Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
1) Good, can't wait.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
3) Well that's........horrible. I am so hap...........completely saddened by this beutfu.........lly horrible revelation. This the BEST......I mean WORST thing that you could have told me. On a completely unrelated note I invite you to ignore me as I celebrate things totally unrelated to these news.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
5) Well that's Beary good news .
6) So I either have less free time than you or I focus it on other stuff....................I plead guilty your honor. You may pass sentence.
7) I hope not. His death would be very depressing. Especially after his 'recovery'.
8 ) Poor Federico............ hopefully he gets a part before his innebitable death.
9) 80%!!!!!?????? Wow that was quick.
10) Let me guess, it won't work at all.
11) Well knowing this town the second she leaves I would somehow manege to sink itself into the ocean floor. (Actually that's a preatty funny thing to imagine.)
12) Ahhh good old mass genocide to avenge the loss of the only joy and hopes people had in life. That one is pretty popular in Westeros.
The Stormlands have been heavily hinted with Argella taking the most powerful role so far. Will that be the next big location to explore?
… more
Well, they have been featured in Chapter 4 and 5 of the story, though always only from Drent's PoV. I can reveal, there will be a lot more for the Stormlands in Book 2, especially for one particular region.
How do you know when to end a characters P.O.V till the next chapter?
I always know where I want the characters to be at the beginning of the next chapters, so I put them into the right position at the end of the previous chapters. For example, I knew I wanted Ellena as Noelle's captive in Chapter 7, so her storyline in Chapter 6 had to end with her getting captured.
Is Argella aware of Ser Rodrick and his merry band of sociopaths? that seems like something they should have warned her about.
No, she is completely unaware of his presence. The only one who knows for sure… [view original content]
I love Argella! I'm all for a love triangle between her, Lucas and Drent
I somehow had the feeling you'd enjoy this Lucas and Drent are clearly crushing on her and especially Lucas is very bad at hiding it. Argella meanwhile is certainly not easy to get and as jorian mentioned, there are canonical restrictions regarding her, but it'll be a seriously long time until these restrictions come into play, which means up until then anything could happen
[Defend your decision] Lucas doesn't regret it so I won't choose to apologize. Leonard deserves an explanation however.
I love Argella! I'm all for a love triangle between her, Lucas and Drent
Oh yes, I haven't even noticed how long it has been since his last part. I hope the wait was worth it
Lucas has finally become a stag!Let's hope that this life choice will be a good one!
It was a very good decision for his mental health, though it came at the cost of status among the other people in Raylansfair. Leonard is not the only one of his old friends who severely disagrees with his decision. In the end, I leave it up to each of you to decide for yourself if it was a good or bad decision, but personally, I see it as not clearly definable.
I like that you give more space to Ser Emphryus not only giving us his opinion about the decision of the princess but even making him the first to explain (inside the fic) the story of the Durrandon family
Yes, I felt like it was about time that he would get a more direct role in the story. So far, he was little more than Argella's bodyguard, but he is quite a complex character himself and I can tease that he will be a major character in a future scene which is among my most favourite scenes in the entire planned story, so I hope to build him up as a character the readers are familiar with until then.
Poor Elias!He,the knight member of the house that will rule Highgarden, reduced to a poor waiter!XD
Oh yes, Elias XD I don't know if I have revealed it before or not, but Argella has a very personal grudge against him, because he insulted her during their last meeting. It shouldn't be a surprise to learn that she knows how to hold a grudge.
I must admit that I'm curious to read the part where Lucas and Drent will met each other
Now that's going to be an awkward meeting, especially after they find out how they both have a thing for the same woman XD Actually, that just gave me an idea, though I'm not exactly sure how well I can include it in the story proper.
After a long time finally a Lucas PoV!
[Apologize to Leonard] Well,it's kinda obvious to me that an apology will make Leonard more incli… morened to understand our decision
* Lucas has finally become a stag!Let's hope that this life choice will be a good one!
* I like that you give more space to Ser Emphryus not only giving us his opinion about the decision of the princess but even making him the first to explain (inside the fic) the story of the Durrandon family
* Poor Elias!He,the knight member of the house that will rule Highgarden, reduced to a poor waiter!XD
* I must admit that I'm curious to read the part where Lucas and Drent will met each other
Oh and Argella's combat skills are quite effective. It seems that criticizing her opponents is her biggest strength.
