I had a dream recently that Episode 1 started with the camera pointed at Clementines face, while she is being talked to by a person, both of which are sitting down on chairs facing each other. The location is on a house near a fishing doc and it is midnight, there are lights all around due to candles/lanterns, and Javier is leaning in a corner looking at Clementine and the man. There is another woman in the scene who says "It's probably because it's in her blood". In that dream Clementine did not talk, and it seemed like she couldn't talk.
Right, we're not playing as Lee anymore. Instead we will play as Javier/Clementine. That still doesn't mean our actions won't be able to shape their characters.
In terms of voice acting, I think Javi's VA will be a good one. I can't really think of any newcomers that Telltale's brought on that have sounded like rookies (except maybe Reggie's, but at least he fit the part).
I think maybe Javi just has Clem's ammo because it'd look cool for the trailer.
Right, we're not playing as Lee anymore. Instead we will play as Javier/Clementine. That still doesn't mean our actions won't be able to shape their characters.
I don't know, the problem with that is that Telltale knows that fans want Kenny, Jane, and AJ to be handled with care. (Not just tossed aside by using a simple line of dialogue or a short flashback to show how Clementine ended up here.) I suspect though, that if Telltale were to do that, then they would have to have the sequence in the beginning that explains what happens after your season 2 endings with Kenny/Jane/AJ, and then switch to Javier, who finds Clementine later on in the episode. I would imagine most people would want to play as the grown up Clem in the first episode, not just see her at the end.
I agree with you about his age, I also think that he is cuban, I think he meets with Clem after the time skip and that the brand on him is from his group (which we still have to have more information about). I really hope that Clem takes precedence over him. I do not like nor dislike the character, given the fact that I do not know him yet.
Who is exactly is Javier? How old is he? Where do you think he came from? What's that branding?
I think Clemmy and Javier have joined forces to track down a nasty group of people. Maybe that group tortured Clem and that's why her finger is missing. Maybe they're holding AJ hostage or something I don't know. The zombie that was shot in the trailer has the same branding on his back as Javier has on his neck so he must of belonged to this group in the past. It's the zodiac symbol for Capricorn and all I know about that star sign is that they're chaotic neutral lol, disciplined, responsible, hardworking people. Since there's a car on fire in the trailer and a zombie Capricorn guy, I'm thinking that Javier's Capricorn people were attacked and killed by the same people who tortured Clem?? Or that the evil unknown group brands their victims before they kill them, so the symbol is nothing to do with Javier really.. it could be a cool serial killer thingy since they like to brand their victims. Just some weirdo killing everyone for no reason to complete the apocalypse or something. I think he's early 20s, hopefully not a potential love interest for Clem cos that would make things awkward and besides abstinence is always the key to surviving an apocalypse lol. They seem chummy in the trailer like he's carrying her bullets and shit, that's a cool guy. Also he looks Cuban.
What's your honest theory on who he is?
He's...Just some guy... lol
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence
Maybe they split up throughout the game. One of them get's captured or something. I think we will play as Clem the majority of the time because we've been through so much with her.
Who is exactly is Javier? How old is he? Where do you think he came from? What's that branding?: I don't know, but he seems kinda untrustworthy but kinda cool. He just kinda showed up in the trailer, probably as a placeholder since putting Clem alone, Clem and Ken or Clem and Jane into the trailer wouldn't work. He'll probably have a minor role unless Telltale pulls a Season Two and makes the game fucking trash.
What's your honest theory on who he is?: Well, it all depends on what ending we got I suppose. Clem could come across him in the alone ending, he could be trying to get into Wellington and then denied access until Clem coaxes the leader into letting him in. Ken and Clem could come across him on their journeys or maybe he comes across Howes and Clem helps him out. Or he could be a poorly written, forced and rushed character to kill off Ken or Jane like Omid for the sake of story because Telltale doesn't fucking know how to write decent continuations to a good story.
