* Lilly
* Christa
* Jane
* Arvo
* Omid
* Lee
* Doug
* Carley
* Edith
* Sarah
* Kenny
* Randall
* Tro… morey
* Carver
* The Stranger
That's, um, really it for the hated characters. I honestly really like a lot of characters.
1) Lee Everett (Obviously)
2) Clementine
3) Kenny
4) Chuck (Charles if you're fancy)
5) Carley
6) Omid
7) Mike
8) Luke
9) Molly
10) Peter Joseph Randall (A.K.A. Pete from Season 2)
My top 10 disliked characters (I wouldn't say "Hated")
1) Stranger
2) Carver
3) Larry
4) Troy
5) Danny St. John
6) Brenda St. John
7) Michelle (You expected Andy St. John huh? nah, I like this one!)
8) Bonnie
9) Jane
10) CL4P-TP (A.K.A. Claptrap - You didn't expect him to be here too right?)
1: Clementime
2 Lee
3: Luke
4: Kenny
5: Carley
6: Omid
7: Pete
8: Rebecca
9: Chuck
10: Jane Dislikes:
1: Larry
2: Arvo
3: Lilly
4: Ben
5: Duck
6 Carver
7: Clem's Kidnapper
8: Mike
9: Nick
10: Bonnie
(These are not in order)
1: Clementime
2 Lee
3: Luke
4: Kenny
5: Carley
6: Omid
7: Pete
8: Rebecca
9: Chuck
10: Jane
1: Larry
2: Arvo… more
3: Lilly
4: Ben
5: Duck
6 Carver
7: Clem's Kidnapper
8: Mike
9: Nick
10: Bonnie
(These are not in order)
Lee. Lee was the perfect everyday man. He is humble, timid, caring, uses the outbreak as a second chance of life. To amend for the death of a man before the outbreak he watches over Clementine to cope with the loss of his family and wife. He views her as his daughter, though tells people that he is a family babysitter to avoid hassle from them. He is known to try to do the right thing and stands up to people when he has to. In my game he is best friend and adopted brother to Kenny. Lee had to knock sense into Kenny to avoid any more bite victims after he gave Kenny and Khatja enough time. Lee eventually becomes leader of the group and in my game he is strong, having beat up Kenny and Molly. Lee puts the group before others, including himself. He chooses to not shoot a woman in the street to protect Kenny and the group. He steals from a car, believing it to be abandoned. He wants to protect Clementine and tells Kenny that he needs to watch over her. When he goes missing, Lee gives Clementine to Christa and Omid. Lee does not let Clementine shoot him in fear of walkers and her safety. I let Ben fall from the tower as he caused too much death. He would serve better as bait to lure walkers away. Lee is the perfect person that you would want in an apocalypse.
Clementine. She goes from an 8 year old to a grown up 11 year old. Clementine is the polar opposite of Sarah, so it's a good thing that Lee listened to Chuck. Clementine in my game listens to Kenny and Lee without question as both are honest with her. It's a dark world and honesty and family are all that matters anymore. She has saved many people over the years with her courage and marksmanship. She has killed many walkers to the surprise of Carver. Carver wishes to make Clementine his protégé, Clementine plays along while trying to free her group. Clementine follows in Lee's footsteps and tries to live up to his wishes in my game.
Kenny. Kenny is a stubborn and brash man. Kenny always tries to do the right thing and stands up for his beliefs. He has shown to protect his family and friends without caring much about himself. Lee sees Kenny and his family as good people and Lee and Kenny become great friends. Lee threatened to beat up Larry when he suggested the killing of Duck. Lee agreed that Kenny was right about the killing of Larry as he had no more heart medicine. Kenny lost everything, including Lee until he finds Clementine again and he marries Sarita, his second wife. Kenny is incredibly intelligent and a perfectionist. He is sometimes loud when arguing with people that doubt him. He shoots Andy in the shoulder to protect Lee and thanks Lee for saving his wife and son a few times. Kenny loses Sarita and goes into another deep depression until Clementine brings him back. Kenny hates the group that Clementine is in and calls it dead weight, only staying to protect her. Kenny becomes the adopted father of AJ and considers Clementine a niece. He has a new lease on life after Clementine sides with him after deciding to reject Wellington. Kenny is sometimes misunderstood, yet Clementine knows about his past and his desire to protect those that he loves.
Chuck the Hobo. Chuck isn't in Season 1 long but his short time is powerful. He tells Lee that to shelter Clementine is a death sentence for her by walkers. He tells Lee to train her with gun use and to cut her hair to avoid being grabbed. When Ben abandons Clementine to walkers, Chuck saves her and tells the others that he will distract the walkers. He is seen later as being dead. Chuck serves as a reminder that there are still good people in the world.
Molly. She's cool and has a great back story. She has trust issues, yet is loyal and caring. She turns down my offer to stay in my group.
Carley. In my story, her and Lee became close, very close. She was killed by Lilly.
Doug. Caring and nice.
People I don't like.
Arvo. This was a horrible character to have in the game. Bonnie and Mike sides with him AFTER he shoots Clementine. Horrible monsters, plus he got Luke killed and nearly the entire group also due to Jane.
Larry. Yes I dislike him more than Carver. He hates Lee no matter what and left Lee for dead, yet he stays in the group still. That doesn't make any sense. I agreed with Kenny that he had to die to protect everyone in the locker from a strong walker. He is shown to be a coward and blames everyone for his mistakes.
Ben. This guy was very stupid, though not evil. He got many people killed and I viewed him as a threat that had to die in the bell tower. This boy is 17 or 18 and is a burden. Do I hate that I let him die ? Yes. Was it necessary ? Yes. He had many chances and enough was enough. Lee, Kenny, and Christa all voted against him joining on the boat and so he was already doomed and dead.
Lilly. A hypocrite that hates Kenny and Lee. We should have got rid of her long ago to avoid fallout. After she shoots Carley, we left her. She was too far gone.
Carver. He was poorly written and what a shame as he had potential. He hurt Kenny and his group and took out an eye of Kenny's. Kenny kills him slowly.
Jane. She tried to be written like Molly, yet nope. Jane is a selfish, crazy person that hates groups and people in general. She is a coward and pushes Kenny into fighting her, I had Kenny's back though.
Bonnie and Mike sides with him AFTER he shoots Clementine.
Nooo...they sided with him BEFORE he shoots Clementine--otherwise, he wouldn't have had a gun! He bolts several seconds before they do, so who knows if they stayed together after that.
Do I hate that I let him die ? Yes. Was it necessary ? Yes.
Consistency! Seriously, tho, I don't think letting him die was really necessary, considering even he didn't think he should be a part of the group anymore. Just a kick to the curb would've sufficed.
She tried to be written like Molly, yet nope.
Which I guess means she's actually the better character.
Jane is a selfish, crazy person that hates groups and people in general.
