    Earthquakes? Yup, so I guess the Isu (Isu are Those Who Came Before) made a device that was I guess... To stop earthquakes? than... Why have you secured that thing so badly one touch and a earthqueke happens what was the point of building this than?

    enter image description here
    The assassins are portrayed as a-holes, ** **Now I want the Rougue fanboys defend this right from the AC FORUMS THEMSELF

    Shay is just such a naive tool that I never got what his problem was in the first place or why he thought the Templars were the solution. We're told he goes rogue because he doesn't want to endanger any more innocent lives, so he....picks up a grenade gun and starts blowing **** up around civilians and there isn't even a warning to the player that their actions are out of sync with Shay's character. So Shay tries to save civilian lives by going around killing as many civilians as he damn well pleases. Seems legit.He blames Achilles for not knowing something he couldn't possibly have known and storms off, swearing to save the world from people like the assassins who carelessly use PoE's for their own purposes, so in retaliation he goes to the OTHER group that carelessly uses PoE's for their own purposes. Logic! He doesn't believe Achilles when he says he didn't know what the PoE's were capable of, but he believes everything any shady Templar he comes across happens to feed him. He's so dumb and illogical that he just comes off as a petulant teenager who's angry at the wrong people and it's hard to find any sympathy for him. He's not a "morally grey" character at all, just naive and petty. The only logical reason he turns Templar is because the story demands it.

    Shay left the Assassins because they killed innocents. But if he had even a margin of common sense he would have realised Achilles broke one of the tenets of the creed - it is not in any way shape or form protocol for Assassins to kill innocents at all - and therefore the next step would be to get Achilles kicked out and get a new leader. Instead his brain went : "all assassins are bad! The only life I've ever known is bad! I should join the Templars who represent everything I've been taught to believe is wrong with the world even though they slaughter innocents systematically and institutionally! Hell I'll even start the French revolution to serve their cause which would results in triple the amount of deaths of innocents even though that's why I left the Brotherhood in the first place."

    His whole arc makes no sense because Ubi didn't have the balls to show us Shay gradually embracing the philosophies of the Templar Order.

    Heck, AC2/B followed a similar formula of being black and white to appeal and yet it still gave fans something worth discussing. Rogue is just poor writing, really. Besides throwing in cameos and tossing the name Templars and Assassins around, the writer have proven to not understand the core of the Assassin's Creed narratives and that shows in the script. The only returning cameo that he managed to nail was Benjamin Franklin, and that's because he was neither an Assassin or Templar. He was just some random historical figure that couldn't really contribute to the core Templar vs Assassin narrative, which is why AC3 avoided him.

    Now we are here finally here...

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    Assassins creed chronicles China (2015)

    Note: I have not played this game but there is one thing I need to say for this I have to go back to 2011

    Info: In 2011 Assassin's Creed Revelations got released and in that same year Assassin's Creed Embers got released on the same day.

    The Assassin Shao Jun received a box from Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Master Assassin and Mentor... If Shao Jun ever got losed she needed to open the box and boxes of Eden have appeared many times in the AC universe like in Rougue.

    I want to go deep in Shao Jun and why I like her character and story arc in Embers alot and after so many years I still remember this character she just puts a smile on my face:)

    But after the hole ugh um Unity performance issues and because I hate the game I decided not to buy Chronicles April 21, 2015
    Shao Jun in my eyes was

    1. Loved studies
    2. Smiles at groups of people who have a normal day
    3. curious
    4. Cares about people
    5. Listens
    6. Calm
    7. Thinking person

    So I decided to watch her China Episode and... They made her talk to herself and a the most overdone story arc REVENGE. I can see why she wants revenge but this is not the Shao Jun I remember.

    Moving on...

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    Assassin's Creed Syndicate (2015)

    So the game starts with Jacob and Evie Frye, they are Master Assassin's and twins (why the hell do I need to upgrade two masters Assassin's to kill two dudes while in the old games almost everyone just could do it without upgrading) and for some reason we can play as both of them while that is really weird because Animus/Helix.

