The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2016

    So until my 1 year in 2 months time I need to comment over 11000 times. ok. ok. ok.

    Well, I better get typing.

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    2active4you :^)

  • I believe in you, fam. :')

    So until my 1 year in 2 months time I need to comment over 11000 times. ok. ok. ok. Well, I better get typing.

  • In case you didn't know, TribleTwelve has accounts for both the character Noah Maxwell (In character) and the creator himself Adam Rosner (out of character).

    He also has a Youtube channel called NimbusFilms that is similar in vain to THAC.

  • Comedy show.

    No. What is it?

  • Oh, I didn't know that. I knew he had a tumblr and I asked him a question on there but I didn't know he had an or a separate channel. Cool!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    In case you didn't know, TribleTwelve has accounts for both the character Noah Maxwell (In character) and the creator himself Adam Ro

  • I rewatched The Dark Knight trilogy tonight and took a look at The Dark Knight itself closer... I didn't like it as much as I did the first time. In fact I think I like The Dark Knight Rises better. There are some huge flaws with The Dark Knight that really detracted from the experience to me personally, despite how well written or good looking the film is.

  • Man fuck RWBY. Jesus it hurts, it all hurts so much. If Volume 4 hurts half as much as the development and execution of Volume 3 did I think I'm gonna go crazy. Like, I know they wanna do this whole angst thing, but can something happy happen next season? Like, Bumbleby being confirmed, Jaune getting some much needed love, Team STRQ backstory, Jaune finds his semblance, SOMETHING FUCKING POSITIVE DAMMIT.

    They were both sad, Penny was an innocent soul, just wanted to make friends and to fight... do the things she loved Volume 3 end - r.i.p Monty..... ah another heart breaking moment thats Rwby connected...

  • So, who's the dude?

    Dude, Heart of Ice is a goddamn masterpiece.

  • Hahaahahrememberwhenyoujoined :D :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • I always forget half of stuff that happened in any movie. I admire all of you.

    I rewatched The Dark Knight trilogy tonight and took a look at The Dark Knight itself closer... I didn't like it as much as I did the first

  • I forgot a lot of the films too, which is why I went back and rewatched them.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I always forget half of stuff that happened in any movie. I admire all of you.

  • edited August 2016

    I'm not ready on an emotional level for vol.4

    More Qrow
    Jaune semblance
    I wanna smile damn it

    Make Jaune happy please RT, he'll never get past Pyrrha.... Angry/sad JUST LIKE ME TALKING ABOUT IT WHY

    Man fuck RWBY. Jesus it hurts, it all hurts so much. If Volume 4 hurts half as much as the development and execution of Volume 3 did I think

  • edited August 2016

    From now till the end of the year

    • The Walking Dead S7
    • The Walking Dead Whisperer War
    • The Walking Dead Game S3
    • RWBY Vol. 4 (pls don't kill whats left of my emotions, i'm nearly already dead inside)
    • Battlefield 1
    • Gears of War 4
    • Skyrim Remaster (yes, i'm buying this)
    • Marvel Civil War 2
    • Pokemon XYZ Kalos League (ash-greninja coming for ya!)
    • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
    • Netflix Luke Cage S1

    100% sure im missing something still - I am not ready on any kind of levels for these!!! SEND HELP PLS

    enter image description here

  • He'll get over Pyrrha if we find him a new girl. Perhaps one that believed in him more often than Pyrrha? One who lost her only possible love interest recently? Long history between the two?

    enter image description here


    Idk I'd personally really like Lancaster

    I'm not ready on an emotional level for vol.4 More Qrow Jaune semblance I wanna smile damn it Make Jaune happy please RT, he'll never get past Pyrrha.... Angry/sad JUST LIKE ME TALKING ABOUT IT WHY

  • edited August 2016

    I should probably follow ARGs like these. At the very least I liked the 3 that I've followed. Though they didn't fall into the horror cattegory, unless you count listening to "It's the Nutshack" as horror. One of them is already over, and the other...well I doubt anyone will be able to see it to its conclusion, since I doubt anyone will remember it by 2113 (as those who followee it will be dead by then) when a fucking box is supposed to be placed beneath the Eiffel Tower.

    EverymanHYBRID and TribeTwelve are both terrifying and fucking stellar series. Truly masterpieces in horror. Although I have to say I prefer TT miles over EMH.

  • But that Pyrrha + Jaune kiss was what I wanted since the damn start and the dance!!! BRING HER BACK NOW.

    I don't think he'll think about girls till he avenges her. By killing Cinder in the best way possible!!

    He'll get over Pyrrha if we find him a new girl. Perhaps one that believed in him more often than Pyrrha? One who lost her only possible lov

  • Yeah, a lot of them are really good. Some aren't so much, but some are cool. It's not much of an ARG, but I think I'd really recommend the Alan Resnick series (Alantutorial, Unedited Footage of Bears, This House Has People In It). The whole series is fairly creepy and has minor ties holding it together, and is definitely way shorter than Marble Hornets, TribeTwelve or EverymanHYBRID. And also, if you're looking for an explanation after the series ends, Night Mind presents a perfect analysis with a loveable narrator, amazing editing and really easy to follow walkthroughs to the secrets. Except for the Marble Hornets one where he explains everything BUT THE FUCKING ENDING. (I love Nick Nocturne and all but that ending is all I wanted explained)

    But yeah, if you like horror, these ARGs are really awesome.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    I should probably follow ARGs like these. At the very least I liked the 3 that I've followed. Though they didn't fall into the horror catteg

  • But that Pyrrha + Jaune kiss was what I wanted since the damn start and the dance!!!

    enter image description here

    I know man, I know... Arkos was the only thing keeping Jaune's arc interesting for me. I miss P-Money almost as much as I miss Arkos being a thing that could actually happen.

