The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Glad ya liked it!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I just watched Batman Begins to inform myself more about the Batman universe and MAN was it amazing. I'm going to watch The Dark Night sometime this week and I'm really excited!!

  • I played "Walking On The Sunshine" during Omid's death and while I love and miss him, it was the most hilarious thing ever because it didn't even remotely fit.

  • I heard about her. People really underestimate the effects of cyber bullying, even when the results of it is right in front of them.

    Hey, have you guys ever heard of the story of Amanda Todd? In case you haven't, watch this:

  • Less hilarious if you play it during the cremation of a dog.

    I played "Walking On The Sunshine" during Omid's death and while I love and miss him, it was the most hilarious thing ever because it didn't even remotely fit.

  • Fear breeds contempt in the hear of a man
    One has to question this common trait
    Why do we hate what we don't understand?
    Forced into a body and damned with intelligence
    Shoved into a soul, wired with circuitry you cannot control

    A tradition so ancient that evolution will circumvent
    Hell-bent on ideals instilled since birth
    A price on life, the fleshes worth

    Somewhere in this organism's development
    A separate path taken, possible defect awakened
    Some feel it was simply a choice and use morality
    To strengthen their voice

    For this rather Christian indoctrination
    We have such sights to show you
    The gimp shall get to know you motherfucking biblically
    It's bound in human leather
    Desensitized, its sanity weathered
    To the wall your arms and legs are tethered
    Say hello to your new gender

    First we start with your private parts
    Snip cremaster, your testes fall apart
    Pain makes you faint as I slit your taint
    While you're unconscious I just wait

    Now you're awake, just in time as I make this incision
    The next step in your sex revision
    A slice up the shaft and around the corona
    Unsheathed penile muscle exposing the urethra

    Welcome to forced gender dysphoria
    How does it feel to be a woman now and not a man?

    Unnatural and unclean!
    Lord, please forgive them as this is not what they mean
    Are you there and are you listening?
    Why would you even let this happen to me!

    Shut up and take it
    Just accept your new life
    Look at it this way, you'll make a dashing wife

    As for your new husband
    We had to perform a hysterectomy
    But, we managed to save your penis
    And stapled it to her pubis

    In order to elude tissue rejection
    For seven days she must avoid erections
    Since we grafted glands to make a clitoris
    These operations are always hit or miss

    An evolution of the self-destructing human parasite
    A revolution, an advancement of human technology
    A dissection, of the birth-given sexual organs
    A solution, to the world's overpopulation

    Now for the fun part, I introduce this
    My new cradle of Judas
    Perineal puncturing device also juices the fruit of the human
    As force is applied, grinding and winding intestines and
    Inside around it like a drill bit, turns anatomy into a visceral
    Swill grating, excavating and making its way through the
    Body like a bore, finding its way out the
    Mouth announcing the gore

  • Ikr. Do you know what happened after this video was posted?

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    I heard about her. People really underestimate the effects of cyber bullying, even when the results of it is right in front of them.

  • She hung herself in her room, didn't she?

    Ikr. Do you know what happened after this video was posted?

  • ._.

    Johro posted: »

    Less hilarious if you play it during the cremation of a dog.

  • Sad Futurama reference.


  • The dog that waited forever. Seymour.

    Johro posted: »

    Sad Futurama reference.

  • She killed herself, but they didn't saw how.

    At least, I dunno know how.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    She hung herself in her room, didn't she?

  • A French gymnast broke his leg trying to land for the vaults. If I were him, the whole stadium would have been flooded with tears. It was not pretty.

  • edited August 2016

    enter image description here

    Guess who's back... Well, not me of course, too obvious! lol :P

    Nah, just got back from a vacation, greeted with some nice Batman ep1. (Played through most of it, will finish tomorrow and give a full report.) I need mah sleeeep.

    edit: hey, the gif works now.. yay!

  • Yeah, and then make one in Camtasia and get pissed off with all of the fUCKING ERRORS THE GOD DAMN PROGRAM HAS.

    Sorry, I had to vent some of my frustrations.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Make one in Sony Vegas Pro.

  • Not really. Thriller is more like it.

