'Grotesque' Episode Discussion
The mid-season premiere of Fear The Walking Dead is on in a little over an hour!
It's been a while, but you know the fellowship has been broken, everyone is split up, yeah. I do hope the show improves some more, I would really like it to do more of. Comment before, during, and after the show.
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I was wondering whether you'd keep these threads up, InGen!
Let's take a moment to remember the cringe-worthy "coincidence" that happened between Norma and Randall and the antagonists of the fifth episode whose names I can't even remember, shall we? And also the screw-over of Celia and the all-but-confirmed reappearance of Daniel. I want to enjoy this show but they're making a pretty difficult job out of it.
Now it begins.
That's Gloria, the first walker that Nick encountered back at the church.
Fear The Walking Dead likes flashbacks.
Female Negan
Fear The Walking Dead likes flashbacks.
I respect it. A lot of shows are afraid to use them after Lost abused the fuck out of them. Lord knows some of the Walking Dead Vanilla characters could benefit from the character development flashbacks provide.
Obvious jumpscare is still scary because music.
Nick runs so majestically...
One percent of viewers don't know anything.
I know right? Like a blood soaked gazelle.
Those guys were not cool.
Now Nick's in the desert on a horse with no name...It's funny I was recently in the desert on vacation, for my first time ever, and man, it's hot out there. All those cacti too.
Gloria looked pretty good before she became a zombie too.
I agree! They've handled flashbacks effectively.
Ah Jesus I did not have to see that.
Drink cactus juice, it'll quench ya. Nothing's quenchier. It's the quenchiest.
Doesn't cactus water have some kind of psychedelic in it? I wonder if Nick knows that and is just trying to get a fix....
He's going to find out his dad died. Yikes.
We posted at the same exact time.
If what happened to Sokka from Avatar is any indicator, than yes, yes it does.
Character development? Checked.
Backstory revealed? Checked.
Starring episode by themselves? Checked.
Potentially lethal wound? Checked.
Things do not look good for Nick.
That might be the first time I was actually rooting for a dog to be eaten. You see, the thing about walking dead is that it slowly turns all of its fans into socio/psychopaths.
Let's see:
Hm. Hm.
Is it weird that I actually wouldn't mind trying it?
Who wouldn't? I've always wanted to be friends with a giant mushroom.
OH!!!!! Eating the raw dog meat? After walkers just gnawed and drooled all over that shit? Oh noooooo!
Right? Lay down in the warm sand, watch the circle birds. Good times (And God I miss Avatar)
This show needs some better written human antagonist.Hell even the shortest lived antagonist in the main series was better written than most on this show.
She knows the difference between a dog and Walker bite, why didn't Carlos?
That's one nice walled flea market right there. I am lost at what route the show will taken from here afterwards, which is usually a good sign. Being unpredictable.
RIP Abigail?
I have no idea. You can go ahead and take this like though
She barely looked at the bite and she wasn't a medic.
Tijuana is right on the border with San Diego. I wonder if Trump's wall is helping out there.
The Colonia el Porvenir looks pretty good though.
Also, Nick with the walkers remind me of some other Walking Dead characters who are freaks, who I also hate.
Wasn't a bad episode, I think Nick is a strength of the show, helped the episode. Didn't have to see him drink his own piss or eat raw dog meat that was eaten by walkers though.
is it just me or was this the goriest and most disgusting ftwd (and twd) episode ever? i love it! i usually hate this format when they follow just one character but this one actually worked.
i need my weekly dose of alicia tho.
I got the Clementine feels during the "dog bite" scene. I thought they'd lock Nick in a shed expecting him to turn. How the hell can Luciana tell it's a dog bite and Carlos cannot?
Never saw fwd...how does it stack up against TWD?
How about the fact that two of the three men die, while the third one's fate is left unknown
It's deficient in multiple aspects.
Get out, Deltino, I can't handle this.
Nice realization, though.
Let's just say The Walking Dead looks like Breaking Bad compared to FTWD. It's a decent show, but honestly, if it didn't have The Walking Dead on it, I would have stopped watching after the first couple of episodes. Other than Strand, the characters really aren't that great, and now that the initial reaction to the apocalypse has worn off, it's basically just The Walking Dead out west, nothing really special about it.
certain cacti have that effect. but if you are in the desert and birds are circling I wouldn't lay down...