Caprikorn Farms is a real location somewhere in Virginia. They grow real goats and sell real meat and other real dairy products to real humans. You can visit their website. There has been no connection of them to the The Walking Dead franchise at all yet.
Javier and the walker from the Season Three reveal trailer have been branded with a cow brander with the symbol of Capricorn, and the logo that I show in the original post says something along the lines of "Capricorn Farm." This suggests that a video game version of the real Caprikorn Farms might be featured in Season Three, because of the similarities pointed before, and because a Telltale Staff mentioned that the third season will take place closer to the comic's locations—they are in Virginia specifically. And Caprikorn Farms is in that state, too. It all fits.
Hang on.. I don't know too much about the comics so can someone fill me in here?
Is this Capricorn Farms a real place in real life, or is… more it a place in the comics?
Also is there a war happening in the comics and this farm is gathering walkers to use as an army?
Sorry if I'm being stupid, I'm just not sure if I understand. (Also I haven't even finished S2 yet..)
Also, I just noticed (I'm not sure if anyone else has, if so then sorry) That in the trailer it sounds like Javier says "That one's marked too, that means we're getting close." So do you think their trying to get to the farm?
Caprikorn Farms is a real location somewhere in Virginia. They grow real goats and sell real meat and other real dairy products to real huma… morens. You can visit their website. There has been no connection of them to the The Walking Dead franchise at all yet.
Javier and the walker from the Season Three reveal trailer have been branded with a cow brander with the symbol of Capricorn, and the logo that I show in the original post says something along the lines of "Capricorn Farm." This suggests that a video game version of the real Caprikorn Farms might be featured in Season Three, because of the similarities pointed before, and because a Telltale Staff mentioned that the third season will take place closer to the comic's locations—they are in Virginia specifically. And Caprikorn Farms is in that state, too. It all fits.
It's quite possible that they are going to the Capricorn Farm! If they are the ones branding walkers and people, it would make sense that they come across more branded bodies as they approach that location. It's also interesting that Javier says to himself "just hold on" as if he were talking to somebody else, and an article brought to light by @IronWoodLover confirms that Javier's family is "missing." This makes me think that the inhabitants of Capricorn Farm have taken his family hostage.
Telltale Games have also said that Javier and Clementine have common goals and common enemies, which suggests that somebody Clem cares about has been taken, too—Jane, Kenny and AJ, perhaps?
Okay, I understand now. Thanks.
Also, I just noticed (I'm not sure if anyone else has, if so then sorry) That in the trailer it sounds li… moreke Javier says "That one's marked too, that means we're getting close." So do you think their trying to get to the farm?
which suggests that somebody Clem cares about has been taken, too—Jane, Kenny and AJ, perhaps?
If so then it will be AJ. I am 90% sure Telltale have fucked us over and won't include Kenny or Jane in season 3 except through dialogue only which is bullshit and lazy
It's quite possible that they are going to the Capricorn Farm! If they are the ones branding walkers and people, it would make sense that th… moreey come across more branded bodies as they approach that location. It's also interesting that Javier says to himself "just hold on" as if he were talking to somebody else, and an article brought to light by @IronWoodLover confirms that Javier's family is "missing." This makes me think that the inhabitants of Capricorn Farm have taken his family hostage.
Telltale Games have also said that Javier and Clementine have common goals and common enemies, which suggests that somebody Clem cares about has been taken, too—Jane, Kenny and AJ, perhaps?
I think AJ will absolutely be kidnapped no matter the player, and I actually believe they definitely will include Jane/Kenny in s3, at least for some portion of time. Having them be kidnapped the majority of the time would be a convenient and easy way to keep them off screen for a good part of the season (if not the whole season, at least the first episode.) I think by this point though Telltale has learned to put a bit more effort in (as evidenced by their games made after S2) and that if they go the lazy route, it will definitely show, and a good number of players won't be happy with it.
Nevertheless I'm not really that confident in Telltale in this regard. I imagine at the very most Jane/Kenny will get 5-15% of screentime of the season, as doing much more than that would probably be seen as a waste of Telltale's resources--they're clearly not going to make 3(+) different games for the different scenarios you chose at the end of S2 and squeeze it into 1 game (unless they charge more than usual for S3, which would be interesting.)
And although I'm open to the character of Javier and am willing to see where his story goes, his introduction, to me, is blatantly supposed to be a replacement of Jane's/Kenny's role as Clem's guardian/chief partner at this time so that TT could streamline the experience of S3 for everyone. In a certain light you can consider that the lazy way out. I guess we'll have to see.
which suggests that somebody Clem cares about has been taken, too—Jane, Kenny and AJ, perhaps?
