The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Damn it, Jordan.

    You're making me feel emotional. ;-;

    Love how many awesome people I've spoken too on this website! It's awesome being able to talk about games I love and tv shows etc... Literal

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    They cannot roll back to earlier versions. In the short run after any notable site update, there might be some bugs since Telltale uses a custom modified version of another forum software (this always happens after various updates, and is nothing new). However, these bugs are usually ironed out soon enough. These forum updates usually come with back end improvements as well as support for new features, not to mention that staff members have confirmed that the forums are going to get some eventual changes and that the new forums will "not be all-white." I can see how the update as caused concern about things not working right now, but that is temporary.

    joriandrake posted: »

    July 26 2016 - forum still a mess after a week of 'Implementing changes', barely anything is fixed, PM doesn't work, still no notifications,

  • Holy shit, it's only 11 PM here and I feel like I'm going to die.

    I swear, when I wasn't in Asia, I didn't feel "dead" at all until 2 AM, no matter what time I woke up...

    Goddamn it.

  • It's so goddamn hot outside

    I can't bear too much heat :V

  • I wrote this earlier in the main change thread, I still stand by it:

    I don't get what this update was really for, what reason there is that the bugs prevail and forum options are more limited than before... and I miss my forum games, they are all on hold due to the issues, and they are my main reason to visit. Was there no planned step-by-step process for updating? Did no one here learn Basic Project Management, are there no milestones set up for managing the whole update to have a smooth transfer and no loss in existing options? Why wasn't the code tested on a dummy page before going live? Testing basic forum abilities like private messaging before the change was greenlighted? Why can't it be rolled back until the problems get fixed?
    To be frank, making such mistakes I would've been already fired. This might sound harsh, but I am not angry, I just listed all my concerns about the update here, and hope people responsible for it will learn from the current situation and improve.

    One week now. One. Week.

    They cannot roll back to earlier versions. In the short run after any notable site update, there might be some bugs since Telltale uses a cu

  • Are you gonna be okay, man?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Holy shit, it's only 11 PM here and I feel like I'm going to die. I swear, when I wasn't in Asia, I didn't feel "dead" at all until 2 AM, no matter what time I woke up... Goddamn it.

  • This needs a reaction image.


    Please bear with me o_O

    Crips posted: »

    It's so goddamn hot outside I can't bear too much heat :V

  • LMAO

    Boi: Wanna go out? Grill: Eww no! Boi: But I subscribed to (insert random channel here). Grill: (Moist) Oh Yeah?!

  • I said i was subscribed to Pewdiepie and the girl started laughing at me.

    Boi: Wanna go out? Grill: Eww no! Boi: But I subscribed to (insert random channel here). Grill: (Moist) Oh Yeah?!

  • Actually the secret is: dank memes.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Aw man.

  • My friends don't even have Steam accounts.

    God, I feel you on friends not playing TellTale games. I had to introduce all of them to it.

  • It took them a month to fix the bugs in the last update.

    joriandrake posted: »

    I wrote this earlier in the main change thread, I still stand by it: I don't get what this update was really for, what reason there is

  • I'm sitting on a little over 30,000. Secret? Comment a lot.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    5000? How? Tell me your secret...

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Damn it, Jordan. You're making me feel emotional. ;-;

  • Me?
    enter image description here

    Don't start going soft on me jordan.

  • Dude, be patient. Complaining obviously won't help, which is all you seem to be doing.

    joriandrake posted: »

    I wrote this earlier in the main change thread, I still stand by it: I don't get what this update was really for, what reason there is

  • On a bright side, you've visited your second continent ever.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Holy shit, it's only 11 PM here and I feel like I'm going to die. I swear, when I wasn't in Asia, I didn't feel "dead" at all until 2 AM, no matter what time I woke up... Goddamn it.

  • Huh, Poland can get really hot then.

    Crips posted: »

    It's so goddamn hot outside I can't bear too much heat :V

  • You just literally pun * 3, mathematically speaking.

    joriandrake posted: »

    This needs a reaction image. Please bear with me o_O

  • You deserve them, love your comments ^^

    Commenting a lot is definitely the most efficient way to gain likes, though people should remember that likes are mostly just a useless number. It's a nice thing to look at sometimes but that's pretty much it.

    I'm sitting on a little over 30,000. Secret? Comment a lot.

  • Weather's pretty normal here, not too hot not too cold.

    Crips posted: »

    It's so goddamn hot outside I can't bear too much heat :V

  • edited July 2016

    Whoa double post. Just appeared right when I posted my comment.

    Crips posted: »

    It's so goddamn hot outside I can't bear too much heat :V

  • Check my profile (that is if it actually loads for you) what else I do. Complaining about complaining is obviously not helpful, while my bug reports and complains hopefully get someone's arse kicked into action to fix things.

    Dude, be patient. Complaining obviously won't help, which is all you seem to be doing.

  • edited July 2016

    Thank you, thank you! I'll be here all week

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You just literally pun * 3, mathematically speaking.

  • edited July 2016

    I read your profile, I don't see your point.

    The web team said they'll read the "Site Update" thread, they said nothing about reading this one and I highly doubt they will, considering how big it is and how much comments it gets.