Agreed. A bit absolute for my tastes, but I agree.
I was always fond of Lilly, even when I was a Kensplainer. She was fierce, strong willed, smart and caring. I don't know why, but I seem to get fond of characters who see the PC (playable character) as someone to trust and rely on. Lilly relied and trusted on my Lee. With his help, she found out someone was stealing from the group. I also felt sympathy for her when she lost her dad. Just... fuck. Her life was destroyed in that moment. The last person she trusted was killed right in front of her face, without previous warning. This was when she started going downhill. It took her paranoid and that made her kill Carley. I relate to her in some aspects.
Just as Lilly, Jane trusted and relied on Clem. She was smart and caring. Instead of telling Clem to do stuff (like everyone else in this game) she actually did things with her. She passed her knowledge on many things. Unlike everyone else in Season 2 some survivors, she knew what she was doing. Relatable. Her honesty also deserves to be praised. No matter how much Clem liked someone, if that someone had a problem, Jane would tell her straight away. Jane though one of her friends was going nuts? Jane would tell her, no matter how much she liked that friend.
Carver (EP2) (not to be confused with EP3 Carver!)
Extremely good antagonist. Intimidating, smart and a good leader. He was the antagonist we needed. We wasn't just some tyrant (like most TWD vilains), he was actually justified on what he did. He only hunt down the group because he wanted (what he believed to be) his baby back. He killed Walter because some genius decided that starting shooting in an hostage situation was a good idea. An eye for an eye.
Not to mention that I look up to the man. Sure, he was brutal; he beat, he tortured, he intimidated and he threatened, but in the end he got what he wanted and, lets be honest, he owned our group.
Not much to say here. Clementine is me. I felt like I was able to make her what I wanted her to be something that I didn't felt while playing as Lee (that had kinda predetermined characteristics). In short, my Clem has a bit of Lilly, Jane and even a bit of (EP2!!!) Carver on her.
Bonnie is flawed, but so is everyone. The most relatable character to me. She wanted to do what was right but just.. couldn't. She admited her 'mistakes', a thing many characters lack coughKennycoughLukecough*everyone. She had a positive relationship with my Clem until the end and that made her rely on me. She resembles me of a sloppy Lilly. It's hard to explain why but she was, for a long time, my favourite Season 2 character. I hope we see her again and I will never forgive Telltale for making her determinant. I was so bummed out after finding out.
Christa was... bitter to say the least. She was rude, defensive, and din't trust us easily at first. In shorter words, she was smart. As the season kept progressing, though, she grew on me and I grew on her. By the end of the Season she was sad to see my Lee go and volunteered to take care of Clementine. She helped me look out for her (I can't say the same for some other characters). She was also the only person smart and sensible enough to question why THE FUCK WERE THEY IN A CITY FILLED WITH WALKERS INSTEAD OF THE FUCKING REMOTE COUNTRYSIDE. Jeez.
Diplomatic, strong, smart, intimidating. That woman knew what she was doing. She was a pure leader. A leader who cared mora about her people than some personal silly revenge. She knew how to look at the bigger picture. In order to prevent the loss of more lives, she was able to forgive the people who burnt her whole fucking community. How's that not impressive? That requires a lot of self control. I admire her for that. I also felt sympathy for her (for obvious reasons).
Wise and selfless. He wasn't only smart, he seemed reliable and strong. He was someone you'd want to have by your side in the apocalypse. Had he not been there and Clementine would never have learnt how to shoot a gun! He was honest, just like Jane, he didn't sugarcoated stuff.
Besides being voiced by one of my favorite VA's of all the time (#CissyJonesftw #CissyJonesforpresident) she was a smart yet loyal and human survivor.
Yeah... I got no-one to fill the 10th place. Shel was already stretching it too far.
Arvo is seen getting in the vehicle with them and that was a horrible piece of writing. I really wanted to ditch Arvo and I couldn't figure out why everyone was hating on Kenny for beating him. Arvo made big adult decisions and thus deserved punishment. Mike and Bonnie doomed Clementine and AJ when they took their supplies. Since Arvo is seen with them, they chose to take him with them. Ben was very dangerous, there was no more time to kick him to the curb. Nearly everything he did caused a death. I pretend that he fell off the tower for a quick death. Here's a list of people he screwed over indirectly. He didn't help his friend from the walkers. He didn't tell the group about bandits or his arrangement which caused the attack on the hotel which got Duck bit and Khatja committed suicide as a result. Ben froze and left Clementine to certain death. Ben took the hatchet from the door then got Brea killed. Ben pushed Lily overboard which got her exiled and my Carley dead (or Doug.) Ben wouldn't make it a day on his own and I couldn't risk him getting more people killed. He helped us more in death than in life by drawing walkers to him.
I disagree with Jane being better than Molly. Molly was a likable character, I couldn't stand Jane.
I didn't like 98% of the new characters in season 2.
Bonnie and Mike sides with him AFTER he shoots Clementine.
Nooo...they sided with him BEFORE he shoots Clementine--otherwise, he wou… moreldn't have had a gun! He bolts several seconds before they do, so who knows if they stayed together after that.
Do I hate that I let him die ? Yes. Was it necessary ? Yes.
Consistency! Seriously, tho, I don't think letting him die was really necessary, considering even he didn't think he should be a part of the group anymore. Just a kick to the curb would've sufficed.
She tried to be written like Molly, yet nope.
Which I guess means she's actually the better character.
Jane is a selfish, crazy person that hates groups and people in general.
Agreed. A bit absolute for my tastes, but I agree.
8-10. Rebecca and Luke.
The way I remember it, Arvo and Mike were standing by the pickup when Clementine confronts them. Bonnie was collecting the rest of the supplies, presumably from the house. Ergo, no one got in the vehicle. Arvo takes off immediately after shooting Clem, while Bonnie/Mike lingers to show distress over Clementine as Bonnie/Mike urges them to leave her.
Arvo is seen getting in the vehicle with them and that was a horrible piece of writing. I really wanted to ditch Arvo and I couldn't figure … moreout why everyone was hating on Kenny for beating him. Arvo made big adult decisions and thus deserved punishment. Mike and Bonnie doomed Clementine and AJ when they took their supplies. Since Arvo is seen with them, they chose to take him with them. Ben was very dangerous, there was no more time to kick him to the curb. Nearly everything he did caused a death. I pretend that he fell off the tower for a quick death. Here's a list of people he screwed over indirectly. He didn't help his friend from the walkers. He didn't tell the group about bandits or his arrangement which caused the attack on the hotel which got Duck bit and Khatja committed suicide as a result. Ben froze and left Clementine to certain death. Ben took the hatchet from the door then got Brea killed. Ben pushed Lily overboard which got her … [view original content]
I agree with this post so much. Luke kind of did own up to his mistakes though, unless you are referring to the incident with Jane, in which case I don't hold the act against him but the timing. Remember the conversation he has with Clementine in Episode 5? He laments at not being able to do more for his friends. @DabigRG here is a pretty good explanation of the Carver defense phenomena. ^
Favorite characters:
I was always fond of Lilly, even when I was a Kensplainer. She was fierce, strong willed, smart and caring. … moreI don't know why, but I seem to get fond of characters who see the PC (playable character) as someone to trust and rely on. Lilly relied and trusted on my Lee. With his help, she found out someone was stealing from the group. I also felt sympathy for her when she lost her dad. Just... fuck. Her life was destroyed in that moment. The last person she trusted was killed right in front of her face, without previous warning. This was when she started going downhill. It took her paranoid and that made her kill Carley. I relate to her in some aspects.