She'd make for a great drill sergeant XD Though you may remember that she effortlessly beat down Torrence in Chapter 5, a guy roughly two heads taller than her. She's not the Sword of the Morning, but she knows a couple of very mean tricks. The actual extent of her combat skills is going to play a role in a future chapter, so you can mainly see this little sparring match as foreshadowing.
[Apologize to Leonard]
I'm glad to see that Emphryus got some character development. Oh and Argella's combat skills are quite effective. It seems that criticizing her opponents is her biggest strength.
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoilers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
Oh my sweet summer child With some PoV's, I have plans where I want them to be at the end of Book 3. I have entire scenes planned out word by word in my head, some of which are going to take me years to reach.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
That would be the FoT spin-off I'd read the shit out of XD It sounds amazing and now I feel like it really needs to happen.
5) Well that's Beary good news .
Actually, his rawl in the story has bearly been touched upon. I'm pawsitive he'll leave a lasting impression on the readers.
6) So I either have less free time than you or I focus it on other stuff....................I plead guilty your honor. You may pass sentence.
Alright, I sentence you to write the next part of your wonderful story as soon as possible!
7) I hope not. His death would be very depressing. Especially after his 'recovery'.
I agree on this, it would be depressing, as well as super hard to write for me. Not going to say he's going to live forever, but he's been with FoT since the very first part of the story. If it happens, it would be painful.
8 ) Poor Federico............ hopefully he gets a part before his innebitable death.
Considering how, by sheer coincidence, the readers constantly manage to choose the option that crush my plans for him, I wouldn't count on it XD
9) 80%!!!!!?????? Wow that was quick.
Oh well, this chapter has started three months ago, so it is only slightly shorter than Chapter 5 and 6. The next ones are planned to be even shorter though, so that I will finish Book 1 before 2017.
10) Let me guess, it won't work at all.
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe these lips are sealed. Most likely though, it will depend on votes, as many things depend on votes here. Argella is underestimating Mullendore for sure, but at the same time, he is almost certainly going to underestimate her as well, since arrogance is a flaw they both have.
11) Well knowing this town the second she leaves I would somehow manege to sink itself into the ocean floor. (Actually that's a preatty funny thing to imagine.)
God, I just had to imagine the entire town lifting itself up and into the ocean the moment Argella would leave the city gates, followed by her turning around and being like "Oh, for fuck's sake" and that seriously made my day XD
12) Ahhh good old mass genocide to avenge the loss of the only joy and hopes people had in life. That one is pretty popular in Westeros.
Oh yes. Actually, the Storm King going completely berserk at the loss of his last living child is a very genuine threat and many characters in the story are aware of it. If I'm not mistaken, it has been lampshaded before by some of the characters that accompany Argella. Unfortunately for her, the bad guys are well aware of that as well.
13) Update letter and wouldn't that worry him?
Well, letters need some time to arrive at their destination, especially since the main method of transporting them is to tie them to a bird and hoping it will deliver the letter instead of, you know, doing bird things. Ultimately, Argilac expects an update from her, but he knows it will take its time. He is also confident that he has given her a couple of very skilled bodyguards, like Emphryus Dresfel for example.
14) Take it as all of the above and thanks.
Thank you for asking! If there's anything else you'd like to ask, just go ahead, I'm always up for questions
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
1) Good, can't wait.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that … morefar ahead.
3) Well that's........horrible. I am so hap...........completely saddened by this beutfu.........lly horrible revelation. This the BEST......I mean WORST thing that you could have told me. On a completely unrelated note I invite you to ignore me as I celebrate things totally unrelated to these news.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
5) Well that's Beary good news .
6) So I either have less free time than you or I focus it on other stuff....................I plead guilty your honor. You may pass sentence.
7) I hope not. His death would be very depressing. Especially after his 'recovery'.
8 ) Poor Federico............… [view original content]
With a lump in his throat, Lucas grabbed the eyepatch from Emphryus' hands and he stared at it. The bandages were useless either way by now.… more His wounds, though permanently aching, had closed already. A sigh came out of his throat as his good hand moved to what remained of the bandages around his eye. A slight, stinging pain flashed through his face as the bandages fell to the ground.
