Original Capricorn Farm Thread!
Good day, person reading!
Carefully observing the newly released poster for Season Three, I spotted a peculiar symbol in the background building. I also assumed that said building would have to be a relevant location in order to be featured in the poster.
Upon some research, I was shocked to learn that the symbol is in fact an animal representation of Capricorn. You can compare for yourselves below.
We already had previous knowledge that Capricorn would play a major role, given that the forum found in the past that the symbol branded upon Javier and the trailer walker is also a representation of Capricorn, but more minimalistic, similar to 76.
What's the most interesting of all this is that the same logo that shows the animal symbol of Capricorn says "Capricorn" at the top and "Army" at the bottom. This leads me to think that the antagonist group is either a branch of the pre-apocalyptic army, or has recruited enough people to be able to settle in a huge building and call themselves an army.
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Clem_is_awesome has pointed out that there is a striking resemblance between what we know so far and a legitimate goat farm called Caprikorn Farms in Gapland, Maryland, close to the real location of the Alexandria Safe-Zone of the source material. This is their website in case anyone wants to conduct additional research.
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InGen_Nate_Kenny has pointed out that, rather than "Army," it is likely that the text below the capricorn in the symbol aforementioned says "Farm." This ties in with the discovery of Caprikorn Farms.
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"Thematically, we're at an era where it's so many years into the apocalypse that it's not just about small groups trying to get society back up and running, it's larger groups and larger factions. People trying to figure out how to communicate with different communities, how does the mail work, how does commerce work, how do we get society back up and running in this new world."
"Geographically we're very much closer to Virginia."
—Job Stauffer about Season Three to International Bussiness Times. [source]
The first claim suggests that we will encounter numerous large communities throughout the course of Season Three, which makes the appearance of the adaptation of Caprikorn Farms even more likely.
As InGen_Nate_Kenny has explained in the Season Three waiting thread, the second claim says that the season will be taking place near Virginia but not quite in it. We know that Caprikorn Farms is in Maryland, next to Virginia, which also backs up the theory that we will encounter an adaptation of these farms.
That's a really nice find!
Thank you!
I was sure that one of the four pieces of art would have some shady content. To whoever made the poster—I got you!
I was gonna write a pretty long post detailing how fucking hyped I would have been if it actually was the remnants of a pre-apocalypse army but I went full detective mode and found this.
It's the exact same logo.
Time to go deeper bois!
EDIT: Caprikorn Farms is located in Gapland, Maryland which is pretty close to Alexandria.
Nice find! Also, during one of the E3 interviews, didn't Job hint that this Season was going to touch upon the idea of what people would do to "rebuild and regain power" as opposed to just surviving?
Thank you so much for figuring this out!
Now it comes full circle. It makes sense that the antagonists would have branders with the Capricorn symbol, since the location is called Caprikorn Farm. I believe it was mentioned somewhere that the antagonist is ground-to-earth, and that makes sense to if they are a farmer.
And it surprisingly fits too accurately to my analization of the Season Three logo reveal—I honestly don't know how to make it sound in a way that I am not bragging.
Additionally, Robert Kirkman mentioned in recent Letter Hacks that there were far more communities in the network than just Alexandria, Hilltop, Kingdom, Sactuary and outposts, and Oceanside. It is possible that Caprikorn Farm or the canon equivalent is part of it too, and the thought that we could be playing—indirectly—on the oppositional side regarding Rick and Company is really fucking awesome.
By the way, if somebody wants to go full creep mode, here is their website.
What if...
Oh, God...
It would be amazing...
What this Caprikorn Farm os where this Stephanie girl Eugene talks to in the comics lives, and, in the comics, during the Whisperer War Volume, Rick and CF make an alliance, and Clementine and Javier, after seeing the worst this people (that could be bad guys or just look like psycos but not really being "evil") would join another group to fight them and get back anybody they're trying to her back. Rick doesn't want this "innocent people" to die and goes to war (AGAIN!) or something like that against Clem and Javi's group. We will fight a war against the comic protagonist, and Rick will fight a war against us, whitout us even knowing, only to realise at the end of the season/Volume.
Not even I belive this. And I belive everything.
It's kind of close, but far enough that you might not know what's what.
Although Job did mention "Virginia zone", so I don't know if it being in Maryland is possible.
Regardless, Telltale has parodied things before (the Marsh House and the Marshall House), and this farm wouldn't be too out of the picture, although it probably would be in Virginia.
It would make sense for a slaughterhouse too.
There's some faint text above the horse.
I can make out "CA--COP"?
Pretty sure it's "FARM" though at the bottom and not "ARMY".
The thing itself it's on looks like some kind of silo on the side of some barn-type structure.