If so then it will be AJ. I am 90% su… morere Telltale have fucked us over and won't include Kenny or Jane in season 3 except through dialogue only which is bullshit and lazy
I think AJ will absolutely be kidnapped no matter the player, and I actually believe they definitely will include Jane/Kenny in s3, at least… more for some portion of time. Having them be kidnapped the majority of the time would be a convenient and easy way to keep them off screen for a good part of the season (if not the whole season, at least the first episode.) I think by this point though Telltale has learned to put a bit more effort in (as evidenced by their games made after S2) and that if they go the lazy route, it will definitely show, and a good number of players won't be happy with it.
Nevertheless I'm not really that confident in Telltale in this regard. I imagine at the very most Jane/Kenny will get 5-15% of screentime of the season, as doing much more than that would probably be seen as a waste of Telltale's resources--they're clearly not going to make 3(+) different games for the different scenarios you chose at the end of S2 and s… [view original content]
Alternatively, have Kenny/Jane appear in flashback sequences. They mentioned that while both Clementine and Javier are playable, they might not be playable in the same time frame, or something to that effect (anyone have a link to the interview where they say this? Can't remember it right now). I mean, that would basically let Kenny/Jane be in S3 without actually being in S3, you know? They could be part of a B-storyline that shows the events following S2's endings, while the A-storyline is present day with Javier.
I think AJ will absolutely be kidnapped no matter the player, and I actually believe they definitely will include Jane/Kenny in s3, at least… more for some portion of time. Having them be kidnapped the majority of the time would be a convenient and easy way to keep them off screen for a good part of the season (if not the whole season, at least the first episode.) I think by this point though Telltale has learned to put a bit more effort in (as evidenced by their games made after S2) and that if they go the lazy route, it will definitely show, and a good number of players won't be happy with it.
Nevertheless I'm not really that confident in Telltale in this regard. I imagine at the very most Jane/Kenny will get 5-15% of screentime of the season, as doing much more than that would probably be seen as a waste of Telltale's resources--they're clearly not going to make 3(+) different games for the different scenarios you chose at the end of S2 and s… [view original content]
I suppose. I just hope they continue to develop Jane's character, and they do it in a satisfying uncheapened way, because honestly I think she was robbed of that in S2. I.e. it was all right, but there's no doubt in my mind they could've done much better by her.
Alternatively, have Kenny/Jane appear in flashback sequences. They mentioned that while both Clementine and Javier are playable, they might … morenot be playable in the same time frame, or something to that effect (anyone have a link to the interview where they say this? Can't remember it right now). I mean, that would basically let Kenny/Jane be in S3 without actually being in S3, you know? They could be part of a B-storyline that shows the events following S2's endings, while the A-storyline is present day with Javier.
I suppose. I just hope they continue to develop Jane's character, and they do it in a satisfying uncheapened way, because honestly I think s… morehe was robbed of that in S2. I.e. it was all right, but there's no doubt in my mind they could've done much better by her.
I feel like the S2 writers get way more flak than they deserve
All of them either worked on, or went on to work on good episodes of other series. Pierre Shorette worked on TWAU and TFTB, and had additional writing credits on No Time Left and 400 Days if I'm not mistaken. Eric Stirpe worked on TFTB and Minecraft (which isn't that bad despite what some people would make you think). And Nick Breckon was technically around since S1, and was one the writers for 400 Days, and was picked by Sean Vanaman himself to take over in his place. Outside of that, practically everyone that worked on S1--including the writing department-- also worked on S2. Sean Vanaman is basically the only writer that left between seasons 1 and 2. And I honest to god think it's BS to claim that he's the sole reason that S1 was as good as it was. People like to act like that's the case, but S1's success is not because of one person, it's because of the sum of all the parts working together. And that's where S2's problem lies; it doesn't fall solely on the writers, it falls on the sum of all the parts not working together as well as they could have.
The only relatively questionable writer for S2 would be JT Petty, since he was a guest writer that didn't even work at Telltale, who they decided to have co-write the fourth episode for some reason. I don't even think he was involved in S2 at all besides being called in to write an episode. But outside of that, the writing team was for the most part solid. Everyone likes to scapegoat them as being the reason S2 fell apart, when in all honesty, it's more complicated than that.