Putting the eyepatch on was even harder than the tabard and to his surprise, the Stormlander knight came to his aid. Harshly, but with experience, he strapped the eyepatch around Lucas' head, covering up the gruesomely damaged eye and this time, Lucas gave him a nod. “Thank you, Ser”, he said wholeheartedly.
Emphryus narrowed his eyes. “I'm doing it for her”, he answered and failed to hide a bitter streak in his voice. With a condescending look, he examined Lucas closely. “Well, at least you look better than before. Still a cripple though”, he remarked and … [view original content]
Well I can't write the next part for tomorrow. But I can give you the other thing you asked for. Yes, seriously. Please enjoy.
Forum Of Thrones
Act 7
Scene 24 : Hall Outside Argella's Quarters.
(Enter Two Dornish assasins. Both Clearly drunk. The first carries an empty bottle of Arbor gold in his hand.)
First Dornish Assasin: "I must tell you I find laughter, in despite of what were after. Beholding a man so strong and bold ruled by a woman so frail and old. Though if all truths must be told, for such a thing I would pay gold."
Second Dornish Assasin: "Do not joke, we must act as you have ployed. We shall slay this princess fair and release her fathers storm. So that every room and dorm of this fair land may be destroyed"
First Dornish Assasin: "Doth not worry, my dear fellow. For mine thought be not so mellow. I shall strike her with full throttle but one time with this strong bottle. Then she'll fall upon her face and kiss the floor in full disgrace. We shall smash her with your mace and both leave laughing from this place"
Second Dornish Assasin: "By all the gods, both old and new. This plan shall never go askew. We shall slay the princess true and find ourselves the finest brew"
(Princess Argella Enters. First assassin throws a bottle to the back of her head. It explodes but Argella is unshaken. She turns to behold the two assasins)
First Dornish Assaisin: "Pardon me my fairest lady, but I must ask you. Have we slayed the?"
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoil… moreers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
Oh my sweet summer child With some PoV's, I have plans where I want them to be at the end of Book 3. I have entire scenes planned out word by word in my head, some of which are going to take me years to reach.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
That would be the FoT spin-off I'd read the shit out of XD It sounds amazing and now I feel like it really needs to happen.
5) Well tha… [view original content]
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoil… moreers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
Oh my sweet summer child With some PoV's, I have plans where I want them to be at the end of Book 3. I have entire scenes planned out word by word in my head, some of which are going to take me years to reach.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
That would be the FoT spin-off I'd read the shit out of XD It sounds amazing and now I feel like it really needs to happen.
5) Well tha… [view original content]
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoilers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
I also don't really mind the questions without spoilers and actually enjoy reading them.
I agree on this, it would be depressing, as well as super hard to write for me. Not going to say he's going to live forever, but he's been with FoT since the very first part of the story. If it happens, it would be painful.
I just hope that Leonard and Lucas stay alive long enough for the Field of Fire so there will be an epic duel where Lucas gets absolutely destroyed by Leonard and his Targaryen overlords.
Considering how, by sheer coincidence, the readers constantly manage to choose the option that crush my plans for him, I wouldn't count on it XD
I kinda wish Federico was never named so Liquid would constantly mentioning this guardsmen while all the readers are confused because we haven't made the conection between the two because Federico is yet to be named. And at the end of the story we find out he has a really rich backstory that we will find out that he has been a key player in this forum of thrones.
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoil… moreers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
Oh my sweet summer child With some PoV's, I have plans where I want them to be at the end of Book 3. I have entire scenes planned out word by word in my head, some of which are going to take me years to reach.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
That would be the FoT spin-off I'd read the shit out of XD It sounds amazing and now I feel like it really needs to happen.
5) Well tha… [view original content]
I love Argella! I'm all for a love triangle between her, Lucas and Drent
I somehow had the feeling you'd enjoy this Lucas and Dren… moret are clearly crushing on her and especially Lucas is very bad at hiding it. Argella meanwhile is certainly not easy to get and as jorian mentioned, there are canonical restrictions regarding her, but it'll be a seriously long time until these restrictions come into play, which means up until then anything could happen
Rather than simply say "LEONARD!", I believe I'm going to explain my rationale behind this decision:
So, you know, the Stately isn't very happy right now. As an inventor knows his creation, I believe I know Leonard quite well. He isn't going to be satisfied with any of the options fully. Refusing to justify Lucas' actions will anger Leonard, even more so than he is already. It comes off as not wanting to be on the same side. Defending the decision, which will explain it, may come off to Leonard that he wasn't considered in the rather rash decision. Apologizing, while sucking up, will at least show that maybe Lucas was put on the spot.