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence?: I'd personally prefer it if they treated him like Carlos from Resident Evil 3. At some point in ResE 3, spoilers by the way, Jill gets infected by the Nemesis, and Carlos has to take control and explore the area. Let's say Javier and Clem find what they're looking for and Clem gets bitten, Javier chops her arm off and takes her back to Kenny/Jane/Wherever The Alone Ending Is/Wellington so she can be treated, and we spend an entire episode playing as him going out to get her supplies and learning more about his backstory. That'd be the cool way to do it honestly. Or they could do it like Tales from the Borderlands, which would be alright, but I'd prefer the one-time split idea.
And do you like the character?: Meh, he looks pretty cool. I don't really have a valid opinion of him considering I don't know anything about the game, but he might be an interesting addition. Let's just hope he doesn't get killed off like every other cool character and we can actually get through a season with at least 3 of the protagonists surviving. Also, if a telltale staff member is reading, randomly killing off a main cast character with no build up for shock factor and shock factor alone is bad fucking writing. It's absolutely terrible writing. Season 1 did this sparingly and really only did it to minor characters while majors got a timely death, Season 2 was inexcusable. Watch Marble Hornets, that series handles main character deaths remarkably well. Only killing somebody of the main cast when it's time for their demise, and letting them live so long they seem invincible, so when they die it actually is a shock.
Overall, Javier is cool, I just hope they handle him well.
…a, fictional game character created by Telltale obviously >.> that’s who Javier exactly is.
How old is he?
Hmm, he sounds young. Not exactly 30’s I don’t believe, so somewhere in the mid 20’s take a guess at; 25, maybe even a little older.
Where do you think he came from?
Well Javier is a Spanish name, but he could’ve come from anywhere. I think somebody made mention of his baseball shirt being based on some team or flag somewhere. I can’t remember the details exactly, but it’s possible that could be a clue if he happened to play in a team or supported one.
What's that branding?
It’s been seen on the dead people a few times, and Javier doesn’t have it when shown in the slaughterhouse or in the screenshot when he’s with two others while holding a flashlight. Perhaps it’s a brand used on people before they’re killed and they reanimate. It is possible it’s a mark of a community to show you part of it, but it sounds extreme to go through that much pain unless they’re extremely dedicated. But I’d think the brand has something to do with the slaughterhouse.
What's your honest theory on who he is?
Ah…I don’t want to go jumping to conclusions on him. We don’t know anything about Javier other than he has family. From the one screenshot we did see him with a young girl and another guy, so I’d take a guess that’s the family Telltale keep bringing up mention on. Also from their ages, I’d think all three were siblings, with Javier the oldest.
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence?
I think it’ll be pretty much 50/50. It’s possible one might have slightly more time than the other, because these things are never exact, but overall I believe the storyline and the times Clementine and Javier are playable characters will be shared mostly fairly.
And do you like the character?
Er, Javier just got here, and we’ve only seen one little clip of him. I would prefer to judge him once an episode of the season is out, or we're lucky to get another trailer that reveals a little more before that. Even so...I get this terrible hunch I am going to like this guy, and his interactions with Clementine. So help me god if that girl in the screenshot is indeed his sister, then she's near the same age as Clementine and that means I'm a goner for the wonderful crap that may ensue if Javier looks out for Clem like a sibling as well, or tries to T_T I am so screwed if that happens.
Honestly, I just hope Javier's an decent enough character and that he brings something interesting to the game.
Well Javier is a Spanish name, but he could’ve come from anywhere. I think somebody made mention of his baseball shirt being based on some team or flag somewhere. I can’t remember the details exactly, but it’s possible that could be a clue if he happened to play in a team or supported one
That's the cuban flag.
(?) You offended all cuban users
Also, he was confirmed to belong to a cuban family, so...
Who exactly is Javier?
…a, fictional game character created by Telltale obviously >.> that’s who Javier exactly is.
How old is h… moree?
Hmm, he sounds young. Not exactly 30’s I don’t believe, so somewhere in the mid 20’s take a guess at; 25, maybe even a little older.