Well season 2 was badly done from a gameplay perspective. General story was ok but still had big issues IMO and the main thing was choices never giving us the sense they take effect like they did in season 1. Episodes felt rushed and of course short and the areas were a lot smaller to explore in season 2 than in S1, the lack of hubs, character development and lack of conversations and optional convos between characters. We were mostly watching each episode than playing it to be honest. I felt that when choosing certain dialogue options, the characters response to your choice is pretty much the same response to anything you say or a character just blankly glares at you regardless of anything you say. Season 2 felt very lazy right from the start from me.
Don't get me wrong, i did enjoy it because i'll always be a walking dead fan but it was just nowhere near the quality of season 1. They put sooo much effort into that game with virtually every single choice you made, even minor dialogue options that weren't important such as if Lee examines an item and then talks to a character, he brings it up during the conversation. It's little things like that I loved and got nothing of the sort of that in Season 2. I was hoping Rebecca would be the character she was in episode 1 in not liking Clem and later giving us the option to make her feel differently about her or dislike her more. Or the scene where you either give yourself up at the lodge or look for Kenny/Luke, in the trailer for episode 3 it seemed like Kenny would hold a grudge if you gave up but wouldn't if you chose not to give up, but we never got anything like that, we saw no personality changes of characters treating you differently except ONE tiny scene in episode 5 where Bonnie will be horrible if you listened to Luke and not her at the lake scene.
Anyway that's mostly how I feel about season 2. I just think they could have done much better overall
Honestly, I really wouldn't say they're that bad
I feel like the S2 writers get way more flak than they deserve
All of them either wor… moreked on, or went on to work on good episodes of other series. Pierre Shorette worked on TWAU and TFTB, and had additional writing credits on No Time Left and 400 Days if I'm not mistaken. Eric Stirpe worked on TFTB and Minecraft (which isn't that bad despite what some people would make you think). And Nick Breckon was technically around since S1, and was one the writers for 400 Days, and was picked by Sean Vanaman himself to take over in his place. Outside of that, practically everyone that worked on S1--including the writing department-- also worked on S2. Sean Vanaman is basically the only writer that left between seasons 1 and 2. And I honest to god think it's BS to claim that he's the sole reason that S1 was as good as it was. People like to act like that's the case, but S1's success is not because of … [view original content]
It's not a horse, it's a variation of the capricorn zodiac sign. Since Clem and Javier are in a slaughterhouse in one of the screenshots, I … morewould guess that the company who owned the place pre apocalypse was called Capricorn Farms and specialised in selling capricorn meat. Javier and the zombie both had burn marks in the shape of the capricorn zodiac sign. These brandings might have been a sign of quality before the apocalypse, and are now misused as a kind of cult like branding. I think that isn't too far fetched.
New evidence listed in the original post continues to point at an adaptation of Caprikorn Farms from Maryland. How does it feel to have discussed this before it appeared in the game, huh? You'll be able to brag about it for the rest of your lives!
But remember, while they didn't flat out say it would take place in Virginia, just "around Virgina", (which allows for states near Virginia like Maryland), they also didn't say it wasn't in Virginia. We have a general idea of the location but no exact location.
Who knows, maybe that version will be in Virginia.
New evidence listed in the original post continues to point at an adaptation of Caprikorn Farms from Maryland. How does it feel to have discussed this before it appeared in the game, huh? You'll be able to brag about it for the rest of your lives!
But remember, while they didn't flat out say it would take place in Virginia, just "around Virgina", (which allows for states near Virginia like Maryland), they also didn't say it wasn't in Virginia.
My idea oh yeah.
But remember, while they didn't flat out say it would take place in Virginia, just "around Virgina", (which allows for s… moretates near Virginia like Maryland), they also didn't say it wasn't in Virginia. We have a general idea of the location but no exact location.
Who knows, maybe that version will be in Virginia.
But remember, while they didn't flat out say it would take place in Virginia, just "around Virgina", (which allows for states near Virginia … morelike Maryland), they also didn't say it wasn't in Virginia.
Moderators make mistakes, @RavenSnowstorm!
Moderators are squids has been debunked.
You’re Lidia Strauss. We’re old friends. You’re an archeologist that stole the Vault Key from a dig site on Eden-6, but you’re originally from Eden-5. You contacted me and we met at Pyro Pete’s just after Mercenary’s Day to talk about the deal. Then I set you up with August. You provide the key. August and I go make the deal and we split the money three ways. The rest you're just gonna have to improvise.