    All you do is repeat the same bugs that they've already acknowledged. If you think you're helping them then you're wrong.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Check my profile (that is if it actually loads for you) what else I do. Complaining about complaining is obviously not helpful, while my bug reports and complains hopefully get someone's arse kicked into action to fix things.

  • I just got a notification.

  • enter image description here

    Telltale upgrades the forum makes it ten times worse and buggy mess.

    I don't know whether laugh or cry

    At least when Ubisoft needs anyone to make patches for games they know who to call

    At least fix the notifications brah

  • Don't forget, other mods and I are also compiling feedback and listing glitches/errors for them separately from people posting in the "New Site" thread.

    I read your profile, I don't see your point. The web team said they'll read the "Site Update" thread, they said nothing about reading thi

  • Yeah that makes sense, my point still stands though, the bugs he "reports" are ones that the web team have already acknowledged themselves.

    Don't forget, other mods and I are also compiling feedback and listing glitches/errors for them separately from people posting in the "New Site" thread.

  • My comment was not meant to be taken as me agreeing/disagreeing with you; I was just pointing out that people don't need to worry about banking it all in on the web team reading the New Site thread as we mods are also helping out and have been in direct contact with the web team a couple of times outside of that New Site thread.

    I'm sure you know you this, but just to point it out for others - mods are just volunteers that keep order on the forums, but otherwise are regular users like you guys, so we obviously are not in charge of changing/working on the site directly. However, as I have said above, we have been talking with the web team on our own, with us reporting errors that we (or you guys) find as well as some general suggestions as well.

    Yeah that makes sense, my point still stands though, the bugs he "reports" are ones that the web team have already acknowledged themselves.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    One week now. One. Week.

    Software launches are not perfect. Not that it's an excuse or anything, but new forum updates/upgrades generally tend to have bugs that get ironed out through iterative updates and improvements. It's not going to be super quick, but it's not like the web team is ignoring them. I am not privy to how Tellale's web team does things on their end, but from what I've picked up on with our mod team interactions with them (not in person obviously but over the forums), it's not like they are lazy or slacking off.

    As I have said in several posts, Telltale's current forums use a heavily modified version of Vanilla forum software to support things like nested comments, upvotes (and previously downvotes which were later removed), etc. When the normal version of Vanilla forums updates and Telltale updates the back end of their custom forum software to support newer versions of Vanilla, some things might temporarily break in the process due to how Telltale had to change a lot of things, but the web team is good at fixing them. For example, they have already fixed YouTube video embeds as well as some minor issues we had on our end as mods.

    joriandrake posted: »

    I wrote this earlier in the main change thread, I still stand by it: I don't get what this update was really for, what reason there is

  • Really?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I just got a notification.

  • Site might be a buggy mess but the store still works.

  • Most notifications never stopped working, only replies don't show up.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I just got a notification.

  • Yup; for the time being, notifications are limited to:

    • Private Messgaes
    • Flagged Post Notifications
    • Ban Notifications
    • Generic "Followed Thread' Notifications

    Most notifications never stopped working, only replies don't show up.

  • enter image description here

    Kill me...

    Crips posted: »

    It's so goddamn hot outside I can't bear too much heat :V

  • no PM notifications (although they are bugged themselves) here

    have no thread worthy of being followed yet, I guess Liquid could say if that works

    hopefully the other 2 I won't have to worry about

    Yup; for the time being, notifications are limited to: * Private Messgaes * Flagged Post Notifications * Ban Notifications * Generic "Followed Thread' Notifications

  • edited July 2016

    As far I know at least some of the bug notifications were done first by me, as proven by interactions in the main change thread.

    As for me posting in the the "Whatever's on Your Mind" and similar threads:
    My comments are obviously about the issues I experience due to the forum change, because it greatly affects my ability to interact with all the people from the forum games, and my ability to submit and discuss characters.

    It's not only me who comments on this, a lot of people as you can read here and in the similar threads also vent about the bugs. If you visit these threads in the coming days you'll surely find even more as long the bugs aren't fixed.

    I suggest you just don't do it (visit these threads) if this is an issue for you.

    Yeah that makes sense, my point still stands though, the bugs he "reports" are ones that the web team have already acknowledged themselves.

  • Just want to point out I know it's not your fault. Mods are not Admins, are not web designers or project managers.

    Nothing seemingly happening (although working videos are nice, even though it seems not for everyone are they working) will continue to frustrate users and there is nothing that can be done about it, except for fixing the issues of course. I can only hope fixing PMs, replies to them, and notifications are their priorities now.

    My comment was not meant to be taken as me agreeing/disagreeing with you; I was just pointing out that people don't need to worry about bank

  • Yes, sure, there seems to be some slow process on fixing things, but as you can see from comments and upvotes here and elsewhere whatever annoys people won't disappear as long these aren't fixed, as such the comments will reflect personal thoughts and emotions in threads like this which are all about 'whats on your mind' currently. Similar case in the other 2 threads.

    You don't even have to reply to comments here, I am actually surprised I got this strong reaction to my initial post. It doesn't change how I feel however.

    • The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread
    • The Vent Thread
    • What Really Pisses You Off?

    These 3 threads are likely to get more replies about the issues, because such cases just happen to be on one's mind, piss you off, and need venting

    One week now. One. Week. Software launches are not perfect. Not that it's an excuse or anything, but new forum updates/upgrades gene

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