Where do you think he came from?
Well Javier is a Spanish name, but he could’ve come from anywhere. I think somebody made mention of his baseball shirt being based on some team or flag somewhere. I can’t remember the details exactly, but it’s possible that could be a clue if he happened to play in a team or supported one.
What's that branding?
It’s been seen on the dead people a few times, and Javier doesn’t have it when shown in the slaughterhouse or in the screenshot when he’s with two others while holding a flashlight. Perhaps it’s a brand used on people before they’re killed and they reanimate. It is possible it’s a mark of a community to show you part … [view original content]
Well Javier is a Spanish name, but he could’ve come from anywhere. I think somebody made mention of his baseball shirt being based on some t… moreeam or flag somewhere. I can’t remember the details exactly, but it’s possible that could be a clue if he happened to play in a team or supported one
That's the cuban flag.
(?) You offended all cuban users
Also, he was confirmed to belong to a cuban family, so...
(?) You offended all cuban users
Nuuuu! T.T
I'll never be able to show my face in public again...
Also, he was confirmed to belong to a cuban family, so...
=D aw cool. Sorry I forgot about that.
* Age? Mid-twenties
* Ethnicity? Hard to tell, maybe Hispanic/Latino.
* From what evidence we have of him so far, he doesn't seem like a b… moread character.
* For me, I don't think I like the new playable character business... I'd rather just stick to Clem.
* He could be fairly trustworthy.
* A theory on how you could meet him? Maybe it's just Clem and him that survive Wellington if it all goes to sh*t.
* Age? Mid-twenties
* Ethnicity? Hard to tell, maybe Hispanic/Latino.
* From what evidence we have of him so far, he doesn't seem like a b… moread character.
* For me, I don't think I like the new playable character business... I'd rather just stick to Clem.
* He could be fairly trustworthy.
* A theory on how you could meet him? Maybe it's just Clem and him that survive Wellington if it all goes to sh*t.
> Who is exactly is Javier? How old is he? Where do you think he came from? What's that branding?
I don't know, I haven't seen enough of him to say for sure, but it seems like he's deeply involved with whoever is branding people, so maybe he's an ex member of that group? Problably on his early to mid twenties. Something to do with Season 3 antagonists most likely.
> What's your honest theory on who he is?
Same answer as above.
> We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence
From what I've gathered the story will be centered around him, and Clem will be more of a suporting character. So I guess we will get to play as Clem during some specific moments throughout the season, but we will play as Javi most of the time.
> And do you like the character?
I haven't seen enough of the character to answer this question, but I'm willing to give him a chance (wich is more then most people on this forum are willing to do, unfortunately), I think he has pontential to be a great character.
I think hes around his 20s, plus hes hot not as hot as kenny senpai but still very hot cant wait to play as him. I hope theres a hot girl to ship him with. and clem is so cute I hope theres a boy around her age I can ship her with to. Im so excited for season 3
Right now, all we know is that he's a survivor that's managed to live 3-4 years in, and that interests me. Anyone who has managed to make it past the two year mark in The Walking Dead as a whole automatically has my attention.
How old is he?
Ehh, probably 20 something. I still think its possible that he was in high school or college, something along those lines, when the world fell to shit. Maybe he was a senior when it started to go down.
Where do you think he came from?
Now that, I absolutely cannot answer. Who knows? Since he's Cuban, maybe he came from Cuba to America when it all started as a means to escape, only to find that America had been plagued as well? No fucking idea. I'm just spit balling here...
What's that branding?
I still stand by my theory that it's from an antagonistic faction that keeps walkers in slaughterhouses and will be the main force their dealing with. The walker in the trailer had the same brand, so I think there's a considerably graphic story of how he got that.
What's your honest theory on who he is?