    See I believe Evie Frye... Never appeared in development untill... Unity -____-
    Evie is only playable for the story 25% time and most of the time she just cleans up the mess and hunts down Pieces of Eden. What I did like about her she was this big AC lore nerd while Jacob is just a... Gangster
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    ''Sis you want to go to London with me so I can be Batman and kill Templars?'' No she replied. Please! please! please! you win we go she said.

    Than we get interupted by the Modern Day Assassin Bishop WAIT I AM JUST NOW GONNA COMPLAIN ABOUT THE MODERN DAY STORY... Break time!!!

    @AronDracula I wondered if you were interested I linked you to my Unity rants right?

  • What the hell Spoiler tag where are you?

  • edited July 2016

    I've lost my interest on this franchise after Black Flag. I don't see the point of the new games since Desmond died. Now we play as random unnamed protagonists on first person perspective when we play outside the animus. Ubisoft is obviously making them for money. All the new games are overrated. Altair, Ezio, Connor and Edward will always remain the best assassins.

  • Don't buy it, Overkill is never going to release the dlc on consoles.

    Yeah that works just wondering are those games any fun? Payday 2 crime wave is on sale on xbox for 12.00

  • Yeah I also lost interest with 4 and about Desmond I am gonna make a post about that to and I just hope games die.

    My only interest is the movie and when I am more interested in the game movie based on a game instead of the game that means you ruined it m8

    AronDracula posted: »

    I've lost my interest on this franchise after Black Flag. I don't see the point of the new games since Desmond died. Now we play as random u

  • Ubisoft is obviously making them for money.

    What do you think people make games for? Passion?

    AronDracula posted: »

    I've lost my interest on this franchise after Black Flag. I don't see the point of the new games since Desmond died. Now we play as random u

  • edited July 2016


    Ubisoft is obviously making them for money. What do you think people make games for? Passion?

  • I maintain that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 suffered the same problem: too many villains.

    Spider-Man 3 had Venom, Sandman, and the Green Goblin. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 had Rhino, Electro, and the Green Goblin. Just having too many doesn't give as much development to each as say, Doc Ock in Spider-Man 2.

    I just finished The Amazing Spider-Man 2...and I'm so disappointed. "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" was my favorite issue in the comics, and

  • I love An American Werewolf in London. It's fantastic. I remember when I was a little kid my mom was watching it, and I saw bits of it, which terrified me. Now as I'm older, I really appreciate the film, although werewolves are my number 1 irrational fear. The black comedy in it works very well.

    The transformation scene is great too. Definitely recommend it.

    Johro posted: »

    An American Werewolf In London. Then to a lesser extent, The Howling and Wolf(1994).

  • edited July 2016

    enter image description here

    Ooh well which ones are the least important?
    RE 0 done
    RE1 done
    RE2 I checked it not done yet
    RE3 Nemesis watched and done
    RE4 done
    Found out what happened to Ada in 2
    RE Degeneration need to watch it and gonna buy Revelations than I watch Resident evil damnation

    Edit: wait I need to do 5 before that

  • I thought Sandman and Electro had some good character development.

    But as for the rest of them, I agree.

    I maintain that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and Spider-Man 3 suffered the same problem: too many villains. Spider-Man 3 had Venom, Sandman,

  • edited July 2016

    I do! On PC.

    Anyone here ever play payday 2?

  • edited July 2016

    I finished AAWiL last night. Fucking terrifying and really good. I couldn't stop staring at this guy's throat in this part:

    Hey guys? Are there any good horror movies about werewolves?

  • Do not buy Payday 2 on console. Supposedly they barely update it and it's buggy as all hell. If you wanna play it, get it on PC.

    Yeah that works just wondering are those games any fun? Payday 2 crime wave is on sale on xbox for 12.00

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