    I don't think he'll think about girls till he avenges her. By killing Cinder in the best way possible!!

    Jaune has to kill Cinder. If he doesn't I'm boycotting RoosterTeeth and throwing a rhino off of the empire state building.

    But that Pyrrha + Jaune kiss was what I wanted since the damn start and the dance!!! BRING HER BACK NOW. I don't think he'll think about girls till he avenges her. By killing Cinder in the best way possible!!

  • That is what I want from vol 4, badass fucking Jaune. Watch out Cinder.

    But that Pyrrha + Jaune kiss was what I wanted since the damn start and the dance!!! I know man, I know... Arkos was the only th

  • edited August 2016

    Thank you for the recommendations man, will check them out later, when I'm at home. :)

    Here, have this high quality video game music rip, as a thank you gift

    Yeah, a lot of them are really good. Some aren't so much, but some are cool. It's not much of an ARG, but I think I'd really recommend the A

  • Digh, I can't even be happy about this scene after Volume 3. All it does is fuel my hate towards. Hoping she dies a slow, painful death in a future volum. Have my doubts about voulme 4 being it for her, since there are supposed to be at least 9 volumes total, I think.

    Don't. Just don't. I cry every time Gif to make me happy -

  • She'll be a lucky bitch and survive somehow... Also damn that's alot of volumes.. alot of deaths...

    Wonder what Blake has been doing inbetween 3 & 4. That's on my mind too, chasing after Adam? or in exile as she blames herself for Yang.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Digh, I can't even be happy about this scene after Volume 3. All it does is fuel my hate towards. Hoping she dies a slow, painful death in a

  • momentarily wakes up

    Over 42 k, gah dayum. O_o Happy anniversary tho!

    Immediately goes back to sleep

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • If she survives, it better be by leaving her stuck on an abandoned island, with no means of returning to civilization. Yeah, at least think it was confirmed that there'd be either 9 or 12 volumes. And, yep it leaves a lot of room for a lot of deaths... oh no...

    Could be both even! She's probably also taining to fight him, since her previous fight with him didn't go well at all, and Adam is probably one of the more op characters right now, but not as op as Cinder, Ozpin, Salem (she:s the true villain, so she must be op as fuck) or Rubes, once she can control her special silver eyes powers.

    She'll be a lucky bitch and survive somehow... Also damn that's alot of volumes.. alot of deaths... Wonder what Blake has been doing inbetween 3 & 4. That's on my mind too, chasing after Adam? or in exile as she blames herself for Yang.

  • Almost 14k? Holy crap. I'm here from 2013 and I only have 5.3k

    And I sit here 24/7 D:

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • I also watched The Dark Knight yesterday, there were some few issues with it (like Harvey Dent not having a bigger role, Jim Gordon faking his death and the really annoying way that Batman disappears in), but despite that I loved it. Can't say it's the best one in the trilogy because I haven't watched The Dark Knight Rises yet.

    I rewatched The Dark Knight trilogy tonight and took a look at The Dark Knight itself closer... I didn't like it as much as I did the first

  • I cringe so hard at my old self.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »


  • If only you spent as much time studying as commenting on the forums...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • Wow, 40000 likes in only a year. Impressive!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Casually checks his feed. Ayy lmao, happy 1 year anniversary to me. J(^~^)L

  • What about Eric Bana's Hulk??


    I actually preferred Edward Norton to Mark Ruffalo. I was kinda pissed that it wasn't Edward, but Ruffalo is good too.

  • Does anyone know what the angel rings are for in gal gun double peace?

  • Just came back from suicide squad, it was a lot of fun. Kinda wish Joker was in it more.

  • edited August 2016

    Emotion controls Ruby's Silver Eye atm. Which doesnt surprise me considering how she first came to use it

    Also upon cinders death "Do you believe in destiny?" 'Hits killer blow'

    MichaelBP posted: »

    If she survives, it better be by leaving her stuck on an abandoned island, with no means of returning to civilization. Yeah, at least think

  • edited August 2016

    Yeah, not gonna bother with getting Rainbow Six Seige. Too toxic of a community and too many ways to completely take you out of the game from what I discovered. Shame. Well, the vids I watch are fun at least. c:

  • Erry1

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    So, who's the dude?

  • edited August 2016

    I love to use Photoshop and on computers I'm actually pretty decent at using it. I can't use Photoshop at home because it costs money. Yesterday, my brother introduced me to mobile Photoshop. It's kind of clunky and everything you do looks pretty shitty, but I made some cancerous creations. Nothing beats spamming someone with terrifying images. He wishes he didn't show me the app now.

  • she probably got blinded by the awfull update from Telltale and didn't wanted to be here anymore

    Has anyone heard from @AshleyC1 in a while? Haven't heard from her since the update.

  • Back from Germany people
    I spend 10 days in Germany and 6 or 7 days I stayed inside because of rain but I still had fun and climbed a little mountain so

  • We still cringe at you.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I cringe so hard at my old self.


    Pipas posted: »

    If only you spent as much time studying as commenting on the forums...

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