    Hey guys, do you consider Batman: Arkham Asylum to be a horror game? I mean, there were a lot of scary parts in it...

  • Almost done with Arkham City. I've done all of the side missions. Just need to collect more trophies and complete a few more physical challenges, and I'll be done.

    But good god, the AR training was pure Hell.

  • I left the AR to almost last.

    It was meant to be last, except I missed an "indoor" trophy that was technically inside a building, but was part of the world map. Apparently a glitch that is supposed to be fixed now. THAT took longer than the AR to figure out.

    Almost done with Arkham City. I've done all of the side missions. Just need to collect more trophies and complete a few more physical challenges, and I'll be done. But good god, the AR training was pure Hell.

  • Wtf bruh

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Fear breeds contempt in the hear of a man One has to question this common trait Why do we hate what we don't understand? Forced into a bo

  • Glad you'se two made it out okay. Holy crap. o_o

    So, I almost died today, that's exciting. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. I was driving to work earlier, I was coming across a

  • edited August 2016

    The Bane fight in Origins was also pretty scary.

    The last one.

    Killer Croc was worse.

  • Me: "Why you toy with my emotions? ;-;"

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    When someone unlikes a comment:

  • trying to land for the vaults

    Hunters never rest.

    A French gymnast broke his leg trying to land for the vaults. If I were him, the whole stadium would have been flooded with tears. It was not pretty.

  • edited August 2016

    Quick question: If I install a Telltale game on a different computer, login with my account and enable Cloud Saving (or whatever it's called), will my save file transfer to that PC, or will I have to play it from the start?

  • Fuck warner brothers.

  • Cloud saving is only on batman so far. I assume that's how it'd work.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Quick question: If I install a Telltale game on a different computer, login with my account and enable Cloud Saving (or whatever it's called), will my save file transfer to that PC, or will I have to play it from the start?

  • ok

    Tolispro posted: »

    Fuck warner brothers.

  • It's for MC Story Mode aswell, but I hope it will work. I'm to lazy to play it all again.

    Cloud saving is only on batman so far. I assume that's how it'd work.

  • Why?

    Tolispro posted: »

    Fuck warner brothers.

  • don't question his sexual preferences

    BeyondEnder posted: »


  • Those are just song lyrics of a deathgrind song. I swear I'm not insane!

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Wtf bruh

  • I think your save should transfer. As far as I know, Cloud Saves are shared between any version of the game installed on PC or Mobile where you log into your Telltale Account.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    Quick question: If I install a Telltale game on a different computer, login with my account and enable Cloud Saving (or whatever it's called), will my save file transfer to that PC, or will I have to play it from the start?

  • Yes! Thanks!

    I think your save should transfer. As far as I know, Cloud Saves are shared between any version of the game installed on PC or Mobile where you log into your Telltale Account.

  • Ok......

    joriandrake posted: »

    don't question his sexual preferences

  • Because they still haven't given DC comics their own studio. They basically told david ayer to make a suicide squad movie and to write the script within 6 weeks. When both BVS and suicide squad were completed, Warner brothers made some controversial changes to the movie. This includes cutting bvs down to 2.5 hours and suicide squad to 2 hours, changing the order of the scenes and cutting a lot of scenes. You cant imagine how many joker scenes have been cut from suicide squad. Fuck WB.

    BeyondEnder posted: »


  • Yikes. Glad you're alive.

    So, I almost died today, that's exciting. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this. I was driving to work earlier, I was coming across a

  • You got me to worry there for a moment... or five

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Those are just song lyrics of a deathgrind song. I swear I'm not insane!

  • I like how this traitor scene is so marginalized compared to the one with the stormtrooper.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    When someone unlikes a comment:

  • you have much to catch up with among the forum games

    Ah the feeling of finally getting on a plane after waiting is great.

  • You cant imagine how many joker scenes have been cut from suicide squad.

    Yeah, I've heard about that. The movie turned out pretty bad beacuse of that (IMO).

    Tolispro posted: »

    Because they still haven't given DC comics their own studio. They basically told david ayer to make a suicide squad movie and to write the s

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