With the few screenshots we have gotten, I assume that Javier is a family man, doing what he can to protect his loved ones in the tough and unforgiving world of the apocalypse. I don't think he has a clean record, though. We are four years into this, ladies and gentlemen. Almost NO ONE is a saint at this point. Almost everyone that's still alive has done something fucked up to stay that way. In a world where "It's you or me", I'm certain Javier has chosen "me" at the cost of another life at some point down the road.
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence?
I'm gonna guess that we get halfsies on both characters since there's two. I think that's completely fair.
And do you like the character?
Honestly, from what I can see, yes. I do. I very much enjoy his design and I'm looking forward to playing as him when this game (The wait is killing me) finally graces us with it's arrival this coming fall. Maybe I'll be able to add someone to my favorites when Season 3 ends.
I had a dream recently that Episode 1 started with the camera pointed at Clementines face, while she is being talked to by a person, both of which are sitting down on chairs facing each other. The location is on a house near a fishing doc and it is midnight, there are lights all around due to candles/lanterns, and Javier is leaning in a corner looking at Clementine and the man. There is another woman in the scene who says "It's probably because it's in her blood". In that dream Clementine did not talk, and it seemed like she couldn't talk.
Capricorn is September right?
December 22 - January 19

How so? Lee can be a very different person depending on how you play him.
But we're not playing as Lee anymore
Right, we're not playing as Lee anymore. Instead we will play as Javier/Clementine. That still doesn't mean our actions won't be able to shape their characters.
In terms of voice acting, I think Javi's VA will be a good one. I can't really think of any newcomers that Telltale's brought on that have sounded like rookies (except maybe Reggie's, but at least he fit the part).
I think maybe Javi just has Clem's ammo because it'd look cool for the trailer.
He looks like a little b1tch.
Haven't you played S2? instead of a lot of different possible personalities, we got NO personality at all.
I don't know, the problem with that is that Telltale knows that fans want Kenny, Jane, and AJ to be handled with care. (Not just tossed aside by using a simple line of dialogue or a short flashback to show how Clementine ended up here.) I suspect though, that if Telltale were to do that, then they would have to have the sequence in the beginning that explains what happens after your season 2 endings with Kenny/Jane/AJ, and then switch to Javier, who finds Clementine later on in the episode. I would imagine most people would want to play as the grown up Clem in the first episode, not just see her at the end.
This isn't funny
He'll end up in a lukewarm lake then.
I agree with you about his age, I also think that he is cuban, I think he meets with Clem after the time skip and that the brand on him is from his group (which we still have to have more information about). I really hope that Clem takes precedence over him. I do not like nor dislike the character, given the fact that I do not know him yet.
Who is exactly is Javier? How old is he? Where do you think he came from? What's that branding?
I think Clemmy and Javier have joined forces to track down a nasty group of people. Maybe that group tortured Clem and that's why her finger is missing. Maybe they're holding AJ hostage or something I don't know. The zombie that was shot in the trailer has the same branding on his back as Javier has on his neck so he must of belonged to this group in the past. It's the zodiac symbol for Capricorn and all I know about that star sign is that they're chaotic neutral lol, disciplined, responsible, hardworking people. Since there's a car on fire in the trailer and a zombie Capricorn guy, I'm thinking that Javier's Capricorn people were attacked and killed by the same people who tortured Clem?? Or that the evil unknown group brands their victims before they kill them, so the symbol is nothing to do with Javier really.. it could be a cool serial killer thingy since they like to brand their victims. Just some weirdo killing everyone for no reason to complete the apocalypse or something. I think he's early 20s, hopefully not a potential love interest for Clem cos that would make things awkward and besides abstinence is always the key to surviving an apocalypse lol. They seem chummy in the trailer like he's carrying her bullets and shit, that's a cool guy. Also he looks Cuban.
What's your honest theory on who he is?
He's...Just some guy... lol
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence
Maybe they split up throughout the game. One of them get's captured or something. I think we will play as Clem the majority of the time because we've been through so much with her.
And do you like the character?