I do think the third choice is the most harmful to the friendship. But, what if that's a good thing? The world may never know.
Saw the way you mustered her. She looks good from behind, doesn't she? Or, from any direction really”
Lines like this, lines like this are always a highlight.
With a lump in his throat, Lucas grabbed the eyepatch from Emphryus' hands and he stared at it. The bandages were useless either way by now.… more His wounds, though permanently aching, had closed already. A sigh came out of his throat as his good hand moved to what remained of the bandages around his eye. A slight, stinging pain flashed through his face as the bandages fell to the ground.
Putting the eyepatch on was even harder than the tabard and to his surprise, the Stormlander knight came to his aid. Harshly, but with experience, he strapped the eyepatch around Lucas' head, covering up the gruesomely damaged eye and this time, Lucas gave him a nod. “Thank you, Ser”, he said wholeheartedly.
Emphryus narrowed his eyes. “I'm doing it for her”, he answered and failed to hide a bitter streak in his voice. With a condescending look, he examined Lucas closely. “Well, at least you look better than before. Still a cripple though”, he remarked and … [view original content]
With a lump in his throat, Lucas grabbed the eyepatch from Emphryus' hands and he stared at it. The bandages were useless either way by now.… more His wounds, though permanently aching, had closed already. A sigh came out of his throat as his good hand moved to what remained of the bandages around his eye. A slight, stinging pain flashed through his face as the bandages fell to the ground.
Putting the eyepatch on was even harder than the tabard and to his surprise, the Stormlander knight came to his aid. Harshly, but with experience, he strapped the eyepatch around Lucas' head, covering up the gruesomely damaged eye and this time, Lucas gave him a nod. “Thank you, Ser”, he said wholeheartedly.
Emphryus narrowed his eyes. “I'm doing it for her”, he answered and failed to hide a bitter streak in his voice. With a condescending look, he examined Lucas closely. “Well, at least you look better than before. Still a cripple though”, he remarked and … [view original content]
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoil… moreers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
Oh my sweet summer child With some PoV's, I have plans where I want them to be at the end of Book 3. I have entire scenes planned out word by word in my head, some of which are going to take me years to reach.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
That would be the FoT spin-off I'd read the shit out of XD It sounds amazing and now I feel like it really needs to happen.
5) Well tha… [view original content]
Well I can't write the next part for tomorrow. But I can give you the other thing you asked for. Yes, seriously. Please enjoy.
Forum Of T… morehrones
Act 7
Scene 24 : Hall Outside Argella's Quarters.
(Enter Two Dornish assasins. Both Clearly drunk. The first carries an empty bottle of Arbor gold in his hand.)
First Dornish Assasin: "I must tell you I find laughter, in despite of what were after. Beholding a man so strong and bold ruled by a woman so frail and old. Though if all truths must be told, for such a thing I would pay gold."
Second Dornish Assasin: "Do not joke, we must act as you have ployed. We shall slay this princess fair and release her fathers storm. So that every room and dorm of this fair land may be destroyed"
First Dornish Assasin: "Doth not worry, my dear fellow. For mine thought be not so mellow. I shall strike her with full throttle but one time with this strong bottle. Then she'll fall upon her face and … [view original content]
Sorry for not commenting on this earlier. I have been on my phone for a majority of the day and had to take care of something else during the short time I actually have been at home.
But well, what can I say, this is brilliant. You truly brightened my day with this and I can't thank you enough for it. This might be one of the best things I have ever read. Now I only need to find a way to make it canon XD
Well I can't write the next part for tomorrow. But I can give you the other thing you asked for. Yes, seriously. Please enjoy.
Forum Of T… morehrones
Act 7
Scene 24 : Hall Outside Argella's Quarters.
