The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • and I didn't get this reply, but I assume it works again wtf o_O

    papai46 posted: »

    I didn't see that reply, looks like they took the feature down again.

  • I cant unfollow a thread :-| K den

    Error 403

    You need the Javascript permission to do that.

  • Thank god I wasn't around for that shit then.

  • enter image description here

    Fuck off and die, Facebook.

  • Ah, Facebook...

    One of the websites I hate the most cause of people legit spamming their selfies every day. At least from my experience.

    Fuck off and die, Facebook.

  • It got worse. I didn't have internet connection on my laptop for like 5 hours lmao.

    Oh well, it's fixed now... Can't wait till that happens again, though, yay. ^^

    joriandrake posted: »

    could be, check if your provider might not give you the access you paid for

  • Instagram is even worse then.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ah, Facebook... One of the websites I hate the most cause of people legit spamming their selfies every day. At least from my experience.

  • edited July 2016

    You finished building that ark?


    Fuck off and die, Facebook.

  • Now I'm glad that I didn't make an Instagram account. :3

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Instagram is even worse then.

  • edited July 2016

    Wow, I've never heard that one before. Gee, it's not like my mother, father, siblings, random strangers, newly met friends, doctors, therapists, teachers, neighbors and family friends have used that joke before. Real original. REALLY. REALLY ORIGINAL FAM.

    EDIT: Sorry, didn't mean to sound hostile. I just had a PTSD flashback.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    You finished building that ark? Hahahahdontkillmepls

  • Noa is a nice girl name

    Wow, I've never heard that one before. Gee, it's not like my mother, father, siblings, random strangers, newly met friends, doctors, therapi

  • Gets "a guy cutting of his dick" GIF flashbacks.

    I need... I need help.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    and that brutal spam pm

  • I'm a guy.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Noa is a nice girl name

  • I can't either :/

    I cant unfollow a thread :-| K den Error 403 You need the Javascript permission to do that.

  • Okay, if you say so. It's your US law given right to be what you want, I guess.

    I'm a guy.

  • Apparently, it's a still a bug that everyone has.

    Well, I don't really care if it's going to be fixed or not, actually, since I never un-follow a thread lmao.

    I cant unfollow a thread :-| K den Error 403 You need the Javascript permission to do that.


    Thank you for making my day better, fam. :D

    joriandrake posted: »

    Okay, if you say so. It's your US law given right to be what you want, I guess.

  • I'm not sure whether or not you're joking, but if you aren't, like I am actually male. Yes, I know the nickname is offputting, and I regret this nickname everyday. But I'm male, penis and all. I like explosions and tits, etc, etc.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Okay, if you say so. It's your US law given right to be what you want, I guess.

  • You're welcome

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    HOLY SHIT, I CAN'T BELIEVE I LAUGHED AT THIS. Thank you for making my day better, fam.

  • Wow, I've never heard that one before. Gee, it's not like my mother, father, siblings, random strangers, newly met friends, doctors, therapists, teachers, neighbors and family friends have used that joke before. Real original.

    I just thought I try a new approach

    I'm not sure whether or not you're joking, but if you aren't, like I am actually male. Yes, I know the nickname is offputting, and I regret this nickname everyday. But I'm male, penis and all. I like explosions and tits, etc, etc.

  • By calling me a chick as opposed to making a Noah's Ark joke? Well I mean, that certainly is... unexpected.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Wow, I've never heard that one before. Gee, it's not like my mother, father, siblings, random strangers, newly met friends, doctors, therapi

  • Well, I just said Noa is a nice girl name.

    By calling me a chick as opposed to making a Noah's Ark joke? Well I mean, that certainly is... unexpected.

  • enter image description here

    Been a while. Still looks a bit bland but oh well. haha So how are you all, today?

  • happier, PMs work now

    Been a while. Still looks a bit bland but oh well. haha So how are you all, today?

  • edited July 2016

    I've been looking into this thing for a few days now since I first heard of it. Never knew of her since I don't go into fashion and beauty channels. Well maybe I should, cause the dresses I draw on my female characters are always simplistic. But anyways, watching the latest video of her it felt strange, didn't know why. Looking back at older videos, she seems very fluent and outgoing compared to the latest vid so I can see where there's concern. Heck my concern was building and I just recently learned of her existence. I find it admirable that people are so protective of her. It's far better than a bunch of angry people bullying one person on the internet, too much of that happens nearly every day.

    Anyway, it did gotten quite out of hand and whole bunch of hypothesises flown around, some going so far as ISIS. I don't consider it's around those levels, but it's definitely a personal issue with the bruises and different behaviour. I does make me cringe to see some calling this a scandal/publicity stunt when in reality it was just a situation that spiralled out of control not by her, but of viewers themselves. People seems to enjoy throwing those words around.

    My thoughts on the subject.

    Oh hey, the entire Marina Joyce thing was fake and was no issue after all. GEE I WONDER WHO SAW THAT COMING. cough. me. cough.

  • edited July 2016

    Yay! :D Now I can talk to friends alone on the vita again! :3

    I also found out that vids and notifications are starting to get better. Also my profile looks more normal now. Even better!

    EDIT: Oh noes, my bunny face. My bunny face! Replaced by emojis. ;-;

    joriandrake posted: »

    happier, PMs work now

  • You realize that if there were some bad guy holding a YouTuber hostage, and the public started suspecting, the logical thing to do would be to force the YouTuber and her family to say that everything's OK, and there's no danger, right?

    (Of course, the whole idea would have to make sense in the first place, first.)

    Oh hey, the entire Marina Joyce thing was fake and was no issue after all. GEE I WONDER WHO SAW THAT COMING. cough. me. cough.

  • We've got ourselves a spam bot.

    His name is @pappoii

  • Flag 'em.

    We've got ourselves a spam bot. His name is @pappoii

  • I did, and it's taking fucking forever.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Flag 'em.

  • Welp... takes out muh Pip Boy to counter that pappoii ....time to jam.

    We've got ourselves a spam bot. His name is @pappoii

  • the shit that happens when I play fallout kills me

  • Ayy, this is my jam! <3

    Cause I'm a wanderer, yeah a wanderer... I roam around, around, around, around~~

    Welp... takes out muh Pip Boy to counter that pappoii ....time to jam.

  • Alright, he's dead.

    We've got ourselves a spam bot. His name is @pappoii

  • Ring around the rosie you go, creepy raider girl! lmfao

    the shit that happens when I play fallout kills me

  • enter image description here

    Dah purrfect gif. Mwah!

    Alright, he's dead.

  • When did Obama do this?

    Dah purrfect gif. Mwah!

  • yep i actually get this song in my head sometimes when im signing into here lol

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ayy, this is my jam! Cause I'm a wanderer, yeah a wanderer... I roam around, around, around, around~~

  • so will notifications get fixed soon ?

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