Just as Lilly, Jane trusted and relied on Clem. She was smart and caring. Instead of telling Clem to do stuff (like everyone else in this game) she actually did things with her. She passed her knowledge on many things. Unlike everyone else in Season 2 some… [view original content]
The way I remember it, Arvo and Mike were standing by the pickup when Clementine confronts them. Bonnie was collecting the rest of the suppl… moreies, presumably from the house. Ergo, no one got in the vehicle. Arvo takes off immediately after shooting Clem, while Bonnie/Mike lingers to show distress over Clementine as Bonnie/Mike urges them to leave her.
I really wanted to ditch Arvo and I couldn't figure out why everyone was hating on Kenny for beating him. Arvo made big adult decisions and thus deserved punishment. Mike and Bonnie doomed Clementine and AJ when they took their supplies.
Probably because enemy or not, Arvo is just some dumb handicapped kid being beat up by a hilariously racist man who's supposed to be a good guy--while tied up, no less! The boy already surrendered before the fight even really began, don't kick him while he's down just because he's a bit slow on the uptake.
See zombiebonnie's reply below on Mike and Bonnie.
Ben was very dangerous, there was no more time to kick him to the curb.
I disagree with Jane being better than Molly. Molly was a likable character, I couldn't stand Jane.
Oh, I don't disagree that Molly's more likable! Its just that the general consensus is that Molly is kind of a oneshot with Mary Sue-ish inklings, while Jane is a developed character who actually matters to the plot in the longrun.
I didn't like 98% of the new characters in season 2.
Which is why Rebecca and Luke count as three people....
Arvo is seen getting in the vehicle with them and that was a horrible piece of writing. I really wanted to ditch Arvo and I couldn't figure … moreout why everyone was hating on Kenny for beating him. Arvo made big adult decisions and thus deserved punishment. Mike and Bonnie doomed Clementine and AJ when they took their supplies. Since Arvo is seen with them, they chose to take him with them. Ben was very dangerous, there was no more time to kick him to the curb. Nearly everything he did caused a death. I pretend that he fell off the tower for a quick death. Here's a list of people he screwed over indirectly. He didn't help his friend from the walkers. He didn't tell the group about bandits or his arrangement which caused the attack on the hotel which got Duck bit and Khatja committed suicide as a result. Ben froze and left Clementine to certain death. Ben took the hatchet from the door then got Brea killed. Ben pushed Lily overboard which got her … [view original content]
Ah, well that actually makes a smidge of sense. My issue is that the Episode 3 Carver was pretty much who I thought he was from the moment I saw him. However, I will concede that his most interesting moments were in A House Divided.
Though I can't but laugh at the fact that the justification is essentially "Yeah he's evil, but he did win." Not picking on the guy there, but it was just a quirk.
I agree with this post so much. Luke kind of did own up to his mistakes though, unless you are referring to the incident with Jane, in whic… moreh case I don't hold the act against him but the timing. Remember the conversation he has with Clementine in Episode 5? He laments at not being able to do more for his friends. @DabigRG here is a pretty good explanation of the Carver defense phenomena. ^
Actually, I justified what he did in episode 2 with other reasons. He was hunting down Rebecca because she had his son and he killed Walter because Kenny, being the smartass he is, decided to shoot Johnny. An eye for an eye.
The 'he owned us part' was justifying why I think he's so awesome because he totally outsmarted and managed to kidnap our group of 8 people with mere 4 armed men (and one of them was killed early on). He used intimidation techniques to scare Rebecca out of her hiding (and Kenny later on).
Episode 3 Carver is another story. His character had a complete 180° and I condemn him for what he did to Reggie and Alvin (although Alvin did murder George).
Ah, well that actually makes a smidge of sense. My issue is that the Episode 3 Carver was pretty much who I thought he was from the moment I… more saw him. However, I will concede that his most interesting moments were in A House Divided.
Though I can't but laugh at the fact that the justification is essentially "Yeah he's evil, but he did win." Not picking on the guy there, but it was just a quirk.
Actually, I justified what he did in episode 2 with other reasons. He was hunting down Rebecca because she had his son and he killed Walter … morebecause Kenny, being the smartass he is, decided to shoot Johnny. An eye for an eye.
The 'he owned us part' was justifying why I think he's so awesome because he totally outsmarted and managed to kidnap our group of 8 people with mere 4 armed men (and one of them was killed early on). He used intimidation techniques to scare Rebecca out of her hiding (and Kenny later on).
Episode 3 Carver is another story. His character had a complete 180° and I condemn him for what he did to Reggie and Alvin (although Alvin did murder George).
That you kindly, sugar cube! Just about to reply about that!
Bonnie/Mike lingers to show distress over Clementine as Bonnie/Mike urges… more them to leave her
Bonnie: Bonnie, come on, we gotta go! She's a tough little girl--This is nothing a hot crackpipe won't solve.
Mike: Da jig is up, Mike! Every n!&&@ for himself! Just Leave da bitch!
I'm just sticking with those that stand out to me as ones I love and hate:
Bonnie and Mike equally, these top my list because I truly felt betrayed by people I thought I could trust, sure, there are more 'evil' characters, but we KNOW, their motivations. I was just left in pure anger with these two.
His character had a complete 180° and I condemn him for what he did to Reggie and Alvin (although Alvin did murder George).
Which never gets explained or expanded on, like many other things....
And Reggie was just proof that Carver is a petty psychopath and a terrible leader who kills a handicapped dude over some berries just to prove a point to Sarah.
Actually, I justified what he did in episode 2 with other reasons. He was hunting down Rebecca because she had his son and he killed Walter … morebecause Kenny, being the smartass he is, decided to shoot Johnny. An eye for an eye.
The 'he owned us part' was justifying why I think he's so awesome because he totally outsmarted and managed to kidnap our group of 8 people with mere 4 armed men (and one of them was killed early on). He used intimidation techniques to scare Rebecca out of her hiding (and Kenny later on).
Episode 3 Carver is another story. His character had a complete 180° and I condemn him for what he did to Reggie and Alvin (although Alvin did murder George).