(Enter Two Dornish assasins. Both Clearly drunk. The first carries an empty bottle of Arbor gold in his hand.)
First Dornish Assasin: "I must tell you I find laughter, in despite of what were after. Beholding a man so strong and bold ruled by a woman so frail and old. Though if all truths must be told, for such a thing I would pay gold."
Second Dornish Assasin: "Do not joke, we must act as you have ployed. We shall slay this princess fair and release her fathers storm. So that every room and dorm of this fair land may be destroyed"
First Dornish Assasin: "Doth not worry, my dear fellow. For mine thought be not so mellow. I shall strike her with full throttle but one time with this strong bottle. Then she'll fall upon her face and … [view original content]
For some odd reason, it is 66 for me now oO This is certainly strange, though I'm not complaining, not at all. The new like/unlike system seems to have some bugs at the moment, as I have also managed to like the same post twice, among other things. Sometimes, I'm even outright unable to like a post, unless I invest several minutes of trying. While I got used to the new look of the forum by now, I'm genuinely missing the old like system and don't think the new one works as smoothly as the old one. That said, in this particular case everything seemed to have worked out just fine, so it's alright
Wait, you have submitted a member of the Alley Cats as well? Have I missed something here, or are you referencing to something else? I genuinely can't remember that any of your characters is affiliated with Furry's Alley Cats.
Wait, you have submitted a member of the Alley Cats as well? Have I missed something here, or are you referencing to something else? I genuinely can't remember that any of your characters is affiliated with Furry's Alley Cats.
Oh, looking through your characters again, I think I see what you mean. It's a rather small detail, but certainly interesting and I haven't noticed it before!
For some odd reason, it is 66 for me now oO This is certainly strange, though I'm not complaining, not at all. The new like/unlike system se… moreems to have some bugs at the moment, as I have also managed to like the same post twice, among other things. Sometimes, I'm even outright unable to like a post, unless I invest several minutes of trying. While I got used to the new look of the forum by now, I'm genuinely missing the old like system and don't think the new one works as smoothly as the old one. That said, in this particular case everything seemed to have worked out just fine, so it's alright
Oh, looking through your characters again, I think I see what you mean. It's a rather small detail, but certainly interesting and I haven't noticed it before!
Do you think I should spoiler tag this like jorian suggested?
1) Good, can't wait.
2) Hmm interesting. I didn't know you planned that far ahead.
3) Well that's........horrible. I am so hap...........completely saddened by this beutfu.........lly horrible revelation. This the BEST......I mean WORST thing that you could have told me. On a completely unrelated note I invite you to ignore me as I celebrate things totally unrelated to these news.
4) I just imagined a comedy section in a shakespeare version of this were two bumbling dornish assasins discuss the dumbest murder plan ever and are fully confident it will work. It was amazing.
5) Well that's Beary good news
6) So I either have less free time than you or I focus it on other stuff....................I plead guilty your honor. You may pass sentence.
7) I hope not. His death would be very depressing. Especially after his 'recovery'.
8 ) Poor Federico............ hopefully he gets a part before his innebitable death.
9) 80%!!!!!?????? Wow that was quick.
10) Let me guess, it won't work at all.
11) Well knowing this town the second she leaves I would somehow manege to sink itself into the ocean floor. (Actually that's a preatty funny thing to imagine.)
12) Ahhh good old mass genocide to avenge the loss of the only joy and hopes people had in life. That one is pretty popular in Westeros.
13) Update letter and wouldn't that worry him?
14) Take it as all of the above and thanks.
I somehow had the feeling you'd enjoy this
Lucas and Drent are clearly crushing on her and especially Lucas is very bad at hiding it. Argella meanwhile is certainly not easy to get and as jorian mentioned, there are canonical restrictions regarding her, but it'll be a seriously long time until these restrictions come into play, which means up until then anything could happen 
Oh yes, I haven't even noticed how long it has been since his last part. I hope the wait was worth it
It was a very good decision for his mental health, though it came at the cost of status among the other people in Raylansfair. Leonard is not the only one of his old friends who severely disagrees with his decision. In the end, I leave it up to each of you to decide for yourself if it was a good or bad decision, but personally, I see it as not clearly definable.
