The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I have blood phobia.

  • I was just posing for selfies by my back window for 10 mins then I realised there was a surveyor in the garden like 3 feet away cringe

  • Just finished this masterpiece....I'm speechless and sad that it's over. I don't know what to do with my life now...

  • As long as they're the fully-clothed kind, I don't think you have to worry. He was probably thinking, "Oh, another selfie taker. I've never seen any of that going on in my surveying job!"

    I was just posing for selfies by my back window for 10 mins then I realised there was a surveyor in the garden like 3 feet away cringe

  • Leave your stupid Youtube memes out of this forum.

    Why what? It was a joke on how Scarce, while a cool guy himself, makes horribly bland content.

  • Sure, as soon as you quit being a dick and telling me what I can and cannot post, I'll talk all of my YouTube memes to 4chan and share them with the subhuman waste that reside on that site.

    papai46 posted: »

    Leave your stupid Youtube memes out of this forum.

  • My school played this during assembly today.

  • I haven't been able to go to church regularly since I was about 5ish (am now 15) because my dad doesn't trust the churches in our area (very corrupt pastors, unfortunately), but I really want to go to church. I went to a Baptist church back when I used to visit my grandparents during the summer, but those trips only lasted about 3 or 4 weeks.

    Actually, I honestly don't even know what kind of Protestant church I'd go to - my parents were both raised Baptist, and I went to a Baptist school when I was younger, but my sister goes to a Presbyterian school and my parents are doing their best to raise her with a mix of Baptist and Presbyterian, but there are differences in the beliefs.

    I just feel like I'm missing out on a lot when it comes to being religious.

  • It's one of the worst season ever one, Emmys doesn't surprise me in their choices of popularity.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Just finished watching the Emmy Awards. Wow, Game of Thrones got alot of awards.

  • Ah, well I don't know this Scarce guy. Is that bad?

    Why what? It was a joke on how Scarce, while a cool guy himself, makes horribly bland content.

  • Let's not personally insult other users, please.

    Sure, as soon as you quit being a dick and telling me what I can and cannot post, I'll talk all of my YouTube memes to 4chan and share them with the subhuman waste that reside on that site.

  • If Naughty Dog"s not doing TLOU 2 then I wonder what their next game is going to be...

    There has been very minor talk about a sci-fi game, and they might base it on the comic book series that Ellie reads in TLOU, called Savage Starlight. You can also see movies posters for Savage Starlight in TLOU and also in Uncharted 4.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    I took a quick look (Haven't played the original yet so I didn't want to come across any spoilers) and I think that might be fake, but I don't know for sure. If Naughty Dog"s not doing TLOU 2 then I wonder what their next game is going to be...

  • I don't know what to do with my life now...

    Maybe watch Better Call Saul? I don't think it's as amazing as Breaking Bad, but it is still really good.

    Just finished this masterpiece....I'm speechless and sad that it's over. I don't know what to do with my life now...

  • Agreed.

    Euron posted: »

    It's one of the worst season ever one, Emmys doesn't surprise me in their choices of popularity.

  • To be fair, I was personally insulting people on 4chan. Yes, I did call Papai a dick which is a bit of a, no pun intended, dick move, but honestly I call everyone a dick whether I'm insulting them or not. But I do see where my comment can be taken seriously, so I will refrain from saying rude things to other users.

    Let's not personally insult other users, please.

  • He's Keemstar, but less entertaining. He's much more bearable of course, but he's not as funny as Keem (funny meaning his shit is so bad it's hilarious.)

    Scarce reports on news, and while he's rarely biased and talks about most of the important stuff, he's boring as fuck.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ah, well I don't know this Scarce guy. Is that bad?

  • Ah, the dankest british meme in the book.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My school played this during assembly today.

  • Ok, just looked up one of his videos, I kinds see what you mean... I think.
    enter image description here

    He's Keemstar, but less entertaining. He's much more bearable of course, but he's not as funny as Keem (funny meaning his shit is so bad it'

  • Yeah, luckily he's striving to take criticisms to heart and improve his channel though.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ok, just looked up one of his videos, I kinds see what you mean... I think.

  • Haven't heard anything like that before lol. But if I do go awhile without posting, It'll be because the internet connection out here is shit, not aliens.

    I'm not joking. I'll get four bars in the countryside, but the internet sometimes fails completely in Bairnsdale.

    I heard there is alot of paranormal activity in those types of places in oz have you seen any ufos or heard any strange sounds

  • edited September 2016

    You mean that you started in West Gippsland, and not Gippsland in Western Victoria? Because Gippsland itself is in Eastern Victoria.