I'm just sticking with those that stand out to me as ones I love and hate:
* Christa
* Lee
* Clementine
* Kenny
* Omid
* Carly
* … moreChuck
* Bonnie and Mike equally, these top my list because I truly felt betrayed by people I thought I could trust, sure, there are more 'evil' characters, but we KNOW, their motivations. I was just left in pure anger with these two.
* Arvo
* Lily
* St John family
I mean we know the obvious 'villain' motivations. Such as Carver.
Bonnie and Mike dogged us for seemingly no reason at all.
You misread me. I might've worded it wrong.
They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the opinions of anyone else in the group when making life or death decisions. I dunno, seems reason enough to me.
Carver didn't have any reason to kill Reggie, though. Not really.
I mean we know the obvious 'villain' motivations. Such as Carver.
Bonnie and Mike dogged us for seemingly no reason at all.
You misread me. I might've worded it wrong.
His character had a complete 180° and I condemn him for what he did to Reggie and Alvin (although Alvin did murder George).
Which ne… morever gets explained or expanded on, like many other things....
And Reggie was just proof that Carver is a petty psychopath and a terrible leader who kills a handicapped dude over some berries just to prove a point to Sarah.
They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the… more opinions of anyone else in the group when making life or death decisions. I dunno, seems reason enough to me.
Carver didn't have any reason to kill Reggie, though. Not really.
In my games Kenny is no racist ,you're thinking of Larry. How can Kenny be a racist if Arvo is also White ? In a life or death situation there are no kids or adults, just alive and dead. I agree with Kenny constantly. Luke and friends ruined Kenny's life and because of their cowardly ways ,got us all captured, some killed. They tried to use Clem as a spy and were babies. If I was Kenny, I would have beat up a kid like that also.
I really wanted to ditch Arvo and I couldn't figure out why everyone was hating on Kenny for beating him. Arvo made big adult decisions and … morethus deserved punishment. Mike and Bonnie doomed Clementine and AJ when they took their supplies.
Probably because enemy or not, Arvo is just some dumb handicapped kid being beat up by a hilariously racist man who's supposed to be a good guy--while tied up, no less! The boy already surrendered before the fight even really began, don't kick him while he's down just because he's a bit slow on the uptake.
See zombiebonnie's reply below on Mike and Bonnie.
Ben was very dangerous, there was no more time to kick him to the curb.
I disagree with Jane being better than Molly. Molly was a likable character, I couldn't stand Jane.
Oh, I don't disagree that Molly's more likable! Its just that the general consensus is that Molly is kind of a oneshot with Mary Sue-ish inklings, w… [view original content]
In my games Kenny is no racist ,you're thinking of Larry. How can Kenny be a racist if Arvo is also White ? In a life or death situation the… morere are no kids or adults, just alive and dead. I agree with Kenny constantly. Luke and friends ruined Kenny's life and because of their cowardly ways ,got us all captured, some killed. They tried to use Clem as a spy and were babies. If I was Kenny, I would have beat up a kid like that also.
I'm respectful of opinions and all but I disagree here. When Walter asks Kenny what his politics are he says that he's glad that politics are done. I don't hate Arvo for being Russian, I hate Arvo for nearly getting us killed. Imagine if in a third world country that you help a kid with money for food. They tell you to follow them to show you their parents. You get ambushed, beaten and robbed. You don't think of them as a kid anymore, but an enemy. That's what Arvo is, an evil version of Ben. Like Chuck says there are no kids. You're alive or dead. It was Jane's fault about the medicine, no one else's. Kenny is never shown to be a racist at all. Luke and friends caused Matthew, Sarita, and Walter's deaths. They used them all and that's why Kenny was under distress. Kenny already suffered from his families death, Lee, and he thought that he lost Clementine too. I've always viewed Luke and friends as useless cowards. This is my opinion.
How can Kenny be a racist if Arvo is also White ?
Because he's Russian? And Kenny's American?
Luke and friends ruined Kenny's … morelife...They tried to use Clem as a spy and were babies.
Not even gonna bother with this one because I can't logic right now.
I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Kenny, who threw out such loving words as"Russkie" and "Commie." Need I also remind you of the hilarious Urban scene?
Luke and friends caused Matthew, Sarita, and Walter's deaths. They used them all and that's why Kenny was under distress. Kenny already suffered from his families death, Lee, and he thought that he lost Clementine too.
Okay, I don't know if this is that Luke vs. Kenny debate I didn't get rearing up again, but I think there's some responsibility you're missing here: Matthew is the obvious one inclusion, but Walter and Sarita aren't really on the Cabin Groups' head. While I'm sure you're claiming their presence alone got the other two killed, that's more like poor timing combined with conflicting choices. Remember that Clementine is not only the reason their confrontation with Kenny came to an end, but its also what caused the Cabin Group to stick around on Walter's recommendation even though Carlos and Luke didn't want to stay for very long. Kinda hard for the Cabin Group to use Kenny when they didn't get along with them or even wanna stick around in the first place. Then the confusion involving Nick, Walter, Luke, and Kenny just made Carver's invasion even easier. As Clementine can determinately tell Bonnie, its everyone's fault.
I've always viewed Luke and friends as useless cowards. This is my opinion.
Calling the Cabin Group cowards is ignoring that they and the Ski Lodge Group have a mutual reason to be distressed: Carver! While it is true that Carver was after them, he chose to attack anyone he came across in his search, as implied when Clementine, Nick, and Pete find Roman and Victor and eventually Pete himself(determinant). If Clementine had stayed with Kenny without the Cabin Group around, Carver would've recognized her and probably would've kidnapped her and probably kill the no doubt protective Kenny. And even if none of them stayed behind, Bonnie still would've ignorantly scouted the area and Carver could've easily decided to attack the Ski Lodge just to be a dick. This is the guy who tortured Carlos in front of Sarah to fish Rebecca and Alvin out and killed Walter when Kenny killed Johnny: no way was anyone gonna be able to deal with him alone! Honestly, the only way they would've had a ghost of a chance is if Clementine, Alvin, and Luke could've teamed up with Kenny to scare Carver out into the open or if they could've cut off the Windmill and get inside as Carver approaches them so as to prepare to fight him to the last.
