man call it what you like
its still a continuation to clem's story but i think they want javier to be the new reboot of lee everett nothing more i think because fans demanded many times that they want lee back and for feeling sad about lee's death so they decided convince the fans with a new character had made mistakes in the past just like lee
I think he said something like: "Javier's gonna find out about Clem's past through her." I hope it isn't just "Oh yeah I was with this person named Kenny/Jane and he/she got bit and I had to kill him/her."
why everyone here has problem with the new name of the season
guys haven't you ever played Assassin's Creed series the first two were 1 and 2 then they came to the third part and name it AC brotherhood then came to the fourth one and called it revelations but the character was the same so what's wrong with ya all with the new name
I kind of think of TWD Season 3's name as the show Gotham. Gotham has had two seasons, but the second one isn't called "Season 2", it's called "Rise of the Villains" for the first half, and "Wrath of the Villains" for the second half. But I still call the whole thing Season 2.
Good friends, being able to joke with each other and other similar things. They also hinted they would have a peer relationship so they could have a brother and sister type relationship.
maybe or maybe not cause they want to make a reboot lee character through Javier but i don't think they will make him end up dead or maybe he will don't know but still they can't make that cause they tried that with first season made a lot of people sad and in the same time demanding a return for lee which they are satisfying the fans with a new lee like character
why everyone here has problem with the new name of the season
guys haven't you ever played Assassin's Creed series the first two were 1 an… mored 2 then they came to the third part and name it AC brotherhood then came to the fourth one and called it revelations but the character was the same so what's wrong with ya all with the new name
Good friends, being able to joke with each other and other similar things. They also hinted they would have a peer relationship so they could have a brother and sister type relationship.
You know what I'm pointing at I'm pointing that the series don't have to follow with numbers and I know ac series aren't like the walking dead series still the name of the part doesn't have to be with numbers
Good friends, being able to joke with each other and other similar things. They also hinted they would have a peer relationship so they could have a brother and sister type relationship.
Awwww my heart melted when i saw that they have great back and forth and they good friends and that javi is charming! The only good news ^_^
They will be like...
Awwww my heart melted when i saw that they have great back and forth and they good friends and that javi is charming! The only good news ^_^
They will be like...
That's it? Wow, that was nothing. Also why are they even giving it another name? Fucking awful
Here we go.
man call it what you like
its still a continuation to clem's story but i think they want javier to be the new reboot of lee everett nothing more i think because fans demanded many times that they want lee back and for feeling sad about lee's death so they decided convince the fans with a new character had made mistakes in the past just like lee
So stupid that you submitted a double post!
So stupid that you submitted a double post!
True....very true....
So salty that you posted this meme twice.
Thats what i've feared for months and if that's what they do i'll be very upset. It's just lazy as hell
Nice dress, Mr. Job.
why everyone here has problem with the new name of the season
guys haven't you ever played Assassin's Creed series the first two were 1 and 2 then they came to the third part and name it AC brotherhood then came to the fourth one and called it revelations but the character was the same so what's wrong with ya all with the new name
Yep, I had too.
I kind of think of TWD Season 3's name as the show Gotham. Gotham has had two seasons, but the second one isn't called "Season 2", it's called "Rise of the Villains" for the first half, and "Wrath of the Villains" for the second half. But I still call the whole thing Season 2.
What's means 'have a great back and forth'?
Good friends?
I bet Javier will end up like Lee
see AC 2 brotherhood and revelations then come talk to me about that you have to call the series in numbers just to continue the story of a character
That's it exactly. They will have a fun dynamic.
Though that's coming from Job, so…
New blog:
Good friends, being able to joke with each other and other similar things. They also hinted they would have a peer relationship so they could have a brother and sister type relationship.
Jeez, I hope not.
[waiting intensifies]
Javi: "You have to shoot me honey"
Nope, already awkward
maybe or maybe not cause they want to make a reboot lee character through Javier but i don't think they will make him end up dead or maybe he will don't know but still they can't make that cause they tried that with first season made a lot of people sad and in the same time demanding a return for lee which they are satisfying the fans with a new lee like character
Javier: [falls twenty times in first episode]
Javier: You're small.
Javier: Do you, uh, have any thoughts about Lilly?
[OCD intensifies]
Why don't they call it "The Walking Dead - A New Frontier: The Telltale Series" instead?
Why not call it just "The Walking Dead - A New Frontier"
I dont even know what frontier even means lol xD
I knew something was off with the title…
A New Frontier? Eh, decent name I guess.
You know what I'm pointing at I'm pointing that the series don't have to follow with numbers and I know ac series aren't like the walking dead series still the name of the part doesn't have to be with numbers
Why the not "A New Frontier: The Walking Dead - The Telltale Series"?
I for one welcome our new title.
Like I said a reboot to Lee's character through Javier
Awwww my heart melted when i saw that they have great back and forth and they good friends and that javi is charming!
The only good news ^_^

They will be like...
Walking Dead: The Final Frontier.
Why not call it the walking dead deep and hard telltale series
A Walking Series: The New Dead - The Telltale Frontier
…and if they don't like it, they can pick…
A Dead Telltale: The Walking Frontier - The New Series
Additional commentary
Sorry. RIP your feed for all my edits.
It's cute that they with Clem will be good friends
They should name it deep in depth of darkness