    By the way. Welcome to our shithole of a town: the ice capital of East Gippsland.

    So to explain my absence on this forum, I've been travelling around Gippsland (western Victoria) with my dad since the school holidays start

  • edited September 2016

    I'm not joking. I'll get four bars in the countryside, but the internet sometimes fails completely in Bairnsdale.

    Sounds about right. Quite odd, given that Bairnsdale is a massive commercial town (by East Gippsland standards).

    Haven't heard anything like that before lol. But if I do go awhile without posting, It'll be because the internet connection out here is shi

  • Can't sleep and I'm in too much pain to work. Might as well binge watch literally every episode of Night Mind.

    ...Except for This House Has People In It Explained... Fuck the pink monster dude, that shit is terrifying.

  • Yeah, I think you're right. I get east and west mixed up all the time.

    Now that I've got it straight, we went around the other side of the state in September last year. We sae the 12 Apostles, and visited Swan Hill, Beechworth and Marysville. We live on the other side of the state (not disclosing the actual suburb), so we had to go across the city. So to simplify this, I live on whatever side of the state Bairnsdale is on.

    Currently staying just outside of Paynesville (think that's how it's spelt) and this is our fourth day. We'll make our way home along the coast on the last day. If there's a highlight, it's the Motor Museum in Maffra. Really good collection of cars there.

    You mean that you started in West Gippsland, and not Gippsland in Western Victoria? Because Gippsland itself is in Eastern Victoria. By the way. Welcome to our shithole of a town: the ice capital of East Gippsland.

  • Just saw a guy on the news who is waiting for a new body so he can have his head transplanted onto it!!

    The weirdest thing though is he will be frozen to -15c before being transplanted which proves cryo isn't a myth and basically confirms walt disney and hitler are waiting on the third reich, thats right you heard it here people.

  • He was derpy af tbh.

    Can't sleep and I'm in too much pain to work. Might as well binge watch literally every episode of Night Mind. ...Except for This House Has People In It Explained... Fuck the pink monster dude, that shit is terrifying.

  • I strongly disagree. I cannot deal with lifeless eyes, they're just so fucking sickening to me, and that kid had them. He had seen some serious shit. And not to mention the scene before the end of the video where he was in the fUCKING MIRROR. Dude I swear to fuck I nearly threw up at that. All of that fucked up shit and just when you think the rollercoaster is over and they're moving the camera there he is in the fucking mirror and holy fuck. I had a fucking panic attack seeing it.

    papai46 posted: »

    He was derpy af tbh.

  • Wait, Hitler was frozen? I thought he committed suicide and when they found him they burnt his body?

    Just saw a guy on the news who is waiting for a new body so he can have his head transplanted onto it!! The weirdest thing though is he w

  • OMG, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are getting divorced?

  • For those interested, the Episode 1 Waiting Thread for Walking Dead: A New Frontier (Season 3) is up.


    this is the dankest big meme we brits have ever made

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    My school played this during assembly today.


    ZapThroat posted: »

    OMG, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are getting divorced?

  • edited September 2016

    You know how people always talk about how "cliche" and "stupid" diaries are?

    I highly recommend them, honestly. Either that, or talking to yourself. For 2 weeks, I've been writing diary entries almost every night... I feel a lot more relieved. I feel much more at ease, like I've gotten this huge weight off of my chest. I mean, the problems don't go away, but I feel like the worst thoughts are at least starting to. I feel better.

  • enter image description here

    For those interested, the Episode 1 Waiting Thread for Walking Dead: A New Frontier (Season 3) is up.

  • I know what you mean. I started writing about my anxiety issues and it did feel like a relief.

    You know how people always talk about how "cliche" and "stupid" diaries are? I highly recommend them, honestly. Either that, or talking t

  • It isnt known for sure that Hitler actually died there were a few dead doppelgangers in the bunker they just assumed one had to be the real him he very well could have escaped we wont ever know for sure because there is no dna evidence.

    Acheive250 posted: »

    Wait, Hitler was frozen? I thought he committed suicide and when they found him they burnt his body?

  • ZapThroat posted: »

    OMG, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are getting divorced?

  • edited September 2016

    Me, Angelina and Brad were the best celebrity couple to me.

  • edited September 2016

    I have been hoping to go to the Maffra Motor Museum for some time myself. I hope you find it well for you.

    Yeah, I think you're right. I get east and west mixed up all the time. Now that I've got it straight, we went around the other side of th

  • I think you have some issues, dude.

    I strongly disagree. I cannot deal with lifeless eyes, they're just so fucking sickening to me, and that kid had them. He had seen some seri

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