Ya I'm down
Who is exactly is Javier? How old is he? Where do you think he came from? What's that branding?: I don't know, but he seems kinda untrustworthy but kinda cool. He just kinda showed up in the trailer, probably as a placeholder since putting Clem alone, Clem and Ken or Clem and Jane into the trailer wouldn't work. He'll probably have a minor role unless Telltale pulls a Season Two and makes the game fucking trash.
What's your honest theory on who he is?: Well, it all depends on what ending we got I suppose. Clem could come across him in the alone ending, he could be trying to get into Wellington and then denied access until Clem coaxes the leader into letting him in. Ken and Clem could come across him on their journeys or maybe he comes across Howes and Clem helps him out. Or he could be a poorly written, forced and rushed character to kill off Ken or Jane like Omid for the sake of story because Telltale doesn't fucking know how to write decent continuations to a good story.
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence?: I'd personally prefer it if they treated him like Carlos from Resident Evil 3. At some point in ResE 3, spoilers by the way, Jill gets infected by the Nemesis, and Carlos has to take control and explore the area. Let's say Javier and Clem find what they're looking for and Clem gets bitten, Javier chops her arm off and takes her back to Kenny/Jane/Wherever The Alone Ending Is/Wellington so she can be treated, and we spend an entire episode playing as him going out to get her supplies and learning more about his backstory. That'd be the cool way to do it honestly. Or they could do it like Tales from the Borderlands, which would be alright, but I'd prefer the one-time split idea.
And do you like the character?: Meh, he looks pretty cool. I don't really have a valid opinion of him considering I don't know anything about the game, but he might be an interesting addition. Let's just hope he doesn't get killed off like every other cool character and we can actually get through a season with at least 3 of the protagonists surviving. Also, if a telltale staff member is reading, randomly killing off a main cast character with no build up for shock factor and shock factor alone is bad fucking writing. It's absolutely terrible writing. Season 1 did this sparingly and really only did it to minor characters while majors got a timely death, Season 2 was inexcusable. Watch Marble Hornets, that series handles main character deaths remarkably well. Only killing somebody of the main cast when it's time for their demise, and letting them live so long they seem invincible, so when they die it actually is a shock.
Overall, Javier is cool, I just hope they handle him well.
Thanks for that!
who's know what happened with christa where's she
Who exactly is Javier?
…a, fictional game character created by Telltale obviously >.> that’s who Javier exactly is.
How old is he?
Hmm, he sounds young. Not exactly 30’s I don’t believe, so somewhere in the mid 20’s take a guess at; 25, maybe even a little older.
Where do you think he came from?
Well Javier is a Spanish name, but he could’ve come from anywhere. I think somebody made mention of his baseball shirt being based on some team or flag somewhere. I can’t remember the details exactly, but it’s possible that could be a clue if he happened to play in a team or supported one.
What's that branding?
It’s been seen on the dead people a few times, and Javier doesn’t have it when shown in the slaughterhouse or in the screenshot when he’s with two others while holding a flashlight. Perhaps it’s a brand used on people before they’re killed and they reanimate. It is possible it’s a mark of a community to show you part of it, but it sounds extreme to go through that much pain unless they’re extremely dedicated. But I’d think the brand has something to do with the slaughterhouse.
What's your honest theory on who he is?
Ah…I don’t want to go jumping to conclusions on him. We don’t know anything about Javier other than he has family. From the one screenshot we did see him with a young girl and another guy, so I’d take a guess that’s the family Telltale keep bringing up mention on. Also from their ages, I’d think all three were siblings, with Javier the oldest.
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence?
I think it’ll be pretty much 50/50. It’s possible one might have slightly more time than the other, because these things are never exact, but overall I believe the storyline and the times Clementine and Javier are playable characters will be shared mostly fairly.
And do you like the character?
Er, Javier just got here, and we’ve only seen one little clip of him. I would prefer to judge him once an episode of the season is out, or we're lucky to get another trailer that reveals a little more before that. Even so...I get this terrible hunch I am going to like this guy, and his interactions with Clementine. So help me god if that girl in the screenshot is indeed his sister, then she's near the same age as Clementine and that means I'm a goner for the wonderful crap that may ensue if Javier looks out for Clem like a sibling as well, or tries to T_T I am so screwed if that happens.