I'm respectful of opinions and all but I disagree here. When Walter asks Kenny what his politics are he says that he's glad that politics ar… moree done. I don't hate Arvo for being Russian, I hate Arvo for nearly getting us killed. Imagine if in a third world country that you help a kid with money for food. They tell you to follow them to show you their parents. You get ambushed, beaten and robbed. You don't think of them as a kid anymore, but an enemy. That's what Arvo is, an evil version of Ben. Like Chuck says there are no kids. You're alive or dead. It was Jane's fault about the medicine, no one else's. Kenny is never shown to be a racist at all. Luke and friends caused Matthew, Sarita, and Walter's deaths. They used them all and that's why Kenny was under distress. Kenny already suffered from his families death, Lee, and he thought that he lost Clementine too. I've always viewed Luke and friends as useless cowards. This is my opinion.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I fail to see how you formed these opinions. It's OK to like Kenny, but he is by no means blameless. Luke actually formulated a plan for escaping the hardware store. It wasn't the best but was certainly better than Kenny's idea of taking on armed guards single-handedly. I agree with you that Jane robbing Arvo was the catalyst for a lot of the crap that happened later. Arvo clearly was not the decision maker of his group though, and to beat someone who is defenseless is cruel and not really justifiable considering Arvo hadn't directly harmed anyone in our group. Kenny's losses shaped him to be who he was, and it wasn't pretty. I understand but I don't excuse his actions. Nick caused Matthew's death true, but Walter is on Kenny for not thinking things through. He did not have the advantage in the hostage situation to start shooting first and asking questions later. Sarita death was caused by unfortunate circumstances, what with Carlos getting shot, and the others having to break cover to protect a hysterical Sarah.
I'm respectful of opinions and all but I disagree here. When Walter asks Kenny what his politics are he says that he's glad that politics ar… moree done. I don't hate Arvo for being Russian, I hate Arvo for nearly getting us killed. Imagine if in a third world country that you help a kid with money for food. They tell you to follow them to show you their parents. You get ambushed, beaten and robbed. You don't think of them as a kid anymore, but an enemy. That's what Arvo is, an evil version of Ben. Like Chuck says there are no kids. You're alive or dead. It was Jane's fault about the medicine, no one else's. Kenny is never shown to be a racist at all. Luke and friends caused Matthew, Sarita, and Walter's deaths. They used them all and that's why Kenny was under distress. Kenny already suffered from his families death, Lee, and he thought that he lost Clementine too. I've always viewed Luke and friends as useless cowards. This is my opinion.
They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the opinions of anyone else in the group when making life or death decisions. I dunno, seems reason enough to me.
Jane is a murderous psychopath. We know.
Carver didn't have any reason to kill Reggie, though. Not really.
We knew Carver was a psychopath from the very beginning, him killing Reggie for no reason wasn't a surprise at all, sure, it was shocking, but not surprising. That's Carvers character.
Mike was with us the whole time, didn't give two shits Arvo shot Clementine, ran off like the coward he was. Instead, some 'child beater' (wink wink) helped her, as he always does, and always will. Because he is God, and has a nice moustache.
The other ranga chick, was a good mate one moment, then a lying bitch the next. She was bipolar. No question.
Mike and Bonnie basically MURDERED Clementine. I am entirely sure at least Mike will be the antagonist in Season 3, he is Hitler in the flesh.
These are my reasons why Mike and Bonnie are my most hated characters. Hope you enjoyed.
They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the… more opinions of anyone else in the group when making life or death decisions. I dunno, seems reason enough to me.
Carver didn't have any reason to kill Reggie, though. Not really.
We knew Carver was a psychopath from the very beginning, him killing Reggie for no reason wasn't a surprise at all, sure, it was shocking, but not surprising. That's Carvers character.
Meh. I disagree. Everything Carver had done afterwards had a reason, at least. Getting his baby back, payback from losing a member of his community, enforcing respect, etc. Killing Reggie just felt random and stupid. That's when Carver's character gave a 180º and turned into a psychopath.
Mike was with us the whole time, didn't give two shits Arvo shot Clementine, ran off like the coward he was.
Actually, he approaches Clem after she's shot by Arvo. He only leaves because '''''Jane''''' came. As you may imagine, had they stood there and '''''Jane''''' would murder them on the spot.
helped her, as he always does,
Hahahahaha. Lmao. 'Oh, Lee. Just because you didn't kill Ben, I'm not going to help you look out for that little girl ; ) Later, bitchh.' Shows how much '''''Jane''''' cares for Clementine. But yeahhhh, he totally helps her everytime. He's totally not a selfish bastard.
The other ranga chick, was a good mate one moment, then a lying bitch the next. She was bipolar. No question.
That's the best analysation I've seen of Bonnie so far. 10/10. Very depthful.
Mike and Bonnie basically MURDERED Clementine.
HAHAHAHA. Sure, dude, sure. Tell that to yourself until it becomes reality.
They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the… more opinions of anyone else in the group when making life or death decisions. I dunno, seems reason enough to me.
Jane is a murderous psychopath. We know.
Carver didn't have any reason to kill Reggie, though. Not really.
We knew Carver was a psychopath from the very beginning, him killing Reggie for no reason wasn't a surprise at all, sure, it was shocking, but not surprising. That's Carvers character.
Mike was with us the whole time, didn't give two shits Arvo shot Clementine, ran off like the coward he was. Instead, some 'child beater' (wink wink) helped her, as he always does, and always will. Because he is God, and has a nice moustache.
The other ranga chick, was a good mate one moment, then a lying bitch the next. She was bipolar. No question.
Mike and Bonnie basically MURDERED … [view original content]
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Juice Box (Juice Box Lives!)
4. N8 (The hero we deserve)
5. Jane
6. Chuck
7. Omid
8. Luke
9. Katja
10. Lilly
1. Kenneth (just awful)
2. Arvo
3. Bonnie (Never trust a junkie)
4. Mike
5. Nick
6. The Stranger
7. Carver (ep 3, episode 2 Carver was freaking awesome)
8. Sarah (ugh, good job TTG)
9. Ben
10. Becca
I would like to put Javier on the hated list, but I guess that's unfair.
1. Clemy (<3)
2. Lee
3. Kenny
4. Katja
5. Alvin (elder)
6. Omid
7. Christa
8. Chuk
9. Carley
10. Mark
1. Jane (hated)
2. Troy
3. Stranger
4. Michell (she killed Omid)
5. Arvo
6. Carver
7. Larry
8. Vernon
9. Bonnie
10. Luke
I either found them to be boring, annoying or just downright unlikeable.
I sense trolling here.
No. You know people can actually like and dislike certain characters.
But not these.
Naah.. Just kidding, like whatever you want
I would/will for Jane, Bonnie, and Luke, but not Michelle, dude!
...That would be the other thread if he said he liked her.
I'd say my top 10 favorite list is.
1) Lee Everett (Obviously)
2) Clementine
3) Kenny
4) Chuck (Charles if you're fancy)
5) Carley
6) Omid
7) Mike
8) Luke
9) Molly
10) Peter Joseph Randall (A.K.A. Pete from Season 2)
My top 10 disliked characters (I wouldn't say "Hated")
1) Stranger
2) Carver
3) Larry
4) Troy
5) Danny St. John
6) Brenda St. John
7) Michelle (You expected Andy St. John huh? nah, I like this one!)
