The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I am getting the same issue, sometimes the profile loads, other times it just says loading profile and I have to keep refreshing it till it works.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Argh!! I was happy that feed, notifications, PMs work again, but that lasted only a single day. Now I can't load profiles and feed, thus can't access PMs again. o_O O_o -.-

  • Who cares? They're just likes. They're insignificant and mean nothing.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I looked at some peoples profiles on the MC Story Mode community, and saw that most of them don't have that many likes. Not trying to be rude, but I think it's beacuse they only hang out there.

  • You, you traitor..

    Well.. the thing is... I already did.

  • It's a myth anyway.

    outsi- what?? the hell are you talking about??

  • It will certainly end. One day. But not so soon.

    My friend believes the world is going to end -_-

  • It will eventually. Not in our lifetimes though.

    My friend believes the world is going to end -_-

  • I give a shit.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Went to the zoo today, might upload some pictures if anyone gives a shit.

  • There are many, many days where I hate myself and everything I do. This is one of them. I fucking envy people with high self esteem and a good mental state.

  • Uncharted is getting a movie! AWESOME!

  • When the world does end, all those people who wished for immortality are going to be annoyed.

    My friend believes the world is going to end -_-

  • Definitely watching that.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Uncharted is getting a movie! AWESOME!

  • I give a shit. :c

    Now upload some pics, you furry. :^)

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Went to the zoo today, might upload some pictures if anyone gives a shit.

  • Looks Bioshocky

    Anyone here try We Happy Few?

  • animal shit?

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I give a shit.

  • My beard had gone from short stubble to a messy issue recently and because of that I shaved for the first time tonight. Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, but I sat there for 3 minutes feeling extremely nervous and treated the razor like a blood thirsty beast.

  • Am I the only one experiencing this? Also why did Telltale change the name of their website? It used to be
    enter image description here

  • The site was updated, this is the updated look (for now at least I guess).

    Am I the only one experiencing this? Also why did Telltale change the name of their website? It used to be

  • Okay, I've been researching the 1990s Spidey cartoon a lot, and...I think now the only watchable season at least these days is season 1. I love all the episodes, good writing and the animation is top-notch.

  • You're right, I haven't noticed because just redirects to

    Am I the only one experiencing this? Also why did Telltale change the name of their website? It used to be

  • edited July 2016

    Well, they're still going to have to be abbreviated "TTG". "TT" is taken already by the Lego people and that'll just get way too confusing.

    Am I the only one experiencing this? Also why did Telltale change the name of their website? It used to be

  • this just made me laugh so much

    Holy shit.

  • reminds me of a psn update

    joshua007 posted: »

    Like I say don't update EVERYTHING if you don't have to fix it Seriously my notifications is still a mess Invalid CSRF token.

  • great i found i have to do e learning for work and the site wont load

  • No, I don't want a movie. The games are amazing as they are right now. Even Nolan North said he doesn't want an Uncharted movie. Hopefully it won't disappointing.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Uncharted is getting a movie! AWESOME!

  • joriandrake


    I'll bling 911 hotline if u dont stop

    joriandrake posted: »

    animal shit?

  • edited July 2016

    It's not skillsoft is it?

    Edit: I'm going to sleep so I'll just leave this here just in case. Skillsoft and a few others still use Java, which is pretty archaic these days. I HAD to use Internet Explorer and I HAD to re-download the newest version of java from it's site to get courses to load.

    great i found i have to do e learning for work and the site wont load

  • edited July 2016

    edit: meh, video timing link doesn't work: 49 seconds

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    joriandrake joriandrake I'll bling 911 hotline if u dont stop

  • Nope, watched Lirik play it and I plan to buy it on sale.

    Anyone here try We Happy Few?

  • edited July 2016

    Right. Steam forums is giving me headache. You can't believe how much stupid there is over at No Man's Sky section.

    Constant spam of "delayed?" threads that show how people don't bother to do even minimum level of research before making a new one.

    People that unintentionally spread miss-information due they don't bother to research if their source is reliable.

    I'm sorry but there are stupid questions and stupid answers. That saying was more worth it during pre-public internet era.

  • Welcome to the internet! A place where you can see no limit to ones stupidity!

    Clord posted: »

    Right. Steam forums is giving me headache. You can't believe how much stupid there is over at No Man's Sky section. Constant spam of "del

  • Welcome to the internet! A place where you can see no limit to ones stupidity!

    Clord posted: »

    Right. Steam forums is giving me headache. You can't believe how much stupid there is over at No Man's Sky section. Constant spam of "del

  • Lol nice double post, mate. :D

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welcome to the internet! A place where you can see no limit to ones stupidity!

  • It won't disappointing.

    This hurts.

    AronDracula posted: »

    No, I don't want a movie. The games are amazing as they are right now. Even Nolan North said he doesn't want an Uncharted movie. Hopefully it won't disappointing.

  • edited July 2016


  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited July 2016

    I'm back!

  • Heh

    Suh Dude (¬◡¬)

    I'm back!

  • Welcome back!

    I'm back!

  • Didn't know you left...

    I'm back!

  • edited July 2016

    Too Easy.

    "RIP Mah Homeboy Harambe"

    Same... :(

    boop beep beep beep beep zzz+ beep beep beep beep beep boop boop beep beep beep zzz- beep beep boop boop boop boop be

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