Honestly, I just hope Javier's an decent enough character and that he brings something interesting to the game.
That's the cuban flag.
(?) You offended all cuban users
Also, he was confirmed to belong to a cuban family, so...
Nuuuu! T.T
=D aw cool. Sorry I forgot about that.
That sounds like the song of Spirited Away (I think that's the name in english)
I love that movie!
if you tried to sound edgy you succeeded
We have to wait for season 3 to come out, but since we are going to play as him we can learn more information about him
Isn't that the same?
It's been stated that he's Cuban-American.
Are all Latin Americans crossing their fingers right now and going "Please be my country. Please be my country."?
Well, I certainly am...
No, because he's confirmed to be cuban.
Cuba is cool!
He was already confirmed to be a part of my country lol. So I'm happy.
There's a joke here....
Aw crap. Well. It was good while it lasted...
Congratulations, you lucky bastard!
> Who is exactly is Javier? How old is he? Where do you think he came from? What's that branding?
I don't know, I haven't seen enough of him to say for sure, but it seems like he's deeply involved with whoever is branding people, so maybe he's an ex member of that group? Problably on his early to mid twenties. Something to do with Season 3 antagonists most likely.
> What's your honest theory on who he is?
Same answer as above.
> We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence
From what I've gathered the story will be centered around him, and Clem will be more of a suporting character. So I guess we will get to play as Clem during some specific moments throughout the season, but we will play as Javi most of the time.
> And do you like the character?
I haven't seen enough of the character to answer this question, but I'm willing to give him a chance (wich is more then most people on this forum are willing to do, unfortunately), I think he has pontential to be a great character.
I think hes around his 20s, plus hes hot not as hot as kenny senpai but still very hot cant wait to play as him. I hope theres a hot girl to ship him with. and clem is so cute I hope theres a boy around her age I can ship her with to. Im so excited for season 3
Who is exactly is Javier?
Right now, all we know is that he's a survivor that's managed to live 3-4 years in, and that interests me. Anyone who has managed to make it past the two year mark in The Walking Dead as a whole automatically has my attention.
How old is he?
Ehh, probably 20 something. I still think its possible that he was in high school or college, something along those lines, when the world fell to shit. Maybe he was a senior when it started to go down.
Where do you think he came from?
Now that, I absolutely cannot answer. Who knows? Since he's Cuban, maybe he came from Cuba to America when it all started as a means to escape, only to find that America had been plagued as well? No fucking idea. I'm just spit balling here...
What's that branding?
I still stand by my theory that it's from an antagonistic faction that keeps walkers in slaughterhouses and will be the main force their dealing with. The walker in the trailer had the same brand, so I think there's a considerably graphic story of how he got that.
What's your honest theory on who he is?
With the few screenshots we have gotten, I assume that Javier is a family man, doing what he can to protect his loved ones in the tough and unforgiving world of the apocalypse. I don't think he has a clean record, though. We are four years into this, ladies and gentlemen. Almost NO ONE is a saint at this point. Almost everyone that's still alive has done something fucked up to stay that way. In a world where "It's you or me", I'm certain Javier has chosen "me" at the cost of another life at some point down the road.
We know he's a playable character, but is he a 50/50 for each episode? or will Clem take precedence?
I'm gonna guess that we get halfsies on both characters since there's two. I think that's completely fair.
And do you like the character?
Honestly, from what I can see, yes. I do. I very much enjoy his design and I'm looking forward to playing as him when this game (The wait is killing me) finally graces us with it's arrival this coming fall. Maybe I'll be able to add someone to my favorites when Season 3 ends.
Where are you from?
Yeah, he's kinda non-handsome.
It's his fucking middle school haircut that's killing me
killing in a good or a bad way?