8) Bonnie
9) Jane
10) CL4P-TP (A.K.A. Claptrap - You didn't expect him to be here too right?)
1: Clementime
2 Lee
3: Luke
4: Kenny
5: Carley
6: Omid
7: Pete
8: Rebecca
9: Chuck
10: Jane
1: Larry
2: Arvo
3: Lilly
4: Ben
5: Duck
6 Carver
7: Clem's Kidnapper
8: Mike
9: Nick
10: Bonnie
(These are not in order)
The Stranger?
My favorites are
Lee. Lee was the perfect everyday man. He is humble, timid, caring, uses the outbreak as a second chance of life. To amend for the death of a man before the outbreak he watches over Clementine to cope with the loss of his family and wife. He views her as his daughter, though tells people that he is a family babysitter to avoid hassle from them. He is known to try to do the right thing and stands up to people when he has to. In my game he is best friend and adopted brother to Kenny. Lee had to knock sense into Kenny to avoid any more bite victims after he gave Kenny and Khatja enough time. Lee eventually becomes leader of the group and in my game he is strong, having beat up Kenny and Molly. Lee puts the group before others, including himself. He chooses to not shoot a woman in the street to protect Kenny and the group. He steals from a car, believing it to be abandoned. He wants to protect Clementine and tells Kenny that he needs to watch over her. When he goes missing, Lee gives Clementine to Christa and Omid. Lee does not let Clementine shoot him in fear of walkers and her safety. I let Ben fall from the tower as he caused too much death. He would serve better as bait to lure walkers away. Lee is the perfect person that you would want in an apocalypse.
Clementine. She goes from an 8 year old to a grown up 11 year old. Clementine is the polar opposite of Sarah, so it's a good thing that Lee listened to Chuck. Clementine in my game listens to Kenny and Lee without question as both are honest with her. It's a dark world and honesty and family are all that matters anymore. She has saved many people over the years with her courage and marksmanship. She has killed many walkers to the surprise of Carver. Carver wishes to make Clementine his protégé, Clementine plays along while trying to free her group. Clementine follows in Lee's footsteps and tries to live up to his wishes in my game.
Kenny. Kenny is a stubborn and brash man. Kenny always tries to do the right thing and stands up for his beliefs. He has shown to protect his family and friends without caring much about himself. Lee sees Kenny and his family as good people and Lee and Kenny become great friends. Lee threatened to beat up Larry when he suggested the killing of Duck. Lee agreed that Kenny was right about the killing of Larry as he had no more heart medicine. Kenny lost everything, including Lee until he finds Clementine again and he marries Sarita, his second wife. Kenny is incredibly intelligent and a perfectionist. He is sometimes loud when arguing with people that doubt him. He shoots Andy in the shoulder to protect Lee and thanks Lee for saving his wife and son a few times. Kenny loses Sarita and goes into another deep depression until Clementine brings him back. Kenny hates the group that Clementine is in and calls it dead weight, only staying to protect her. Kenny becomes the adopted father of AJ and considers Clementine a niece. He has a new lease on life after Clementine sides with him after deciding to reject Wellington. Kenny is sometimes misunderstood, yet Clementine knows about his past and his desire to protect those that he loves.
Chuck the Hobo. Chuck isn't in Season 1 long but his short time is powerful. He tells Lee that to shelter Clementine is a death sentence for her by walkers. He tells Lee to train her with gun use and to cut her hair to avoid being grabbed. When Ben abandons Clementine to walkers, Chuck saves her and tells the others that he will distract the walkers. He is seen later as being dead. Chuck serves as a reminder that there are still good people in the world.
Molly. She's cool and has a great back story. She has trust issues, yet is loyal and caring. She turns down my offer to stay in my group.
Carley. In my story, her and Lee became close, very close. She was killed by Lilly.
Doug. Caring and nice.
People I don't like.
Arvo. This was a horrible character to have in the game. Bonnie and Mike sides with him AFTER he shoots Clementine. Horrible monsters, plus he got Luke killed and nearly the entire group also due to Jane.
Larry. Yes I dislike him more than Carver. He hates Lee no matter what and left Lee for dead, yet he stays in the group still. That doesn't make any sense. I agreed with Kenny that he had to die to protect everyone in the locker from a strong walker. He is shown to be a coward and blames everyone for his mistakes.
Ben. This guy was very stupid, though not evil. He got many people killed and I viewed him as a threat that had to die in the bell tower. This boy is 17 or 18 and is a burden. Do I hate that I let him die ? Yes. Was it necessary ? Yes. He had many chances and enough was enough. Lee, Kenny, and Christa all voted against him joining on the boat and so he was already doomed and dead.
Lilly. A hypocrite that hates Kenny and Lee. We should have got rid of her long ago to avoid fallout. After she shoots Carley, we left her. She was too far gone.
Carver. He was poorly written and what a shame as he had potential. He hurt Kenny and his group and took out an eye of Kenny's. Kenny kills him slowly.
Jane. She tried to be written like Molly, yet nope. Jane is a selfish, crazy person that hates groups and people in general. She is a coward and pushes Kenny into fighting her, I had Kenny's back though.
Nick. Ben 2.0
8-10. Luke, Carlos, and Troy..
Nooo...they sided with him BEFORE he shoots Clementine--otherwise, he wouldn't have had a gun! He bolts several seconds before they do, so who knows if they stayed together after that.
Consistency! Seriously, tho, I don't think letting him die was really necessary, considering even he didn't think he should be a part of the group anymore. Just a kick to the curb would've sufficed.
Which I guess means she's actually the better character.
Agreed. A bit absolute for my tastes, but I agree.
Favorite characters:
I was always fond of Lilly, even when I was a Kensplainer. She was fierce, strong willed, smart and caring. I don't know why, but I seem to get fond of characters who see the PC (playable character) as someone to trust and rely on. Lilly relied and trusted on my Lee. With his help, she found out someone was stealing from the group. I also felt sympathy for her when she lost her dad. Just... fuck. Her life was destroyed in that moment. The last person she trusted was killed right in front of her face, without previous warning. This was when she started going downhill. It took her paranoid and that made her kill Carley. I relate to her in some aspects.
Just as Lilly, Jane trusted and relied on Clem. She was smart and caring. Instead of telling Clem to do stuff (like everyone else in this game) she actually did things with her. She passed her knowledge on many things. Unlike everyone else in Season 2 some survivors, she knew what she was doing. Relatable. Her honesty also deserves to be praised. No matter how much Clem liked someone, if that someone had a problem, Jane would tell her straight away. Jane though one of her friends was going nuts? Jane would tell her, no matter how much she liked that friend.
Carver (EP2) (not to be confused with EP3 Carver!)
Extremely good antagonist. Intimidating, smart and a good leader. He was the antagonist we needed. We wasn't just some tyrant (like most TWD vilains), he was actually justified on what he did. He only hunt down the group because he wanted (what he believed to be) his baby back. He killed Walter because some genius decided that starting shooting in an hostage situation was a good idea. An eye for an eye.