Yes, I felt like it was about time that he would get a more direct role in the story. So far, he was little more than Argella's bodyguard, but he is quite a complex character himself and I can tease that he will be a major character in a future scene which is among my most favourite scenes in the entire planned story, so I hope to build him up as a character the readers are familiar with until then.
Oh yes, Elias XD I don't know if I have revealed it before or not, but Argella has a very personal grudge against him, because he insulted her during their last meeting. It shouldn't be a surprise to learn that she knows how to hold a grudge.
Now that's going to be an awkward meeting, especially after they find out how they both have a thing for the same woman XD Actually, that just gave me an idea, though I'm not exactly sure how well I can include it in the story proper.
She'd make for a great drill sergeant XD Though you may remember that she effortlessly beat down Torrence in Chapter 5, a guy roughly two heads taller than her. She's not the Sword of the Morning, but she knows a couple of very mean tricks. The actual extent of her combat skills is going to play a role in a future chapter, so you can mainly see this little sparring match as foreshadowing.
Currently making a new Alley Cat
No, I don't think so. It's not that long, it doesn't include any spoilers and no images, so it doesn't bother me. Don't know how the rest feels about it, but at least captainivy seems to share this opinion. I mean, I'd leave it up to you of course.
Oh my sweet summer child
With some PoV's, I have plans where I want them to be at the end of Book 3. I have entire scenes planned out word by word in my head, some of which are going to take me years to reach.
That would be the FoT spin-off I'd read the shit out of XD It sounds amazing and now I feel like it really needs to happen.
Actually, his rawl in the story has bearly been touched upon. I'm pawsitive he'll leave a lasting impression on the readers.
Alright, I sentence you to write the next part of your wonderful story as soon as possible!
I agree on this, it would be depressing, as well as super hard to write for me. Not going to say he's going to live forever, but he's been with FoT since the very first part of the story. If it happens, it would be painful.
Considering how, by sheer coincidence, the readers constantly manage to choose the option that crush my plans for him, I wouldn't count on it XD
Oh well, this chapter has started three months ago, so it is only slightly shorter than Chapter 5 and 6. The next ones are planned to be even shorter though, so that I will finish Book 1 before 2017.
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe these lips are sealed. Most likely though, it will depend on votes, as many things depend on votes here. Argella is underestimating Mullendore for sure, but at the same time, he is almost certainly going to underestimate her as well, since arrogance is a flaw they both have.
God, I just had to imagine the entire town lifting itself up and into the ocean the moment Argella would leave the city gates, followed by her turning around and being like "Oh, for fuck's sake" and that seriously made my day XD
Oh yes. Actually, the Storm King going completely berserk at the loss of his last living child is a very genuine threat and many characters in the story are aware of it. If I'm not mistaken, it has been lampshaded before by some of the characters that accompany Argella. Unfortunately for her, the bad guys are well aware of that as well.
Well, letters need some time to arrive at their destination, especially since the main method of transporting them is to tie them to a bird and hoping it will deliver the letter instead of, you know, doing bird things. Ultimately, Argilac expects an update from her, but he knows it will take its time. He is also confident that he has given her a couple of very skilled bodyguards, like Emphryus Dresfel for example.
Thank you for asking! If there's anything else you'd like to ask, just go ahead, I'm always up for questions
As always, I am very excited to read about him
[Defend your decision]
Now I just imagine some drunk walking down the streets screaming at the top of his lungs that he's the new alley cat.
Well I can't write the next part for tomorrow. But I can give you the other thing you asked for. Yes, seriously. Please enjoy.
Forum Of Thrones
Act 7
Scene 24 : Hall Outside Argella's Quarters.
(Enter Two Dornish assasins. Both Clearly drunk. The first carries an empty bottle of Arbor gold in his hand.)
First Dornish Assasin: "I must tell you I find laughter, in despite of what were after. Beholding a man so strong and bold ruled by a woman so frail and old. Though if all truths must be told, for such a thing I would pay gold."
