The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I know, it's just kind of rude the way you're putting it. As for the old stuff, I can kind of see where they're coming from. A lot of new shit sucks.

    I'm not offending anyone. He just seems like a kinda guy who has taste in only old stuff, and I got no problem with that.

  • Yeah, I do. Because Half Life 2 ended with a cliffhanger, a really big one that left a sour taste in people's mouths and a lot of questions. The people at Valve are fucking cunts for not continuing the series after something so massive, especially when they have BEYOND the amount of money needed to do so. If Half Life 2 ended and answered questions and kept it not a cliffhanger, then I have no doubt that a ton of people would be fine without a sequel. Portal 2's ending was satisfying and you don't see millions of people asking for a Portal 3.

    It's been almost a damn decade. If they were gonna make it, they'd have made it by now. Do you think if the series ended with Half-Life 2 (without the episodes), that people wouldn't ask for HL3?

  • I wasn't trying to sound rude :/

    And yeah, like 45% of the time, it does.

    I know, it's just kind of rude the way you're putting it. As for the old stuff, I can kind of see where they're coming from. A lot of new shit sucks.

  • Why do some people constantly change their avatars? When I almost get used to one its changed again. o_O

  • HL2's ending was anything but a cliffhanger until the episodes came. At least compared to some other game series that ended with way bigger ones.

    Ungrateful fans, I swear to god...

    Yeah, I do. Because Half Life 2 ended with a cliffhanger, a really big one that left a sour taste in people's mouths and a lot of questions.

  • Thanks, mate. :^)

    That's a plenty of memes, well done.

  • I am sorry fo your loss. May she rest in peace.

    My grandmother has died today.

  • Amazing fact! :D

    But where exactly, from Czech or Slovakia?

    I AM American. My bloodline started in Czechoslovakia.

  • I :) must :) resist :) the :) urge :) to :) change :) it :)

    joriandrake posted: »

    Why do some people constantly change their avatars? When I almost get used to one its changed again. o_O

  • Don't you dare, I identify you as that face and shades now

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I must resist the urge to change it

  • Czech.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Amazing fact! But where exactly, from Czech or Slovakia?

  • I get bored of mine quickly. Sometimes I find one I really like and keep it for a few months. My interests change all the time and my avatar represents what I like right now.

    joriandrake posted: »

    Why do some people constantly change their avatars? When I almost get used to one its changed again. o_O

  • somehow it feels crazy that people actually 'Like' comments like this

    My grandmother has died today.

  • in Czechoslovakia.

    There is no Czechoslovakia

    IDK if she did, but all she has is 100 dollars. Her father's momentos It's baba, not papa. Baba is a name for "grandma" in Czechoslovakia.

  • I am very sorry for your loss. 2016 seems to be taking a lot of people. Prince, Muhammad Ali, Harambe.

    My grandmother has died today.

  • just watch it elsewhere

    I really hope it dosen't get taken off on Netflix. They already took one of my favorite shows, and they better not take another one.

  • O_O make a gif

    I get bored of mine quickly. Sometimes I find one I really like and keep it for a few months. My interests change all the time and my avatar represents what I like right now.

  • Of what?

    joriandrake posted: »

    O_O make a gif

  • If I were you it'd be a struggle every day. Keeping the same avatar for so long...

    I can't imagine you as anything else though.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I must resist the urge to change it

  • all your interests and avatars switching

    Of what?

  • eat it! EAT IT!

    TheFurryOne posted: »


  • I have no idea how to make gifs :P

    Here's the gravatars I've used over the years though, obviously there's some avatars missing because I sometimes just switch through steam but this should give you the idea.

    enter image description here

    joriandrake posted: »

    all your interests and avatars switching

  • He's a time traveler.

    joriandrake posted: »

    in Czechoslovakia. There is no Czechoslovakia

  • Yeah there is...

    joriandrake posted: »

    in Czechoslovakia. There is no Czechoslovakia

  • edited August 2016

    No, there isn't

    You have the Czech Republik aka former Kingdom of Bohemia and the Republic of Slovakia aka former Upper Hungary

    Yeah there is...

  • Send me all the photos and ill give you a gif of them all :)

    I have no idea how to make gifs :P Here's the gravatars I've used over the years though, obviously there's some avatars missing because I sometimes just switch through steam but this should give you the idea.

  • Not anymore. It fell apart, just like Yugoslavia.

    Yeah there is...

  • Shades are cool, but I look like opposite from Max. :( :(

    joriandrake posted: »

    Don't you dare, I identify you as that face and shades now

  • I've always switch mine to fit what im into currently. Such as - I rewatched RWBY again so i've decided to use the badass that is qrow from my pic for now :D

    joriandrake posted: »

    Why do some people constantly change their avatars? When I almost get used to one its changed again. o_O

  • Might be, in that case I want to go back in time as well, to kill Stalin before he commits the atrocities

    He's a time traveler.

  • There are so many new characters that I love, but I am not going to Gravatar anymore. Hehahah :) :)

    I still remember your actual rabbit avatar. :D

    If I were you it'd be a struggle every day. Keeping the same avatar for so long... I can't imagine you as anything else though.

  • same, the only other rabbit avatar I would accept would be from Tiger and Bunny

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    There are so many new characters that I love, but I am not going to Gravatar anymore. Hehahah I still remember your actual rabbit avatar.

  • I don't think I could even find half of them anymore haha. I appreciate the sentiment though.

    Send me all the photos and ill give you a gif of them all

  • Thank you @NoGoingBack.

    NoGoingBack posted: »

    I'm sorry for your loss. It's always hard losing a loved one.

  • Thank you @MetallicaRules.

    I'm sorry to hear that, my prayers are with you and your family.

  • Thank you Marija.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    I am sorry fo your loss. May she rest in peace.

  • Thank you @CrazedRabbit.

    I am very sorry for your loss. 2016 seems to be taking a lot of people. Prince, Muhammad Ali, Harambe.

  • I find it oddly similar to when somebody uploads a video on YouTube, and they clearly disagree with what is being depicted, but despite this, half of the people like and half of them dislike.

    joriandrake posted: »

    somehow it feels crazy that people actually 'Like' comments like this

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Thanks, mate. :^)

  • Lol, when I was just browsing through I read it like "Shades are cool, like the opposite of Max". Makes sense haha.

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Shades are cool, but I look like opposite from Max.

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