You’re Lidia Strauss. We’re old friends. You’re an archeologist that stole the Vault Key from a dig site on Eden-6, but you’re originally fr… moreom Eden-5. You contacted me and we met at Pyro Pete’s just after Mercenary’s Day to talk about the deal. Then I set you up with August. You provide the key. August and I go make the deal and we split the money three ways. The rest you're just gonna have to improvise.
Did you get all that?
The fact that a slaughterhouse has even remote involvement in this honest to god makes me fear for what Clementine and Javier are about to deal with it.
Slaughterhouses never lead to anything good in this series...
Still season2 looked like a rush job just to make money off name it has some bad writing and felt quick to play hardly any hubs then carver was killed way to soon and the Kenny\Jane fight felt thrown in there like it was last min.
Honestly, I really wouldn't say they're that bad
I feel like the S2 writers get way more flak than they deserve
All of them either wor… moreked on, or went on to work on good episodes of other series. Pierre Shorette worked on TWAU and TFTB, and had additional writing credits on No Time Left and 400 Days if I'm not mistaken. Eric Stirpe worked on TFTB and Minecraft (which isn't that bad despite what some people would make you think). And Nick Breckon was technically around since S1, and was one the writers for 400 Days, and was picked by Sean Vanaman himself to take over in his place. Outside of that, practically everyone that worked on S1--including the writing department-- also worked on S2. Sean Vanaman is basically the only writer that left between seasons 1 and 2. And I honest to god think it's BS to claim that he's the sole reason that S1 was as good as it was. People like to act like that's the case, but S1's success is not because of … [view original content]
You’re Lidia Strauss. We’re old friends. You’re an archeologist that stole the Vault Key from a dig site on Eden-6, but you’re originally fr… moreom Eden-5. You contacted me and we met at Pyro Pete’s just after Mercenary’s Day to talk about the deal. Then I set you up with August. You provide the key. August and I go make the deal and we split the money three ways. The rest you're just gonna have to improvise.
Did you get all that?
Woo! One of my posts came up in the video! And they mentioned about my other post on Clementine's wristband being a different color!
Sleep, we're famous!
(…) I actually believe they definitely will include Jane/Kenny in s3, at least for some portion of time. Having them be kidnapped the majority of the time would be a convenient and easy way to keep them off screen for a good part of the season. (…)
Alternatively, have Kenny/Jane appear in flashback sequences. (…) I mean, that would basically let Kenny/Jane be in S3 without actually being in S3, you know? They could be part of a B-storyline that shows the events following S2's endings. (…)
Alternatively, have Kenny/Jane appear in flashback sequences. They mentioned that while both Clementine and Javier are playable, they might … morenot be playable in the same time frame, or something to that effect (anyone have a link to the interview where they say this? Can't remember it right now). I mean, that would basically let Kenny/Jane be in S3 without actually being in S3, you know? They could be part of a B-storyline that shows the events following S2's endings, while the A-storyline is present day with Javier.
The double post are part of the most annoying... uh... things, in the Internet. Other users may be dicks to you by making fun of your condition, but don't worry, they don't understand, they don't know how it feels. But we do, and we DO KNOW that IT'S ALL THE SPACIAL SQUIDS FAULT THEY ARE MANIPULATIONG THE MEDIA IN ORDEN TO FUCK RANDOM SHIT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD THEY MAY LOOK LIKE HUMANS BUT THEY'RE ALL TRULY EVIL ALIENS #SayNoToEstablishedAutority!
-Raven Snowstorm, last words before being abducted by aliens in the proces of getting banned.
(but seriously guys it's a joke sorry sorry please don't ban me)
The double post are part of the most annoying... uh... things, in the Internet. Other users may be dicks to you by making fun of your condit… moreion, but don't worry, they don't understand, they don't know how it feels. But we do, and we DO KNOW that IT'S ALL THE SPACIAL SQUIDS FAULT THEY ARE MANIPULATIONG THE MEDIA IN ORDEN TO FUCK RANDOM SHIT TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD THEY MAY LOOK LIKE HUMANS BUT THEY'RE ALL TRULY EVIL ALIENS #SayNoToEstablishedAutority!
-Raven Snowstorm, last words before being abducted by aliens in the proces of getting banned.
(but seriously guys it's a joke sorry sorry please don't ban me)
Caprikorn Farms is a real location somewhere in Virginia. They grow real goats and sell real meat and other real dairy products to real humans. You can visit their website. There has been no connection of them to the The Walking Dead franchise at all yet.
