Crazy theory I know but fun to bring up

Although there is virtually no chance that they are the same character. The person Eugene is talking to on the radio is the same name of one of the girls in 400 days in Shel's story.

Now granted the player had a choice to kill Stephanie in the game and even if they didn't chances are slim to none that they would ever put a determinant character in the comic.

Just thought I would bring that up even though there is about a .0000001% chance it is the same person. I had completely forgotten about the Stephanie from 400 Days. In anycase finding out who Stephanie and this new community is is my favorite thing going on in the comic right now. Never been a big fan of the Whisperers.


  • Seems like a good theory to me but I don't read the comics.

  • I've noticed that too, but yeah, there's no chance.

                                                                                                                                                             No Hate, Your Mate.
  • No Hate, Your Mate.

    You guys are amazing.

    Chusets posted: »

    I've noticed that too, but yeah, there's no chance. No Hate, Your Mate.

  • I noticed that as well!

    But, to be honest, it's very implausible that she would manage to go all the way from Georgia to a location between Richmond and Alexandria, and radio Stephanie also says that she has been there during the entirety of the apocalypse.

    I believe that Stephanie's community might be the nursery home mentioned by Magna, but that is off-topic, so I will italizice and you have to pretend that you're not reading this.

  • edited August 2016

    It's cool isn't it? It rhymes and everything.

                                                                                                                  No Hate, Your Mate.

    No Hate, Your Mate. You guys are amazing.

  • I'm just waiting for the day that you reply to each other!

    Would that be against the rules, @InGen_Nate_Kenny? They're different people under the same name, so I guess that technically they are different people talking.

    Chusets posted: »

    It's cool isn't it? It rhymes and everything. No Hate, Your Mate.

  • edited August 2016

    You brought up an interesting question, I've never thought of it before, but yeah, now that we're identifying who is who that wouldn't be so weird I guess, lets wait for Nate to answer this one.

                                                                                                No Hate, Your Mate.

    I'm just waiting for the day that you reply to each other! Would that be against the rules, @InGen_Nate_Kenny? They're different people under the same name, so I guess that technically they are different people talking.

  • edited August 2016

    Yeah I remember comic Stephanie saying that. So comic Stephanie would also even have to be lying to Eugene for her to wind up being the same person as the character in 400 Days.So yeah like everyone is saying virtually no chance.

    I just hope Kirkman gives us some extra info about Stephanie during the Whisperers war arc and we won't have to wait six months to a year to really start getting more info about Stephanie and her community.

    I noticed that as well! But, to be honest, it's very implausible that she would manage to go all the way from Georgia to a location betwe

  • While that would be sick, I feel like there's more than one Stephanie in the apocalypse.

    Would be cool as shit to see her, though.

  • InGen, please.

    Why'd you do this!

    Chusets posted: »

    You brought up an interesting question, I've never thought of it before, but yeah, now that we're identifying who is who that wouldn't be so

  • He ignores you at purpose


    InGen, please. Why'd you do this!

  • Oh, come on!

    Why do you dislike moderators so much?

    He ignores you at purpose ModsAreSquids

  • I don't have anything againts them in particular, I'm just resented towards them because they are autority figures.


    Oh, come on! Why do you dislike moderators so much?

  • They haven't done anything to you in particular. Don't you think it is unfair to hate a regular person just because what they do goes against your ideals?

    I don't have anything againts them in particular, I'm just resented towards them because they are autority figures. AUTORITY MUST DIE

  • It's also unfair how they have power over us. They can close discussons, they can censure your comments and ban you.

    Anyways I don't hate them. I just slightly dislike they role.

    They haven't done anything to you in particular. Don't you think it is unfair to hate a regular person just because what they do goes against your ideals?

  • Shhhhh

    It's also unfair how they have power over us. They can close discussons, they can censure your comments and ban you. Anyways I don't hate them. I just slightly dislike they role.

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