Not to mention that I look up to the man. Sure, he was brutal; he beat, he tortured, he intimidated and he threatened, but in the end he got what he wanted and, lets be honest, he owned our group.
Not much to say here. Clementine is me. I felt like I was able to make her what I wanted her to be something that I didn't felt while playing as Lee (that had kinda predetermined characteristics). In short, my Clem has a bit of Lilly, Jane and even a bit of (EP2!!!) Carver on her.
Bonnie is flawed, but so is everyone. The most relatable character to me. She wanted to do what was right but just.. couldn't. She admited her 'mistakes', a thing many characters lack coughKennycoughLukecough*everyone. She had a positive relationship with my Clem until the end and that made her rely on me. She resembles me of a sloppy Lilly. It's hard to explain why but she was, for a long time, my favourite Season 2 character. I hope we see her again and I will never forgive Telltale for making her determinant. I was so bummed out after finding out.
Christa was... bitter to say the least. She was rude, defensive, and din't trust us easily at first. In shorter words, she was smart. As the season kept progressing, though, she grew on me and I grew on her. By the end of the Season she was sad to see my Lee go and volunteered to take care of Clementine. She helped me look out for her (I can't say the same for some other characters). She was also the only person smart and sensible enough to question why THE FUCK WERE THEY IN A CITY FILLED WITH WALKERS INSTEAD OF THE FUCKING REMOTE COUNTRYSIDE. Jeez.
Diplomatic, strong, smart, intimidating. That woman knew what she was doing. She was a pure leader. A leader who cared mora about her people than some personal silly revenge. She knew how to look at the bigger picture. In order to prevent the loss of more lives, she was able to forgive the people who burnt her whole fucking community. How's that not impressive? That requires a lot of self control. I admire her for that. I also felt sympathy for her (for obvious reasons).
Wise and selfless. He wasn't only smart, he seemed reliable and strong. He was someone you'd want to have by your side in the apocalypse. Had he not been there and Clementine would never have learnt how to shoot a gun! He was honest, just like Jane, he didn't sugarcoated stuff.
Besides being voiced by one of my favorite VA's of all the time (#CissyJonesftw #CissyJonesforpresident) she was a smart yet loyal and human survivor.
Yeah... I got no-one to fill the 10th place. Shel was already stretching it too far.
Ugh, I'll do the hated later.
Arvo is seen getting in the vehicle with them and that was a horrible piece of writing. I really wanted to ditch Arvo and I couldn't figure out why everyone was hating on Kenny for beating him. Arvo made big adult decisions and thus deserved punishment. Mike and Bonnie doomed Clementine and AJ when they took their supplies. Since Arvo is seen with them, they chose to take him with them. Ben was very dangerous, there was no more time to kick him to the curb. Nearly everything he did caused a death. I pretend that he fell off the tower for a quick death. Here's a list of people he screwed over indirectly. He didn't help his friend from the walkers. He didn't tell the group about bandits or his arrangement which caused the attack on the hotel which got Duck bit and Khatja committed suicide as a result. Ben froze and left Clementine to certain death. Ben took the hatchet from the door then got Brea killed. Ben pushed Lily overboard which got her exiled and my Carley dead (or Doug.) Ben wouldn't make it a day on his own and I couldn't risk him getting more people killed. He helped us more in death than in life by drawing walkers to him.
I disagree with Jane being better than Molly. Molly was a likable character, I couldn't stand Jane.
I didn't like 98% of the new characters in season 2.
The way I remember it, Arvo and Mike were standing by the pickup when Clementine confronts them. Bonnie was collecting the rest of the supplies, presumably from the house. Ergo, no one got in the vehicle. Arvo takes off immediately after shooting Clem, while Bonnie/Mike lingers to show distress over Clementine as Bonnie/Mike urges them to leave her.
I agree with this post so much.
Luke kind of did own up to his mistakes though, unless you are referring to the incident with Jane, in which case I don't hold the act against him but the timing. Remember the conversation he has with Clementine in Episode 5? He laments at not being able to do more for his friends. @DabigRG here is a pretty good explanation of the Carver defense phenomena. ^
That you kindly, sugar cube! Just about to reply about that!
Bonnie: Bonnie, come on, we gotta go! She's a tough little girl--This is nothing a hot crackpipe won't solve.
Mike: Da jig is up, Mike! Every n!&&@ for himself! Just Leave da bitch!
Probably because enemy or not, Arvo is just some dumb handicapped kid being beat up by a hilariously racist man who's supposed to be a good guy--while tied up, no less! The boy already surrendered before the fight even really began, don't kick him while he's down just because he's a bit slow on the uptake.
See zombiebonnie's reply below on Mike and Bonnie.
Oh, I don't disagree that Molly's more likable! Its just that the general consensus is that Molly is kind of a oneshot with Mary Sue-ish inklings, while Jane is a developed character who actually matters to the plot in the longrun.
Which is why Rebecca and Luke count as three people....
Ah, well that actually makes a smidge of sense. My issue is that the Episode 3 Carver was pretty much who I thought he was from the moment I saw him. However, I will concede that his most interesting moments were in A House Divided.
Though I can't but laugh at the fact that the justification is essentially "Yeah he's evil, but he did win." Not picking on the guy there, but it was just a quirk.
Actually, I justified what he did in episode 2 with other reasons. He was hunting down Rebecca because she had his son and he killed Walter because Kenny, being the smartass he is, decided to shoot Johnny. An eye for an eye.
The 'he owned us part' was justifying why I think he's so awesome because he totally outsmarted and managed to kidnap our group of 8 people with mere 4 armed men (and one of them was killed early on). He used intimidation techniques to scare Rebecca out of her hiding (and Kenny later on).
Episode 3 Carver is another story. His character had a complete 180° and I condemn him for what he did to Reggie and Alvin (although Alvin did murder George).
I assumed(and kinda hope) that you meant he won, not that we're property.
You assumed right.
Mike: [distressed] But Clementine--
Mike: Ain't no time for Clementine!
Mike: We have to stay. I'm not going. Not if we can help!
Mike: Stay and Kenny will beat you to a pulp for letting this happen.
Mike: Fuck, man, you're right. [runs away]
I'm just sticking with those that stand out to me as ones I love and hate:
:laughing: Well, they do look pretty similar.:
Which never gets explained or expanded on, like many other things....
And Reggie was just proof that Carver is a petty psychopath and a terrible leader who kills a handicapped dude over some berries just to prove a point to Sarah.
Do we?
I mean we get some explanation, but still.
I mean we know the obvious 'villain' motivations. Such as Carver.
Bonnie and Mike dogged us for seemingly no reason at all.
You misread me. I might've worded it wrong.