Javier and the walker from the Season Three reveal trailer have been branded with a cow brander with the symbol of Capricorn, and the logo that I show in the original post says something along the lines of "Capricorn Farm." This suggests that a video game version of the real Caprikorn Farms might be featured in Season Three, because of the similarities pointed before, and because a Telltale Staff mentioned that the third season will take place closer to the comic's locations—they are in Virginia specifically. And Caprikorn Farms is in that state, too. It all fits.
Okay, I understand now. Thanks.
Also, I just noticed (I'm not sure if anyone else has, if so then sorry) That in the trailer it sounds like Javier says "That one's marked too, that means we're getting close." So do you think their trying to get to the farm?
It's quite possible that they are going to the Capricorn Farm! If they are the ones branding walkers and people, it would make sense that they come across more branded bodies as they approach that location. It's also interesting that Javier says to himself "just hold on" as if he were talking to somebody else, and an article brought to light by @IronWoodLover confirms that Javier's family is "missing." This makes me think that the inhabitants of Capricorn Farm have taken his family hostage.
Telltale Games have also said that Javier and Clementine have common goals and common enemies, which suggests that somebody Clem cares about has been taken, too—Jane, Kenny and AJ, perhaps?
If so then it will be AJ. I am 90% sure Telltale have fucked us over and won't include Kenny or Jane in season 3 except through dialogue only which is bullshit and lazy
I think AJ will absolutely be kidnapped no matter the player, and I actually believe they definitely will include Jane/Kenny in s3, at least for some portion of time. Having them be kidnapped the majority of the time would be a convenient and easy way to keep them off screen for a good part of the season (if not the whole season, at least the first episode.) I think by this point though Telltale has learned to put a bit more effort in (as evidenced by their games made after S2) and that if they go the lazy route, it will definitely show, and a good number of players won't be happy with it.
Nevertheless I'm not really that confident in Telltale in this regard. I imagine at the very most Jane/Kenny will get 5-15% of screentime of the season, as doing much more than that would probably be seen as a waste of Telltale's resources--they're clearly not going to make 3(+) different games for the different scenarios you chose at the end of S2 and squeeze it into 1 game (unless they charge more than usual for S3, which would be interesting.)
And although I'm open to the character of Javier and am willing to see where his story goes, his introduction, to me, is blatantly supposed to be a replacement of Jane's/Kenny's role as Clem's guardian/chief partner at this time so that TT could streamline the experience of S3 for everyone. In a certain light you can consider that the lazy way out. I guess we'll have to see.
I was thinking that too, that they have Jane/Kenny kidnapped with AJ so you don't see them on-screen.
Alternatively, have Kenny/Jane appear in flashback sequences. They mentioned that while both Clementine and Javier are playable, they might not be playable in the same time frame, or something to that effect (anyone have a link to the interview where they say this? Can't remember it right now). I mean, that would basically let Kenny/Jane be in S3 without actually being in S3, you know? They could be part of a B-storyline that shows the events following S2's endings, while the A-storyline is present day with Javier.
I suppose. I just hope they continue to develop Jane's character, and they do it in a satisfying uncheapened way, because honestly I think she was robbed of that in S2. I.e. it was all right, but there's no doubt in my mind they could've done much better by her.
That's because the writing team of season 2 was shit compared to season 1
Hey, Is that a hidden picture in the logo on the poster? It sort of looks like the darker lines are making some shapes. What do you think?
There seems to be a hidden face in this poster. Unsure of the gender, but the person is wearing glasses.

Honestly, I really wouldn't say they're that bad
I feel like the S2 writers get way more flak than they deserve
All of them either worked on, or went on to work on good episodes of other series. Pierre Shorette worked on TWAU and TFTB, and had additional writing credits on No Time Left and 400 Days if I'm not mistaken. Eric Stirpe worked on TFTB and Minecraft (which isn't that bad despite what some people would make you think). And Nick Breckon was technically around since S1, and was one the writers for 400 Days, and was picked by Sean Vanaman himself to take over in his place. Outside of that, practically everyone that worked on S1--including the writing department-- also worked on S2. Sean Vanaman is basically the only writer that left between seasons 1 and 2. And I honest to god think it's BS to claim that he's the sole reason that S1 was as good as it was. People like to act like that's the case, but S1's success is not because of one person, it's because of the sum of all the parts working together. And that's where S2's problem lies; it doesn't fall solely on the writers, it falls on the sum of all the parts not working together as well as they could have.