Second Dornish Assasin: "Do not joke, we must act as you have ployed. We shall slay this princess fair and release her fathers storm. So that every room and dorm of this fair land may be destroyed"
First Dornish Assasin: "Doth not worry, my dear fellow. For mine thought be not so mellow. I shall strike her with full throttle but one time with this strong bottle. Then she'll fall upon her face and kiss the floor in full disgrace. We shall smash her with your mace and both leave laughing from this place"
Second Dornish Assasin: "By all the gods, both old and new. This plan shall never go askew. We shall slay the princess true and find ourselves the finest brew"
(Princess Argella Enters. First assassin throws a bottle to the back of her head. It explodes but Argella is unshaken. She turns to behold the two assasins)
First Dornish Assaisin: "Pardon me my fairest lady, but I must ask you. Have we slayed the?"
(Argella raises her sword. Scene Ends.)
My dear god, I STILL can't believe I wrote that :0.
Or some guy who actually thinks he is a cat who is in a alley.
Hi Bounden. Hey how much do you want to bet Liquid fell asleep before he could read my comment?
I also don't really mind the questions without spoilers and actually enjoy reading them.
I just hope that Leonard and Lucas stay alive long enough for the Field of Fire so there will be an epic duel where Lucas gets absolutely destroyed by Leonard and his Targaryen overlords.
I kinda wish Federico was never named so Liquid would constantly mentioning this guardsmen while all the readers are confused because we haven't made the conection between the two because Federico is yet to be named. And at the end of the story we find out he has a really rich backstory that we will find out that he has been a key player in this forum of thrones.
Or maybe he was attacked by the cat man in the alley!!!! We need to get a dog woman to save him!!!
He's actually not that bad of a guy, well he does eat people but he's still a lot nicer than his guild members.
A cannibal may have the best chance of being Cat of the month., ohmy.
Go get her quick. Ill try my best to summon moon spirits.
Woman= Female
Dog female= Bitch
Bitch= Jenna Harking
I have no idea what these 'canon' restrictions are, so I'd highly appreciate if no one told me about them.
More Alley cats? Be very afraid.
[Apologize to Leonard]
Rather than simply say "LEONARD!", I believe I'm going to explain my rationale behind this decision:
So, you know, the Stately isn't very happy right now. As an inventor knows his creation, I believe I know Leonard quite well. He isn't going to be satisfied with any of the options fully. Refusing to justify Lucas' actions will anger Leonard, even more so than he is already. It comes off as not wanting to be on the same side. Defending the decision, which will explain it, may come off to Leonard that he wasn't considered in the rather rash decision. Apologizing, while sucking up, will at least show that maybe Lucas was put on the spot.
I do think the third choice is the most harmful to the friendship. But, what if that's a good thing? The world may never know.
Lines like this, lines like this are always a highlight.
[Apologize to Leonard]
Another one?More than an Alley this cats need an entire town to contain them!XD
and then he wrote an even longer reply
Argella is a historical character, she has a destiny to fulfill, that is all
well. I also made one, kinda
Oh no! Our worst nightmare has become our only hope! Oh the irony!
um, sorry, clicked the like button, likes dropped by 5, clicked again now it is 64 o-O
the cat was the best in that show
I seriously can't wait till Liquid sees this.
I got two 'dogs'
Sorry for not commenting on this earlier. I have been on my phone for a majority of the day and had to take care of something else during the short time I actually have been at home.
But well, what can I say, this is brilliant. You truly brightened my day with this and I can't thank you enough for it. This might be one of the best things I have ever read. Now I only need to find a way to make it canon XD
For some odd reason, it is 66 for me now oO This is certainly strange, though I'm not complaining, not at all. The new like/unlike system seems to have some bugs at the moment, as I have also managed to like the same post twice, among other things. Sometimes, I'm even outright unable to like a post, unless I invest several minutes of trying. While I got used to the new look of the forum by now, I'm genuinely missing the old like system and don't think the new one works as smoothly as the old one. That said, in this particular case everything seemed to have worked out just fine, so it's alright
Wait, you have submitted a member of the Alley Cats as well? Have I missed something here, or are you referencing to something else? I genuinely can't remember that any of your characters is affiliated with Furry's Alley Cats.
the bastard kid/beggar in one of the families mentions cats, I thought you noticed that
Oh, looking through your characters again, I think I see what you mean. It's a rather small detail, but certainly interesting and I haven't noticed it before!
One time I clicked a thread to like, it went from thirtysomething to -5, at least that didn't happen
Glad it wasn't missed entirely then
edit: i guess i was too subtle there
It's the best combination