It's not a horse, it's a variation of the capricorn zodiac sign. Since Clem and Javier are in a slaughterhouse in one of the screenshots, I would guess that the company who owned the place pre apocalypse was called Capricorn Farms and specialised in selling capricorn meat. Javier and the zombie both had burn marks in the shape of the capricorn zodiac sign. These brandings might have been a sign of quality before the apocalypse, and are now misused as a kind of cult like branding. I think that isn't too far fetched.
Our last experiences with farms didn't go so good.
Damn that is awesome. Alongside the mention of farms, it no doubt has to do something with this screenshot showcasing the slaughterhouse.
Are cannibals coming back? Could this even showcase a return of Danny (possibly with Andy) depending on your choices? Are we about to see a cult of cannibals?
Oh god more dairy farmers!
I sincerely doubt we'll ever see the St. John's again. Even if you spare them the chances of the getting off their property was pretty slim.
Then again, people were saying the same thing about Kenny at the end of Season One and he came back.
Okay I'm not trying to take credit but I'm also not gonna lie... when they first released the image I saw it and thought it was the filter they added on the poster that gave it that look lol. I didn't see the actual symbol. Probably because I'm colorblind, IDEK. But that's a wonderful find!! Can't wait to see what kind of importance this building will have in the game.
The legend never dies.
Oh shit!

In fact double oh shit! because I live in Virginia!
Top notch posts, man!
There have been people who said that we even might meet his ex...
I am positive that the text above the capricorn is "Capricorn," but you are right—both "Army" and "Farm" are suitable, though farm makes more sense in this context, in respect to its possible real-life counterpart, Caprikorn Farm.
If they do come back I'll regret so much not killing that second fucker at the farm... ( Didn't do it because of Clementine )
Interesting find
I really doubt the St. Johns will come back. Danny had no chance to escape and Andy lost it after hearing his brother and mother die.
Could lee's ex wife make an appearance if she was in Virginia. I know it won't but it would cool if it did
Join the club we got jackets.
Good one mate.
Employees at Telltale Games are either throwing a party over the fact that this has been discovered, or they are being fired over the fact that this has been discovered.
I remember during the panel them mentioning asking Kirkman about ideas and him approving and disapproving. One of the things they told him, he thought was an original idea that hadn't been seen before.
With that, I think cannibals are off the table. The show, comics, and game, while all having different takes on the cannibals (organization of Terminus, hunting by the Hunters, St. John's façade, etc), really at this point have probably exhausted that topic. I would think all the zombies would be in there for another reason.
As for the St. John's, considering all can be dead, and if not, one of them is in a trap and the other completely broken down, safe to say we wouldn't be seeing them again.
Well there's a chance that it's not even related since I've seen the logo isn't 100% exclusive to Caprikorn Farms. The only thing that makes it likely to be related is the fact that it is so close to Alexandria.
Great find. I am very intrigued now as to how the markings on Javier and the zombies correlate to Caprikorn Farms. Along with the Slaughterhouse screenshot it seems like Cannibals could be the direction of the season as people have said and Javier could have escaped and is seeking retribution for loved ones who perhaps died there... but if it is indeed Cannibals then I can't see how the marked zombies fit into the picture unless they too were escapees before being bitten.
I'm sure they're making a zombie army to attack Rick.
Wait... what if this capricorn farmboys are the Whisperers that are looking for walkers for their army in the war against Rick? What if Javi and Clem go to Oceanside, and the whole Oceanside reason of existence is for the Game story so they could fight in the war and later show up in the comics? It would make sense since the Fairbanks and Pete a there now, and we would see PAIGE again... and also the Fairbanks and stupid Pete but PAIGE
Ja! I can see everything TellTale, don't try to hide!
This is a really good find Sleep, nice!
I'd imagine the words say, "Capricorn Farms" as well. It would make sense as farmers are more likely to have access/use to iron brands to brand their cattle etc.
Thank you! And I like that new nickname.
By the way everyone, I still have in mind to add the pictures that I promised. I will as soon as everything on the forums go back to normal, when we can edit original posts.
Great thread, and great finds you guys!
Interesting reads
I am surprised that Telltale is giving away so much information, so far from the release date! It makes me wonder whether the similitude with Caprikorn Farms was intentional or just a coincidence.
Same here bro
OH noooooooo why????? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????? If i do see Lees ex im going to roundhouse her ass for cheating the bitch!
Our #Clem&Javi will be win everybody, cause they BEST team!!!
Hang on.. I don't know too much about the comics so can someone fill me in here?
Is this Capricorn Farms a real place in real life, or is it a place in the comics?
Also is there a war happening in the comics and this farm is gathering walkers to use as an army?
Sorry if I'm being stupid, I'm just not sure if I understand. (Also I haven't even finished S2 yet..)