The only relatively questionable writer for S2 would be JT Petty, since he was a guest writer that didn't even work at Telltale, who they decided to have co-write the fourth episode for some reason. I don't even think he was involved in S2 at all besides being called in to write an episode. But outside of that, the writing team was for the most part solid. Everyone likes to scapegoat them as being the reason S2 fell apart, when in all honesty, it's more complicated than that.
Well season 2 was badly done from a gameplay perspective. General story was ok but still had big issues IMO and the main thing was choices never giving us the sense they take effect like they did in season 1. Episodes felt rushed and of course short and the areas were a lot smaller to explore in season 2 than in S1, the lack of hubs, character development and lack of conversations and optional convos between characters. We were mostly watching each episode than playing it to be honest. I felt that when choosing certain dialogue options, the characters response to your choice is pretty much the same response to anything you say or a character just blankly glares at you regardless of anything you say. Season 2 felt very lazy right from the start from me.
Don't get me wrong, i did enjoy it because i'll always be a walking dead fan but it was just nowhere near the quality of season 1. They put sooo much effort into that game with virtually every single choice you made, even minor dialogue options that weren't important such as if Lee examines an item and then talks to a character, he brings it up during the conversation. It's little things like that I loved and got nothing of the sort of that in Season 2. I was hoping Rebecca would be the character she was in episode 1 in not liking Clem and later giving us the option to make her feel differently about her or dislike her more. Or the scene where you either give yourself up at the lodge or look for Kenny/Luke, in the trailer for episode 3 it seemed like Kenny would hold a grudge if you gave up but wouldn't if you chose not to give up, but we never got anything like that, we saw no personality changes of characters treating you differently except ONE tiny scene in episode 5 where Bonnie will be horrible if you listened to Luke and not her at the lake scene.
Anyway that's mostly how I feel about season 2. I just think they could have done much better overall
It could just be an illusion. A splatter effect that happens to look sort of like a face.
You are probably right. Still, nice coincidence.
You mean The Walking Dead logo? The darker lines are forming a Capricorn.
That seems entirely plausible actually. I wouldn't be surprised if that were true given the circumstances. Nice theory =D
New evidence listed in the original post continues to point at an adaptation of Caprikorn Farms from Maryland. How does it feel to have discussed this before it appeared in the game, huh? You'll be able to brag about it for the rest of your lives!
My idea oh yeah.
But remember, while they didn't flat out say it would take place in Virginia, just "around Virgina", (which allows for states near Virginia like Maryland), they also didn't say it wasn't in Virginia. We have a general idea of the location but no exact location.
Who knows, maybe that version will be in Virginia.
Moderators make mistakes, @RavenSnowstorm!
Moderators are squids has been debunked.
You’re Lidia Strauss. We’re old friends. You’re an archeologist that stole the Vault Key from a dig site on Eden-6, but you’re originally from Eden-5. You contacted me and we met at Pyro Pete’s just after Mercenary’s Day to talk about the deal. Then I set you up with August. You provide the key. August and I go make the deal and we split the money three ways. The rest you're just gonna have to improvise.
Did you get all that?
The fact that a slaughterhouse has even remote involvement in this honest to god makes me fear for what Clementine and Javier are about to deal with it.
Slaughterhouses never lead to anything good in this series...
Still season2 looked like a rush job just to make money off name it has some bad writing and felt quick to play hardly any hubs then carver was killed way to soon and the Kenny\Jane fight felt thrown in there like it was last min.
This thread was featured in Gameover Ent.'s video! Congrats!
Ladies and gents, my first double-post.
This is amazing! Thank you for bringing it to light!
I feel like a professional writer already! They take a half-assed young adult trilogy and turn them into four half-assed young adult films.
Seriously now, props to @GameOverEnt.
Woo! One of my posts came up in the video! And they mentioned about my other post on Clementine's wristband being a different color!
Sleep, we're famous!
Of course they are ^-^
I was about to post it!
I literally have a tab with the video open right now for the linkk
We will always be influential figures, Lilac! For… uh… the fan base over at YouTube, and whatever it's worth. Meh.
Not to neglect the entirety of users at YouTube—because there are users and users everywhere—just those that are shitty in general.
You should write a book.
All About Double Posts. Snowstorm, Raven. September 23, 2016.
"Truly an epic read"
- The New York Timeout
"I could not put it down...the cover had sticky paper on it"
- Intensive Care Critic
-Raven Snowstorm, last words before being abducted by aliens in the proces of getting banned.
(but seriously guys it's a joke sorry sorry please don't ban me)
Didn't Ben mentioned something about working on a goat farm in the summers? Could it be the Capricorn farm...??
That escalation, though. Flawless.