Oh okay. There are other threads where I post my thoughts on that situation, so feel free to find them.
They decided to leave the group because they didn't want to be in the same group as a psychopath who beat kids for fun and couldn't hear the opinions of anyone else in the group when making life or death decisions. I dunno, seems reason enough to me.
Carver didn't have any reason to kill Reggie, though. Not really.
Hence me highlighting that I was talking about EP2!!!! Carver...
Other than holding a grudge, really. And even that wasn't very relevant anymore, barring the Sarah comment I made above.
In my games Kenny is no racist ,you're thinking of Larry. How can Kenny be a racist if Arvo is also White ? In a life or death situation there are no kids or adults, just alive and dead. I agree with Kenny constantly. Luke and friends ruined Kenny's life and because of their cowardly ways ,got us all captured, some killed. They tried to use Clem as a spy and were babies. If I was Kenny, I would have beat up a kid like that also.
Because he's Russian? And Kenny's American?
Not even gonna bother with this one because I can't logic right now.
I'm respectful of opinions and all but I disagree here. When Walter asks Kenny what his politics are he says that he's glad that politics are done. I don't hate Arvo for being Russian, I hate Arvo for nearly getting us killed. Imagine if in a third world country that you help a kid with money for food. They tell you to follow them to show you their parents. You get ambushed, beaten and robbed. You don't think of them as a kid anymore, but an enemy. That's what Arvo is, an evil version of Ben. Like Chuck says there are no kids. You're alive or dead. It was Jane's fault about the medicine, no one else's. Kenny is never shown to be a racist at all. Luke and friends caused Matthew, Sarita, and Walter's deaths. They used them all and that's why Kenny was under distress. Kenny already suffered from his families death, Lee, and he thought that he lost Clementine too. I've always viewed Luke and friends as useless cowards. This is my opinion.
I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about Kenny, who threw out such loving words as"Russkie" and "Commie." Need I also remind you of the hilarious Urban scene?
Okay, I don't know if this is that Luke vs. Kenny debate I didn't get rearing up again, but I think there's some responsibility you're missing here: Matthew is the obvious one inclusion, but Walter and Sarita aren't really on the Cabin Groups' head. While I'm sure you're claiming their presence alone got the other two killed, that's more like poor timing combined with conflicting choices. Remember that Clementine is not only the reason their confrontation with Kenny came to an end, but its also what caused the Cabin Group to stick around on Walter's recommendation even though Carlos and Luke didn't want to stay for very long. Kinda hard for the Cabin Group to use Kenny when they didn't get along with them or even wanna stick around in the first place. Then the confusion involving Nick, Walter, Luke, and Kenny just made Carver's invasion even easier. As Clementine can determinately tell Bonnie, its everyone's fault.
Calling the Cabin Group cowards is ignoring that they and the Ski Lodge Group have a mutual reason to be distressed: Carver! While it is true that Carver was after them, he chose to attack anyone he came across in his search, as implied when Clementine, Nick, and Pete find Roman and Victor and eventually Pete himself(determinant). If Clementine had stayed with Kenny without the Cabin Group around, Carver would've recognized her and probably would've kidnapped her and probably kill the no doubt protective Kenny. And even if none of them stayed behind, Bonnie still would've ignorantly scouted the area and Carver could've easily decided to attack the Ski Lodge just to be a dick. This is the guy who tortured Carlos in front of Sarah to fish Rebecca and Alvin out and killed Walter when Kenny killed Johnny: no way was anyone gonna be able to deal with him alone! Honestly, the only way they would've had a ghost of a chance is if Clementine, Alvin, and Luke could've teamed up with Kenny to scare Carver out into the open or if they could've cut off the Windmill and get inside as Carver approaches them so as to prepare to fight him to the last.
I don't mean to be disrespectful, but I fail to see how you formed these opinions. It's OK to like Kenny, but he is by no means blameless. Luke actually formulated a plan for escaping the hardware store. It wasn't the best but was certainly better than Kenny's idea of taking on armed guards single-handedly. I agree with you that Jane robbing Arvo was the catalyst for a lot of the crap that happened later. Arvo clearly was not the decision maker of his group though, and to beat someone who is defenseless is cruel and not really justifiable considering Arvo hadn't directly harmed anyone in our group. Kenny's losses shaped him to be who he was, and it wasn't pretty. I understand but I don't excuse his actions. Nick caused Matthew's death true, but Walter is on Kenny for not thinking things through. He did not have the advantage in the hostage situation to start shooting first and asking questions later. Sarita death was caused by unfortunate circumstances, what with Carlos getting shot, and the others having to break cover to protect a hysterical Sarah.
Jane is a murderous psychopath. We know.
We knew Carver was a psychopath from the very beginning, him killing Reggie for no reason wasn't a surprise at all, sure, it was shocking, but not surprising. That's Carvers character.
Mike was with us the whole time, didn't give two shits Arvo shot Clementine, ran off like the coward he was. Instead, some 'child beater' (wink wink) helped her, as he always does, and always will. Because he is God, and has a nice moustache.
The other ranga chick, was a good mate one moment, then a lying bitch the next. She was bipolar. No question.
Mike and Bonnie basically MURDERED Clementine. I am entirely sure at least Mike will be the antagonist in Season 3, he is Hitler in the flesh.
These are my reasons why Mike and Bonnie are my most hated characters. Hope you enjoyed.
Meh. I disagree. Everything Carver had done afterwards had a reason, at least. Getting his baby back, payback from losing a member of his community, enforcing respect, etc. Killing Reggie just felt random and stupid. That's when Carver's character gave a 180º and turned into a psychopath.
Actually, he approaches Clem after she's shot by Arvo. He only leaves because '''''Jane''''' came. As you may imagine, had they stood there and '''''Jane''''' would murder them on the spot.
Hahahahaha. Lmao. 'Oh, Lee. Just because you didn't kill Ben, I'm not going to help you look out for that little girl ; ) Later, bitchh.' Shows how much '''''Jane''''' cares for Clementine. But yeahhhh, he totally helps her everytime. He's totally not a selfish bastard.
That's the best analysation I've seen of Bonnie so far. 10/10. Very depthful.
HAHAHAHA. Sure, dude, sure. Tell that to yourself until it becomes reality.
I had a good laugh, that's for sure!
1. Clementine
2. Lee
3. Juice Box (Juice Box Lives!)
4. N8 (The hero we deserve)
5. Jane
6. Chuck
7. Omid
8. Luke
9. Katja
10. Lilly
1. Kenneth (just awful)
2. Arvo
3. Bonnie (Never trust a junkie)
4. Mike
5. Nick
6. The Stranger
7. Carver (ep 3, episode 2 Carver was freaking awesome)
8. Sarah (ugh, good job TTG)
9. Ben
10. Becca
I would like to put Javier on the hated list, but I guess that's unfair.