i hope flashbacks wont go beyond the first episode of season 3

i think its pretty much confirmed we will get flashbacks of what happens to clem and aj during time skip. i just hope it will all be wrapped up in the first episode. if they stretch it through entire season, its gonna ruin the game imo. some tv shows do that and it fucking sucks. whenever something interesting is about to happen, they cut to flashbacks which are never as interesting as the main story. it ruins the experience for me.
but they say that we wont be playing as clementine and javier in the same time frame. that concerns me because it probably means we play as javier in the present time, and play as clem in the flashbacks. theres no way we will play as clem only in the 1st episode so that could mean that the flashbacks will be in all 5 eps.
please writers change ur minds while you still have a chance. frequent flashbacks will ruin the season.
As long as they show flashbacks at good timing. I don't want them to stuff flashbacks down our throats like they did in the michonne game with the hallucinations.
they say we wont play as both in same time frame.
I have the same feeling. At this point I am almost sure that we will play as Javier in the present and as Clementine in the two time skip. This would be an amazing way to make our choices matter—anything that happens while playing as Clementine can affect how she behaves latter while playing as Javier.
I didn't mind the hallucinatory sections in Michonne. I actually liked a lot the one in which she has to choose between picking up the phone or running toward the hallway. As long as the flashbacks follow the pace of the present and vice versa, I trust Telltale to do this.
yes but they should finish it in the first episode. we wont get 100% of the main story if they continue flashbacks beyond that. can u imagine how short the main story is gonna look like with flashbacks? season 2 episodes were short as it is.
They said we may not always play both in the same time frame, but we will. There's this slaughterhouse
And their relationship is important too, so I hope it'll look like in Tales from the Borderlands.
that doesnt mean we play as both. they will be together, but im guessing we only play as javier in the present. i didnt play tales so i dont know how it works.
Just take the ride friends! I can't say here what I think may happen. Because I don't wish to will this thought into a reality. But some of you are thinking it as I am. I'll just say this , if Clem is the only one we control during flash backs....that may for shadow some tears! Just saying.
yes they fucked up. i dont know why they thought it would be good idea not to play as both in the same time.
I agree with @BetterToSleep
I see no problem with the flashbacks and if we play as Clem during them so what? It would definitely be interesting if our choices during the flashbacks take effect when later being with Javier
I'm pretty sure anyone in their right mind would want that.
We have to wait and see, I mean, they obviously have a plan. Also, I must say that I agree with you, since I'd rather not to play flashbakcs during the whole Season.
In Tales they were switching when they were in the same place and talking to each other. I liked that. All I want is them being in the same place, I don't want them to be seperated for long
And I hope these flashbacks will be only in Ep 1...
thats what i want too! but their recent interview suggest the oposite.
Damn... Well, maybe we shouldn't worry about it, maybe it'll be different than we think
lets hope so.
This sounds like a very good idea on paper!
I'm just thinking that they should have the entire series panned out before going along with it. For example, they could have a choice in the third episode that determines whether Clementine behaves this way or the other later in the season, but it would not make sense for her to be behaving in a different way for the past two episodes. I'm not sure this makes sense.
You make a good point. However, I predict that we will be invested in two storylines at a time—the one of the time skip as Clementine and the one of the Capricorn branding four years in as Javier. The interesting twist that they are teasing could be that one of the storylines, the one in the past, affects how the other storyline progresses.
Of course, both storylines would reach their climax in the last episode, in order not to mess up with the pace and mood of the season, which appears to be your greatest concern. It might help you to take another view on it if you consider it as jumping back and forth in time though, instead of past and present. I would say give it a try later on when the game is released. That is, assuming that there are time jumps within the season.
I would not mind if they lasted the entire series...it is an effective narrative plus if there is a mystery to unfold...hell in a way seasons 3 may be Telltalegames way of setting Clementine's back story and motives for season 4 and beyond.
Those hallucinations were the worst part of the Michonne series.
Seriously? Why are people never happy?
"Make choices and the endings matter!"
"You might be playing as Clem during the two year timeskip, which will probably be different depending on your choices and might even alter the present day story!"
"How dare you not have the storylines take place at the same time??!!"
So ridiculous. Besides, this is pointless as we already saw in a screenshot (for Episode 1, mind you) that Clem and Javier are together in the slaughterhouse. I'm assuming that they will handle the flashbacks similar to Michonne. Better, hopefully, but in the sense that they are recurring throughout all Episodes.
well then i hope theres an option to skip it for us who dont want them.
kids run past
5 minutes later
Those flashbacks/hallucinations completely ruined the last episode.
I wouldn't mind flashbacks lasting the entire season, especially if it actually fits in with the story - Clementine could be telling Javier her story and by the end of the Season after they've gone through everything together, Clementine might finish her story off and we might find out how she ended up where the Season began with her.
That will be great for me if I can play as Clem in twd s1.
I just don't want them in the middle of some important scene and moment.
i just dont want them at all. if they want flashbacks, they can make dlc. theres no way they can be more interesting than main story with javier. u know flashbacks r probably gonna be about clementine babysitting aj? its gonna ruin the game.
have fun babysitting aj in flashbacks. one minute you will be killing walkers as javier, next you will be feeding bottle to aj as clementine.
also if we only play as javier in present time, they better not make clem act like a dick whenever we disagree with her.
I thought the hallucinations were done well for the first two episodes, especially the second when you're trying to get away from the sniper.
I only want flashback when the characters are sleeping, or inconscious, or at the very begining of the episode before the big THE WALKING DEAD: EPIOSODE -28: ADVENTURES BABYSITTING KENNY pops up, and after that, a short one at the end of the episode, like much. And also things that will be explained in a flashback after three episodes or something like that. Ex: let's say AJ is terriried of fire. In the next episode, is shown in a flashback that he was almost burned to death. Or Kenny/Jane were burned to death.
I only want flashback when the characters are sleeping, or inconscious, or at the very begining of the episode before the big THE WALKING DEAD: EPIOSODE -28: ADVENTURES BABYSITTING KENNY pops up, and after that, a short one at the end of the episode, like much. And also things that will be explained in a flashback after three episodes or something like that. Ex: let's say AJ is terriried of fire. In the next episode, is shown in a flashback that he was almost burned to death. Or Kenny/Jane were burned to death.
Edit: Wtf, double post? Is the thread bugged, or did I do something wrong?